15 research outputs found

    Preventive and Regenerative Effect of Glutamine and Probiotics on Gastric Mucosa in an Experimental Model of Alcohol-Induced Injury in Male Holtzman Rats

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to measure the preventive and regenerativeeffect of glutamine and probiotics induced by alcohol injury in Holtzman rats. Methods: Analytical,experimental and prospective study. The population consisted of 56 male rats between 300 and350 g, distributed in three experimental phases: Pre-pilot phase PPP (6 rats), Pilot phase PP (10 rats),and Experimental phase EP (40 rats). In the pilot phase, 10 rats were subjected to damage with8.5% ethanol, which was given intragastrically. The dosage was calculated for 10 rats in two groups:the first with 7.5 mL/kg in 5 rats and the second with 8.5 mL/kg in 5 rats. The experimentalphase was performed in 40 rats divided into 6 groups, the negative control group (healthy), positivecontrol group (injured), preventive experimental group (glutamine and glutamine with probiotic)and regenerative experimental group (glutamine and glutamine with probiotic). At the end of eachphase, the rats were sacrificed with sodium pentobarbital (Halathal) and a portion of their stomachswas stored in formol. Results: The evaluation of stomach tissue samples (desquamation, erythema,hyperemia) showed that in the preventive phase, glutamine shows effectiveness in comparison toglutamine with probiotic. In the regenerative phase, glutamine and glutamine with probiotic didnot show significant differences. Conclusions: Glutamine and probiotics can potentially serve as atherapy for the treatment for gastriti

    Estudio histoquímico e inmunotipificación de poblaciones leucocitarias del timo de alpacas (Vicugna pacos) menores a 60 días de edad

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    The objective of the study was to identify leukocyte populations in the postnatal thymus of alpacas under 60 days of age. Euthanasia was performed on six Huacaya alpacas in Huanta province, Ayacucho, Peru. Thymus samples were obtained, embedded in OCT and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70 ºC until processing. Frozen sections were prepared and mounted with organosilane. Immunohistochemistry was performed with mouse primary antibody and rabbit secondary antibodies. The reaction was evidenced using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex and was counter-stained with hematoxylin. Specific monoclonal antibodies were used for the identification of leukocytic subpopulations of the thymus. Five visual fields were randomly evaluated at 400X. The distribution and density of the staining was classified as negative (-), inconstant (±), slight (+), moderate (++) and strong (+++). The results show that the largest population of leukocyte cells was located in the cortex of the thymus and corresponded to immature cells that do not express surface markers; likewise, the highest population of immunomarked cells, in maturation, were located in the medulla of the thymus, predominantly the TCR-αβ lymphocytes, with low values ​​of γδ TCR lymphocytes, CD8 lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages, with inconstant lymphocyte values CD4. In the cortex of the thymus there were low values ​​of αβ TCR lymphocytes and CD8 lymphocytes, and inconstant values ​​of monocytes/macrophages, without evidence of γδ TCR lymphocytes, CD4 lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.El objetivo del estudio fue identificar las poblaciones leucocitarias en el timo posnatal de alpacas menores de 60 días de edad. Se realizó la eutanasia a seis alpacas Huacaya en la provincia de Huanta, Ayacucho, Perú. Se obtuvieron muestras de timo que fueron embebidas en OTC y congeladas inmediatamente en nitrógeno líquido y conservadas a -70 ºC hasta su procesamiento. Se prepararon secciones congeladas y se fijaron a la lámina con el adhesivo organosilano. Se realizó la inmunohistoquímica con anticuerpo primario de ratón y secundarios de conejo. La reacción se evidenció empleando el complejo avidina-biotina-peroxidasa y se contra-coloreó con Hematoxilina. Se emplearon anticuerpos monoclonales específicos para la identificación de las subpoblaciones leucocíticas del timo; se evaluaron cinco campos visuales de forma aleatoria a un aumento de 400X. La distribución y densidad de la tinción se clasificó como negativa (-), inconstante (±), ligera (+), moderada (++) y fuerte (+++). Los resultados muestran que la mayor población de células leucocitarias se ubicó en la corteza del timo y correspondieron a células inmaduras que no expresan marcadores de superficie; así mismo, la mayor población de células inmunomarcadas, en maduración, se ubicaron en la médula del timo, predominando los linfocitos TCR αβ, con valores bajos de linfocitos TCR γδ, linfocitos CD8, linfocitos B y monocitos/macrófagos, con valores inconstantes de linfocitos CD4. En la corteza del timo se observaron valores bajos de linfocitos TCR αβ y linfocitos CD8, y valores inconstantes de monocitos/macrófagos, sin evidencias de linfocitos TCR γδ, linfocitos CD4 y linfocitos B


