19 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan skill up training karyawan pada PT Bukit Asam Kreatif Tanjung Enim. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan kondisi yang terjadi sesungguhnya, serta mengklarifikasikan data dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang tersusun rapi dan jelas. Proses pelaksanaan skill up training yang dilakukan yaitu mengidentifikasi karyawan, assesment, post-test, pre-test dan praktek. PT Bukit Asam Kreatif Tanjung Enim menerapkan dua metode pelaksanaan skill up training yaitu classroom (pembelajaran) dan on the job training. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan sudah menerapkan skill up trainningdengan baik. Hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan skill up training ini adalahmasih kurang tersedianya fasilitas skill up trainningseperti alat simulator unit belaz dan unit PC 3000-6E dan latar belakang karyawan yang berbeda mulai dari pendidikan, pengalaman kerja dan usianya. Sehingga berdasarkan penelitian tersebut saran yang diberikan yaitu sebaiknya PT Bukit Asam Kreatif Tanjung Enim menyediakan alat simulator untuk pelaksanaan skill up training dan melakukan post test setiap satu minggu sekali dalam proses pelaksanaan skill up training untuk mengetahui apakah karyawan telah mengetahui materi yang diberikan oleh pelatih

    The Utilization of Ozone As an Alternatif Chlorine Substitution to Increase Quality of Arenga Starch (Arenga pinnata)

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    This study was aimed to determine the optimum conditions of flour bleaching with ozonation techniques and compare the effect of chlorination results. The process of bleaching flour with ozonation process is carried out in batch system. The research procedure is to vary the time 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 minutes. Variation in pH 4, 6, native pH of flour, 8, 10 and 1: 3 (b / v) concentration of flour against water. Ozone concentration 0.325 g ozone / hour. The effect of the addition of chlorine is soaked for 180 minutes with the concentration of chlorine to the flour of 0.325% (w / w) and theconcentrationofflour towaterthatis1: 3.The resultsobtainedwerecarriedout by means of data sampling on purpose and were carried out by white degree analysis, organoleptic test, chlorine content test and protein content test. The results of the research that has been done, that the optimum conditions for the bleaching process of flour using ozone are pH 4 with 180 minutes obtained the value of Brightness L* = 93.32, b* = 5.10. Organoleptic results give results that respondents prefer the results of the ozonation process with the classification of odor, color and texture in a row is 9; 8.5;8.6.Theresultsofapositive,andquantitativequalitativechlorinecontenttestwith an Argentometric Mohr titration produced 0.01% (w / w) per 10 g of palm sugar.     Keywords: Chlorination, Ozonation, Bleaching, pH, Palm Flour


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together terhadap pemahaman konsep pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi siswa kelas X IIS di SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian  eksperimen, Bentuk penelitian ini yaitu bentuk Quasi Experimental dengan rancangan percobaan post-test only control design. Subyek penelitian yaitu kelas X IIS4 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X IIS1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil Penelitian Menunjukan bahwa Siswa di kelas eksperimen memperoleh nilai tertinggi yaitu 95 dan nilai terendah 60, rata-rata nilai 79,24 dengan standar devisiasi 8,24 dan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 73,53%. Sedangkan kelas kontrol persentase ketuntasan hanya 23,33%, nilai tertinggi yaitu 82 dan nilai terendah 40, rata-rata nilai adalah 62,97dengan standar devisiasi 10,64. Adapun besar efffect sizenya sebesar 1,53 dengan kategori tinggi. Data tersebut menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together efektif terhadap pemahaman konsep pada mata pelajaran ekonomi siswa kelas XIIS di SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak.   Kata kunci : Efektivitas, Numbered Heads Together, Pemahaman konsep Abstract: This research arms to determine the effectiveness of learning Numbered Heads Together to wards the understanding of conceptsin subjects Economy class X IIS SMAN 7 Pontianak in West Kalimantan Province. The method used is the method of experimental research, this research that forms Quasi Experimental design with experimental post-test only design. Research subjectis class X IIS4 as experimental class and X IIS1 as the control class. Research Shows that students in the experimental class to obtain the highest score is 95 and the lowest value of 60, the average value of 79.24 with a standard deviation of 8.24 and apercentage of 73.53% completeness. While thepercentage of completeness control class only 23.33%, the highnest score is 82 and the lowest value of 40, the averagest and arddeviation value is 62,97, with a standard deviation 10.64. The large efffect size of 1.53 to a high category.Such dataindicates the effective learning Numbered Heads Together to wards the understanding of the concepton economic subjects X IIS graders at SMAN 7 Pontianak. Keywords: Effectiveness, Numbered Heads Together, Understanding Concept

    Studi Karakteristik Komposisi Produk Katalitik Pirolisis TKKS dengan katalis Al White

