3,811 research outputs found

    The determinants of football match attendance revisited: Empirical evidence from the Spanish Football League

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    An attendance equation is estimated using data on individual games played in the Spanish First Division Football League. The specification includes as explanatory factors: economic variables, quality, uncertainty and opportunity costs. We concentrate the analysis on some specification issues such as controlling the effect of unobservables given the panel data structure of the data set, the type of functional form and the potential endogeneity of prices. We obtain the expected effects on attendance for all the variables. The estimated price elasticities are smaller than one in absolute value as usually occurs in this literature but are sensitive to the specification issues.Attendance, price elasticity, panel data

    Wigner representation for polarization-momentum hyperentanglement generated in parametric down conversion, and its application to complete Bell-state measurement

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    We apply the Wigner function formalism to the study of two-photon polarization-momentum hyperentanglement generated in parametric down conversion. It is shown that the consideration of a higher number of degrees of freedom is directly related to the extraction of additional uncorrelated sets of zeropoint modes at the source. We present a general expression for the description of the quantum correlations corresponding to the sixteen Bell base states, in terms of four beams whose amplitudes are correlated through the stochastic properties of the zeropoint field. A detailed analysis of the two experiments on complete Bell-state measurement included in [Walborn et al., Phys. Rev. A 68, 042313 (2003)] is made, emphasizing the role of the zeropoint field. Finally, we investigate the relationship between the zeropoint inputs at the source and the analysers, and the limits on optimal Bell-state measurement.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Partial Bell-state analysis with parametric down conversion in the Wigner function formalism

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    We apply the Wigner function formalism to partial Bell-state analysis using polarization entanglement produced in parametric down conversion. Two-photon statistics at a beam-splitter are reproduced by a wavelike description with zeropoint fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. In particular, the fermionic behaviour of two photons in the singlet state is explained from the invariance on the correlation properties of two light beams going through a balanced beam-splitter. Moreover, we show that a Bell-state measurement introduces some fundamental noise at the idle channels of the analyzers. As a consequence, the consideration of more independent sets of vacuum modes entering the crystal appears as a need for a complete Bell-state analysis

    From Stochastic Optics to the Wigner Formalism: The Role of the Vacuum Field in Optical Quantum Communication Experiments

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    The Wigner formalism in the Heisenberg picture constitutes a bridge that connects Quantum Optics to Stochastic Optics. The vacuum field appears explicitly in the formalism, and the wavelike aspects of light are emphasised. In addition, the zeropoint intensity as a threshold for detection is a common denominator in both theories. In this paper, after summarising the basic rules of the Wigner approach and its application to parametric down-conversion, some new results are presented that delve into the physical meaning of the zeropoint field in optical quantum communication. Specifically, the relationship between Bell-state distinguishability and the number of sets of zeropoint modes that take part in the experiment is analysed in terms of the coupling between the phases of the different fields involved and the subtraction of the zeropoint intensity at the detectors. Additionally, the connection between the compatibility theorem in quantum cryptography and zeropoint field is stressed

    Sports attendance: A survey of the Literature 1973-2007

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    Introduction – 1. Theoretical aspects – 2. Demand definition, data andempirical model – 3. Determinants of attendance (I): Economical aspects – 4.Determinants of attendance (II): Expected quality – 5. Determinants of attendance(III): Uncertainty of outcome – 6. Determinants of attendance (IV): Opportunity cost and other factors – Conclusions – Abstract In this paper, we show a review of the empirical analysis literature about the factors that explain attendance to the stadiums on different sports, mainly in the case of professional sports. Apart from the traditional economic determinants of demand (attendance), the sports events in which the performers have more quality and in those which exists uncertainty of outcome of the match or the championship, have a larger number of spectators. On the other hand, these are not the only factors that explain attendance. Variables that capture the opportunity cost of going to the stadium and other determinants, like unobservable factors associated to the contender teams, also have relevance at the time of analyzing this side of the demand related to professional teams of sports eventsAttendance, elasticity, quality, uncertainty of outcome

    Los espacios míticos de la producción y de los intercambios

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    El estudio del mito desde una perspectiva histórica puede llevarse a cabo cuando es posible encontrar los lazos entre la invención y las condiciones históricas de su producción. El mundo en que surgen los primeros intercambios en el Mediterráneo ofrece un escenario adecuado para ciertas historias mitológicas. Un primer lugar que puede ser objeto de atención es la isla de Lemnos, donde cayó Hefesto arrojado por Zeus, irritado porque había salido en defensa de su madre (Ilíada, I.594).__________________________________Myths can be studied from an historical perspective when the links between fiction and historical conditions that determine ist invention can be found_ The Mediterranean regions where the first commercial exchanges took place, are an adecuate scenario for some of the mythological stories. The Island of Lemnos can be considered an interesting place to prove this interpretation, where Zeus threw Hephaistos because he standed up for his mother (Iliad, I.594)

    Los rituales áticos, entre Génos, Dêmos y Pólis

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    El texto aristotélico de la Constitución de Atenas que habla de la democracia y de las tradiciones patrias como asunto de la religión, encuentra su confirmación en las prácticas religiosas de la pólis, donde las grandes familias de la aristocracia conservan el control de los rituales a través de la organización del génos.__________________________________Le texte aristotélicien de la Constitution d'Athénes qui parle de la démocratie et des traditions patries comme enjeux de la religion, trouve sa confirmation dans les pratiques religieuses de la pólis, ofi les grandes familles de l'aristocratie conservent le contróle des rituelles á travers l'organisation du génos

    La concepción del trabajo libre en los socráticos y Aristóteles

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    Xenophon and the other Socratics set out in 4th Century the recovery of client relationships based on the charis as an alternative to the critical situation of chattel slavery. In this way the problems of the Empire and those derived from democratic citizenship connected to the misthos are avoided. In the same line, with more systematic theoretical proposals, Aristotle develops the politeia as an organization that demarcates citizenship in accordance with the real situation of each person with respect to work and leisure compared to the democratic city’s statutory system. Manual labour becomes a criterion with which to define the rights of citizenship. Aristotle perceives how the economic changes in his age favour the breaking up of the basis of the classical city. The same problems underlie the literary and intellectual expressions of the transition to Hellenism.Jenofonte y los demás socráticos planteaban en el siglo IV la recuperación de las relaciones clientelares basadas en la cháris como una alternativa a la situación crítica de la esclavitud mercancía. En este sentido, se evitaban los problemas del Imperio y los derivados de la ciudadanía democrática relacionados con el misthós. En la misma línea, con propósitos teóricos más sistemáticos, Aristóteles desarrolla la politeía como una organización que limita la ciudadanía de acuerdo con la situación real de cada persona con respecto al trabajo y al ocio, frente al sistema estatutario de la ciudad democrática. El trabajo manual se convierte en criterio para definir los derechos de ciudadanía. Aristóteles percibe cómo los cambios económicos de su época favorecen la ruptura de las bases de la ciudad clásica. Los mismos problemas subyacen a las expresiones literarias e intelectuales de la transición al Helenismo