129 research outputs found

    Employment management policies in single-industry towns in the light of existing issues of precarious employment

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    Purpose: The article aims to study the precarious employment in single-industry towns and to assess the effectiveness of government measures aimed at reducing it and ensuring the protection of economic and social rights of workers. Design/Methodology/Approach: It was revealed that the transition to an information-digital society, which continues to be formatted at the junction of changes in communication technologies and the motivation of employment behavior, has significantly changed the labor market in Russia. There was a massive introduction of non-standard forms of employment, which has not only positive effects, but also negative risks that are most acute in single-industry towns. To minimize these risks, it is necessary to find mechanisms to increase the economic and social security of workers with flexible employment. Findings: The paper proposes to develop an employment management policy in single-industry towns regarding the precarious employment and include measures of solving the issues related to self-employment of the population. Practical Implications: The practical results of the study can be used to develop assumptions for regional authorities to reduce precarious employment in single-industry towns. Originality / Value: The main contribution of this study is that single-industry cities should reduce inefficient “social employment” by creating highly efficient jobs and developing self-employmenpeer-reviewe

    Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in ISIAH rats with stressinduced arterial hypertension

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    Because the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has a wide range of opportunities in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance and arterial pressure, it is currently hypothesized that alterations in systemic circulating or local tissue RAS are some of the most important pathogenetic factors in the development of essential hypertension. The aim of the study was to investigate circulating and local tissue RAS activities in ISIAH rats with stress-induced arterial hypertension. We estimated the serum levels of renin, the angiotensin-converting enzyme, angiotensin II and aldosterone by an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay, and mRNA expression of RAS genes in kidney, adrenals and brain tissues was measured by the real-time polymerase chain reaction. The mRNA expression of the renin gene (Ren) in the ISIAH rats was significantly decreased as compared to the normotensive WAG rats, but plasma renin concentrations had no difference. At the same time, the serum levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone in the ISIAH rats were enhanced, which suggests the existence of an ectopic site of angiotensin synthesis. Expression of RAS genes in the adrenals of hypertensive rats was unchanged. By contrast, a significant increase of RAS genes expression was found in the brain tissues. The mRNA of the Ren gene was increased in the hypothalamus, and the mRNA of Ace gene was increased in the brain stem of the ISIAH rats. This may be indicative of a local increase of RAS activity in the brain tissues of ISIAH rats. Nevertheless, the results of the study define ISIAH rat strain as a model of human low-renin hypertension

    Hypoxia-induced factor-1α and markers of inflammation in patients with ischemic stroke

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    Ischemic stroke (IS) occurs as a result of local disturbance of hemocirculation and hypoxia in the brain tissue. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), which is involved in the regulation of tissue oxygen levels, plays an important role in the pathophysiology of stroke, including neuronal survival, neuroinflammation, angiogenesis, glucose metabolism, blood-brain barrier permeability, and is important in IS outcomes. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between blood levels of HIF-1α and the degree of neurological deficit in the acute period of IS and the outcome of the disease. We examined 58 people with IS aged 73 (67-81) years. Patients were divided into two groups – discharged and dead. The severity of stroke (NIHSS), neurological deficit, comorbidity index, blood levels of HIF-1α, p53 protein, interleukin-6, cystatin C, CRP, creatinine, hematological parameters were determined at admission, on days 3 and 10 of the disease. At admission the blood levels of HIF-1α was lower than in the comparison group and remained reduced until the 10th day. On day 10 the association of HIF-1α with neurological deficit, comorbidity index and disease outcome was determined. We observed a feedback of HIF-1α with the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit, which can be regarded as a reflection of the hemic component of mixed hypoxia. In dead patients, an increased blood level of cystatin C was detected, which was associated with HIF-1α concentrations. In all periods of observation of IS, a correlation between cystatin C and creatinine and CRP levels was noted. These results may indicate dysfunction of endotheliocytes, inflammation associated with hypoxia in IS. The prognostic significance of the blood level of HIF-1α on the 10th day for the outcome of IS was AUC = 0.900. Blood levels of HIF-1α in the acute period was associated with the severity of IS and the outcome of the disease

    Influence of sodium desoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious protection and hematopoiesis in patients with polytrauma (randomized prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study)

