134 research outputs found

    Genova tra l'Europa cristiana e il mondo turco-islamico nel tempo di Maometto II il Conquistatore

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    Ricordo ligure di Giorgio Falco

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    Tra la «Mappa per i Sette Mari» ed il «Libro della Marina.» di Piri Reis

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    Taking advantage of the publication of the first two volumes of Kitabi Bahriye (log-book) by Piris Reis, the great man of the sea and Turkish geographer and cartographer who lived between the XVth and the XVIth century, Geo Pistarino draws a concise biography of the author. He analyses his map dated from 1513 and gives us its editorial tradition. He stresses its importance for the history of geographic discoveries and, more precisely, for those of Christopher Colombus, and he underlines some of the problems still discussed today. The map of the New World area, drawn by Piri Reis, indirectly derives from the one prepared by Christopher Colombus in 1498, during his third trip. Christopher Colombus had sent it to the Kings of Spain and it was the base of the successive «Andalusian trips». In Kitab, written in 1521 and the second version in 1525-1526, Piri informs the reader about the continent he calls «Antilles», he affirms that Genova is Christopher Colombus's homeland and makes allusions to Genova's political situation at the time.Saisissant l'occasion de la publication des deux premiers volumes du Kitabi Bahriye, (Livre de la marine) de Piri Reis, le grand homme de la mer, géographe et cartographe turc, qui vécut à cheval sur le 15eme et 16eme siècle, Geo Pistarino trace une biographie sommaire de l’auteur. Il analyse sa carte du 1513 et en donne la tradition éditoriale. Il insiste sur l’importance qu'elle a eu pour l'histoire des découvertes géographiques et tout particulièrement pour celles de Christophe Colomb, et souligne quelques problèmes encore en discussion de nos jours. La carte de la partie du Nouveau Monde, tracée par Piri Reis, dérive, indirectement, de celle dessinée par Colomb en 1498, durant son troisième voyage, qu'il avait lui-même envoyée aux Souverains d'Espagne, et que fut à la base des successifs «Voyages Andalous». Dans le Kitab, rédigé en 1521 et en 1525-26 en ce que concerne sa deuxième version, Piri informe le lecteur sur le continent qu'il appelle «Antilles»; il affirme que Gênes est la patrie de Christophe Colomb et fait allusion à la situation politique de Gênes à son époque

    Libri e cultura nella cattedrale di Genova tra Medioevo e Rinascimento

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    L(ocus) d(atus) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum): the granting of public spaces in the urban communities of Roman Italy

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    La tesi riguarda la concessione di spazi di proprietà pubblica a privati, intesi come singole persone o enti, quali ad esempio i collegi, da parte delle autorità cittadine. Le fonti a disposizione per indagare tale pratica burocratica sono quasi totalmente di natura epigrafica, per lo più attestanti l’espressione locus datus decreto decurionum, variamente abbreviata, o formule similari. Questo aspetto della vita civica è stata cursoriamente oggetto di studio in diversi contributi, ma si tratta di articoli che circoscrivono il tema, analizzandolo in relazione a ristrette aree geografiche, oppure considerandone determinati aspetti (ad esempio l’ambito sacro o quello funerario). Si è perciò ritenuto utile proseguire questa linea di ricerca affrontando uno studio di più ampio raggio, che comprenda la documentazione epigrafica dell’intero territorio italico (costituito dalle undici regioni augustee ad esclusione di Roma), per tutte le tipologie testuali (iscrizioni sacre, funerarie, onorarie, su opera pubblica, exempla decreti), allo scopo di formulare osservazioni più precise e puntuali sulla procedura burocratica in esame, pur con tutti i limiti noti a chi affronti questo genere di indagine. Tra le conclusioni raggiunte, è emerso come durante il I-II sec. d.C. vi fosse la tendenza a concedere, sporadicamente, dei loca sepulturae extraurbani a membri delle famiglie delle élites cittadine, anche donne e fanciulli, mentre il foro e le altre aree pubbliche interne alla città erano soprattutto utilizzate direttamente dai decurioni per l’elevazione di dediche e statue. Nel corso del II sec. d.C., con massima diffusione nell’età antonina e poi in quella severiana, prese invece piede l’uso privato a scopo onorario degli spazi pubblici siti all’interno delle città, ovvero in aree prima pressoché precluse all’intervento di singoli cittadini: familiari e liberti, collegi e altri organismi commissionavano statue dedicate prevalentemente agli amministratori locali, magistrati cittadini spesso divenuti anche cavalieri.The thesis deals with the granting of public spaces to privates, defined as individuals or entities, such as colleges, by the city authorities. The sources available to investigate this bureaucratic practice are almost entirely the epigraphic ones, mostly showing the expression locus datus decreto decurionum, variously abbreviated, or similar formulas. This aspect of civic life has been sporadically studied in a number of contributions, but these are items that surround the topic, analyzing it in relation to restricted geographical areas, or considering certain aspects (such as the funerary or sacred sphere). It was therefore considered useful to continue this line of research tackling a study of more wide-ranging, including the epigraphic documentation of the entire Italian territory (consisting of the eleven Augustan regions with the exception of Rome), for all types of texts (sacred, funerary, honorary, on public works, exempla decreti) in order to express observations on the bureaucratic procedure in question, even with all the limits known to those who deal with this kind of investigation. Among the conclusions, it emerged that during the I-II century A.D. there was a tendency to sporadically grant loca sepulturae to the families’ members of the urban élites, including women and children, while the forum and other public areas inside the cities were directly used by the decuriones for the elevation of dedications and statues. During the second century AD, with maximum diffusion in the Antonine and Severan age, the private use of public spaces within the city for honorary aims increased, using areas previously almost precluded to the intervention of individual citizens: families and freedmen, colleges and other organizations commissioned statues mainly dedicated to local administrators, often also become equites

    Integrated analytical approach in veal calvesadministered the anabolic androgenic steroidsboldenone and boldione: urine and plasma kineticprofile and changes in plasma protein expression

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    Surveillance of illegal use of steroids hormones in cattle breeding is a key issue to preserve human health. To this purpose, an integrated approach has been developed for the analysis of plasma and urine from calves treated orally with a single dose of a combination of the androgenic steroids boldenone and boldione. A quantitative estimation of steroid hormones was obtained by LC-APCI-QMS/ MS analysis of plasma and urine samples obtained at various times up to 36 and 24 h after treatment, respectively. These experiments demonstrated that boldione was never found, while boldenone a- and b-epimers were detected in plasma and urine only within 2 and 24 h after drug administration, respectively. Parallel proteomic analysis of plasma samples was obtained by combined 2-DE,MALDI-TOF-MS and mLC-ESI-IT-MS/MS procedures. A specific protein, poorly represented in normal plasmasamples collected before treatment,was found upregulated even 36 h after hormone treatment.Extensivemassmapping experiments proved this component as an N-terminal truncated form of apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), a protein involved in cholesterol transport. The expression profile of ApoA1 analysed byWestern blot analysis confirmed a significant and time dependent increase of thisApoA1 fragment. Then, provided that further experiments performed with a growth-promoting schedule will confirm these preliminary findings, truncated ApoA1 may be proposed as a candidate biomarker for steroid boldenone and possibly other anabolic androgens misuse in cattle veal calves, when no traces of hormones are detectable in plasma or urine
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