513 research outputs found

    Generalized orientations and the Bloch invariant

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    Abstract. For compact hyperbolic 3-manifolds we lift the Bloch invariant defined by Neumann and Yang to an integral class in K3(C). Applying the Borel and the Bloch regulators, one gets back the volume and the Chern-Simons invariant of the manifold. We also discuss the non-compact case, in which there appears a Z/2-ambiguity

    Adsorptionsuntersuchungen an Organokieselsäurepolymeren

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    BET-Oberflächen und Isothermen von n-Hexan, Benzen, Wasser und Stickstoff wurden an vier Organokieselsäurepolymeren vermessen, die sich im Vernetzungsgrad der Doppelvierring-Kieselsäureeinheiten Si8O20 und in der Struktur der Brücken unterscheiden. Ein Polymer ist mikroporös, die anderen sind makroporös. Alle Polymere verhalten sich hydrophob. Neben der Adsorption tritt Quellung bei der Einwirkung organischer Adsorptive auf. Die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Länge der Brücken und der Porosität werden diskutiert

    Synchronization of organ pipes: experimental observations and modeling

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    We report measurements on the synchronization properties of organ pipes. First, we investigate influence of an external acoustical signal from a loudspeaker on the sound of an organ pipe. Second, the mutual influence of two pipes with different pitch is analyzed. In analogy to the externally driven, or mutually coupled self-sustained oscillators, one observes a frequency locking, which can be explained by synchronization theory. Further, we measure the dependence of the frequency of the signals emitted by two mutually detuned pipes with varying distance between the pipes. The spectrum shows a broad ``hump'' structure, not found for coupled oscillators. This indicates a complex coupling of the two organ pipes leading to nonlinear beat phenomena.Comment: 24 pages, 10 Figures, fully revised, 4 big figures separate in jpeg format. accepted for Journal of the Acoustical Society of Americ

    Unconventional carrier-mediated ferromagnetism above room temperature in ion-implanted (Ga, Mn)P:C

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    Ion implantation of Mn ions into hole-doped GaP has been used to induce ferromagnetic behavior above room temperature for optimized Mn concentrations near 3 at.%. The magnetism is suppressed when the Mn dose is increased or decreased away from the 3 at.% value, or when n-type GaP substrates are used. At low temperatures the saturated moment is on the order of one Bohr magneton, and the spin wave stiffness inferred from the Bloch-law T^3/2 dependence of the magnetization provides an estimate Tc = 385K of the Curie temperature that exceeds the experimental value, Tc = 270K. The presence of ferromagnetic clusters and hysteresis to temperatures of at least 330K is attributed to disorder and proximity to a metal-insulating transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (RevTex4

    Numerical generation of multidimensional flamelet databases using an adaptive wavelet method

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    The Wavelet Adaptive Multiresolution Representation (WAMR) code is used for the numerical time integration of the one-dimensional laminar diffusion flames equations in trans-critical and supercritical conditions, where the thermodynamic and transport properties exhibit large changes. These steep gradients are efficiently captured by the WAMR algorithm with an a-priori defined accuracy and an associated large reduction of the number of degrees of freedom, allowing a highly efficient flamelet database generation critical conditions

    Crystallographic structure of ultrathin Fe films on Cu(100)

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    We report bcc-like crystal structures in 2-4 ML Fe films grown on fcc Cu(100) using scanning tunneling microscopy. The local bcc structure provides a straightforward explanation for their frequently reported outstanding magnetic properties, i.e., ferromagnetic ordering in all layers with a Curie temperature above 300 K. The non-pseudomorphic structure, which becomes pseudomorphic above 4 ML film thickness is unexpected in terms of conventional rules of thin film growth and stresses the importance of finite thickness effects in ferromagnetic ultrathin films.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX/LaTeX2.0