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    Fine-needle aspiration biopsy guided with trans-abdominal ultrasound is a safe and minimally invasive technique that is used to confirm the diagnosis of prostatic neoplasia. A variation of this technique is a fine-needle biopsy without aspiration in which negative pressure is not exerted when obtaining the material. Four cases with clinical and ultrasound alterations compatible with prostatic neoplasia were evaluated with ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsy without aspiration as a diagnostic tool. The procedure was done with conventional ultrasound guidance. When the area of interest was found, an ultrasoundguided sample collection was performed using a 21G x 1½” needle. The sample was expelled through the needle with a syringe onto a glass slide and stained using Tinción 15®. Sample interpretation was based on the identification of tumor cells and general criteria of malignancy. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsy without aspiration as a diagnostic tool allowed obtaining sufficient quantity of biological material with minimal blood contamination and formation of artifacts, and appropriate conservation of cellular morphology to perform suitable interpretation and cytological diagnosis of prostatic neoplasia.La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina ecoguiada transabdominal es una técnica segura y mínimamente invasiva utilizada para confirmar el diagnóstico de neoplasia prostática. Una variación de esta técnica es la biopsia sin aspiración con aguja fina (BSAAF) donde no se ejerce presión negativa para obtener el material. Cuatro casos con alteraciones clínicas y ultrasonográficas compatibles con neoplasia prostática fueron evaluados con la técnica BSAAF ecoguiada. El procedimiento fue realizado con la guía de un ultrasonógrafo convencional. En las áreas de interés para la colección de la muestra ecoguiada se hizo una punción con aguja 21G x 1½”. Las muestras fueron expelidas de la aguja con una jeringa sobre una lámina de vidrio y teñidas con Tinción 15®. La interpretación de las muestras estuvo basada en los criterios de identificación de células neoplásicas. La técnica BSAAF ecoguiada permitió obtener suficiente cantidad de material biológico con una mínima contaminación de sangre, mínima formación de artefactos, y una apropiada conservación de la morfología celular para realizar una adecuada interpretación y diagnóstico citológico de neoplasias prostáticas

    Estudios en neurociencias: aportes para la investigación en cultivo de células madre mesenquimales

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    Tissue repair is one of the great current challenges in regenerative medicine and the mesenchymal stem cells MSCs are the answer to this need because of the multipotential, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory and paracrine effects. In the present work, we describe the technique of enzymatic isolation and in vitro culture of MSCs from a real sample of adipose tissue. This will respond to the need for a set of tools necessary in the clinical practice of therapy by stem cells, autotransplant and surgical in different medical specialties and in the field of research as a potential tool for studies of toxicity and in vitro medium lethal dose . It points out the importance that the topic can have for psychology, psychiatry and neurology.La reparación de tejidos es uno de los grandes retos actuales en medicina regenerativa y las células madres mesenquimales MSC, son la respuesta a esta necesidad por las características multipotencial, inmunosupresoras, antiinflamatorias y efecto paracrino. En el presente trabajo, describimos la técnica de aislamiento enzimático y cultivo in vitro de MSC a partir de una muestra real de tejido adiposo. Ello responderá a la necesidad de un conjunto de herramientas necesarias en la práctica clínica de terapia por células madre, autotransplante y quirúrgicas en las diferentes especialidades médicas y en el campo de la investigación, como potencial herramienta para estudios de toxicidad y dosis letal media in vitro. Se señala la importancia que el tema puede tener para la psicología, la psiquiatría y la neurología

