258 research outputs found


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    The tenderness of beef is one of the most important factors that can influence consumer choices. Among the factors that affect tenderness, post mortem proteolysis has a key role. Calpains and capsases are two families of cytosolic proteases essential for a proper skeletal muscle function and are consider having a key role in the post mortem tenderization process. The goal of this work was to evaluate the activities of \u3bc-calpain and caspase-3 in two different muscle types, Longissimus Dorsi (LD) and Infraspinatus muscle (IS), of Simmental young bulls at slaughter and during ageing, and their relationship with the beef tenderness. Samples of Longissimus dorsi and Infraspinatus muscles were collected within 20 minutes (T0), 48h (T48h) and 7 days (T7) from slaughtering of 17 Italian Simmental young bulls, and stored at -80 \ub0C until the analysis. By SDS-PAGE, alpha II spectrin, PARP-1 and their degradation products, and fast and slow myosin heavy chain (MHC) were separated and then quantified in relative terms. In particular, the activity of \u3bc-calpain and caspase-3 was assessed by the quantification of alpha II spectrin cleavage products of 145 kDa (SBDP145) and of 120 kDa (SBDP120) respectively. Moreover the activity of caspase-3 was assessed also by the quantification of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) cleavage products of 89 kDa. Warner-Bratzler Share Force (WBSF) analysis was carried out after 7 days of ageing. The analysis of MHC isoforms revealed that LD was mainly composed by fast-MHC (67%) and consequently can be considered a white muscle, while IS was mainly composed by slow-MHC (84%) and can be considered a red muscle. IS showed higher WBSF than LD (P<0.01). At slaughter, the alpha II spectrin full length 250 kDa (SBDP250) level was higher in IS than LD (P<0.01), it means that, at slaughter, alpha II spectrin was less degraded in IS than LD, also a positive correlation between SBDP250 and WBSF was found (r=0.810; P<0.01), indicating that a different early proteolysis between muscles may contribute to explain their different tenderness. LD showed higher level of SBDP145 than IS (P<0.01), while SBDP120 was similar between muscles (P>0.05). Also the 89 kDa from PARP-1 degradation was found. At T48h SBDP250 and PARP-1 cleavage product were not detected and no differences were found between muscles in the level of SBDP145 and SBDP120. However the level of SBDP145 was higher than those of SBDP120 in both muscles. After 7 days of ageing neither alpha II spectrin nor PARP-1 cleavage products were found. Taking into account the results of this study, the different tenderness observed between LD and IS muscles was greater infl uenced by \u3bc-calpain than caspase-3 activity. Indeed the activity of \u3bc-calpain was higher than those of caspase-3 in both muscles and detectable at 48h of ageing. Conversely caspase-3 was similar between muscles and seems active only in the early post mortem


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    The present article investigates the importance of affect displayed by service provider to build consumer trust in high consequence exchanges. High-consequence exchanges are difficult situations in which the choices present a dilemma that can cause stress and severe emotional reactions (KAHN; LUCE, 2003). In this specific case, trust based on affect seems to become important; mainly because consumers may not have ability to evaluate the cognitive aspects of the situation, and moreover, a medical services failure can be highly problematic or even fatal (LEISEN; HYMAN, 2004). On the other hand, in low-consequence choices, we are predicting that cognition will be more important than affect in building trust. In this kind of situation, patients are more self-confident, less sensitive, and don’t perceive a high probability of loss (KUNREUTHER et al., 2002), and therefore focuses more on the rational outcomes

    A importância do afeto para a construção da confiança em trocas com consequências severas

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    The present article investigates the importance of affect displayed by service provider to build consumer trust in high consequence exchanges. Highconsequence exchanges are difficult situations in which the choices present a dilemma that can cause stress and severe emotional reactions (KAHN; LUCE, 2003). In this specific case, trust based on affect seems to become important; mainly because consumers may not have ability to evaluate the cognitive aspects of the situation, and moreover, a medical services failure can be highly problematic or even fatal (LEISEN; HYMAN, 2004). On the other hand, in low-consequence choices, we are predicting that cognition will be more important than affect in building trust. In this kind of situation, patients are more self-confident, less sensitive, and don’t perceive a high probability of loss (KUNREUTHER et al., 2002), and therefore focuses more on the rational outcomes.O presente artigo investiga a importância do afeto demonstrado pelo provedor de serviços para a construção da confiança do paciente em trocas com consequências severas. Consequências severas são situações difíceis nas quais as escolhas apresentam um dilema que pode causar estresse e reações emocionais severas (KAHN; LUCE, 2003). Nesse caso específico, a confiança baseada no afeto parece se tornar importante, principalmente porque os consumidores não possuem habilidade para avaliar aspectos cognitivos e, além disso, uma falha nos serviços médicos pode ser altamente problemática ou até mesmo fatal (LEYSEN; HYMAN, 2004). Por outro lado, em trocas com consequências brandas, estamos predizendo que a cognição será mais importante do que o afeto para a construção da confiança. Neste tipo de situação, os pacientes são mais autoconfiantes, menos sensíveis, não percebem uma alta probabilidade de perda (KUNREUTHER et al., 2002), e, além disso, focam mais nos resultados racionais das trocas

