158 research outputs found

    A new case of primary signet-ring cell carcinoma of the cervix with prominent endometrial and myometrial involvement: Immunohistochemical and molecular studies and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As a rule, endocervical tumours with signet-ring cell are classed as metastatic extra-genital neoplasms. In a patient aged 45 years, we describe primary cervical signet-ring cell carcinoma (PCSRCC) characterized by prominent endometrial and myometrial involvement, simulating primary endometrial adenocarcinoma with cervical extension. In addition, a review was made of the literature to identify the clinical and pathological features of this rare malignancy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 45-year-old woman was referred to our Gynaecology Department due to persistent abnormal vaginal bleeding. Transvaginal ultrasonography showed slight endometrial irregularities in the whole uterine cavity suggestive of endometrial neoplasms. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging revealed diffuse enlargement of the cervix, which had been replaced by a mass. Induration extended to the parametria and sigmoid colon fat.</p> <p>Histological examination of endometrial curettage and a cervical biopsy revealed a neoplasm characterized by neoplastic signet-ring cells and trabecular structures. Immunohistochemical analysis and molecular studies showed certain findings consistent with a cervical neoplasm, such as positivity to CEA, keratin 7, Ca-125 and p16 and the presence of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) DNA 18.</p> <p>On examination of the hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, the lesion replacing the cervix, endometrium and myometrium, revealed the same immunohistochemical findings observed on endometrial curettage and cervical biopsy specimens. Metastases were found in an ovarian cystic lesion and the lymph nodes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>With this report the authors have demonstrated that the spread of cervical adenocarcinoma to the uterine corpus, although rare, may be observed, and that in this instance immunohistochemical and molecular studies can provide sufficient information for accurate diagnosis even on small biopsy specimens.</p

    Factores que favorecen la endimia hidatídica en en Ramírez de Velazco, Provincia de Santiago del Estero, Argentina

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    Tesis (Doctor)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facutlad de Ciencias Médicas, 2009El presente trabajo de investigación permitió dilucidar los factores que favorecen la endemia hidatídica en la localidad de Ramírez de Velazco, Provincia de Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Se estudiaron 150 individuos, 83 de sexo femenino 55 por ciento y 67 de sexo masculino 45 por ciento y 50 perros. Para este estudio el rango de edad fue de 12 a 68 años, el 75 por ciento de la población del estudio se concentra entre los 12 y 43 años. Abastecimiento de agua solo el 12 por ciento tiene acceso a agua de red, el 98 por ciento de los individuos estudiados convivían con perros. El 72 por ciento realiza faenas domiciliarias y el 100 por ciento de ellos alimenta a los perros con vísceras crudas. De los 150 individuos estudiados 13 resultaron positivos HAI para hidatidosis lo que arrojo una prevalencia del 8.7 por ciento 4 mujeres y 9 hombres. La mayor cantidad de casos se concentro entre los 12 y 48 años. De los perros estudiados dieron positivo el 12 por ciento de las muestras. Condiciones sanitarias deficientes medio ambiente propicio, cercanía con nicho hidatígeno, El Albardón (trabajo realizado por este equipo), sumado a la falta de prevención y a costumbres ancestrales determinan la endemia que en esta zona es superior al resto del país. Existen particulares condiciones geográficas, demográficas, biológicas y culturales en esta localidad que establecen una prevalencia diferencial de la endemia hidatídica con respecto a otras regiones. Estas condiciones definen un nicho ecológico en la zona geográfica para el desarrollo de esta entidad nosológica(AU)Daniel Roberto Pizzi, Luis Santos Spitale

    Neuroendocrine Small Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix: A case report

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    Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) has been found in patients with Merkel cell carcinoma and respiratory tract infections. Merkel cell carcinoma is a primary aggressive neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin. It has been demonstrated that MCPyV can be transmitted during sexual activity and may be present in the oral and anogenital mucosa. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether MCPyV coexisted with HPV in three cases of neuroendocrine small cell carcinoma of the cervix using PCR and immunohistochemical analysis Three cases of NSC of the cervix were identified in the pathology archives of Parma University (Italy). Of these, two cases were associated with an adenocarcinomatous component. A set of general primers from the L1 region (forward, L1C1 and reverse, L1C2 or L1C2M) was PCR amplified to detect the broad‑spectrum DNA of genital HPV. The presence of MCPyV was investigated via immunohistochemistry using a mouse monoclonal antibody against the MCPyV LT antigen and through PCR analysis to separate viral DNA. HPV DNA was present in all three neuroendocrine carcinomas and in the adenocarcinoma component of the two mixed cases. None of the cases were immunoreactive to CM2B4 and did not contain viral DNA in either their neuroendocrine or adenocarcinomatous component. Whilst it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions from such a small sample size, these data suggested that MCPyV does not coexist with HPV in the cervix. However, in the present study, the absence of detectable MCPyV may have been due to the presence of a genotype that was not detected by the primers used in the PCR analysis or by the antibody used for the immunohistochemical study. MCPyV microRNA may also have been present, inhibiting LT expression. Additional studies with larger cohorts and more advanced molecular biology techniques are required to confirm the hypothesis of the current study

