133 research outputs found

    Association between a rare SNP in the second intron of human Agouti related protein gene and increased BMI

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The agouti related protein (AGRP) is an endogenous antagonist of the melanocortin 4 receptor and is one of the most potent orexigenic factors. The aim of the present study was to assess the genetic variability of <it>AGRP </it>gene and investigate whether the previously reported SNP rs5030980 and the rs11575892, a SNP that so far has not been studied with respect to obesity is associated with increased body mass index (BMI).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We determined the complete sequence of the <it>AGRP </it>gene and upstream promoter region in 95 patients with severe obesity (BMI > 35 kg/m<sup>2</sup>). Three polymorphisms were identified: silent mutation c.123G>A (rs34123523) in the second exon, non-synonymous mutation c.199G>A (rs5030980) and c.131-42C>T (rs11575892) located in the second intron. We further screened rs11575892 in a selected group of 1135 and rs5030980 in group of 789 participants from the Genome Database of Latvian Population and Latvian State Research Program Database.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The CT heterozygotes of rs11575892 had significantly higher mean BMI value (p = 0.027). After adjustment for age, gender and other significant non-genetic factors (presence of diseases), the BMI levels remained significantly higher in carriers of the rs11575892 T allele (p = 0.001). The adjusted mean BMI value of CC genotype was 27.92 ± 1.01 kg/m<sup>2 </sup>(mean, SE) as compared to 30.97 ± 1.03 kg/m<sup>2 </sup>for the CT genotype. No association was found between rs5030980 and BMI.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study presents an association of rare allele of <it>AGRP </it>polymorphism in heterozygous state with increased BMI. The possible functional effects of this polymorphism are unclear but may relate to splicing defects.</p

    Modulation of gene-specific epigenetic states and transcription by non-coding RNAs

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    Emerging evidence points to a role for long non-coding RNAs in the modulation of epigenetic states and transcription in human cells. New insights, using various forms of small non-coding RNAs, suggest that a mechanism of action is operative in human cells, which utilizes non-coding RNAs to direct epigenetic marks to homology containing loci resulting ultimately in the epigenetic-based modulation of gene transcription. Importantly, insights into this mechanism of action have allowed for certain target sequences, which are either actively involved in RNA mediated epigenetic regulation or targets for non-coding RNA based epigenetic regulation, to be selected. As such, it is now feasible to utilize small antisense RNAs to either epigenetically silence a gene expression or remove epigenetic silencing of endogenous non-coding RNAs and essentially turn on a gene expression. Knowledge of this emerging RNA-based epigenetic regulatory network and our ability to cognitively control gene expression has deep implications in the development of an entirely new area of pharmacopeia

    Algal Toxins Alter Copepod Feeding Behavior

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    Using digital holographic cinematography, we quantify and compare the feeding behavior of free-swimming copepods, Acartia tonsa, on nutritional prey (Storeatula major) to that occurring during exposure to toxic and non-toxic strains of Karenia brevis and Karlodinium veneficum. These two harmful algal species produce polyketide toxins with different modes of action and potency. We distinguish between two different beating modes of the copepod’s feeding appendages–a “sampling beating” that has short durations (<100 ms) and involves little fluid entrainment and a longer duration “grazing beating” that persists up to 1200 ms and generates feeding currents. The durations of both beating modes have log-normal distributions. Without prey, A. tonsa only samples the environment at low frequency. Upon introduction of non-toxic food, it increases its sampling time moderately and the grazing period substantially. On mono algal diets for either of the toxic dinoflagellates, sampling time fraction is high but the grazing is very limited. A. tonsa demonstrates aversion to both toxic algal species. In mixtures of S. major and the neurotoxin producing K. brevis, sampling and grazing diminish rapidly, presumably due to neurological effects of consuming brevetoxins while trying to feed on S. major. In contrast, on mixtures of cytotoxin producing K. veneficum, both behavioral modes persist, indicating that intake of karlotoxins does not immediately inhibit the copepod’s grazing behavior. These findings add critical insight into how these algal toxins may influence the copepod’s feeding behavior, and suggest how some harmful algal species may alter top-down control exerted by grazers like copepods

    Facilitation of Male Sexual Behavior in Syrian Hamsters by the Combined Action of Dihydrotestosterone and Testosterone

