64 research outputs found

    prox1b Activity Is Essential in Zebrafish Lymphangiogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: The lymphatic vascular system, draining interstitial fluids from most tissues and organs, exerts crucial functions in several physiological and pathological processes. Lymphatic system development depends on Prox1, the first marker to be expressed in the endothelial cells of the cardinal vein from where lymph vessels originate. Prox1 ortholog in the optically clear, easily manipulated zebrafish model has been previously isolated and its contribution to lymphangiogenesis has been clarified. Because of a round of genome duplication occurred at the base of teleosts radiation, several zebrafish genes have been retained in duplicate through evolution. We investigated for the presence of additional prox1 genes and determined their role in zebrafish lymphangiogenesis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We isolated a second ortholog, named prox1b, and analyzed its expression during development by whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH). We detected strong prox1b expression in the endothelium of the posterior cardinal vein (PCV) from where lymphatic precursors originate. To analyze prox1b involvement in lymphangiogenesis we utilized the fli1:GFP transgenics and followed the formation of the toracic duct (TD), the primary lymph vessel in fish, after prox1b knockdown. Our findings clearly demonstrated that the absence of prox1b activity severely hampers the formation of the TD. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This work provides substantial progress toward the understanding of zebrafish lymphangiogenesis. In light of the features shared by the lymphatic systems of zebrafish and higher vertebrates, the establishment of such lymphatic model will provide a powerful tool to study, for instance, disorders of body fluid homeostasis, inflammation and cancer metastasis, and may ultimately contribute to novel therapies

    Crucial role of zebrafish prox1 in hypothalamic catecholaminergic neurons development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Prox1</it>, the vertebrate homolog of <it>prospero </it>in <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>, is a divergent homeogene that regulates cell proliferation, fate determination and differentiation during vertebrate embryonic development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report that, in zebrafish, <it>prox1 </it>is widely expressed in several districts of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Specifically, we evidenced <it>prox1 </it>expression in a group of neurons, already positive for <it>otp1</it>, located in the hypothalamus at the level of the posterior tuberculum (PT). Prox1 knock-down determines the severe loss of hypothalamic catecholaminergic (CA) neurons, identified by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression, and the synergistic <it>prox1/otp1 </it>overexpression induces the appearance of hypothalamic supernumerary TH-positive neurons and ectopic TH-positive cells on the yolk epitelium.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings indicate that <it>prox1 </it>activity is crucial for the proper development of the <it>otp1</it>-positive hypothalamic neuronal precursors to their terminal CA phenotype.</p

    Enigmatic Ladies of the Rings: How Cohesin Dysfunction Affects Myeloid Neoplasms Insurgence

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    The genes of the cohesin complex exert different functions, ranging from the adhesion of sister chromatids during the cell cycle, DNA repair, gene expression and chromatin architecture remodeling. In recent years, the improvement of DNA sequencing technologies allows the identification of cohesin mutations in different tumors such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL), and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). However, the role of cohesin dysfunction in cancer insurgence remains elusive. In this regard, cells harboring cohesin mutations do not show any increase in aneuploidy that might explain their oncogenic activity, nor cohesin mutations are sufficient to induce myeloid neoplasms as they have to co-occur with other causative mutations such as NPM1, FLT3-ITD, and DNMT3A. Several works, also using animal models for cohesin haploinsufficiency, correlate cohesin activity with dysregulated expression of genes involved in myeloid development and differentiation. These evidences support the involvement of cohesin mutations in myeloid neoplasms

    Differential regulation of the zebrafish orthopedia1 gene during fate determination of diencephalic neurons