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    The  aim of the study was to evaluate  the effect of sodium  deoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious resistance and hematopoiesis in patients with polytraumas. A single-center study of sodium  deoxyribonucleate effectiveness approved by the local Ethics Committee (protocol No. 4 05/18/2016), was conducted in 54 patients with polytrauma. The  main  group  included 27 people, at the mean  age of 39 (29-51)  years old; ISS severity score,  26 (22-34). The  comparison group  comprised 27 people, mean  age,  40 years old (26-53), mean  ISS severity score was 25 points (20 to 29). The patients with randomly attributed even numbers were injected with 5 ml preparation from vials of even-numbered series, the patients with odd numbers were treated with preparation from the odd-numbered series. They were injected intramuscularly daily from day 1 to day 10 after the injury. Before treatment, as well as on days 8, 15 after injury, peripheral blood was examined for leukocyte, erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin, total  protein, blood  IL-6, CRP; proportion of CD117+  and  CD34+  mononuclear cells, CD14+ monocytes, CD14+ granulocytes, HLA-DR+  mononuclear cells, defensin + granulocytes.On  the  day  +8,   patients from  the  main  group,  against  the  comparison group  showed  an  increase   in lymphocytes, monocytes, CD117+ and CD34+ cell counts. Serum IL-6 and CRP were decreased in both groups of the patients to a similar  degree. Terms  of hospitalization in the main  group were 32.8 days, against  39.6 in comparison group. The number of complications per 1 case was, respectively, 21 versus 39, thus being 1.8 times less than  in comparison group.  When developing complications, anemia (Hb  < 90 g/l),  or hypoproteinaemia (< 60 g/l) in the main group was, respectively, 2.5and 3.5-fold  less than  in the comparison group.Treatment with sodium  deoxyribonucleate in polytrauma may promote migration of blood precursors to the bloodstream, increase anti-infectious properties of leukocytes, reduce duration of anemia and hypoproteinemia, number of complications and decrease the terms of hospitalization

    Menadione Suppresses Benzo(a)pyrene-Induced Activation of Cytochromes P450 1A : Insights into a Possible Molecular Mechanism

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    Oxidative reactions that are catalyzed by cytochromes P450 1A (CYP1A) lead to formation of carcinogenic derivatives of arylamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as the widespread environmental pollutant benzo(a) pyrene (BP). These compounds upregulate CYP1A at the transcriptional level via an arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-dependent signaling pathway. Because of the involvement of AhR-dependent genes in chemically induced carcinogenesis, suppression of this signaling pathway could prevent tumor formation and/or progression. Here we show that menadione (a water-soluble analog of vitamin K-3) inhibits BP-induced expression and enzymatic activity of both CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 in vivo (in the rat liver) and BP-induced activity of CYP1A1 in vitro. Coadministration of BP and menadione reduced DNA-binding activity of AhR and increased DNA-binding activity of transcription factors Oct-1 and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), which are known to be involved in negative regulation of AhR-dependent genes, in vivo. Expression of another factor involved in downregulation of CYP1A-pAhR repressor (AhRR)-was lower in the liver of the rats treated with BP and menadione, indicating that the inhibitory effect of menadione on CYP1A is not mediated by this protein. Furthermore, menadione was well tolerated by the animals: no signs of acute toxicity were detected by visual examination or by assessment of weight gain dynamics or liver function. Taken together, our results suggest that menadione can be used in further studies on animal models of chemically induced carcinogenesis because menadione may suppress tumor formation and possibly progression.Peer reviewe

    Нарушение обмена железа — универсальный патогенетический фактор в поражении органов и систем при COVID-19

