94 research outputs found

    Purified Human Pancreatic Duct Cell Culture Conditions Defined by Serum-Free High-Content Growth Factor Screening

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    The proliferation of pancreatic duct-like CK19+ cells has implications for multiple disease states including pancreatic cancer and diabetes mellitus. The in vitro study of this important cell type has been hampered by their limited expansion compared to fibroblast-like vimentin+ cells that overgrow primary cultures. We aimed to develop a screening platform for duct cell mitogens after depletion of the vimentin+ population. The CD90 cell surface marker was used to remove the vimentin+ cells from islet-depleted human pancreas cell cultures by magnetic-activated cell sorting. Cell sorting decreased CD90+ cell contamination of the cultures from 34±20% to 1.3±0.6%, yielding purified CK19+ cultures with epithelial morphology. A full-factorial experimental design was then applied to test the mitogenic effects of bFGF, EGF, HGF, KGF and VEGF. After 6 days in test conditions, the cells were labelled with BrdU, stained and analyzed by high-throughput imaging. This screening assay confirmed the expected mitogenic effects of bFGF, EGF, HGF and KGF on CK19+ cells and additionally revealed interactions between these factors and VEGF. A serum-free medium containing bFGF, EGF, HGF and KGF led to CK19+ cell expansion comparable to the addition of 10% serum. The methods developed in this work should advance pancreatic cancer and diabetes research by providing effective cell culture and high-throughput screening platforms to study purified primary pancreatic CK19+ cells

    Development of a high throughput CHO cell glycosylation enzyme Mrna expression profiler

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    Raman spectroscopic analysis of cell differentiation and death modes

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    Raman spectroscopy provides opportunities for non-invasive, non-destructive, label-free analysis of cell states based on changes in the biochemical composition of cells. We are investigating the suitability of Raman spectroscopy to assess the stages of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) differentiation towards pancreatic insulin-positive cells. Raman microspectrometry analysis has revealed macromolecular composition differences over time that distinguished cell populations differentiating to pancreatic cell types, such as by an increase in the protein-to-nucleic acid signal ratio and to distinguish the presence of insulin. Added insight into these macromolecular changes were provided by principal component analysis (PCA) of the data. However, the application of PCA can be difficult to interpret. The usefulness of non-negative matrix factorization was explored to improve the interpretability of overlapping Raman bands. We demonstrated the utility of this procedure by analyzing spectra to determine the cellular insulin or glucagon content. Thus, Raman spectroscopy can detect such differences in cells to detect the desired product as well as the potential to detect residual hESCs or the emergence of unwanted cells. We also investigated the suitability of Raman spectroscopy to detect the onset and types of cell death. Apoptotic, necrotic or autophagic Chinese Hamster Ovary cells were compared to uninduced cultures using Raman spectroscopy and PCA. Furthermore, uninduced cells were compared to cells sorted at different stages of apoptosis to determine how early the onset of apoptosis could be detected. Changes were observed in several peaks during the course of cell death, with repeated changes observed in nucleic acid- and lipid-associated peaks, enabling the distinction of cell death modes. Application of such death monitoring capabilities to cellular therapy cultures should be even more useful, given the need for more process analytical technologies to address the often more variable performance of these cultures, especially when adaptive control is needed for primary cell derived manufacturing

    Ageing in a housing crisis: A gendered lens on housing insecurity and homelessness

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    Housing insecurity and homelessness are increasing amongst older people in Australia, and women are particularly affected. Our new report, Ageing in a housing crisis: Older people's housing insecurity and homelessness in Australia enumerates the scale of the problem and indicates a structural change in the housing experiences of older people in Australia.1 In this article, a gendered lens draws attention to how women's housing experiences are being adversely shaped and why understanding these experiences matters. We shift attention away from individual factors that drive housing and homelessness risk to focus on systemic challenges and changes within the housing system that underpin increasing life-long gender effects and housing insecurity in Australia

    Acoustic cell concentration, washing & perfusion for cellular therapy manufacturing

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    A major wave of promising cellular therapies is progressing through clinical trials, such that engineers and scientists need to address the challenges of economically ensuring the manufacture of safe and efficacious cell therapy products. These processes often depend on devices and methods that were developed for only related blood cell processing or vaccine manufacturing. Thus, we are in a window of opportunity to tailor innovative technologies to address the emerging specialized needs of cell therapy manufacturing. Concentrating and washing cells between stages is a repeated bioprocess unit operation, such as to transfer cells from culture medium to cryopreservation medium. Especially for small-scale autologous therapies, cell washing is not well performed by closed-system centrifuges or filters, including due to the loss of potentially lifesaving cells. We previously developed an acoustic cell separation device that has been widely used for 20 years as part of mammalian cell perfusion bioreactors. This non-fouling filter technology uses gentle ultrasonic standing wave forces to separate cells from medium based on density and compressibility differences. We have now adapted this technology to concentrate and then wash cells at high concentrations, so as to reduce the wash volumes by an order of magnitude, thereby reducing the process cost of goods compared to centrifuge washing. The device operation has been optimized to obtain greater than 99.9% washing with 95% washed cell recoveries, such that this acoustic technology could become the method of choice for cell therapy bioprocessing. We also have recently enhanced automated acoustic devices to perfuse over 140 million cell/mL cultures, maintaining \u3e99% cell separation efficiencies. With the simplicity of no physical filter barrier or mechanical moving parts, this tailored technology provides a high performance closed manufacturing device, to perfuse, concentrate and wash cells. The development of robust and economical means of mammalian cell manufacturing is on the critical path to ensuring that promising innovative therapies can become widely available to innumerable patients in dire need

    Acoustic cell washing and raman spectroscopy technologies To address cell therapy bioprocess challenges