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    Testosterone (T) controls male Syrian hamster sexual behavior, however, neither of T's primary metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E(2)), even in highly supraphysiological doses, fully restores sexual behavior in castrated hamsters. DHT and T apparently interact with androgen receptors differentially to control male sexual behavior (MSB), but whether these two hormones act synergistically or antagonistically to control MSB has received scant experimental attention and is addressed in the present study.Sexually experienced male Syrian hamsters were gonadectomized and monitored 5 weeks later to confirm elimination of the ejaculatory reflex (week 0), at which time they received subcutaneous DHT-filled or empty capsules that remained in situ for the duration of the experiment. Daily injections of a physiological dose of 25 µg T or vehicle commenced two weeks after capsule implantation. MSB was tested 2, 4 and 5 weeks after T treatment began. DHT capsules were no more effective than control treatment for long-term restoration of ejaculation. Combined DHT + T treatment, however, restored the ejaculatory reflex more effectively than T alone, as evidenced by more rapid recovery of ejaculatory behavior, shorter ejaculation latencies, and a greater number of ejaculations in 30 minute tests.DHT and T administered together restored sexual behavior to pre-castration levels more rapidly than did T alone, whereas DHT and vehicle were largely ineffective. The additive actions of DHT and T on MSB are discussed in relation to different effects of these androgens on androgen receptors in the male hamster brain mating circuit

    Polymorphisms in PTK2 are associated with skeletal muscle specific force: an independent replication study

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to investigate two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in PTK2 for associations with human muscle strength phenotypes in healthy men. Methods Measurement of maximal isometric voluntary knee extension (MVCKE) torque, net MVCKE torque and vastus lateralis (VL) specific force, using established techniques, was completed on 120 Caucasian men (age = 20.6 ± 2.3 year; height = 1.79 ± 0.06 m; mass = 75.0 ± 10.0 kg; mean ± SD). All participants provided either a blood (n = 96) or buccal cell sample, from which DNA was isolated and genotyped for the PTK2 rs7843014 A/C and rs7460 A/T SNPs using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results Genotype frequencies for both SNPs were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (X 2 ≤ 1.661, P ≥ 0.436). VL specific force was 8.3% higher in rs7843014 AA homozygotes than C-allele carriers (P = 0.017) and 5.4% higher in rs7460 AA homozygotes than T-allele carriers (P = 0.029). No associations between either SNP and net MVCKE torque (P ≥ 0.094) or peak MVCKE torque (P ≥ 0.107) were observed. Conclusions These findings identify a genetic contribution to the inter-individual variability within muscle specific force and provides the first independent replication, in a larger Caucasian cohort, of an association between these PTK2 SNPs and muscle specific force, thus extending our understanding of the influence of genetic variation on the intrinsic strength of muscle.Published versio

    Distinctive mitochondrial genome of Calanoid copepod Calanus sinicus with multiple large non-coding regions and reshuffled gene order: Useful molecular markers for phylogenetic and population studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Copepods are highly diverse and abundant, resulting in extensive ecological radiation in marine ecosystems. <it>Calanus sinicus </it>dominates continental shelf waters in the northwest Pacific Ocean and plays an important role in the local ecosystem by linking primary production to higher trophic levels. A lack of effective molecular markers has hindered phylogenetic and population genetic studies concerning copepods. As they are genome-level informative, mitochondrial DNA sequences can be used as markers for population genetic studies and phylogenetic studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mitochondrial genome of <it>C. sinicus </it>is distinct from other arthropods owing to the concurrence of multiple non-coding regions and a reshuffled gene arrangement. Further particularities in the mitogenome of <it>C. sinicus </it>include low A + T-content, symmetrical nucleotide composition between strands, abbreviated stop codons for several PCGs and extended lengths of the genes <it>atp6 </it>and <it>atp8 </it>relative to other copepods. The monophyletic Copepoda should be placed within the Vericrustacea. The close affinity between Cyclopoida and Poecilostomatoida suggests reassigning the latter as subordinate to the former. Monophyly of Maxillopoda is rejected. Within the alignment of 11 <it>C. sinicus </it>mitogenomes, there are 397 variable sites harbouring three 'hotspot' variable sites and three microsatellite loci.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The occurrence of the <it>circular subgenomic fragment </it>during laboratory assays suggests that special caution should be taken when sequencing mitogenomes using long PCR. Such a phenomenon may provide additional evidence of mitochondrial DNA recombination, which appears to have been a prerequisite for shaping the present mitochondrial profile of <it>C. sinicus </it>during its evolution. The lack of synapomorphic gene arrangements among copepods has cast doubt on the utility of gene order as a useful molecular marker for deep phylogenetic analysis. However, mitochondrial genomic sequences have been valuable markers for resolving phylogenetic issues concerning copepods. The variable site maps of <it>C. sinicus </it>mitogenomes provide a solid foundation for population genetic studies.</p

