64 research outputs found

    Una nueva historia económica de Portugal

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    Intervencionismo estatal durante el franquismo tardío : un análisis del condicionamiento industrial

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    El presente estudio analiza la expansión internacional de la actividad de I+D de las empresas multinacionales estadounidenses a lo largo del periodo 1977-94. En él se argumenta que se ha producido un cambio fundamental en la forma en la que dichas empresas organizan su actividad innovadora entre las distintas unidades del grupo, lo que obliga a reconsiderar el enfoque adoptado hasta ahora por los estudios sobre localización de la I+D. Superada la incertidumbre de las primeras fases de la expansión internacional, las redes de innovación siguen ahora pautas independientes de las redes de producción. Su estructura viene determinada por características del proceso de innovación como la base de conocimiento, oportunidades tecnológicas o apropiabilidad y en ellas se llevan a cabo todo tipo de actividades independientemente de la especialización tecnológica del país de origen. Finalmente, se destaca la importancia de los factores de demanda locales no sólo para atraer la I+D adaptativa o de apoyo técnico como ha venido sugiriendo la literatura sino también las investigaciones encaminadas a desarrollar nuevos productos o procesos, por lo que el dinamismo del mercado podría estar reflejando la existencia de redes locales de innovación activas tal y como se desprende del enfoque de aprendizaje interactivo. ABSTRACT This paper examines the international expansion of R&D by US multinational enterprises (MNE) during the period 1977-1994. The empirical results indicate that there has been a fundamental shift in the way MNEs organize their innovatory activity between the different corporate units which requires the traditional approach of R&D locational studies to be reconsidered. Once the uncertainty of the first stages has been overcame, innovation networks follow their own path independent from the production network ones. Its structure is determined by characteristics of the innovation process such as knowledge base, technological opportunities or appropiability and they carry out all kind of activities independently of the technological specialisation of MNE home country. Finally, this paper stress the importance of demand-side factors not only to attract adaptative R&D or technical support R&D -as the previous literature has suggested- but also research aimed to develop new products and processes, so market dynamism could be reflecting the existence of active local innovative networks as it is infered from the interactive learning approach

    Impact of bullying on academic performance. A case study for the Community of Madrid

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    Bullying is a problem that affects children and teenagers around the world and its repercussions can endure throughout adult life. Its prevalence is, in part, a product of the lack of information and the paucity of studies which analyse the wide-ranging consequences for the individuals involved. The main objective of this research is to study the incidence of bullying on the academic performance of students in education centres in the Madrid Region. The databases used are those of Competency Tests carried out on all 10th grade students in Madrid during the year 2017. These external assessment tests evaluate Spanish language, English language, Mathematics, and Geography and History. Along with these tests, the students, their families, their teachers and head teachers complete comprehensive questionnaires. To analyse all these data, we carry out a multilevel methodological approach to identify the quantitative association of bullying with academic performance and to estimate the probability that performance is affected by the level of bullying that exists in the education centres. The results indicate that bullying has a negative impact on all the competencies evaluated, that the probability of a lower academic performance increases in environments where there is bullying and that bullying can affect students with low or high academic achievement in different ways, depending on what competency is evaluated

    Caenorhabditis elegans longevity when fed with Bacillus subtilis mutants

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    Introduction: Diet has a strong influence on aging and lifespan. Thus, understanding the mechanisms by which diet influences lifespan has implications for age-related and diet-related diseases. Caenorhabditis elegans is a powerful system to study the effects of diet on lifespan because it has a short life history, a simple anatomy and can be fed a variety of bacterial species and strains (1). In this project, we will use the nematode model C. elegans to uncover possible dietary factors that cause changes in the activation of diet-responsive genes. We will use a transgenic C. elegans strain that harbours a GFP promoter fusion to  acdh-1. This transgenic dietary sensor strain, when submitted to diet restriction (a treatment that extends lifespan (2)) has a reduced GFP expression (3). We will use Bacillus subtilis large deletion mutants of non essential genes as a food source to screen for factors that change the GFP expression in the sensor strain. This project will indicate which kinds of factors in the diet are important for lifespan. Methods: -Generate a transgenic worm carrying two fluorescent constructs: Pacdh-1::GFP to monitor diet sensing and Pdop-3::RFP to serve as standard for worm number normalization.-Perform high-throughput screening of the fluorescent C. elegans strain with B. subtillis deletion mutants.-If a significant variation of the diet sensor is found during the screening we will perform lifespan experiments to clarify if that diet affects the life history of the worm. If there is a noticeable change in lifespan a screen with single deletion mutants of that large deletion will be used to clarify which mutation is producing a change in life history.Results:-The fluorescent strain APS9 (vsIs33 [dop-3::RFP] ; wwIs24 [Pacdh-1::GFP + unc-119(+)]) was generated via sexual crossing of the strains VL749 x LX811. Heat shock treatment and RNAi of him-14 were used to increase male ratio.-We are currently screening the activity of Pacdh-1::GFP when C. elegans is feed with single strains of the library of 250 B. subitilis mutants.-Future milestones: lifespan experiments and single-deletion mutants screen.Conclusions: To be determined