    A responsabilidade civil do Estado por abuso de autoridade policial

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Departamento Acadêmico de Direito da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia, campus Professor Francisco Gonçalves Quiles, para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Direito. Orientadora: Prof.ª M.ª Claudinéia Duarte da Silva GomesO presente trabalho investiga a responsabilidade civil do Estado pela prática de abuso de autoridade policial. O estudo da evolução histórica da responsabilidade civil do Estado passou por várias fases, dentre as quais a fase em que o Estado era considerado absolutamente irresponsável pelos atos praticados por seus agentes, até os dias atuais, em que vigora a responsabilidade objetiva do Estado, fundada na teoria do risco. Muito embora a legislação atribua prerrogativas ao agente policial, permitindo-lhe, inclusive, o uso da força para bem cumprir seu mister, não significa que o Estado lhe outorgou um salvo-conduto para cometer arbitrariedades, ao contrário, sua conduta se encontra sempre sujeita aos limites da lei. Qualquer desvio ou excesso que cause prejuízo moral ou patrimonial a terceiro, possibilita à vitima o direito pleitear na justiça a devida indenização do Estado pelo dano sofrido. O Estado de Rondônia possui estatísticas elevadas e preocupantes, tanto de denúncias de abuso de autoridade policial, de ambas as Corporações estaduais, como de processos de indenização que tramitam contra o Estado de Rondônia. Se de um lado tais números revelam que a prática de abuso de autoridade policial é uma triste realidade no Estado, de outro demonstra que a população não está inerte ao problema. O estudo é um esforço de dar uma visão ampla sobre o tema, possibilitando tornar-se um instrumento de consulta e divulgação

    Perceptions of Justice after Recovery Efforts in Internet Purchasing: the Impact on Consumer Trust and Loyalty toward Retailing Sites and Online Shopping in General

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    The main goal of this paper is to extend the traditional theoretical model of service recovery to the online purchasing environment by investigating the impact of perceptions of justice after recovery efforts toward unsatisfactory Internet purchasing on customer trust and loyalty. The authors develop a theoretical model focusing on interrelationships among complaint handling evaluations, quality of prior experience, familiarity, trust, perceived value and loyalty. To test this model, 3,339 customers from all over Brazil who had been engaged in complaint processes about online purchases within the past 6 months answered an online questionnaire. Findings indicate that interpersonal treatment by the e-retailer improves consumer perceptions of the online recovery process. Consumer trust in the firm's website is strongly influenced by satisfaction with complaint handling, familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with the website, while consumer trust in Internet shopping is mainly affected by familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with Internet purchasing. These two dimensions of trust are distinct and represent discrete facets, as they do not impact each other. Moreover, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth communication are influenced by consumer trust

    The effect of the discounted attribute importance in two-sided messages

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    Purpose – The purpose of this research is to test the importance of the discounting attribute in the two-sided communication from a retail salesperson as a boundary condition that eliminates the trade-off between trustworthiness and purchase intentions. Design/methodology/approach – The hypotheses are tested by three experimental studies in three different retail contexts. Two lab studies manipulate the importance of the attribute and the type of message: one-sided vs two-sided. A field study improves the external validity of the findings. Findings – A two-sided message from a salesperson reduces the use of persuasion knowledge and, therefore, enhances the consumer’s perception of the salesperson’s trustworthiness; this positive effect remains significant across different levels of importance of the discounting attribute. A two-sided message decreases the consumer’s probability of purchase only when an important attribute is disclaimed, through the consumer’s beliefs regarding the product’s attributes. Practical implications – For the appropriate use of two-sided appeals, retailers should identify the importance of product attributes from the consumers’ perspective. A negative remark from a salesperson when referred to an unimportant attribute makes no harm to purchase intentions while leading to stronger intentions to return to the store and to recommend the store by enhancing trustworthiness. Originality/value – This paper shows that it is possible to enhance trustworthiness through a two-sided message without mitigating the intentions of buying by discounting an attribute at low importance in the two-sided message

