118 research outputs found

    Elaboration d'un tableau de bord des coûts logistiques de distribution

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    National audienceLe schéma logistique d'une organisation doit appréhender, à moyen terme (3 à 5 ans), le réseau géographique d'entrepôts et de plates formes, les objectifs de délais et de qualité de service, et surtout les coûts qui constituent la variable à minimiser. L'objectif de cet article est de présenter la mise en place – sur Excel 97 – d'un tableau de bord des coûts logistiques de distribution. L'optique souhaitée est d'avoir une vision de la répartition des coûts et d'ouvrir des perspectives de réflexion sur la chaîne logistique en termes de gestion de stock, de préparation des commandes et d'utilisation des transports


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    En tant que réseau d'affaires, le Supply Chain Management (SCM) cherche à développer des modèles à mêmes de décrire et évaluer les processus et activités induits par sa mise en œuvre. C'est dans cette mouvance que souhaite se placer le modèle SCOR. Cet article s'intéresse à la pratique des indicateurs logistiques proposés par ce modèle. Le questionnaire proposé prend appui sur les métriques de niveau 1 du modèle SCOR. 35 questionnaires sont traités. Les résultats soulignent que -de manière générale- les intitulés des indicateurs du modèle SCOR apparaissent abscons et nécessitent une définition explicite en préalable. L'analyse des réponses montre également que dans leur quotidien, les répondants priorisent la justesse de la livraison et la réalisation de la commande. A l'inverse, leur attention semble plus faible quant à la gestion des stocks : rotation et jours d'inventaire.indicateurs logistiques, modèle SCOR, enquête de terrain.

    Установление доли логистических затрат на производство продукции предприятиями масложировой отрасли

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    LOGISTICS FIXED PERCENTAGE OF PRODUCTION COSTS ENTERPRISES OILSEED INDUSTRY А. SUMETSРассматриваются логистические затраты как ключевой оценочный показатель логистической деятельности предприятий, в частности предприятий масложировой отрасли. Показана важность изучения логистических затрат и их весомое влияние на экономическую эффективность хозяйствования современных производственных предприятий. Определены усредненные значения долей логистических затрат в элементах операционных расходов предприятий масложировой отрасли. Установлены доли логистических затрат в расходах, не входящих в себестоимость реализованной продукции. Отмечено, что установленные доли логистических затрат в элементах операционных расходов и в расходах, не входящих в себестоимость реализованной продукции, позволят руководителям предприятий кардинально пересмотреть логистическую стратегию и скорректировать направленность, содержание и форму организации логистической деятельности.= The article investigates the logistical costs of implementation of logistics activities by processing enterprises of oil and fat industry. The article also focused on the importance of the study of logistics costs and their great impact on the economic efficiency of management of modern manufacturing enterprises. It is indicated that logistics costs are the key performance indicators of logistical activity companies. Determined average values of shares in the elements of logistics costs in operating expenses of enterprises of oil and fat industry. Set the share of logistics costs in the costs not included in the cost of goods sold. It is noted that the proportion of fixed costs in the logistics elements of operating costs and expenses not included in cost of sales, will enable enterprise managers to radically revise the sourcing and adjust the direction, content and form of organization of logistics activities


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    Awareness for the importance of role all side in creating product which is murah,berkualitas and quickly which later;then bear new concept that is Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management is concept representing integration from overall of element of company in fulfilling request of consumer, that is representing unity of Supplier, Manufacturing, Customer, and Delivery Process. Company of SYP Soponyono represent one of the peripatetic company in the field of making of motor crate with merk of SYP which have cooperated with PT. Astra Honda Motor (AHM) as ordering of motor crate remain to with type vehicle of Type of Astrea Supra 125, Astrea Grand, Revo and Kharisma. During The Time Company of SYP Soponyono have system measurement of less performance integrated where there are change of schedule per month at planning of production process so that request of production during 1 inappropriate year of plan produce and cause the happening of expense of ordering of material in certain range of time (sudden) which is big so (Charge) as well as amount of less maximal delivery make motor crate distribution in the year 2011 pursued to customer. Method weared to analyse is Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) . From some clarification which have been submitted in background hence can be formulated by a problems that is :" How big performance indicators and performance of supply chain Company of SYP Soponyono needing priority to be conducted by to repair " Target of which wish to be reached in research of this final duty is to : knowing performance value Company of seen SYP Soponyono of concept model Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) and know indicators of lower performance of supply chain Company of SYP Soponyono needing priority to be conducted by to repair. From result of measurement of performance with Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) Company of SYP Soponyono hence can know that final value of performance in Company of SYP Soponyono in the year 2011 equal to 74,02 so that company of[is included in good category in perpectively Plan equal to 19,95, Source equal to 22,55, Make equal to 16,43, Deliver equal to 7,263, Return equal to 7,830 as well as known that there are four KPI having value of low that is : Of Production Schedule Revision Number (26,99), Of Adjusted Production Quantity Percentage (25,51), Material Order of Cost (40,48), Minimum of Delivery Quantity (47,75). Keyword : Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR

    Modeling design rework in a product development process

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (p. 37-38).Managing the product development process is of vital concern to corporations. A critical aspect of product development that negatively impacts program cost and timing is rework. Unfortunately, in large organizations with successive development cycles, the product, process and organizational complexity preclude simple solutions. Even given sufficient data, many organizations do not understand what constitutes good and bad performance relative to rework. Through research at General Motors Truck Product Group, a model was developed that forecasts expected total rework. The model assumes rework is a function of: 1) The product portfolio and timing; 2) The complexity of each product program; 3) The pattern of rework over time for product programs; 4) The "lifecycle age" of each product program. The model has four potential uses: A) To aid in portfolio/project planning; B) To provide a rework performance baseline for management; C) To evaluate initiatives with regards to their impact on design rework; D) To identify leverage targets for management attention and improvement.by Matthew F. Bromberg.S.M.M.B.A

    IT Governance Practices and Enterprise Effectiveness in Zimbabwe: a Case of a Zimbabwean Bank

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    Proper IT governance practices in Zimbabwean enterprises have been implemented to some extent but most organizations are faced with the dilemma of finding the implementation too tedious or just beyond their capacity. However in organisations that are IT enabled like banks proper IT governance structures need to be put in place if the organization is to achieve a strategic advantage over competitors. The overall purpose of this paper was to find to what extent the implementation of IT governance practices impact on organization effectiveness and how these are influenced by enterprise leadership at boardroom level. The research was exploratory in nature. Senior management who have been with the organization for at least five years were interviewed or provided answers to written questionnaires, the findings show that senior management involvement in IT governance issues contribute immensely to enterprise effectiveness Keywords: IT Governance, Zimbabwe, Bank

    The analysis of the product platform in the ELEKTROBUDOWA S.A. company

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    The paper presents the development trends of modern assembly techniques. It focuses both on the significance of an assembly platform for the ELEKTROBUDOWA S.A. company and the analysis of technological processes of assembly, which costitutes a very important element in designing the structure of a production system. The work analyses the strengnts and weaknesses of assembly platforms. It also gives an overview of the five important stages in designing their structure