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    BACKGROUND: The homeodomain transcription factor Orthopedia (Otp) is essential in restricting the fate of multiple classes of secreting neurons in the neuroendocrine hypothalamus of vertebrates. However, there is little information on the intercellular factors that regulate Otp expression during development. RESULTS: Here, we identified two otp orthologues in zebrafish (otp1 and otp2) and explored otp1 in the context of the morphogenetic pathways that specify neuroectodermal regions. During forebrain development, otp1 is expressed in anterior groups of diencephalic cells, positioned in the preoptic area (PO) (anterior alar plate) and the posterior tuberculum (PT) (posterior basal plate). The latter structure is characterized by Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells, suggesting a role for otp1 in the lineage restriction of catecholaminergic (CA) neurons. Disruptions of Hedgehog (HH) and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) pathways point to the ability of SHH protein to trigger otp1 expression in PO presumptive neuroblasts, with the attenuating effect of Dzip1 and FGF8. In addition, our data disclose otp1 as a determinant of CA neurons in the PT, where otp1 activity is strictly dependent on Nodal signaling and it is not responsive to SHH and FGF. CONCLUSION: In this study, we pinpoint the evolutionary importance of otp1 transcription factor in cell states of the diencephalon anlage and early neuronal progenitors. Furthermore, our data indicate that morphogenetic mechanisms differentially regulate otp1 expression in alar and basal plates

    Full-aperture extended-depth oblique plane microscopy through dynamic remote focusing

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    Oblique plane microscopy is a method enabling light-sheet fluorescence imaging through a single microscope objective lens by focusing on a tilted plane within the sample. To focus the fluorescence emitted by the oblique plane on a camera, the light is imaged through a pair of remote objective lenses, facing each other at an angle. The aperture mismatch resulting from this configuration limits the effective numerical aperture of the system, reducing image resolution and signal intensity. This manuscript introduces an alternative method to capture the oblique plane on the camera. Instead of relying on angled objective lenses, an electrically tunable lens is employed. This lens adjusts the focal plane of the microscope synchronously with the rolling shutter of a scientific CMOS camera. In this configuration the entire aperture of the objective is effectively employed, increasing the resolution of the system. Moreover, a variety of objective lenses can be employed, enabling the acquisition of wider axial fields of view compared to conventional oblique plane microscopy

    Full-aperture extended-depth oblique plane microscopy through dynamic remote focusing

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    Significance: The reprojection setup typical of oblique plane microscopy (OPM) limits the effective aperture of the imaging system, and therefore its efficiency and resolution. Large aperture system is only possible through the use of custom specialized optics. A full-aperture OPM made with off the shelf components would both improve the performance of the method and encourage its widespread adoption. Aim: To prove the feasibility of an OPM without a conventional reprojection setup, retaining the full aperture of the primary objective employed. Approach: A deformable lens based remote focusing setup synchronized with the rolling shutter of a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor detector is used instead of a traditional reprojection system. Results: The system was tested on microbeads, prepared slides, and zebrafish embryos. Resolution and pixel throughput were superior to conventional OPM with cropped apertures, and comparable with OPM implementations with custom made optical components. Conclusions: An easily reproducible approach to OPM imaging is presented, eliminating the conventional reprojection setup and exploiting the full aperture of the employed objective

    Increase of Parkin and ATG5 plasmatic levels following perinatal hypoxic‐ischemic encephalopathy

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    Brain injury at birth is an important cause of neurological and behavioral disorders. Hypoxic‐ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a critical cerebral event occurring acutely or chronically at birth with high mortality and morbidity in newborns. Therapeutic strategies for the prevention of brain damage are still unknown, and the only medical intervention for newborns with moderate‐to‐severe HIE is therapeutic hypothermia (TH). Although the neurological outcome depends on the severity of the initial insult, emerging evidence suggests that infants with mild HIE who are not treated with TH have an increased risk for neurodevelopmental impairment; in the current clinical setting, there are no specific or validated biomarkers that can be used to both correlate the severity of the hypoxic insult at birth and monitor the trend in the insult over time. The aim of this work was to examine the presence of autophagic and mitophagic proteins in bodily fluids, to increase knowledge of what, early at birth, can inform therapeutic strategies in the first hours of life. This is a prospective multicentric study carried out from April 2019 to April 2020 in eight third‐level neonatal intensive care units. All participants have been subjected to the plasma levels quantification of both Parkin (a protein involved in mitophagy) and ATG5 (involved in autophagy). These findings show that Parkin and ATG5 levels are related to hypoxic‐ischemic insult and are reliable also at birth. These observations suggest a great potential diagnostic value for Parkin evaluation in the first 6 h of life