    Sustentabilidad, direito e justiça ambiental na introduçao da energia eólica no Brasil : o caso do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, leída el 23-06-2017Ese trabajo llamado de “Sostenibilidad, Derecho y Justicia Ambiental en la introducción de la energía eólica en Brasil. El caso del Estado de Río Grande do Norte” tiene como objetivo evaluar la sostenibilidad desde la perspectiva de la equidad o justicia ambiental, en el ámbito de la generación de electricidad procedente de la fuente eólica, llegando a conclusiones acerca de en qué medida el derecho influye en el binomio parques eólicos versus medio ambiente local en el Estado de Río Grande do Norte (Brasil). Podrían considerarse como objetivos específicos de la investigación los dos siguientes: a) Definir el concepto de sostenibilidad, revisando las diversas líneas científicas y percepciones principales existentes acerca de su contenido; y b) Clarificar la relación jurídica entre el sector energético y el medio ambiente por medio del análisis de sus características propias y de su interrelación, normalmente evidenciada durante el proceso de instalación de los parques eólicos, en el caso del estudio empírico seleccionado: el Estado de Río Grande do Norte. Como objetivos secundarios deben considerarse: a) Informar acerca de las peculiaridades de la introducción de algunos cambios socioeconómicos y ambientales procedentes del uso de la fuente eólica para la generación eléctrica en Brasil; b) Identificar los principales impactos socioeconómicos y ambientales derivados de la instalación de los parques eólicos en el Estado do Río Grande do Norte y c) Indagar acerca de la función de los instrumentos jurídicos y de la equidad para el logro de la sostenibilidad del uso del territorio, según la acepción de dicho término considerada más adecuada. El desarrollo sostenible es un término amplio susceptible de adquirir diferentes significados en la actualidad, existiendo tres principales acepciones al respecto: status quo, la reformista y la transformadora (Hopwood, Mellor, O’Brien, 2005). La primera relaciona el desarrollo sostenible con el crecimiento, sin proponer cambios fundamentales en la sociedad. Las otras dos son conscientes de la crisis mundial, pero difieren en las soluciones. La seconda es la que entiende que el desarrollo sostenible puede lograrse dentro del sistema económico-social vigente, por medio de políticas públicas y medidas de gestión correctora de los fallos de mercado. La tercera entiende que el sistema debe ser transformado en su base, a través de acciones dentro y fuera de si, y de acuerdo con una ética ecológica fundada en la justicia ambiental...This work named as “Sustainability, Law and Environmental Justice in the introduction of wind energy in Brazil. The case of Rio Grande do Norte State” aims to evaluate sustainability from the perspective of equity or environmental justice, in the field of electricity generation from the wind source, reaching conclusions about to which extent the law influences the binomial wind farms versus local environment in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). The two specific objectives of the research are: a) Define the concept of sustainability, reviewing the main scientific lines and opinions about its content; and b) To clarify the legal relationship between the energy sector and the environment by analyzing its own characteristics and its interrelation, normally evidenced during the installation process of the wind farms, in the case of the empirical study selected: State of Rio Grande do Norte. The secondary objectives are to a) Inform socio-economic and environmental changes resulting from the use of the wind source for electricity generation in Brazil; b) Identify the main socio-economic and environmental impacts derived from the installation of wind farms in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; and c) Investigate the role of legal instruments and equity for the achievement of sustainability in land use, in agreement to what has been defined as sustainable. Sustainable development is a broad term to which different meanings are given, existing three main categories: the status quo, the reformist and the transformative (Hopwood, Mellor, O’Brien, 2005). The first relates sustainable development to growth, without proposing fundamental changes in society. The other two are aware of the global crisis, but differ in solutions. The second sustain that sustainable development can occur within the current system, through public polices and management of market failures. The third affirms that the system must be transformed in its base by internal and external actions, in accordance with an ecological ethics based on the environmental justice... NOTA 520 8 Esse trabalho chamado de “Sustentabilidade, Direito e Justiça Ambiental na introdução da energia eólica em Brasil. O caso do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte” tem como objetivo avaliar a sustentabilidade desde a perspectiva da equidade ou da justiça ambiental, no âmbito da geração de eletricidade procedente da fonte eólica, chegando a conclusões sobre em que medida o direito influencia o binômio parques eólicos versus meio ambiente local no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil). São considerados objetivos específicos da pesquisa os dois seguintes: a) Definir o conceito de sustentabilidade, revisando as diversas linhas científicas e as principais formulações teóricas sobre o seu conteúdo; e b) Esclarecer a relação jurídica entre o setor energético e o meio ambiente através de análises das características próprias de cada uma e de sua interrelação, comumente evidenciada durante o processo de instalação dos parques eólicos no caso do estudo empírico pesquisado: o Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os objetivos secundários são: a) Informar sobre as peculiaridades da introdução de algumas mudanças socioeconômicas e ambientais procedentes do uso da fonte eólica para a geração elétrica no Brasil; b) Identificar os principais impactos socioeconômicos e ambientais decorrentes da instalação dos parques eólicos no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte; e c) Questionar sobre a função dos instrumentos jurídicos e de equidade para alcançar a sustentabilidade do uso do território, conforme a acepção de sustentabilidade considerada mais adequada a esta pesquisa investigativa. O desenvolvimento sustentável é um termo amplo e susceptível à interpretação, assim podendo representar diferentes significados. Existem três principais correntes sobre o assunto: a status quo, a reformista e a transformadora (Hopwood, Mellor, O’Brien, 2005). A primeira relaciona o desenvolvimento sustentável com o crescimento, sem propor mudanças fundamentais na sociedade. As outras duas são conscientes da crise mundial, mas diferem nas soluções. A segunda é a que entende que o desenvolvimento sustentável pode ser atingido dentro do atual sistema econômico-social, por meio de políticas públicas e medidas de gestão que corrijam as falhas de mercado. A terceira entende que o sistema deve ser transformado na sua base, através de ações dentro e fora de si, e de acordo com uma ética ecológica fundada na justiça ambiental...Fac. de DerechoTRUEunpu