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    Relevance. The pathogenesis of COVID-19 remains one of the most pressing. The literature discusses the role of iron as a factor supporting inflammatory processes, hypercoagulability and microcirculation crisis in severe COVID-19.The aim of study. was to identify changes in iron metabolism in patients with severe COVID-19 and hyperferritinemia.Material and methods. In this study, we used a content analysis of available scientific publications and our own observations of the peculiarities of the clinical picture and laboratory parameters in patients with a severe course of COVID-19 who had hyperferretinemia at the height of the disease. The main group consisted of 30 patients hospitalized in the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care of N.A. Semashko City clinical Hospital No. 38 with the diagnosis COVID-19, bilateral polysegmental pneumonia, severe course and hyperferritinemia. The diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection was confirmed by visualization of bilateral viral lung lesions with chest CT-scan, positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 and the presence of immunoglobulins to SARS-CoV-2. The control group consisted of 20 healthy volunteers. The study evaluated the biochemical parameters of iron metabolism, fibrinolysis and markers of inflammation. Changes associated with impaired iron metabolism were assessed by the level of serum iron, transferrin, daily and induced iron excretion in the urine. Statistical processing was carried out using nonparametric methods.Results. All patients with severe COVID-19 and hyperferritinemia showed signs of impaired iron metabolism, inflammation and fibrinolysis — a decrease in the level of transferrin (p<0.001), serum iron (p><0.005), albumin (p><0.001), lymphocytes (p><0.001) and an increase in leukocytes (p><0.001), neutrophils (p><0.001), CRP (p><0.005), IL-6 (p><0.001), D-dimer (p><0.005), daily urinary iron excretion (p><0.005) and induced urinary iron excretion (p><0.001). Conclusions The study showed that in the pathogenesis of the severe course of COVID-19, there is a violation of iron metabolism and the presence of a free iron fraction. The appearance of free iron can be caused by damage to cells with the “release” of iron from cytochromes, myoglobin, hemoglobin, or violation of the binding of iron to transferrin, which may be the result of a change in the protein structure or violation of the oxidation of iron to the trivalent state. When assessing the degree of viral effect on the body, one should take into account the effect of various regulators of iron metabolism, as well as an assessment of the level of free iron not associated with transferrin. Keywords: new coronavirus infection, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, iron metabolism, free iron, ferritin, transferrin, NTBI, nontransferrin bound iron>˂0.001), serum iron (p˂0.005), albumin (p˂0.001), lymphocytes (p˂0.001) and an increase in leukocytes (p˂0.001), neutrophils (p˂0.001), CRP (p˂0.005), IL-6 (p˂0.001), D-dimer (p˂0.005), daily urinary iron excretion (p˂0.005) and induced urinary iron excretion (p˂0.001).Conclusions. The study showed that in the pathogenesis of the severe course of COVID-19, there is a violation of iron metabolism and the presence of a free iron fraction. The appearance of free iron can be caused by damage to cells with the “release” of iron from cytochromes, myoglobin, hemoglobin, or violation of the binding of iron to transferrin, which may be the result of a change in the protein structure or violation of the oxidation of iron to the trivalent state. When assessing the degree of viral effect on the body, one should take into account the effect of various regulators of iron metabolism, as well as an assessment of the level of free iron not associated with transferrin. Актуальность. Вопрос патогенеза COVID-19 остается одним из самых актуальных. В литературе обсуждается роль железа в качестве фактора, поддерживающего воспалительные процессы, гиперкоагуляцию и кризис микроциркуляции при тяжелом течении COVID-19.Цель исследования. Выявление изменений показателей обмена железа у больных с тяжелым течением COVID-19 и гиперферритинемией.Материал и методы. В настоящем исследовании использованы контент-анализ имеющихся научных публикаций и собственные наблюдения за особенностями клинической картины и лабораторных параметров у пациентов с тяжелым течением COVID-19, имевших гиперферритинемию в период наибольших проявлений заболевания. Основная группа состояла из 30 пациентов, госпитализированных в отделение анестезиологии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии СПб ГБУЗ «Городская больница № 38 им. Н.А. Семашко» с диагнозом «COVID-19, двусторонняя полисегментарная пневмония, тяжелое течение» и гиперферритинемией. Диагноз новой коронавирусной инфекции подтверждался визуализацией двустороннего вирусного поражения легких при компьютерной томографии грудной клетки, положительным ПЦР-тестом на SARS-CoV-2 и наличием иммуноглобулинов к SARS-CoV-2. Группу сравнения составили 20 здоровых добровольцев. В работе дана оценка биохимических показателей обмена железа, фибринолиза и маркеров воспаления. Изменения, связанные с нарушением обмена железа, оценивали по уровню сывороточного железа, трансферрина, суточной и индуцированной экскреции железа с мочой. Статистическую обработку осуществляли с помощью непараметрических методов.Результаты. У всех пациентов с тяжелым течением COVID-19 и гиперферритинемией отмечались статистически значимые признаки нарушения метаболизма железа, воспаления и фибринолиза — снижение уровня сывороточного трансферрина (p<0,001), железа (p><0,005) и альбумина (p><0,001), лимфоцитов (p><0,001) в крови, повышение содержания в ней лейкоцитов (p><0,001), нейтрофилов (p><0,001), СРБ (p><0,005), ИЛ-6 (p><0,001), D-димера (p><0,005), а также увеличение суточной (p><0,005) и индуцированной экскреции железа с мочой (p><0,001). заключение Проведенное исследование показало, что в патогенезе тяжелого течения COVID-19 имеет место нарушение метаболизма железа и наличие свободной фракции железа. Появление свободного железа может быть вызвано повреждением клеток с высвобождением железа из цитохромов, миоглобина, гемоглобина либо нарушением процессов связывания железа с трансферрином, что может быть результатом изменения структуры белка или нарушением процесса окисления железа в трехвалентное состояние. При оценке степени вирусного влияния на организм следует учитывать и влияние различных регуляторов метаболизма железа, а также оценку уровня свободного, не связанного с трансферрином железа. Ключевые слова: новая коронавирусная инфекция, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, обмен железа, свободное железо, ферритин, трансферрин, NTBI, nontransferrin bound iron>˂0,001), железа (p˂0,005) и альбумина (p˂0,001), лимфоцитов (p˂0,001) в крови, повышение содержания в ней лейкоцитов (p˂0,001), нейтрофилов (p˂0,001), СРБ (p˂0,005), ИЛ-6 (p˂0,001), D-димера (p˂0,005), а также увеличение суточной (p0,005) и индуцированной экскреции железа с мочой (p˂0,001).Заключение. Проведенное исследование показало, что в патогенезе тяжелого течения COVID-19 имеет место нарушение метаболизма железа и наличие свободной фракции железа. Появление свободного железа может быть вызвано повреждением клеток с высвобождением железа из цитохромов, миоглобина, гемоглобина либо нарушением процессов связывания железа с трансферрином, что может быть результатом изменения структуры белка или нарушением процесса окисления железа в трехвалентное состояние. При оценке степени вирусного влияния на организм следует учитывать и влияние различных регуляторов метаболизма железа, а также оценку уровня свободного, не связанного с трансферрином железа.

