141 research outputs found

    An algorithm for the generation of all possible combinatorial multivector fields on cubical complexes

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    The researchers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow have recently developed a new topology structure, called combinatorial multivector field, which has interesting characteristics useful to study dynamic systems. The aim of the thesis is to design, together with a formal mathematical documentation, an algorithm for the generation of all possible combinatorial multivector fields on cubical complex. Moreover we show two different implementations of the algorithm, analysing the results of a computation we did on a specific complex for a project which aims to study the dynamic of gene regulatory networks

    Nobile solitudine

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    La Cattedrale di Solomon, un\u2019architettura commuovente ma anche molto critica. Sommersa e silenziosa, invisibile come le moltitudini umane che si muovono nel Mediterraneo per raggiungere l\u2019Europa attraverso Lampedusa, salvagente roccioso al limite tra realt\ue0 e illusione sulla rotta verso la \u201cterra promessa\u201d. Ma, allo stesso tempo, la Cattedrale \ue8 anche pubblica accusa contro tutte quelle idee apparentemente naturali che invece nascondono e proteggono una rigidit\ue0 ideologica: la volont\ue0 di potenza della tecnica, alla quale l\u2019Occidente ha affidato i propri ideali di progresso

    Architettura : i pregiudicati

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    Se non si comprende la struttura fondamentale dei significati che si generano tra sapere e apparire non si pu\uf2 realmente avere cognizione di ci\uf2 che si vede e si produce. In questo orizzonte emerge il tema dei \u201cpregiudicati\u201d, quegli ambiti del sapere che sono stati espulsi e rifiutati dalla cultura contemporanea, pur essendo a fondamento del sapere e dell\u2019apparire; in una parola del \u201cprogetto\u201d

    Thermal behaviour of zircon/zirconia-added chemically durable borosilicate porous glass

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    Macroporous alkali resistant glass has been developed by making additions of zirconia (ZrO2) and zircon (ZrSiO4) to the sodium borosilicate glass system SiO2–B2O3 Na2O. The glass was made using a traditional high temperature fusion process. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was carried out to identify the glass transition temperature (Tg) and crystallisation temperature (Tx). Based on these findings, controlled heat-treatments were implemented to separate the glass into two-phases; a silica-rich phase, and an alkali-rich borate phase. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to identify any crystal phases present in the asquenched and heat-treated glasses. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy also proved effective in investigating phase separation and crystallisation behaviour. After leaching, a silica-rich skeleton with an interconnected pore structure and a uniform pore distribution was observed. Pore characterisation was carried out using mercury porosimetry. The size and shape of the pores largely depended on the heattreatment temperature and time. ZrO2/ZrSiO4 additions increased the alkali resistance of the porous glass 3–4 times

    Glass-ceramics: Their production from wastes-a review

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    Political Power through Architectural Wonder

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    In 1617 there were rumours in the Farnese Dukedom of Parma about the passage of Cosimo II de Medici, on the way along his pilgrimage to San Carlo Borromeo\u2019s tomb in Milan. This became a valuable opportunity for Ranuccio I Farnese to regenerate the innocence and serenity of his dukedom which had been seriously stained five years before by the torture and beheading he had applied to seven of his feudal lords, believing there was a conspiracy against him with the indirect support by the Gonzaga, Medici and Malaspina dukedoms. In and around the Dukedom of Parma the atmosphere was one of suspicion; forging new alliances became essential in order to restore and strengthen the affected power of Farnese. Cosimo II de Medici\u2019s passage through Parma was the great occasion to arrange a marriage between Odoardo Farnese and Margherita de Medici. There were just a few months available to prepare \u2018the most beautiful feast (*vision) ever seen in whole Europe\u2019 to impress and gain the consent of Cosimo II. The city was transformed into a huge theatre perspective, a procession of wonder from outside the city in the morning and culminating inside its very core in the evening, on the stage of Teatro Farnese, with a wooden, light and suspended structure inside the bricks and massive first floor (L87 m x W32 m x H22 m) of Palazzo Farnese della Pilotta. Realized by Aleotti on the model of the Palladian Olympic, it was designed for the opening opera \u201cIn Defense of Beauty\u201d meant to transpose Parma and the Farnese fictionally such that Discord is overcame through Beauty. Everything was ready but Cosimo II never arrived. This extraordinary project opened onto the era of Baroque wonder