    C2C value creation : social anxiety and retail environment

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    Purpose – Most customers want to interact, whether on social networks or on company websites. This study aims to examine the relationship between customer-to-customer (C2C) interaction and value, considering the roles of social anxiety and the retail environment. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents three written-scenario experimental studies, where C2C interaction and the retail environment are manipulated, and social anxiety levels are measured. The settings and the measures are changed across the experiments to increase the results’ validity. Findings – A three-way interaction among C2C interaction, social anxiety and retail environment has impacts on experience value and other value-related variables (satisfaction and positive mood). In the offline retail environment, as social anxiety levels increase, the effects of C2C interaction on these variables become weaker. In the online retail environment, as social anxiety levels increase, these effects become stronger. Research limitations/implications – This paper contributes to the literature in three ways. First, it investigates the downside of positive C2C interactions when considering social anxiety and the retail environment where they occur. Second, this paper amplifies the literature about value by extending it to other consumers who can affect the service experience. Finally, this study explores online C2C interaction in a retail environment, an aspect that has been neglected in the research about online interactions. Practical implications – This paper suggests strategies to manage C2C interaction for customers of varying levels of social anxiety in offline and online retail environments to maximise value for them. Originality/value – This paper challenges the widespread idea that a positive C2C interaction always leads to value. By considering social anxiety and the retail environment in C2C literature, this paper explains why and when it is a false notion


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    In this paper, we investigate Rudolf Carnap’s Received View focusing on his conception corcerning the debate on scientific realism. Such a conception represents an alternative for those who do not want to commit themselves to either a realist thesis or an antirealist thesis regarding science. In this sense, we emphasize that Carnap looks for a position of neutrality and coalition between realists and instrumentalists. Neutrality in the sense of not taking sides in the metaphysical debate, dissolving it, and coalition by seeking to build its approach by taking fundamental points of both realists and instrumentalists. This construction, by the way, is made based on not just in the classical Received View’s formulation in terms of theoretical postulates and correspondence rules, but on Carnap’s reformulation in terms of Ramsey and Carnap’s sentences. Through such sentences, Carnap is able to separate and therefore explicate the factual contente and the analytical content of scientific theories, solving one of the major problems involving the theoretical terms namely the definition of analyticity for theoretical language. Notwithstanding, his undertaking represents one of the final formulation of Logical Empiricism’s Received View, which, given the context of rejection and overcoming of the logical-empiricist movement, was not properly appreciated by the Philosophy of Science.Neste trabalho, investigamos a Received View de Rudolf Carnap com foco em sua concepção acerca do debate do realismo científico. Tal concepção representa uma saída àquele que não quer se comprometer nem com uma tese realista, nem com uma tese antirrealista acerca da ciência. Nesse sentido, destacamos que Carnap busca uma posição de neutralidade e coalização entre realistas e instrumentalistas. Neutralidade no sentido de não tomar partido no debate metafísico, dissolvendo-o, e coalização ao buscar construir sua abordagem elencando pontos importantes tanto de realistas e instrumentalistas. Essa construção, ademais, é feita com base não só na formulação clássica da Received View em termos de postulados teóricos mais regras de correspondência, mas em sua reformulação nas chamadas sentenças de Ramsey e Carnap. Através de tais sentenças, Carnap consegue separar e, assim, explicar, o conteúdo factual e o conteúdo analítico das teorias científicas, resolvendo um dos principais problemas que envolviam os termos teóricos, a saber, a definição de analiticidade para a linguagem teórica. Não obstante, sua empreita representa uma das formulações finais da Received View do Empirismo Lógico que, dado o contexto de rejeição e superação do movimento lógico-empirista, não foi devidamente apreciada pela Filosofia da Ciência.    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29327/2194248.5.2-2