    Deep Sequencing of Human Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Small RNAs Reveals an Unexpectedly Complex Subcellular Distribution of miRNAs and tRNA 3′ Trailers

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ∼22-nt small non-coding regulatory RNAs that have generally been considered to regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level in the cytoplasm. However, recent studies have reported that some miRNAs localize to and function in the nucleus.To determine the number of miRNAs localized to the nucleus, we systematically investigated the subcellular distribution of small RNAs (sRNAs) by independent deep sequencing sequenced of the nuclear and cytoplasmic pools of 18- to 30-nucleotide sRNAs from human cells. We identified 339 nuclear and 324 cytoplasmic known miRNAs, 300 of which overlap, suggesting that the majority of miRNAs are imported into the nucleus. With the exception of a few miRNAs evidently enriched in the nuclear pool, such as the mir-29b, the ratio of miRNA abundances in the nuclear fraction versus in the cytoplasmic fraction vary to some extent. Moreover, our results revealed that a large number of tRNA 3′trailers are exported from the nucleus and accumulate in the cytoplasm. These tRNA 3′ trailers accumulate in a variety of cell types, implying that the biogenesis of tRNA 3′ trailers is conserved and that they have a potential functional role in vertebrate cells.Our results provide the first comprehensive view of the subcellular distribution of diverse sRNAs and new insights into the roles of miRNAs and tRNA 3′ trailers in the cell

    Methane production in ruminant animals

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    Agriculture is a significant source of GHGs globally and ruminant livestock animals are one of the largest contributors to these emissions, responsible for an estimated 14% of GHGs (CH4 and N2O combined) worldwide. A large portion of GHG fluxes from agricultural activities is related to CH4 emissions from ruminants. Both direct and indirect methods are available. Direct methods include enclosure techniques, artificial (e.g. SF6) or natural (e.g. CO2) tracer techniques, and micrometeorological methods using open-path lasers. Under the indirect methods, emission mechanisms are understood, where the CH4 emission potential is estimated based on the substrate characteristics and the digestibility (i.e. from volatile fatty acids). These approximate methods are useful if no direct measurement is possible. The different systems used to quantify these emission potentials are presented in this chapter. Also, CH4 from animal waste (slurry, urine, dung) is an important source: methods pertaining to measuring GHG potential from these sources are included

    Evidence for the Complexity of MicroRNA-Mediated Regulation in Ovarian Cancer: A Systems Approach

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short (∼22 nucleotides) regulatory RNAs that can modulate gene expression and are aberrantly expressed in many diseases including cancer. Previous studies have shown that miRNAs inhibit the translation and facilitate the degradation of their targeted messenger RNAs (mRNAs) making them attractive candidates for use in cancer therapy. However, the potential clinical utility of miRNAs in cancer therapy rests heavily upon our ability to understand and accurately predict the consequences of fluctuations in levels of miRNAs within the context of complex tumor cells. To evaluate the predictive power of current models, levels of miRNAs and their targeted mRNAs were measured in laser captured micro-dissected (LCM) ovarian cancer epithelial cells (CEPI) and compared with levels present in ovarian surface epithelial cells (OSE). We found that the predicted inverse correlation between changes in levels of miRNAs and levels of their mRNA targets held for only ∼11% of predicted target mRNAs. We demonstrate that this low inverse correlation between changes in levels of miRNAs and their target mRNAs in vivo is not merely an artifact of inaccurate miRNA target predictions but the likely consequence of indirect cellular processes that modulate the regulatory effects of miRNAs in vivo. Our findings underscore the complexities of miRNA-mediated regulation in vivo and the necessity of understanding the basis of these complexities in cancer cells before the therapeutic potential of miRNAs can be fully realized