464 research outputs found

    Fine and gross motor ability in males with ADHD

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    In this study, both fine and gross motor ability of males with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were compared with a group of control children. Three groups of males with the following ADHD subtypes: predominantly inattentive (ADHD-PI; n=50), hyperactive/impulsive (ADHD-HI; n=16), or combined (ADHD-C; n=38) were compared with 39 control males. Mean ages for the control group were 10 years 4 months (SD 1 year 4 months, range 7 years 8 months to 12 years 11 months); for the ADHD-PI group, 10 years (SD 1 year 2 months, range 7 years 10 months to 13 years); for the ADHD-HI group, 9 years 11 months (SD 1 year 2 months), range 7 years 11 months to 12 years 6 months); and for the ADHD-C group 10 years 2 months (SD1 year 4 months, range 8 to 13 years). The Australian Disruptive Behaviours Scale and Connor's Parent Rating Scale-Revised were used to assess ADHD symptomatology. Verbal IQ was estimated using two verbal subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (MABC) and the Purdue Pegboard test. Findings demonstrated that the children with ADHD had significantly poorer movement ability than control children. A high percentage of these children displayed movement difficulties consistent with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). In addition, the current study found that the type and degree of movement difficulty differed between subtypes. The Total Impairment score, as derived from the MABC, was less severe for the ADHD-HI group than the two ADHD groups, but more severe than for the control group. Males with ADHD-PI and ADHD-C had significantly poorer fine motor ability (p<0.001) than control males, whereas the ADHD-HI group did not differ significantly on fine motor ability but were significantly better than children categorized with both ADHD and DCD, it was argued that poorer fine motor ability found in children with ADHD could not be attributed to deficits in attention and concentration, but rather to factors relating to their motor ability

    Normal Acquisition of Expertise with Greebles in Two Cases of Acquired Prosopagnosia

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    Face recognition is generally thought to rely on different neurocognitive mechanisms than most types of objects, but the specificity of these mechanisms is debated. One account suggests the mechanisms are specific to upright faces, whereas the expertise view proposes the mechanisms operate on objects of high within-class similarity with which an observer has become proficient at rapid individuation. Much of the evidence cited in support of the expertise view comes from laboratory-based training experiments involving computer-generated objects called greebles that are designed to place face-like demands on recognition mechanisms. A fundamental prediction of the expertise hypothesis is that recognition deficits with faces will be accompanied by deficits with objects of expertise. Here we present two cases of acquired prosopagnosia, Herschel and Florence, who violate this prediction: Both show normal performance in a standard greeble training procedure, along with severe deficits on a matched face training procedure. Herschel and Florence also meet several response time criteria that advocates of the expertise view suggest signal successful acquisition of greeble expertise. Furthermore, Herschel’s results show that greeble learning can occur without normal functioning of the right fusiform face area, an area proposed to mediate greeble expertise. The marked dissociation between face and greeble expertise undermines greeble-based claims challenging face-specificity and indicates face recognition mechanisms are not necessary for object recognition after laboratory-based training

    Visual neuroscience : A brain area tuned for processing social interactions

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    Socialising with others is part of everyday life. A new study demonstrates that a brain area specialised for visual body perception is attuned to processing social interactions between two people. Intriguingly, this area is lateralised in the left hemisphere

    Individual differences in internal models explain idiosyncrasies in scene perception

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    According to predictive processing theories, vision is facilitated by predictions derived from our internal models of what the world should look like. However, the contents of these models and how they vary across people remains unclear. Here, we use drawing as a behavioral readout of the contents of the internal models in individual participants. Participants were first asked to draw typical versions of scene categories, as descriptors of their internal models. These drawings were converted into standardized 3d renders, which we used as stimuli in subsequent scene categorization experiments. Across two experiments, participants' scene categorization was more accurate for renders tailored to their own drawings compared to renders based on others' drawings or copies of scene photographs, suggesting that scene perception is determined by a match with idiosyncratic internal models. Using a deep neural network to computationally evaluate similarities between scene renders, we further demonstrate that graded similarity to the render based on participants' own typical drawings (and thus to their internal model) predicts categorization performance across a range of candidate scenes. Together, our results showcase the potential of a new method for understanding individual differences – starting from participants' personal expectations about the structure of real-world scenes