    Historical analysis of spanish competitiveness in the european framework: 19th and 20th centuries

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    This article analyzes the evolution of Spanish competitiveness and economic growth during the 19th and 20th century. After defining the concept of competitiveness in relation with other notions like productivity, economic growth, comparative advantage, or international competition, we apply this concept to the Spanish experience. The study includes the evolution of the Spanish Gross Domestic Product in terms of its convergence and divergence, the historical contribution of labor, capital, and total factor productivity on Spanish development, the institutional contributions to growth, and the evolution of competitiveness in Spanish regions, clusters and companies. Among other conclusions, the article emphasizes that, since 1959, the progressive reduction of protectionism and intense public regulations, introduced at the end of the 19th century, allowed an intense economic growth and convergence process. But the Spanish economy still maintains some institutional shortcomings that reduce its potential future growth and affect its competitiveness and entrepreneurship

    Una nueva historia económica de Portugal

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    Intervención estatal durante elfranquismo tardío: la regulación de la inversión industrial en España (1963-1980)

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    This article analyses Spanish industrial from the early 1960s until the end of Franco’s regime. The central point is that the liberalisation push of the 1959 Stabilization Plan finished in a few years and then a interventionist period returned. Laws of this period and the theoretical objectives of plans related to size increase of factories are analysed. The most praiseworthy hypothesis about this regulatory failure is a «Regulator’s Capture» by the entrepreneurs in order to impose barriers to entrance. The evidences confirm this was the case in oligopolistic industries, while restructuration reasons stood behind regulation in textile sectors and reinforcement of the State in regulated public industries. Thus, the interaction between the regulating State and the regulated firms produced a permanent conflict and results that varied in industry from one sector to another.En este artículo se estudia la regulación industrial a partir de los primeros años sesenta hasta las postrimerías del régimen franquista, aportándose evidencias que avalan la tesis de que el impulso liberalizador que supuso el Plan de Estabilización se agotó en pocos años y dio paso a un creciente intervencionismo. Para comprobar este planteamiento se expone con detalle la evolución de las normas que regularon la instalación y modificación de industrias en este período. Asimismo, se investigan sus objetivos teóricos referentes al incremento del tamaño de la planta fabril, comprobándose su incumplimiento. Y finalmente se analizan las posibles causas de este fracaso, planteando de manera especial la hipótesis de una posible captura de los reguladores por los empresarios establecidos para dificultar la entrada de nuevos competidores. Los resultados obtenidos abonan esta hipótesis en el caso de las industrias oligopolistas, pero también muestran que, en otros casos, los resultados de la regulación fueron diferentes. Así, en algunos sectores, como el de las ramas textiles, el alto nivel de regulación estuvo justificado por razones de reestructuración. En otros, la regulación sirvió para extender el poder e influencia del propio Estado encarnado, en este caso, en el grupo empresarial público. En definitiva, la interacción entre el Estado regulador y los empresarios regulados dio lugar a que los intereses de ambos grupos estuvieran en conflicto permanente alrededor de la aplicación práctica de esta regulación industrial, lo que originó diferentes resultados en cada sector industrial

    Bilingual education and school choice: a case study of public secondary schools in the Spanish region of Madrid

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    In the academic year of 2004-2005 the Spanish region of Madrid began to implement a bilingual educational programme in public schools. Currently, 45% of the public educational system (primary and secondary) participates in the bilingual programme of the Community of Madrid (hereinafter MBP). One of the objectives sought by this programme, but not the only one, is to make the study of a foreign language accessible to students from economically less favoured families (who have greater difficulty in meeting the cost of private language tutoring). Consequently, our study aims to analyse whether, as proposed, students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds effectively participate in the MBP. To comply with this objective, we estimate a model directed at identifying which factors influence the selection of a bilingual public school by families. The results obtained reveal that the MBP has led to the sorting of students by socioeconomic and cultural status, causing cream skimming within the public education sector in Madrid. This is due to the influence in the choice of a bilingual public school of factors such as the educational level and the mother’s immigrant status, the occupational level of the parents and the cultural capital of the household

    Viés de manutenção da atenção na ansiedade social

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    The role of attentional bias in social anxiety is not yet fully understood. Social anxiety individuals can show deliberate avoidance of socially threatening stimuli or, on the contrary, be hypervigilant, persistently allocating attention to those stimuli. Our main purpose was to test whether social anxiety is preferably associated with mechanisms of hypervigilance, avoidance, vigilance-avoidance or maintenance of attention towards socially relevant stimuli. Our secondary goal was to explore the modulating role of personality traits in these attention bias mechanisms. Participants with high vs low social anxiety and different personality structures were exposed to pairs of faces representing different emotions (anger, happiness and neutrality) while their eye movements were continuously recorded. Comparisons between participants with high and low levels of social anxiety showed that participants with high social anxiety were slower in disengaging their attention from happy faces, suggesting that positive emotions can be perceived as a threatening stimuli for social anxious individuals. Preliminary results indicated that depressive personality structure may favour manifestations of hypervigilance bias toward threat faces.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio