347 research outputs found

    Simulations for the PAMELA space experiment

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    The Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light Nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) apparatus is in orbit since June 2006 on the Russian satellite Resurs-DK1. One of the main scientific goals of the experiment is the precise measurement of the positrons energy spectra. Robust particle identification and an accurate background extimation are required. To achieve this goal a new simulation program, which describes the entire PAMELA apparatus, based on GEANT4 was optimized and tested. This simulation is used in a multivariate analysis to extract the positron signal from a vast background of cosmic-ray protons

    Obfuscating Java Programs by Translating Selected Portions of Bytecode to Native Libraries

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    Code obfuscation is a popular approach to turn program comprehension and analysis harder, with the aim of mitigating threats related to malicious reverse engineering and code tampering. However, programming languages that compile to high level bytecode (e.g., Java) can be obfuscated only to a limited extent. In fact, high level bytecode still contains high level relevant information that an attacker might exploit. In order to enable more resilient obfuscations, part of these programs might be implemented with programming languages (e.g., C) that compile to low level machine-dependent code. In fact, machine code contains and leaks less high level information and it enables more resilient obfuscations. In this paper, we present an approach to automatically translate critical sections of high level Java bytecode to C code, so that more effective obfuscations can be resorted to. Moreover, a developer can still work with a single programming language, i.e., Java

    Identifying Compiler and Optimization Options from Binary Code using Deep Learning Approaches

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    D. Pizzolotto and K. Inoue, "Identifying Compiler and Optimization Options from Binary Code using Deep Learning Approaches," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), Adelaide, Australia, 2020, pp. 232-242, doi: 10.1109/ICSME46990.2020.00031

    IBP′: A New Index to Estimate Biogeographical Peculiarity

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    The biogeographical peculiarity of a given geographical area is directly linked to the number of its endemic species. This paper aims to formulate an index directly linked to the biogeographical peculiarity of an area. A graphical model and an index of the biogeographical peculiarity are proposed, based on a cumulative sum (i.e., including all the amounts that were added previously). An example of the computations is proposed, based on the number of different types of geographical ranges (i.e., chorotypes) characterizing two different ecosystems; their biogeographical peculiarity of was evaluated on the basis of presence versus absence of carabid species. Both the graphical model and the index mirrored the different faunistic compositions of the ecosystems, because the index reached a higher value where more endemic species have been found. Our investigation has found a new method for evaluating the biogeographical peculiarity of a given area or biota in a simple way. The index could be used for either conservation biogeography (e.g., monitoring of biotic homogenization) or for theoretical studies integrating ecology and biogeography


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    O artigo buscou identificar o perfil profissional do egresso do curso de Administração (2009-2014) da instituição de ensino UNIJUÍ – câmpus Três Passos e relacionar sua satisfação de acordo com a formação acadêmica. Para tanto, avaliaram-se as competências necessárias aos administradores, a área de atuação, sua satisfação profissional, suas dificuldades após a formação e sua satisfação quanto ao curso de graduação. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, com base em Gil (2008) a pesquisa, realizada entre os meses de abril e maio de 2015, se classifica como sendo exploratória, além da utilização de dados secundários, com materiais bibliográficos. Dentre os principais resultados apresentados, a faixa etária mais significativa se concentrava entre os 25 e 29 anos, sendo a maioria do gênero masculino (60%). A área de função desempenhada por cada um dos entrevistados se concentrava na Administração Geral, com 54% (16 pessoas). A falta de conhecimento de outros idiomas, seguido da alta concorrência na área desejada e da dificuldade em aplicar seus conhecimentos foram itens apontados que preocupavam os egressos. Com base nos resultados, tem-se ao final do artigo algumas sugestões em termos de ações para que o curso possa contribuir de modo eficaz na formação dos bacharéis em Administração

    Panorama da gestão de clínicas estéticas em Santo Ângelo (RS)

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    Introdução: o estudo caracteriza os profissionais que planejam e executam os processos de gestão de clínicas estéticas da cidade de Santo Ângelo (RS). Objetivo: identificar o nível de conhecimento de controles gerenciais dos gestores de pequenas e médias clínicas estéticas na cidade de Santo Ângelo (RS). Métodos: o método do estudo classifica-se como exploratório em relação aos seus objetivos, já quanto à abordagem, a pesquisa é qualitativa. A pesquisa fundamenta-se no método indutivo. Devido à escassez de materiais científicos relacionados ao tema, utilizou-se de artigos de temas relacionados. Para a obtenção das informações sobre a gestão das clínicas, utilizou-se a ferramenta Google Forms contendo questionário com questões abertas e fechadas. Resultados: identificou-se que a totalidade das clínicas são geridas por mulheres com formação em áreas da saúde. Verificou-se que as gestoras desconhecem a amplitude organizacional de suas clínicas. Conclusão: para uma adequada gestão organizacional é requisito o conhecimento de práticas de administração pelos gestores ou a contratação de consultores especializados.Introduction: the study characterizes the professionals who plan and execute the management processes of aesthetic clinics in the city of Santo Ângelo (RS). Objective: to identify the level of knowledge of managerial controls of managers of small and medium aesthetic clinics in the city of Santo Ângelo (RS). Methods: the study method is classified as exploratory in relation to its objectives, as for the approach, the research is qualitative. The research is based on the inductive method. Due to the scarcity of scientific materials related to the topic, articles on related topics were used. To obtain information about the management of the clinics, the Google Forms tool was used, containing a questionnaire with open and closed questions. Results: it was identified that all the clinics are managed by women with training in health areas. It was found that the managers are unaware of the organizational breadth of their clinics. Conclusion: for an adequate organizational management, knowledge of management practices by managers or the hiring of specialized consultants is required