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    Bio-oil can be produced from biomass which has the potential to become an environmentally friendly renewable energy source. Most of the biomass is found as organic waste or used as mulch. Therefore, this renewable energy source needs to be developed so that its utilization can be maximized as a promising energy source with a catalytic pyrolysis process. The raw material used in this research is empty palm fruit bunches (EFB). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of catalytic pyrolysis temperature on pyrolysis products in the form of char, bio-oil and gas. The experiment was carried out at various temperatures of 300°C, 350°C and 400°C using Al white catalyst. The ratio of Al white catalyst with EFB is 1:2 mixed with the catalyst in the pyrolysis reactor. The desired temperature for the pyrolysis process can be set on the reactor temperature controller. The results showed that the optimum bio-oil production rate of 55.81% was obtained from samples at 350 °C. Bio-oil in this study was divided into BO (bio-oil in the oil phase) and BA (bio-oil in the liquid phase). In this study the bio-oil obtained at process temperatures of 300°C, 350°C and 400°C were 45.28%, 55.81% and 47.40%, with a heating rate of 5.93°C/minute , 6.11 °C/minute, and 6.68 °C/minute and the density of bio-oil ranges from 1.114–1.264 g/ml. BO products are thicker than BA products. BO viscosity is higher at high pyrolysis temperature as well. The most char products at 300oC and the most gas products at 400oC. The higher the pyrolysis temperature, the more gas will be produced. By improving the pyrolysis process, promising bio-oil can be produced with temperature, catalyst treatment, and heating rate playing an important role in i

    The location of trait emotional intelligence in personality factor space

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    The construct of trait emotional intelligence (trait EI or trait emotional self-efficacy) provides a comprehensive operationalization of emotion-related self-perceptions and dispositions. In the first part of the present study (N=274, 92 males), we performed two joint factor analyses to determine the location of trait EI in Eysenckian and Big Five factor space. The results showed that trait EI is a compound personality construct located at the lower levels of the two taxonomies. In the second part of the study, we performed six two-step hierarchical regressions to investigate the incremental validity of trait EI in predicting, over and above the Giant Three and Big Five personality dimensions, six distinct criteria (life satisfaction, rumination, two adaptive and two maladaptive coping styles). Trait EI incrementally predicted four criteria over the Giant Three and five criteria over the Big Five. The discussion addresses common questions about the operationalization of emotional intelligence as a personality trait

    The location of trait emotional intelligence in personality factor space

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    The construct of trait emotional intelligence (trait El or trait emotional self-efficacy) provides a comprehensive operationalization of emotion-related self-perceptions and dispositions. In the first part of the present study (N = 274, 92 males), we performed two joint factor analyses to determine the location of trait El in Eysenckian and Big Five factor space. The results showed that trait El is a compound personality construct located at the lower levels of the two taxonomies. In the second part of the study, we performed six two-step hierarchical regressions to investigate the incremental validity of trait El in predicting, over and above the Giant Three and Big Five personality dimensions, six distinct criteria (life satisfaction, rumination, two adaptive and two maladaptive coping styles). Trait El incrementally predicted four criteria over the Giant Three and five criteria over the Big Five. The discussion addresses common questions about the operationalization of emotional intelligence as a personality trait

    Processing lexical semantics and phonology in epilepsy

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    The neuroanatomical underpinnings of processing lexical semantics and phonology have been investigated in several clinical and imaging studies. However, the effects of epileptic seizures on these processes remain unclear. Addressing this issue, we administered the ‘Ambiguous Word Test’ (Roikou et al., 2003) to 35 epileptic patients (20 diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy, 14 left-sided, 6 right-sided, and 15 diagnosed with idiopathic generalized epilepsy) and 39 healthy controls. The test assessed their ability to select the appropriate word to fill out sentences against alternative words that were phonologically or semantically similar to the correct option. Patients overall produced significantly more errors as compared to controls across conditions. Characteristically, though, patients with temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrated significantly more phonological mistakes than both patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy and controls. In particular, phonological processing of verbs was heavily impaired in temporal lobe epileptics, while it was preserved in idiopathic generalized epileptics. Moreover, epileptic patients in toto showed significantly more semantic mistakes than controls. Both left- and right-sided temporal lobe epileptics showed phonological impairments, whereas only left-sided temporal lobe epileptics made more semantic mistakes than controls. These findings are discussed in the light of relevant neurolinguistic theories and experimental studies, addressing issues on epilepsy and language that require further investigation


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    Jerami padi adalah limbah dari pasca panen tanaman padi dimana jerami padi dapat ditingkatkan nilai gunanya menjadi energi terbarukan dengan pirolisis. Pirolisis adalah proses dekomposisi ikatan karbon pada biomassa yang panjang menjadi lebih pendek dengan menggunakan energi panas suhu 300oC-600oC tanpa adanya oksigen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek suhu pirolisis terhadap produk pirolisis(bio-oil, char, dan gas), kondisi optimum untuk menghasilkan bio-oil, dan kandungan senyawa kimia yang terdapat pada bio-oil. Pirolisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini pada temperatur 250, 300, 350, dan 400oC. Produk utama dari pirolisis adalah produk cair yang disebut dengan bio-oil. Gugus asam karboksilat menunjukkan intensitas gelombang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan gelombang yang lainnya pada Analisa FTIR Jerami padi. Bio-oil terbanyak didapatkan pada suhu 300oC dan pada suhu 250oC didapatkan nilai pH terendah serta memiliki densitas tertinggi. Semakin tinggi suhu pirolisis maka produk gasnya semakin tinggi dan produk char semakin menurun. Berdasarkan Analisa GC-MS produk asam asetat memiliki % (persen) area tertinggi yaitu sekitar 49,45%.  Sehingga suhu optimum memproduksi bio-oil pada pirolisis jerami padi pada suhu 300oC dan untuk memproduksi char suhu optimum pada 250o