    Effect of dexamethasone therapy on factors of adhesiveness and coagulation in acute lower limb ischemia

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    Leukocyte-platelet adhesion during hypoxia, tissue damage, activation of inflammation and coagulation is associated with the expression of ICAM-1 membrane molecules and integrins by blood and tissue cells. At the same time, platelet adhesion receptors determine their adhesion to the endothelium and recruited lymphocytes. The role of platelets in the pathogenesis of ischemic cardiovascular diseases also consists in their ability to modulate both hemostasis and inflammatory reactions, which is accompanied by the secretion of inflammatory mediators and factors that promote the recruitment of leukocytes to tissue damage sites. Purpose of the study: to study the effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone on the expression of adhesion receptors CD18+ and CD54+ on leukocytes, the content of platelets and fibrinogen in the blood of patients with ALLI, the relationship of these indicators with the severity and outcome of the disease.To study the effect of anti-inflammatory therapy, a group of 32 patients treated with dexamethasone was formed; the comparison group was represented by 71 patients with basic therapy, the control group consisted of 15 volunteers. After revascularization, all patients received antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy. Dexamethasone infusions were carried out in a course of 4 to 6 days after reconstructive surgery. In all patients, the content of C-reactive protein in the blood, the content of platelets and fibrinogen were determined. The number of lymphocytes expressing adhesion molecules ICAM-1 (CD54+) and integrins (CD18+) was counted using the immunocytochemical method. Studies were performed before surgery and on days 1, 3, 7, and 10 after surgery.With exacerbation of ischemia and damage to the endothelium, the accumulation of cytolysis products, the expression of adhesion molecules increases both on endotheliocytes and on inflammatory effector cells – leukocytes and platelets. Adhesion molecules conduct an activation signal inside the cell, which promotes adhesion of leukocytes and platelets to the endothelium, lymphocytic-platelet adhesion, the formation of a parietal thrombus, and possible occlusion of damaged vessels. Increased expression of adhesion molecules is associated with the activation of metabolism, inflammation, coagulation and oxidative stress, stimulates all hematopoietic lineages, including platelets. The level of involvement of cellular reactions in the pathogenesis of the disease affects the effectiveness and duration of treatment, the risk of recurrent thrombosis and death. Anti-inflammatory therapy with dexamethasone contributed to earlier remission, a decrease in the proportion of infectious complications, such as wound suppuration from 10% to 6%, the number of necessary amputations from 32% to 16%, the frequency of deaths from 31% to 6%, and a reduction in hospital stay from 13 days to 10.Inflammation, adhesiveness of effector cells and thrombosis are important factors in the pathogenesis of acute lower limb ischemia. Therapy with dexamethasone helps to reduce the level of systemic inflammatory response, the number of necessary amputations, the number of complications and adverse outcomes in the treatment of ALLI, and reduce the length of stay in the hospital