    Control of Spodoptera frugiperda in different larval ínstars in soybean crops

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    Spodoptera caterpillars are emerging as significant defoliators in the soybean crop, causing significant yield losses. Among the species, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) stands out among the species due to its strong ability for polyphagy and migratory habits. This study sought to assess the efficacy of chemical insecticides in the control of S. frugiperda in soybean crops. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory setting with a completely randomized design using seven treatments. The applications were carried out in the field, using the soybean cultivar BMX Icon. After the natural drying of the insecticides, leaves were collected from the upper part of the plants, and these were supplied to the caterpillars in the laboratory. For lab infestations, three larval instars were used to determine mortality and leaf consumption (cm²). The results indicated that insecticides chlorfenapyr, spinetoram, chlorantraniliprole, indoxacarb + novaluron and thiamethoxam + lambda-cyhalothrin are efficient for the control of 1st instar caterpillars. Moreover, the insecticides chlorfenapyr, spinetoram, chlorantraniliprole and indoxacarb + novaluron are efficient for the control of 3rd and 5th instar caterpillars. There was no residual effect at 14 days after insecticide application

    PyVerDetector: A Chrome Extension Detecting the Python Version of Stack Overflow Code Snippets

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    Over the years, Stack Overflow (SO) has accumulated numerous code snippets, with developers going to SO for problem solutions and code references. However, in the case of the Python programming language, Python 3 is not necessarily backward compatible with Python 2. The major implication of this versioning problem is that code written in Python 2 may not be interpreted by Python 3 without modifications. This issue may affect the usability of Python code snippets on SO. We investigate how many Python code snippets on SO suffer from version compatibility issues, and find that about 10% of the snippets exhibit this problem. Moreover, of the code snippets that are interpretable only by Python 2 or Python 3, less than 17% are tagged with the Python version.In this paper, we present a Chrome extension called PyVerDetector. This extension allows the user to select a given version of Python and verifies whether the code snippets on a given SO question are compatible with the user's selected Python version, providing error messages if not. The tool parses snippets and can determine versioning errors due to differences in syntax and also provides the user with a list of Python versions capable of interpreting each code snippet.Yang S., Kanda T., Pizzolotto D., et al. PyVerDetector: A Chrome Extension Detecting the Python Version of Stack Overflow Code Snippets. IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension 2023-May, 25 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPC58990.2023.00013

    Biodiversità dei Coleotteri Carabidi (Coleoptera: Carabidae) nell’agroecosistema oliveto in Calabria

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    CARABID BEETLES (COLEOPTERA CARABIDAE) IN OLIVE GROWING OF THE CALABRIA, ITALY In this work are analyzed the Carabid fauna found by means of pitfall traps in olive grove of the province of Cosenza (Calabria, Italy) different in the type of agronomical conduction. A total of 14.940 individual adult carabids, belonging to 71 species were collected from four localities. The most abundant species were Calathus fuscipes (DAa max 31.92, min 0.46; DO 38,9 %), Pterostichus melas (DAa max 9,89, min 0,08; DO 27,5 %), and Pseudoophonus rufipes (DAa max 3,89, min 0,2; DO 9,09 %). Key words: diversity, biondicator, olive grove, fauna, Southern Italy. Questa ricerca, è un contributo alla conoscenza dei Coleotteri Carabidi che popolano l’agroecosistema oliveto. I campionamenti sono stati eseguiti in oliveti rappresentativi della provincia di Cosenza, mediante l’utilizzo di trappole a caduta. Sono stati catturati 14.940 Carabidi, appartenenti a 71 specie, tra le quali Asaphidion flavipes, Calathus circumseptus, Parophonus hirsutulus, Parophonus planicollis e Syntomus foveatus risultano segnalate per la prima volta in Calabria. La Carabidofauna investigata è una componente abbondante ed eterogenea, ricca di specie opportuniste ad ampia valenza ecologica. Parole chiave: biodiversità, oliveti, coleotteri carabidi, sud Italia