    Estudios en neurociencias: aportes para la investigación en cultivo de células madre mesenquimales

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    Tissue repair is one of the great current challenges in regenerative medicine and the mesenchymal stem cells MSCs are the answer to this need because of the multipotential, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory and paracrine effects. In the present work, we describe the technique of enzymatic isolation and in vitro culture of MSCs from a real sample of adipose tissue. This will respond to the need for a set of tools necessary in the clinical practice of therapy by stem cells, autotransplant and surgical in different medical specialties and in the field of research as a potential tool for studies of toxicity and in vitro medium lethal dose . It points out the importance that the topic can have for psychology, psychiatry and neurology.La reparación de tejidos es uno de los grandes retos actuales en medicina regenerativa y las células madres mesenquimales MSC, son la respuesta a esta necesidad por las características multipotencial, inmunosupresoras, antiinflamatorias y efecto paracrino. En el presente trabajo, describimos la técnica de aislamiento enzimático y cultivo in vitro de MSC a partir de una muestra real de tejido adiposo. Ello responderá a la necesidad de un conjunto de herramientas necesarias en la práctica clínica de terapia por células madre, autotransplante y quirúrgicas en las diferentes especialidades médicas y en el campo de la investigación, como potencial herramienta para estudios de toxicidad y dosis letal media in vitro. Se señala la importancia que el tema puede tener para la psicología, la psiquiatría y la neurología

    Estudios en neurociencias: aportes para la investigación en cultivo de células madre mesenquimales

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    La reparación de tejidos es uno de los grandes retos actuales en medicina regenerativa y las células madres mesenquimales MSC, son la respuesta a esta necesidad por las características multipotencial, inmunosupresoras, antiinflamatorias y efecto paracrino. En el presente trabajo, describimos la técnica de aislamiento enzimático y cultivo in vitro de MSC a partir de una muestra real de tejido adiposo. Ello responderá a la necesidad de un conjunto de herramientas necesarias en la práctica clínica de terapia por células madre, autotransplante y quirúrgicas en las diferentes especialidades médicas y en el campo de la investigación, como potencial herramienta para estudios de toxicidad y dosis letal media in vitro. Se señala la importancia que el tema puede tener para la psicología, la psiquiatría y la neurología

    Preventive and Regenerative Effect of Glutamine and Probiotics on Gastric Mucosa in an Experimental Model of Alcohol-Induced Injury in Male Holtzman Rats

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to measure the preventive and regenerative effect of glutamine and probiotics induced by alcohol injury in Holtzman rats. Methods: Analytical, experimental and prospective study. The population consisted of 56 male rats between 300 and 350 g, distributed in three experimental phases: Pre-pilot phase PPP (6 rats), Pilot phase PP (10 rats), and Experimental phase EP (40 rats). In the pilot phase, 10 rats were subjected to damage with 8.5% ethanol, which was given intragastrically. The dosage was calculated for 10 rats in two groups: the first with 7.5 mL/kg in 5 rats and the second with 8.5 mL/kg in 5 rats. The experimental phase was performed in 40 rats divided into 6 groups, the negative control group (healthy), positive control group (injured), preventive experimental group (glutamine and glutamine with probiotic) and regenerative experimental group (glutamine and glutamine with probiotic). At the end of each phase, the rats were sacrificed with sodium pentobarbital (Halathal) and a portion of their stomachs was stored in formol. Results: The evaluation of stomach tissue samples (desquamation, erythema, hyperemia) showed that in the preventive phase, glutamine shows effectiveness in comparison to glutamine with probiotic. In the regenerative phase, glutamine and glutamine with probiotic did not show significant differences. Conclusions: Glutamine and probiotics can potentially serve as a therapy for the treatment for gastritis