199 research outputs found

    Pratica sportiva e lavoro sociale tra stato, mercato e comunitĂ 

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    The essay reflects on the sport-based welfare mix transformations. Collected research high-lights the relevance of sport-system models and sportivization patterns. We debate the sport importance for innovation of social policies. At the same time, we emphasize the ambiva-lence of sport. Finally, the essay highlights the risks of mitopoiesis from an overestimation of the power of sport in the innovation of social policies

    La transizione dal lavoro alla pensione: meccanismi istituzionali di regolazione e strategie d’azione individuali in due siti industriali Alfa Romeo

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    La ricerca si focalizza sui meccanismi di regolazione della transizione dal lavoro alla pensione. Lo studio analizza i meccanismi di mercato, istituzionali e culturali che producono l’uscita precoce dei lavoratori anziani dal mercato del lavoro, in considerazione della tendenza demografica all’invecchiamento sociale e delle trasformazioni strutturali del mercato del lavoro nel senso di una sempre maggiore flessibilizzazione e individualizzazione dei rapporti di lavoro. Vengono poi analizzati i principali mutamenti nei sistemi previdenziali e i meccanismi che nelle fasi di crescita economica hanno contribuito all’uscita precoce dal mercato del lavoro verso il pensionamento dei lavoratori anziani e che poi, negli anni Novanta, a seguito della crisi finanziaria del welfare, hanno portato all’irrigidimento dei meccanismi di accesso alla pensione e alla riduzione drastica dei percorsi istituzionali di uscita dal mercato del lavoro. La ricerca Ăš stata ulteriormente sviluppata attraverso uno studio di caso focalizzato sulle strategie individuali di transizione dal lavoro alla pensione dei lavoratori con piĂč di 50 anni, provenienti da due siti industriali Alfa Romeo (Gruppo Fiat): quello di Arese in provincia di Milano e quello di Pomigliano d’Arco in provincia di Napoli. L’indagine di campo Ăš stata basata su interviste qualitative a lavoratori anziani con le quali sono state raccolte biografie lavorative ed Ăš stata approfondita la dimensione soggettiva del passaggio dal lavoro alla pensione. Dall’indagine emerge, da una parte, un quadro articolato dei meccanismi di spinta e di attrazione che condizionano le scelte individuali tra lavoro e non-lavoro nella parte conclusiva del ciclo lavorativo, dall’altra, un’analisi dei mutamenti degli equilibri esistenziali – lavorativi, familiari e nelle relazioni sociali – che si registrano dopo l’uscita dalla fabbrica

    Un profilo economico dell'industria del calcio professionistico in Italia

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    Il testo riproduce, con alcune modifiche e l'aggiunta delle note, l'intervento svolto il 28 ottobre 2014 al convegno “Il mondo accademico in campo per la sicurezza. Conoscere per migliorare”, svolto a Napoli presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in collaborazione con Osservatorio Nazionale sulle Manifestazioni Sportive

    La rappresentanza sindacale dei precari nelle attivitĂ  in outsourcing per gli enti locali

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    In the restructuring process of the public sector, employment phenomena of outsourcing and privatization are observed. The article focuses on the extension of non-standard employment in some functional areas of public administration and on the deficit of trade union representation of these new types of workers. On the other side, for trade union organization is difficult to locate these workers and representing their interests. The theme is addressed from an empirical study that involved trade unions and contract workers, with discontinuous careers and poor, employed in outsourcing activities for local authorities in Naples

    La rappresentanza sindacale dei precari nelle attivitĂ  in outsourcing per gli enti locali

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    In the restructuring process of the public sector, employment phenomena of outsourcing and privatization are observed. The article focuses on the extension of non-standard employment in some functional areas of public administration and on the deficit of trade union representation of these new types of workers. On the other side, for trade union organization is difficult to locate these workers and representing their interests. The theme is addressed from an empirical study that involved trade unions and contract workers, with discontinuous careers and poor, employed in outsourcing activities for local authorities in Naples

    Le traiettorie plurali del corso di vita dei calciatori: note di campo da un’indagine qualitativa su giovani atleti

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    Being professionally involved in sport could shape on individual’s habits, character, disposition, other than on projects, opportunities and visions. Starting from this, our research focused on how individuals face this pressure, which mostly engage them during the early adolescence. We selected four emblematic cases that could gave us testimony of being involved professionally in football. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. The empirical material was constructed through direct observation and interviews. As results, we obtained: extensive confirmations of the difficulties experienced by the professionals; the relevance of emotional and socialization aspects and needs; forms of expectations for the future, across efforts of professional conversion, and related obstacles

    Some aspects of the chasmophytic vegetation in the Cilento-Valo di Diano National Park (Campania, Italy)

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    Within a wide area of research relating to the Cilento National Park, several aspects of the chasmophytic vegetation have been analyzed. Two calcareous substrata areas have been studied: one on the coast and one inland. Three plant communities corresponding to three different associations have been recognized: Crithmo-Limonietum remotispiculi (Crithmo-Limonion), Centaureo-Campa- nuleturn fragilis primuletosum palinuri and Campanulo fragilis-Portensch- lagielletum ramosissimae (Dianthion rupicolae). For the last, a new sub-association named Phagnalonetosum rupestris is propose