    Toxin Levels and Profiles in Microalgae from the North-Western Adriatic Sea—15 Years of Studies on Cultured Species

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    The Northern Adriatic Sea is the area of the Mediterranean Sea where eutrophication and episodes related to harmful algae have occurred most frequently since the 1970s. In this area, which is highly exploited for mollusk farming, the first occurrence of human intoxication due to shellfish consumption occurred in 1989, nearly 10 years later than other countries in Europe and worldwide that had faced similar problems. Until 1997, Adriatic mollusks had been found to be contaminated mostly by diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins (i.e., okadaic acid and dinophysistoxins) that, along with paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins (i.e., saxitoxins), constitute the most common marine biotoxins. Only once, in 1994, a toxic outbreak was related to the occurrence of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in the Adriatic coastal waters. Moreover, in the past 15 years, the Adriatic Sea has been characterized by the presence of toxic or potentially toxic algae, not highly widespread outside Europe, such as species producing yessotoxins (i.e., Protoceratium reticulatum, Gonyaulax spinifera and Lingulodinium polyedrum), recurrent blooms of the potentially ichthyotoxic species Fibrocapsa japonica and, recently, by blooms of palytoxin-like producing species of the Ostreopsis genus. This review is aimed at integrating monitoring data on toxin spectra and levels in mussels farmed along the coast of the Emilia-Romagna region with laboratory studies performed on the species involved in the production of those toxins; toxicity studies on toxic or potentially toxic species that have recently appeared in this area are also reviewed. Overall, reviewed data are related to: (i) the yessotoxins producing species P. reticulatum, G. spinifera and L. polyedrum, highlighting genetic and toxic characteristics; (ii) Adriatic strains of Alexandrium minutum, Alexandrium ostenfeldii and Prorocentrum lima whose toxic profiles are compared with those of strains of different geographic origins; (iii) F. japonica and Ostreopsis cf. ovata toxicity. Moreover, new data concerning domoic acid production by a Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata strain, toxicity investigations on a Prorocentrum cf. levis, and on presumably ichthyotoxic species, Heterosigma akashiwo and Chattonella cf. subsalsa, are also reported

    ccdc80-l1 Is Involved in Axon Pathfinding of Zebrafish Motoneurons

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    Axon pathfinding is a subfield of neural development by which neurons send out axons to reach the correct targets. In particular, motoneurons extend their axons toward skeletal muscles, leading to spontaneous motor activity. In this study, we identified the zebrafish Ccdc80 and Ccdc80-like1 (Ccdc80-l1) proteins in silico on the basis of their high aminoacidic sequence identity with the human CCDC80 (Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 80). We focused on ccdc80-l1 gene that is expressed in nervous and non-nervous tissues, in particular in territories correlated with axonal migration, such as adaxial cells and muscle pioneers. Loss of ccdc80-l1 in zebrafish embryos induced motility issues, although somitogenesis and myogenesis were not impaired. Our results strongly suggest that ccdc80-l1 is involved in axon guidance of primary and secondary motoneurons populations, but not in their proper formation. ccdc80-l1 has a differential role as regards the development of ventral and dorsal motoneurons, and this is consistent with the asymmetric distribution of the transcript. The axonal migration defects observed in ccdc80-l1 loss-of-function embryos are similar to the phenotype of several mutants with altered Hedgehog activity. Indeed, we reported that ccdc80-l1 expression is positively regulated by the Hedgehog pathway in adaxial cells and muscle pioneers. These findings strongly indicate ccdc80-l1 as a down-stream effector of the Hedgehog pathway

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 17

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    In this contribution, new data concerning algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algal genera Chara and Nitella, the bryophyte genera Brachythecium, Didymodon, Fissidens, Physcomitrium, and Riccia, the fungal genera Biatoropsis, Cantharellus, Coprinellus, Dacrymyces, Inosperma, Nigropuncta, Urocystis, and Xanthoriicola, and the lichen genera Arthonia, Bellemerea, Circinaria, Lecania, Lecanora, Lecidella, Mycobilimbia, Naetrocymbe, Parmelia, Peltigera, Porpidia, Scytinium, and Usnea