38 research outputs found

    The Mediterranean diet : how effective is it as an educational tool?

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    While epidemiological research on the protective role of the Mediterranean Diet (MD) is highly publicized, little is known about the effectiveness of MD education interventions. This literature review aimed to provide new insight into methodology and evaluation in the field of nutrition education.peer-reviewe

    Influences on Maltese children’s food intake : proposing a ‘socio-ecological culture-cuisine food model’

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    The complexity of influences on children’s food choices is undisputed. It is an area which has often been researched through analysis of different factors ranging, for example, from gender to family socio-economic status, from individual food preferences to peer modelling, and from maternal prescriptions to school food and nutrition education. However, models which offer an integrated systematic representation of how these different factors work in determining a child’s food intake are scarce.peer-reviewe

    MiniMEBDL 2023 : focusing on three low-income household categories

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    Over the past decade, Caritas Malta has conducted a series of research studies called the Minimum Essential Budget for a Decent Living (MEBDL). The purpose of these studies has been to identify and price a basket of goods and services for three types of families with a low-income to be able to live a basic but decent quality life. The three types of family configurations focused on were: 2 adults and 2 children, 1 adult and 2 children and an elderly couple age 65+. To date three studies have been conducted; in 2012, 2016 and 2020. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic struck our islands and in 2022 war broke out in Ukraine. Both these events have had a global economic impact, resulting in a steep inflation in the prices of many essential items, such as for foods and for medicines and healthcare. Given that these two categories have always emerged as representing the highest and one of the highest (respectively) proportions of the cost of the MEBDL basket, any price increases would be particularly significant for low-income families. Thus, in 2022 Caritas felt that it was necessary to update the cost of these two categories in a mini version of the MEBDL -- The MiniMEBDL 2022.This study showed how there was a high increase in the cost of the two MEBDL categories since 2020. Unfortunately, prices have continued to escalate on a global level. Thus, to help understand the implications of this for the MEBDL and low-income families in Malta, Caritas has conducted the MiniMEBDL 2023.peer-reviewe

    MiniMEBDL 2022 : focusing on three low-income household categories

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    Introduction: Every four years, since 2012, Caritas Malta has been conducting a research study called The Minimum Essential Budget for A Decent Living (MEBDL). The purpose of these studies has been to identify and price a basket of goods and services for three types of families - 2 adults and 2 children; 1 adult and 2 children and an elderly couple - with a low-income, to be able to live a basic but a decent quality life. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic struck our islands and over the past two years there has been an impact on the prices creating a steep inflation for many items, in particular for foods and medicinals and other healthcare items. Given that these two categories have always emerged as representing the highest and one of the highest (respectively) proportions of the cost of the MEBDL basket, such an increase in prices would be very significant for low income families. Thus, Caritas felt that it was necessary to update the cost of these two categories in a special mini-edition of the MEBDL – MiniMEBDL2022.peer-reviewe

    Featuring sustainability : a review of different types of dietary guidance for consumers

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    In recent years there has been growing attention to sustainable production and consumption also when it comes to food. The idea that one’s dietary choices have an impact not only on personal health and wellbeing, but also on the natural environment and the producers of the food is being emphasised. Yet, adherence to any guidance provided to consumers is influenced by the criteria they use to make their consumption choices, as well as the value they award to different qualities of the food. Given the emerging sustainability concerns, consumers are being challenged to reframe this quality valuation to consider both internalities of the food, such as flavour and appearance, as well as externalities of production and consumption, such as harm to human health, socioeconomic impact, as well as environmental damage, promotion of animal welfare, biodiversity and cultural food traditions. This paper will review three different examples of guidance issued in the past few years; namely, the Swedish National Food Administration’s Environmentally Effective Food Choices guidelines, the German Council for Sustainable Development’s Sustainable Shopping Basket guide, and the Barilla Centre for Food and Nutrition’s Double Pyramid Common and specific features will be identified with a view to discussing their implications for concepts, and skills taught by Home Economists.peer-reviewe

    Training manual for facilitators of teacher training seminars on education for responsible living