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    Procalcitonin is an important marker used in the clinical practice for sepsis diagnostics. However the increase of its concentration can be registered in the early post-traumatic period with no obvious nidus of infection. Goal: to clarify the value of procalcitonin as a biomarker in those with concurrent trauma. Methods. 76 those injured were examined and divided into subgroups depending on the severity of trauma (ISS < 20 and ISS > 20 scores) and outcome (favorable, unfavorable, with infectious complications and no infectious complications). The changes in procalcitonin level in the subgroups were compared with intensity of the systemic response to the injury through changes in IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, CD14, HLA-DR, secretory immunoglobulin A. Blood was collected upon admission to hospital, in 12 hours, on the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 10th days. Results. It has been found out that in case of concurrent trauma the procalcitonin level in blood increased immediately and it was especially intensively expressed in severe trauma (ISS > 20 scores). During first 24 hours it was tens times above the normal and it remained above the normal during the post-traumatic period. And these changes were not related to a generalized infection. During all period of follow up the changes in procalcitonin level coincided with changes in the systemic inflammatory response and anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines though with a certain delay. Procalcitonin level did not increase repeatedly every time as nidus of infection manifested, it occurred more often in those with lethal outcome. High procalcitonin level in the acute post-traumatic period indicated higher chances of septic complications development on the 7-10th day. Conclusion. Along with the role of procalcitonin as an infection marker, changes in its concentration in the early post-traumatic period can be considered as a laboratory sign of the intensity of systemic response to the injury.Прокальцитонин – важный биомаркер, используемый в клинической практике для диагностики сепсиса. Однако в ближайшем посттравматическом периоде повышение его концентрации может регистрироваться и при отсутствии явного очага инфекции. Цель: уточнить значение прокальцитонина как биомаркера у пострадавших с сочетанной травмой. Методика. Обследовано 76 пострадавших, которых разделяли на подгруппы с учетом тяжести травмы (ISS < 20 и ISS > 20 баллов) и исхода (благоприятный, неблагоприятный, с инфекционными осложнениями или без них). Динамику концентрации прокальцитонина в подгруппах сопоставляли с выраженностью системного ответа на повреждение, изменениями IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, CD14, HLA-DR, секреторного иммуноглобулина А. Забор крови производили при поступлении, через 12 ч, на 1, 3, 7, 10-е сут. Результаты. Установлено, что при сочетанной травме повышение концентрации прокальцитонина в крови происходило сразу и особенно заметно при тяжелых (ISS > 20 баллов) повреждениях. Уже в 1-е сут она превышала нормальные значения в десятки раз и оставалась выше нормы в течение ближайшего посттравматического периода. Эти изменения не были связаны с генерализованным инфекционным процессом. На протяжении всего срока наблюдения динамика прокальцитонина, хотя и с некоторым опозданием, но совпадала с изменениями системной воспалительной реакции, а также противо- и провоспалительных цитокинов. Повторное повышение уровня прокальцитонина при манифестации очага инфекции проявлялось не всегда, чаще – у лиц с летальным исходом. Высокий уровень прокальцитонина в остром периоде после травмы указывал на большую вероятность развития септических осложнений на 7–10-е сут. Заключение. Наряду с отводимой прокальцитонину ролью биомаркера инфекции, изменения его концентрации в раннем посттравматическом периоде можно рассматривать в качестве лабораторного признака выраженности системного ответа организма на повреждение.

    Влияние отмены ИАПФ/БРА на риск развития послеоперационных осложнений в абдоминальной хирургии