    Cannabinoid receptor types 1 and 2 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α: distribution in the skin of clinically healthy cats and cats with hypersensitivity dermatitis

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    Background: Cannabinoid receptors and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α) are gaining recognition as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of skin disorders. Hypothesis/Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of cannabinoid type 1 and 2 receptors (CBR1 and CBR2) and PPAR-α in feline skin and verify whether changes occur in the course of hypersensitivity dermatitis. Animals: Twelve privately owned cats. Skin samples were obtained from five healthy cats with no skin lesions and seven cats clinically diagnosed with hypersensitivity dermatitis. Methods and materials: Haematoxylin and eosin stained skin sections were investigated for histopathological changes. Indirect immunofluorescence for CBR1, CBR2 and PPAR-α was performed on paraffin-embedded sections, and antibody specificity tested by Western blot analysis. Results: Skin samples from cats with hypersensitivity dermatitis were all histopathologically diagnosed with eosinophilic dermatitis. CB receptors and PPAR-α were distributed throughout the skin in both healthy and allergic cats. In normal feline skin, these receptors were mainly distributed in the epithelial compartment. Receptor expression increased in hypersensitivity compared to healthy skin, with the main distribution changes being suprabasal for CBR1, dermal for CBR2 and marked expression of PPAR-α in hyperplastic epidermis and perivascular infiltrate. Conclusions and clinical importance: Increased expression of cannabinoid receptors in the skin of cats with hypersensitivity dermatitis suggests an endogenous protective strategy and may support the use of natural cannabinoid receptor or PPAR-α agonists to treat feline hypersensitivity dermatitis

    Physico-Chemical Modifications Affecting the Activity and Stability of Cu-Based Hybrid Catalysts during the Direct Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide into Dimethyl-Ether

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    The direct hydrogenation of CO2 into dimethyl-ether (DME) has been studied in the presence of ferrierite-based CuZnZr hybrid catalysts. The samples were synthetized with three different techniques and two oxides/zeolite mass ratios. All the samples (calcined and spent) were properly characterized with different physico-chemical techniques for determining the textural and morphological nature of the catalytic surface. The experimental campaign was carried out in a fixed bed reactor at 2.5 MPa and stoichiometric H2/CO2 molar ratio, by varying both the reaction temperature (200–300 °C) and the spatial velocity (6.7–20.0 NL∙gcat−1∙h−1). Activity tests evidenced a superior activity of catalysts at a higher oxides/zeolite weight ratio, with a maximum DME yield as high as 4.5% (58.9 mgDME∙gcat−1∙h−1) exhibited by the sample prepared by gel-oxalate coprecipitation. At lower oxide/zeolite mass ratios, the catalysts prepared by impregnation and coprecipitation exhibited comparable DME productivity, whereas the physically mixed sample showed a high activity in CO2 hydrogenation but a low selectivity toward methanol and DME, ascribed to a minor synergy between the metal-oxide sites and the acid sites of the zeolite. Durability tests highlighted a progressive loss in activity with time on stream, mainly associated to the detrimental modifications under the adopted experimental conditions

    Development of systemic autoimmune diseases in healthy subjects persistently positive for antiphospholipid antibodies. long-term follow-up study

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    We longitudinally followed a single-center cohort of anti-phospholipid (aPL) positive healthy subjects to evaluate the evolution to systemic autoimmune diseases (sAD) and to describe clinical and serological associated features. Since 2010, we have consecutively screened healthy subjects who were positive, in at least two consecutive determinations, for one or more aPL [anti-Cardiolipin (aCL) IgM/IgG, anti-Beta2Glycoprotein I (aB2GPI) IgM/IgG, Lupus Anticoagulant (LA)]. All subjects were evaluated every six months, or in accordance with the patient's clinical course, in order to record the development of clinical and laboratory features suggestive for sAD. Ninety-five subjects [M/F 20/75, median age at first determination 46 years, Interquartile Range (IQR) 19] were enrolled. Thirty-three subjects (34.7%) were positive for only one aPL [15 (15.8%) for aCL, 15 (15.8%) for LA, and 5 (5.3%) for aB2GPI]; 37 (38.9%) had double positivity [32 (33.6%) for aCL and aB2GPI; 5 (5.3%) for aCL and LA], 23 (24.2%) had triple positivity. We prospectively followed up our cohort for a median period of 72 months (IQR 84). During a total follow-up of 7692 person-months, we found an absolute risk for sAD development equal to 1.8%. Specifically, 14 (14.7%) patients developed a sAD: in four patients (4.2%), after developing a thrombotic event, an antiphospholipid syndrome was diagnosed, 7 (7.4%) patients developed an Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease after a median period of 76 months (IQR 75.5), and lastly, three (3.1%) patients could be classified as affected by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus according to the ACR/EULAR 2019 criteria. The presence of triple positivity status resulted in being significantly associated with the progression to sAD (p-value = 0.03). In conclusion, we observed the development of sAD in almost 15% of aPL positive subjects. Triple positivity was significantly associated with this progression, suggesting a possible role as biomarker for this condition. Thus, our results could suggest the need for periodic follow-up for such patients to assess early diagnosis and treatment