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    The aim of this work was to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the timber from Melia azederach, Paulonia tomentosa, Grevillea robusta and Toona ciliata, cultivated in the Alto Parana region of Argentina, and the behaviour when used as indoors and outdoors furniture. Specific gravity, total contraction, coefficient of retractability, contraction anisotropy, and static flexion (static bending) were studied by IRAM normalisation protocols number 9544, 9543 and DIN protocol number 52186. The mean values of the apparent specific gravity of grevillea, paraiso and toona., were 0,530 g/cm³, 0,600 g/cm³, 0,422 g/cm³, in that order and 0,270 g/cm³for Kiri. Total contraction in the tangential direction in the lumber of paraiso, toona, kiri and grevillea storned value of 6,82 %; 7,85 %; 5,69 % and 4,51 % respectiveley. In the radial direction the values were 5,44 %; 4,11 %; 3,5 % y 1,57 % respectiveley Evaluation of mechanical properties: paraiso (modulus of rupture: 852,59 kg/cm²; modulus of elasticity: 72505 kg/cm²); Kiri (modulus of rupture: 256,85 kg/cm²; modulus of elasticity: 25.261,52 kg/cm²); grevillea (modulus of rupture: 521,55 kg/cm²; modulus of elasticity: 45693 kg/cm²); toona (modulus of rupture: 468 kg/cm²; modulus of elasticity: 65118 kg/cm²); paraiso presented the highest values in the modulus of rupture and the modulus of elasticity, while kiri. presented the lowest values as it is expected. The percentage of timber obtained from the wood was 50% for kiri, 48% for grevillea, 50% for toona and 55% for paraiso.Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo determinar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas, así como el comportamiento en distintos procesos industriales, de maderas de las especies: paraíso (Melia azederach), kiri (Paulonia tomentosa), toona (Toona ciliata) y grevillea (Grevillea robusta), cultivadas en la Provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Las propiedades estudiadas fueron peso específico, contracción total, coeficiente de retractabilidad, anisotropía de contracción y flexión estática, bajo las Normas IRAM N° 9544, 9543 y DIN N° 52186. Grevillea, paraíso, toona y kiri presentaron valores medios de pesos específicos aparente de 0,530 g/cm³; 0,600 g/cm³; 0,422 g/cm³ y 0,270 g/cm³ respectivamente. La contracción total en la dirección tangencial de las maderas de paraíso, toona, grevillea y kiri presentaron los valores de 6,82 %; 7,85 %; 5,69 % y 4,51 % respectivamente; en la dirección radial de las mismas maderas presentaron los valores de 5,44 %; 4,11 %; 3,5 % y 1,57 % respectivamente. La madera de paraíso fue la que presentó valores superiores de módulos de rotura y elasticidad 852,89 kg/cm² y 72505 kg/cm², respectivamente. La grevillea presentó valores menores con respecto al paraíso tanto en el módulo de rotura como en el módulo de elasticidad, 521,55 kg/cm² y 45693 kg/cm² respectivamente. La madera de toona presentó un valor medio del módulo de rotura y elasticidad de 468 kg/cm² y 65118 kg/cm², respectivamente. La madera de kiri, como es de esperar, arrojó valores de los módulos de rotura de 256,85 kg/cm² y elasticidad a la flexión estática 25261,52 kg/cm², menores que las especies ya citadas. El rendimiento en el proceso de aserrado de las maderas fue: kiri, 50%; grevillea, 48%; toona, 50% y paraíso, 55%

    FISHing for ciliates: Catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization for the detection of planktonic freshwater ciliates

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    Planktonic ciliate species form multiple trophic guilds and are central components of freshwater food webs. Progress in molecular analytical tools has opened new insight into ciliate assemblages. However, high and variable 18S rDNA copy numbers, typical for ciliates, make reliable quantification by amplicon sequencing extremely difficult. For an exact determination of abundances, the classical morphology-based quantitative protargol staining is still the method of choice. Morphotype analyses, however, are time consuming and need specific taxonomic expertise. Catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) may represent a promising tool for the analysis of planktonic ciliates by combining molecular identification with microscopic quantification. We tested the applicability of CARD-FISH using nine cultured ciliate species. Eight species- and three genus-specific oligonucleotide probes were designed based on their 18S rRNA genes. The CARD-FISH protocol was adapted and the specificity of probes was established. We subsequently examined the precision of quantitation by CARD-FISH on single cultures and mock assemblages. Successful tests on lake water samples proved that planktonic ciliates could be identified and quantified in field samples by CARD-FISH. Double hybridizations allowed studying interspecific predator prey interactions between two ciliate species. In summary, we demonstrate that CARD-FISH with species-specific probes can facilitate studies on the population dynamics of closely related, small sized or cryptic species at high sampling frequencies

    Variabilidad de rindes de trigo y fertilización nitrogenada

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    p.115-122En la primera parte del trabajo se presenta un modelo teórico de respuesta del cultivo de trigo a una serie de factores de producción. El objetivo del mismo es permitir la estimación del valor esperado de rinde, E (Y), y la varianza de rinde, V (Y), para cualquier nivel de uso de insumo. En la segunda parte se usa el modelo anterior para analizar el proceso de respuesta del cultivo de trigo al uso de fertilizante nitrogenado. Se utilizan datos experimentales correspondientes a la zona triguera II. Una función polinomial es ajustada a datos de ensayos llevados a cabo en la zona II Norte y en la zona II Sur. Una prueba estadística para detectar la presencia de heterocedasticidad (el Test de Park) permite estimar la influencia del nivel de fertilización nitrogenada sobre la variabilidad de rindes. Se concluye que (1) las dosis óptimas son considerablemente (30-50 por ciento) mayores en la zona II surque en la II Norte, (2) las diferencias (entre zonas) de dosis óptima son mayores cuanto menores son las relaciones de precio fertilizante-trigo y (3) la utilización de fertilizante nitrogenado no parece aumentad el riesgo económico de producción