12 research outputs found

    Jean-Marie Seillan, Huysmans et les censeurs

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    L’A. intende contribuire alla conoscenza (ancora parziale, nonostante i numerosi documenti conservati alla Biblioteca dell’Arsenal) della ricezione dell’opera di Huysmans presso i lettori cattolici. In particolare, l’indagine dell’A. è orientata da un punto di vista inconsueto, quello del complesso rapporto creato dal romanziere con le diverse forme di censura cui fu sottoposto o che egli stesso praticò a partire da La Cathédrale (1898). A causa delle polemiche suscitate da La Cathédrale, nel..

    Stéphane Michaud, Les tremblements de la beauté

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    L’A. studia il concetto di «beauté tremblante […]» (p. 952) attraverso l’opera di Jean Paul Richter, Goethe, Hoffmann, Heine e Hölderlin, autori la cui poetica influenzò dapprima Baudelaire e, in epoca più recente, Pierre Jean Jouve, Yves Bonnefoy e Michel Deguy. Michaud mette quindi in luce il rapporto Baudelaire/Nietzsche da un lato e Baudelaire/Jouve-Bonnefoy dall’altro, per concludere che, secondo Claude Pichois, editore di Baudelaire per la Biblioteca della Pléiade, questa particolare id..

    Marisa Verna, Vers un art total. Synesthésie théâtrale et dramaturgie simboliste

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    L’A. si focalizza sul concetto di sinestesia teatrale originato dalla breve collaborazione – realizzatasi al Théâtre d’Art diretto da Paul Fort dal novembre 1890 al marzo 1892 – fra poeti simbolisti e pittori Nabis. L’A. si sofferma quindi sulla tecnica pittorica dei Nabis Maurice Denis ed Émile Bernard, studiata in rapporto all’estetica teatrale simbolista, incentrata sulla “rivoluzionaria” idea di fusione inter-sensoriale e sintesi percettiva di matrice baudelairiana. La Verna precisa inolt..

    Bojan Lalovic, Lugné-Poe et Zola: deux «anarchistes» à L’Œuvre

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    Dopo una breve introduzione, l’A. presenta sette lettere che mettono in relazione Aurélien Lugné-Poe ed Émile Zola, i quali, ciascuno secondo la propria estetica, influenzarono il teatro del tempo. L’A. sottolinea che le lettere esaminate rivestono un grande interesse sul piano letterario, poiché non solo consentono di ripercorrere l’evoluzione del teatro francese dal naturalismo al simbolismo, ma permettono anche di cogliere l’importanza crescente del ruolo del regista, inaugurata da André A..

    Aa. Vv., «Histoires littéraires», n° 24

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    Numero molto ricco per la nostra rassegna: oltre ad alcune riflessioni di Pichois sulla difficoltà di scegliere Baudelaire come autore per l’agrégation, e una poesia di Bonnefoy di omaggio al medesimo (Tombeau de Charles Baudelaire), troviamo i seguenti articoli: Jacques Dupont, Sur un vers de Lesbos; Rosemary Lloyd, Solennité naturelle d’une ville immense»: le Paris Guide sur les traces de Baudelaire; Jean-Paul Avice, Baudelaire iconoclaste; Patrick Labarthe, Baudelaire, Lucain, Machiavel; B..

    Yann Mortelette, Les Trophées oubliés

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    L’A., in occasione della recente acquisizione di Fleurs de feu. Odes et sonnets di José-Maria de Heredia (Biblioteca dell’Arsenal, ms. 15466), analizza Les Trophées (1893) di Heredia, una raccolta di centoventi sonetti e due poesie. Dopo aver sottolineato l’importanza di quest’opera inedita, la quale spinge a riesaminare le composizioni che lo scrittore prima e gli editori successivi poi hanno trascurato, Mortelette fa emergere i criteri di selezione che hanno conferito ai Trophées la loro pa..

    Peer led Recovery Learning Communities: Expanding Social Integration Opportunities for People with the Lived Experience of Psychiatric Disability and Emotional Distress

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    Social integration is the development of mutually supportive relationships with other community members. For people with psychiatric disabilities (PD) social integration is a critical aspect of mental wellness and recovery. While people with PD generally want supportive friends, their social networks tend to be weak, often limited to treatment staff and close family. The barriers to social integration of people with PD are often high, and include public discrimination, lack of confidence, and insufficient financial resources. In the United States, community mental health providers have focused primarily on illness management and have not successfully helped clients integrate socially.  To fill that gap, people with lived experience of psychiatric disability have for many years established networks of peer support, including peer-facilitated groups. With the aim of enhancing that approach, peers in Massachusetts developed the “Recovery Learning Community” model, a regional network of peer support and education operated and staffed by people with lived experience, are distinct from most other peer run programs in that they provide meetings and workshops in various community locations, not only in a single location. In this article, we describe conceptually and with examples the significant impact RLCs have on both the social integration of people with PD and the delivery of mental health services in United States and internationally

    Peer led Recovery Learning Communities: Expanding Social Integration Opportunities for People with the Lived Experience of Psychiatric Disability and Emotional Distress

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    Social integration is the development of mutually supportive relationships with other community members. For people with psychiatric disabilities (PD) social integration is a critical aspect of mental wellness and recovery. While people with PD generally want supportive friends, their social networks tend to be weak, often limited to treatment staff and close family. The barriers to social integration of people with PD are often high, and include public discrimination, lack of confidence, and insufficient financial resources. In the United States, community mental health providers have focused primarily on illness management and have not successfully helped clients integrate socially.  To fill that gap, people with lived experience of psychiatric disability have for many years established networks of peer support, including peer-facilitated groups. With the aim of enhancing that approach, peers in Massachusetts developed the “Recovery Learning Community” model, a regional network of peer support and education operated and staffed by people with lived experience, are distinct from most other peer run programs in that they provide meetings and workshops in various community locations, not only in a single location. In this article, we describe conceptually and with examples the significant impact RLCs have on both the social integration of people with PD and the delivery of mental health services in United States and internationally