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    The Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL) comprises educators, researchers and practitioners from over 120 institutions in more than 50 countries. This partnership stems from an awareness of the urgent need for individuals and society to significantly rethink and reorient the choices they make and the manner in which they live their lives in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and financial instability, to ensure more just distribution of resources and to foster sustainable, dignified human development for all. Based on six years of work by the Consumer Citizenship Network (CCN), PERL partners develop projects, methods and materials to encourage people to contribute to constructive change through the way they choose to live. PERL is contributing to the Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production, as well as to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), which boasts the active participation of UNEP, UNESCO, the Italian Task Force on Education for Sustainable Consumption and the Swedish Ministry of the Environment. PERL is based both in Europe as an Erasmus Academic Network and established in Asia Pacific, Africa and Latin America. The PERL network is a large multi-disciplinary organisation which has a core of working group members supported by a larger group which constitutes the Consultants network. PERL is coordinated from the Hedmark University College in Norway. The Norwegian Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion also supports PERL. One of the PERL working groups is focusing on ‘Active Learning Methodologies’ and its objectives are to develop resources that build on the criteria and student-centred constructive methods of the original “Images and Objects” Active Methodology Toolkit and the YouthXchange Training Kit.peer-reviewe

    Nurturing young people as global citizens through food and nutrition education

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    Introduction: In September 2021, the UN organised the first Global Food Systems Summit. Integral to this summit was giving a voice to young people to express their vision for a better world based on sustainable food systems. This goal of facilitating healthy, sustainable food systems (HSFS) has been growing on international and local levels, harnessing the commitment of multiple stakeholders. It is recognised that education has a key role to play. Objective(s): The purpose of this study is a) To explore what young people wish for in a future HSFS, and b) To propose a curriculum model integrating this vision with 21st century learning in food and nutrition for developing responsible, global citizens.peer-reviewe

    Adherence to Mediterranean diet ; not olive oil consumption alone predicts hypercholesterolemia in elderly : the MEDIS study

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    Background/Aims: This analysis aimed to compare the role of olive oil consumption with that of Mediterranean diet on their diagnostic value for the presence of hypercholesterolemia. Methods: Mediterranean islands study (MEDIS) recruited 2749 older (over 65 years of age) individuals between 2005-2015. Recruitment occurred from 21 Mediterranean islands and the rural Mani region (Peloponnesus) of Greece. Dietary habits, energy intake, physical activity status, sociodemographic characteristics (altitude in residing area, lifestyle parameters) and clinical profile aspects (including blood lipids) were measured. The level of adherence to Mediterranean diet was assessed using the a-priori index MedDietScore and olive oil consumption was assessed with a validated FFQ. The diagnostic value of the food data was assessed using the AUC for the presence of hypercholesterolemia. The p value for the comparison of AUC with 0.5 was performed with Likelihood Ratio test. [Excerpt]peer-reviewe

    Time squeeze versus wellbeing : gender differences in household management among Maltese couples with children

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    Introduction: Maternity, paternity and responsibility leave, leave to attend ante-natal visits, as well as teleworking, flexi-time and reduced hours are some of the measures available in Malta to facilitate non-work responsibilities for employees. Many of these measures are focused on early stages of the family lifecycle, or on periods when extra care for a family member may be required. They are availed of frequently by Maltese employees, especially mothers; however, the challenges of work-life balance are still a common lamentation when wellbeing is being discussed. Simultaneously, Malta is experiencing multiple demographic shifts, including a greater proportion of dual-career families, an emerging same-sex parent household group, and labour market entrance of Generation Y individuals who strongly value the balance between professional career and time for personal interests and family. Given this scenario, a research study is being initiated to explore various aspects of time management in Maltese families with children, with a particular focus on gender differences in sustainable reconciliation of work commitments with family obligations and personal needs of both parents.peer-reviewe

    Mediterranean diet pyramid today. Science and cultural updates

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    Objective: To present the Mediterranean diet (MD) pyramid: a lifestyle for today. Design: A new graphic representation has been conceived as a simplified main frame to be adapted to the different nutritional and socio-economic contexts of the Mediterranean region. This review gathers updated recommendations considering the lifestyle, dietary, sociocultural, environmental and health challenges that the current Mediterranean populations are facing. Setting and Subjects: Mediterranean region and its populations. Results: Many innovations have arisen since previous graphical representations of the MD. First, the concept of composition of the ‘main meals’ is introduced to reinforce the plant-based core of the dietary pattern. Second, frugality and moderation is emphasised because of the major public health challenge of obesity. Third, qualitative cultural and lifestyle elements are taken into account, such as conviviality, culinary activities, physical activity and adequate rest, along with proportion and frequency recommendations of food consumption. These innovations are made without omitting other items associated with the production, selection, processing and consumption of foods, such as seasonality, biodiversity, and traditional, local and eco-friendly products. Conclusions: Adopting a healthy lifestyle and preserving cultural elements should be considered in order to acquire all the benefits from the MD and preserve this cultural heritage. Considering the acknowledgment of the MD as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO (2010), and taking into account its contribution to health and general well-being, we hope to contribute to a much better adherence to this healthy dietary pattern and its way of life with this new graphic representation.peer-reviewe