    The Human Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus Samples Visual Space Differently From Other Face-Selective Regions

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    Neuroimaging studies show that ventral face-selective regions, including the fusiform face area (FFA) and occipital face area (OFA), preferentially respond to faces presented in the contralateral visual field (VF). In the current study we measured the VF response of the face-selective posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS). Across 3 functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments, participants viewed face videos presented in different parts of the VF. Consistent with prior results, we observed a contralateral VF bias in bilateral FFA, right OFA (rOFA), and bilateral human motion-selective area MT+. Intriguingly, this contralateral VF bias was absent in the bilateral pSTS. We then delivered transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over right pSTS (rpSTS) and rOFA, while participants matched facial expressions in both hemifields. TMS delivered over the rpSTS disrupted performance in both hemifields, but TMS delivered over the rOFA disrupted performance in the contralateral hemifield only. These converging results demonstrate that the contralateral bias for faces observed in ventral face-selective areas is absent in the pSTS. This difference in VF response is consistent with face processing models proposing 2 functionally distinct pathways. It further suggests that these models should account for differences in interhemispheric connections between the face-selective areas across these 2 pathways

    Provoked overt recognition in acquired prosopagnosia using multiple different images of famous faces

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    Provoked overt recognition refers to the fact that patients with acquired prosopagnosia can sometimes recognize faces when presented in arrays of individuals from the same category (e.g., actors or politicians). We ask whether a prosopagnosic patient might experience recognition when presented with multiple different images of the same face simultaneously. Over two sessions, patient Herschel, a 66-year-old British man with acquired prosopagnosia, viewed face images individually or in arrays. On several occasions he failed to recognize single photos of an individual but successfully identified that person when the same photos were presented together. For example, Herschel failed to recognize any individual images of King Charles or Paul McCartney but recognised both in arrays of the same photos. Like reports based on category membership, overt recognition was transient and inconsistent. These findings are discussed in terms of models of covert recognition, alongside more recent research on within-person variability for face perception

    A functional dissociation of face-, body- and scene-selective brain areas based on their response to moving and static stimuli

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    the human brain contains areas that respond selectively to faces, bodies and scenes. Neuroimaging studies have shown that a subset of these areas preferentially respond more to moving than static stimuli, but the reasons for this functional dissociation remain unclear. In the present study, we simultaneously mapped the responses to motion in face-, body- and scene-selective areas in the right hemisphere using moving and static stimuli. participants (N = 22) were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while viewing videos containing bodies, faces, objects, scenes or scrambled objects, and static pictures from the beginning, middle and end of each video. Results demonstrated that lateral areas, including face-selective areas in the posterior and anterior superior temporal sulcus (STS), the extrastriate body area (EBA) and the occipital place area (OPA) responded more to moving than static stimuli. By contrast, there was no difference between the response to moving and static stimuli in ventral and medial category-selective areas, including the fusiform face area (FFA), occipital face area (OFA), amygdala, fusiform body area (FBA), retrosplenial complex (RSC) and parahippocampal place area (PPA). This functional dissociation between lateral and ventral/medial brain areas that respond selectively to different visual categories suggests that face-, body- and scene- selective networks may be functionally organized along a common dimension

    The effect of Staphylococcus aureus carriage in late pregnancy on antibody levels to staphylococcal toxins in cord blood and breast milk.

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    We investigated the effect of carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in the later stages of pregnancy on levels of antibody specific to the S. aureus toxins, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), staphylococcal enterotoxin C (SEC) and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), in cord blood and breast milk and also explored the relationship between levels of antibody in antenatal serum and cord blood. Nasopharyngeal swabs and stool samples were collected on two occasions, from 96 women, during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Samples were cultured and S. aureus isolates were identified. Antenatal and cord blood samples from the same women and their infants were analysed for IgG antibody to SEB, SEC and TSST-1 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Breast milk samples were analysed for IgA antibody to the same toxins. We found that S. aureus carriage in pregnancy is common and exposure to a toxin-producing isolate boosts immunity. Over 89% of women and infants have some protective antibody to the toxins, and antitoxin IgG levels are higher in cord blood samples compared with antenatal samples. Levels of cord blood IgG and breast milk IgA specific for the staphylococcal toxins vary. Some infants lack protection and could be at risk of toxin-induced disease