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    A significant proportion of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery receive therapy with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), which are usually prescribed for treatment of arterial hypertension and CHF. Current guidelines fail to provide clear consensus on whether it is worth discontinuing ACEi/ARBs before non-cardiac surgery. The aim of this research was to assess the contribution of pre-op ACEi/ARBs withdrawal to the development of postoperative complications in patients after abdominal surgery using data from STOPRISK database.Materials and methods. Data of 1945 patients from of the STOPRISK database was used for the analysis. Patients were retrospectively divided into two groups: first group (N=471, 24.2%) included patients subjected to ACEi/ARBs withdrawal 24 hours before surgery, second group (N=1474, 75.8%) included patients continuing on ACEi/ARBs therapy. The 30-day outcomes were analyzed — postoperative complications (acute kidney injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, anastomosis failure, arrhythmias, circulatory arrest, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, postoperative delirium, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, ileus, postoperative bleeding, pulmonary embolism, acute cerebrovascular accident, wound infection) and mortality. We were not evaluating intraoperative and postoperative arterial hypotension and hypertension, we analyzed the use of vasopressors as a surrogate marker. ACEi/ARBs re-initiation after surgery was not evaluated.Results. One or more post-operative complications were documented in 113 patients (5.8%). Only postoperative delirium was more common in patients (1.06% vs. 0.27%, P=0.027) after ACEi/ARBs withdrawal 24 hours before surgery, the difference reached statistical significance. Sub-analysis in the group of patients with arterial hypertension as the only comorbidity showed no statistically significant differences in the outcomes. Sub-analysis in the group of patients with CFH showed higher incidence of postoperative delirium after ACEi/ARBs withdrawal (2.68% vs. 0.6%, P=0.023). The logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of developing postoperative delirium is influenced by age, vasopressor support, and ACEi/ARBs withdrawal (the area under the curve for the model was 0.92 (0.90–0.93).Conclusion. Rates of pre-op ACEi/ARBs withdrawal (24.2%) are consistent with published data. In the entire cohort, ACEi/ARBs withdrawal resulted in higher incidence of postoperative delirium, as well as in the subgroup of patients with CHF, while ACEi/ARBs withdrawal in the subgroup of patients with arterial hypertension had no influence on postop complications.ACEi/ARBs withdrawal, along with hemodynamic instability and older age, contributes to the development of postoperative delirium, which is the subject of future research. Значительное число пациентов, подвергающихся внесердечным операциям, получает терапию ингибиторами ангиотензинпревращающего фермента (ИАПФ)/блокаторами рецепторов ангиотензина II (БРА), которые обычно назначают в качестве антигипертензивных препаратов и для лечения ХСН. В современных руководствах нет единого мнения о том, стоит ли отменять ИПФ/БРА перед внесердечными операциями.Цель работы — изучение вклада отмены ИАПФ/БРА в развитие послеоперационных осложнений у пациентов в абдоминальной хирургии по данным базы STOPRISK.Методы исследования. В анализ включили данные 1945 пациентов базы данных STOPRISK, которых ретроспективно разделили на пациентов, у которых ИАПФ/БРА отменяли за 24 ч до операции (n=471, 24,2%) и остальных пациентов (n=1474, 75,8%), у которых прием продолжался вплоть до оперативного вмешательства. Изучали 30-дневный исход — послеоперационные осложнения (острое повреждение почек, острый респираторный дистресс-синдром, несостоятельность анастомоза, аритмии, остановка кровообращения, кардиогенный отек легких, послеоперационный делирий, инфаркт миокарда, пневмония, парез кишечника, послеоперационное кровотечение, тромбоэмболия легочной артерии, острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения, раневая инфекция) и летальность. В исследовании не оценивали частоту интраоперационной и послеоперационной гипотензии и гипертензии, применяли суррогатный показатель — частоту применения вазопрессоров. Не оценивали возобновление терапии ИАПФ/БРА в послеоперационный период Результаты. Наличие одного и более осложнения регистрировали у 113 пациентов (5,8%). Статистически значимыми были различия только в частоте послеоперационного делирия — он чаще встречался в группе пациентов, у которых ИАПФ/БРА отменяли за 24 часа до операции (1,06% против 0,27%, р=0,027). При проведении субанализа в подгруппе пациентов, где сопутствующие заболевания были представлены изолированной гипертонической болезнью, статистически значимых различий в исходах не отметили.Субанализ у пациентов, в структуре сопутствующих заболеваний которых присутствовала хроническая сердечная недостаточность, показал большую частоту послеоперационного делирия в группе пациентов, у которых ИАПФ/БРА отменяли (2,68% против 0,6%, р=0,023).Проведенный логистический регрессионный анализ показал, что на риск развития послеоперационного делирия влияют возраст, вазопрессорная поддержка, отмена ИАПФ/БРА (площадь под кривой для модели составила 0,92 (0,90–0,93).Заключение. Частота отмены ИАПФ/БРА (24,2%) соотносится с мировыми данными. В общей когорте отмена ИАПФ/БРА приводила к большей частоте развития послеоперационного делирия, субанализ в группе пациентов с хронической сердечной недостаточностью подтвердил эту закономерность, в группе же пациентов с гипертонической болезнью, отмена ИАПФ/БРА, не влияла на исход. Наряду с гемодинамической нестабильностью и пожилым возрастом, отмена ИАПФ/БРА, вносит вклад в развитие послеоперационного делирия, что требует дальнейшего изучения.