    Whole exome sequencing in an Italian family with isolated maxillary canine agenesis and canine eruption anomalies

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    Objective: The aim of this study was the clinical and molecular characterization of a family segregating a trait consisting of a phenotype specifically involving the maxillary canines, including agenesis, impaction and ectopic eruption, characterized by incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. Design: Clinical standardized assessment of 14 family members and a whole-exome sequencing (WES) of three affected subjects were performed. WES data analyses (sequence alignment, variant calling, annotation and prioritization) were carried out using an in-house implemented pipeline. Variant filtering retained coding and splice-site high quality private and rare variants. Variant prioritization was performed taking into account both the disruptive impact and the biological relevance of individual variants and genes. Sanger sequencing was performed to validate the variants of interest and to carry out segregation analysis. Results: Prioritization of variants “by function” allowed the identification of multiple variants contributing to the trait, including two concomitant heterozygous variants in EDARADD (c.308C&gt;T, p.Ser103Phe) and COL5A1 (c.1588G&gt;A, p.Gly530Ser), specifically associated with a more severe phenotype (i.e. canine agenesis). Differently, heterozygous variants in genes encoding proteins with a role in the WNT pathway were shared by subjects showing a phenotype of impacted/ectopic erupted canines. Conclusions: This study characterized the genetic contribution underlying a complex trait consisting of isolated canine anomalies in a medium-sized family, highlighting the role of WNT and EDA cell signaling pathways in tooth development

    O jus postulandi na Justiça do Trabalho e sua correlação com princípios constitucionais

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    A Justiça do Trabalho, ainda fortemente influenciada pelos preceitos históricos de 1943 – Decreto-Lei n. 5.452/43 que confere o surgimento da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho –, possibilita aos legitimados vindicarem direitos perante o Poder Judiciário, como regra, sem a presença de advogado. Esse fato, atrelado ao caráter cada vez mais complexo das relações processuais, fundamentadas, notoriamente, pela especificidade de técnicas jurídicas, cumprimento de decisões e comandos intrincados, acarreta a precarização da atuação das partes, não raro a culminar na perda de um direito subjetivo notório. O objetivo com este trabalho, nesse viés, é analisar, por meio de obras doutrinárias e pesquisas bibliográficas, as características do princípio do jus postulandi na seara trabalhista, assim como as suas correlações com princípios constitucionais assegurados aos indivíduos e destacar se tais princípios são, ou não, mitigados pela atuação desvinculada de causídicos nas ações trabalhistas. Ao final do artigo, espera-se ressaltar que o princípio do jus postulandi é instituto obsoleto frente às lides trabalhistas e acarreta problemas desencadeados pela ausência de representação postulatória técnica.Palavras-chave: Jus postulandi. Direito do Trabalho. Princípios constitucionais


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    O Jus Postulandi é o princípio que possibilita, na Justiça Trabalhista, às partesdemandarem pessoalmente, independentemente da presença de advogado constituído. Hodiernamente, as reclamações trabalhistas vêm aumentando e, com elas, a complexidade de seus procedimentos. Dessa forma, procura-se destacar qual a real importância do princípio em comento, confrontando-o com outros constitucionais a fim de promover uma análise concreta sobre a efetividade do jus postulandi nas causas de natureza trabalhista. Sabe-se que a Justiça do Trabalho, ainda fortemente influenciada pelos preceitos históricos de 1943, – decreto-lei 5.452/43 que confere o surgimento da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho – atribui aos titulares de direitos, como regra, a possibilidade de acesso à justiça sem a presença de advogado. Esse fato, atrelado ao caráter cada vez mais complexo das relações processuais, acarreta a precarização da atividade jurisdicional, muitas vezes culminando na perda do direito subjetivo pleiteado. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, por meio de obras doutrinárias e pesquisas bibliográficas, as características do princípio do jus postulandi na seara trabalhista, assim como as suas correlações com princípios constitucionais assegurados aos indivíduos, tais como o livre acesso ao judiciário e a indispensabilidade do advogado à administração da justiça. Ao final, espera-se constatar que o princípio do jus postulandi é instituto obsoleto frente às lides trabalhistas e, não raramente, acaba por acarretar problemas processuais desencadeadas pela ausência de representação postulatória