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    Many organizations are confronting the challenges of economically ensuring the manufacture of safe and efficacious cell therapy products. These processes often depend on devices and methods that were developed for only related applications, such as blood cell processing or scientific research. Thus, we are in a window of opportunity to tailor innovative technologies to address the emerging specialized needs of cell therapy manufacturing. The most frequent unit operation is to wash cells between process stages, such as from DMSO containing cryopreservation medium to culture expansion medium. In particular for relatively small-scale autologous cell therapy processing, cell washing is imperfectly performed by closed system blood cell centrifuges or filters. We previously developed an acoustic cell separation device, widely used for over 15 years in CHO cell perfusion cultures. This technology acts as a non-fouling filter for months of operation, by using the forces generated in ultrasonic standing wave fields. These forces separate cells from medium based on differences in density and compressibility. Greater than 99.9% cell washing with 95% washed cell recovery efficiencies have been provided by our device. We also have recently enhanced the acoustic technology to perfuse 100 million cell/mL cultures, maintaining \u3e99% cell separation efficiencies. This provides an alternative high performance closed manufacturing system, to perfuse, concentrate and wash cells, with no physical filter barrier or mechanical moving parts. While many clinical trials have had few adverse events, the great promise of cellular therapies comes with grave risks, such as from potentially oncogenic pluripotent cells present in embryonic stem cell derived populations. There is an urgent need for process analytical technologies to non-invasively monitor mammalian cell populations and improve the reliability of manufactured cell products. This includes to monitor both the expected differentiation as well as to detect unexpected cells in the process. Recently, technological advances have led to an explosive growth in the capabilities of Raman spectroscopy, increasing the potential for novel applications. We are developing the use of this spectroscopic technique to track cell development, by measuring macromolecular changes in cell samples from cultures where stem cells are differentiated towards insulin-producing cells for the treatment of diabetes. Raman spectroscopy has great potential to provide continuous on-line assessment of cell quality during the manufacture of cell-derived therapeutic cells

    Drug Susceptibility Patterns in MDR-TB Patients:Challenges for Future Regimen Design. A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Globally, there is substantial concern regarding the challenges of treating complex drug resistance patterns in multidrug resistant tuberculosis cases. Utilising data from three different settings (Estonia, Latvia, Romania) we sought to contrast drug susceptibility profiles for multidrug resistant tuberculosis cases, highlight the difficulties in designing universal regimen, and inform future regimen selection. Demographic and microbiological surveillance data for multidrug resistant tuberculosis cases from 2004-13 were analysed. High levels of additional resistance to currently recommended second line drugs were seen in all settings, with extensive variability between countries. Accurate drug susceptibility testing and drug susceptibility testing data are vital to inform the development of comprehensive, flexible, multidrug resistant tuberculosis guidance

    A Multi-Parameter, High-Content, High-Throughput Screening Platform to Identify Natural Compounds that Modulate Insulin and Pdx1 Expression

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    Diabetes is a devastating disease that is ultimately caused by the malfunction or loss of insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cells. Drugs capable of inducing the development of new beta-cells or improving the function or survival of existing beta-cells could conceivably cure this disease. We report a novel high-throughput screening platform that exploits multi-parameter high-content analysis to determine the effect of compounds on beta-cell survival, as well as the promoter activity of two key beta-cell genes, insulin and pdx1. Dispersed human pancreatic islets and MIN6 beta-cells were infected with a dual reporter lentivirus containing both eGFP driven by the insulin promoter and mRFP driven by the pdx1 promoter. B-score statistical transformation was used to correct systemic row and column biases. Using this approach and 5 replicate screens, we identified 7 extracts that reproducibly changed insulin and/or pdx1 promoter activity from a library of 1319 marine invertebrate extracts. The ability of compounds purified from these extracts to significantly modulate insulin mRNA levels was confirmed with real-time PCR. Insulin secretion was analyzed by RIA. Follow-up studies focused on two lead compounds, one that stimulates insulin gene expression and one that inhibits insulin gene expression. Thus, we demonstrate that multi-parameter, high-content screening can identify novel regulators of beta-cell gene expression, such as bivittoside D. This work represents an important step towards the development of drugs to increase insulin expression in diabetes and during in vitro differentiation of beta-cell replacements

    Meta-Analysis of Differentiating Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Gene Expression Kinetics Reveals Early Change of a Small Gene Set

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    Stem cell differentiation involves critical changes in gene expression. Identification of these should provide endpoints useful for optimizing stem cell propagation as well as potential clues about mechanisms governing stem cell maintenance. Here we describe the results of a new meta-analysis methodology applied to multiple gene expression datasets from three mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) lines obtained at specific time points during the course of their differentiation into various lineages. We developed methods to identify genes with expression changes that correlated with the altered frequency of functionally defined, undifferentiated ESC in culture. In each dataset, we computed a novel statistical confidence measure for every gene which captured the certainty that a particular gene exhibited an expression pattern of interest within that dataset. This permitted a joint analysis of the datasets, despite the different experimental designs. Using a ranking scheme that favored genes exhibiting patterns of interest, we focused on the top 88 genes whose expression was consistently changed when ESC were induced to differentiate. Seven of these (103728_at, 8430410A17Rik, Klf2, Nr0b1, Sox2, Tcl1, and Zfp42) showed a rapid decrease in expression concurrent with a decrease in frequency of undifferentiated cells and remained predictive when evaluated in additional maintenance and differentiating protocols. Through a novel meta-analysis, this study identifies a small set of genes whose expression is useful for identifying changes in stem cell frequencies in cultures of mouse ESC. The methods and findings have broader applicability to understanding the regulation of self-renewal of other stem cell types