    High-Throughput Screening of Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Conversion of Furfural to Bio-Based Fuel Components

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    The one-pot catalytic reductive etherification of furfural to 2-methoxymethylfuran (furfuryl methyl ether, FME), a valuable bio-based chemical or fuel, is reported. A large number of commercially available hydrogenation heterogeneous catalysts based on nickel, copper, cobalt, iridium, palladium and platinum catalysts on various support were evaluated by a high-throughput screening approach. The reaction was carried out in liquid phase with a 10% w/w furfural in methanol solution at 50 bar of hydrogen. Among all the samples tested, carbon-supported noble metal catalysts were found to be the most promising in terms of productivity and selectivity. In particular, palladium on charcoal catalysts show high selectivity (up to 77%) to FME. Significant amounts of furfuryl alcohol (FA) and 2-methylfuran (2-MF) are observed as the major by-products

    Magnetostriction-driven muon localization in an antiferromagnetic oxide

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    Magnetostriction results from the coupling between magnetic and elastic degrees of freedom. Though it is associated with a relatively small energy, we show that it plays an important role in determining the site of an implanted muon, so that the energetically favorable site can switch on crossing a magnetic phase transition. This surprising effect is demonstrated in the cubic rocksalt antiferromagnet MnO which undergoes a magnetostriction-driven rhombohedral distortion at the Néel temperature T_{N}=118  K. Above T_{N}, the muon becomes delocalized around a network of equivalent sites, but below T_{N} the distortion lifts the degeneracy between these equivalent sites. Our first-principles simulations based on Hubbard-corrected density-functional theory and molecular dynamics are consistent with the experimental data and help to resolve a long-standing puzzle regarding muon data on MnO, as well as having wider applicability to other magnetic oxides

    Ganymede's Surface Investigation in Support of the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) Instrument

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    In order to support the JUICE mission and in particular RIME activities, we have initiated a research effort for understanding the geology of Ganymede

    Mucinous and Signet-Ring Cell Colonic Adenocarcinoma in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case-Control Study

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    Simple Summary Chronic active inflammation is a known risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), while the adenoma-carcinoma sequence appears to be associated with sporadic CRC. In the general population, mucinous and signet-ring cell adenocarcinomas are characterized by a worse prognosis. In IBD, a higher frequency of these CRC histotypes has been reported. In the present study, we investigated the frequency and characteristics of mucinous and signet-ring cell adenocarcinomas in patients with IBD versus age-matched non-IBD Controls. CRC was more frequently represented by mucinous/signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma in IBD than in Controls. In rectal CRC, there was a higher proportion of mucinous/signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma vs. standard adenocarcinoma in IBD but not in non-IBD Controls. No risk factors for these two CRC histotypes were identified in IBD. Present findings support that the frequency of mucinous/signet-ring cell colorectal adenocarcinoma is higher in IBD, being associated with rectal involvement of CRC. A higher frequency of mucinous and signet-ring cell colonic adenocarcinoma has been reported in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The primary aim was to investigate the frequency of mucinous and signet-ring cell colorectal adenocarcinoma in patients with IBD (Cases) versus age-matched non-IBD Controls. The secondary aims were to compare the characteristics of these two histotypes of colorectal cancer (CRC) in IBD patients vs. Controls and to search for specific risk factors in IBD. In a case-control study, all IBD patients with CRC diagnosed from 2000 to 2022 were enrolled and matched for age (1:2) with non-IBD Controls with CRC. The study population included 120 CRC patients (40 IBD, 80 Controls). In IBD, CRC included standard adenocarcinoma in 23 (57.5%) patients mucinous/signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma in 17 (42.5%) patients. The proportion of mucinous/signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma was higher in IBD than in Controls (17 [42.5%] vs. 18 [22.5%]; p = 0.03). In rectal CRC, the proportion of mucinous/signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma was higher than standard adenocarcinoma in IBD (8 [47.1%] vs. 4 [17.4%]; p = 0.04) but not in Controls (4 [22.2%] vs. 20 [32.2%]; p = 0.59). In rectal CRC, the proportion of these two histotypes was higher in Cases than in Controls (8/12 [66.6%] vs. 4/24 [16.6%]; p = 0.008), with no risk factors identified in IBD. CRC was more frequently represented by mucinous/signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma in IBD than in age-matched non-IBD Controls. In IBD, these two CRC histotypes were more frequent in the rectum