2,537 research outputs found

    North Of Portugal-Galicia Automotive Industry Network: Laying Out The Links of an Emerging Cross-Border Cluster

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    Econometric models for spatio-temporal count data

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    To contribute to a better understanding of the fundamental process behind the spatial and temporal correlation as well as to describe the resulted dynamics, sometimes still less reflected in econometric models, is the aim of this study. It is intended to improve the development of the necessary economic analysis which allow to optimize management policies in the most diverse areas of activity, be it hospital, road or other. This work develops and applies econometric models for count data with dependencies in space and time. The existing models are often based on the Gaussian assumption, which is sometimes inadequate. It is interesting to extend it to other types of distributions, generalizing the applicability of the available models and accompanying this development with estimation methods that make them useful. Bayesian spatial autoregressive and hierarchical models are considered as alternatives to the aforementioned models, since they are a valid and flexible alternative in the modeling of spatial effects. Spatial and spatio-temporal versions of autoregressive Bayesian models are proposed, establishing the same mathematical framework for autoregressive and hierarchical models for counting data. This is an area still underdeveloped within econometrics, given the associated but necessary complexity, and it is essential to quantify the advantages and disadvantages of its use. For the proposed methodologies, it is considered its application and implementation, in several areas of activity with scientific and technological interest, namely in the health area. In this context, a study of hospital management data is carried out, specifically the calls for the national health care line, Saúde24, in order to the development of indicators for decision support, evaluation and implementation of management and government policies, as well as to the prediction of future behavior under different scenarios. Another application in the area of road safety is also considered

    Redesigning English for Tourism Purposes (ETP) subjects during the period of emergency remote teaching: challenges and opportunities

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    The six undergraduate degrees offered by the School of Tourism and Maritime Technology in the scientific area of Tourism (Tourism, Tourism and Hotel Management, Marketing for Tourism, Restaurant and Catering Management, Tourism and Recreation and Event Management) have English subjects as part of their curricula. Designed under an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) framework, which privileges the needs of the learners, these subjects focus mainly on work contexts and interactions, providing practical language skills for tourism professionals. Given that contents, methodologies, and assessment are designed and planned to consider the type of language and discourse related to what the learners will need in their jobs, these subjects fall under the category of English for Tourism Purposes (ETP). Following the lockdown in March 2020, adjustments to online teaching and learning were implemented in those subjects in terms of teaching and learning methodologies, as well as in terms of assessment activities. Even though the teaching and learning contexts changed significantly, the aim of preparing students to perform specific job-related functions remained as one of the main concerns. Moving classes online was a challenging endeavor, but also created the opportunity to prepare students for their future participation in work-related online tasks. In this paper the authors describe the main adjustments made to ETP subjects and reflect on the challenges and opportunities created by the context of emergency remote teaching.N/

    Emergency remote teaching: challenges and opportunities in foreign languages applied to tourism

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    The current paper intends to identify and analyse the challenges that both students and faculty have experienced during the process of moving online and that need to be turned into opportunities, in order to avoid replicating traditional teaching in an online environment. They are numerous and at several different levels. On one hand, students have experienced challenges such as time management, support and follow-up, communication and motivation, among others. On their turn, faculty have had difficulties in adapting the resources and, consequently, in mastering the necessary tools and skills, as well as the most suitable pedagogical strategies. On the other hand, assessment may represent a challenge on its own, both for students and faculty. By looking at the example of a Curricular unit of Foreign Languages applied to Tourism, the paper also aims to point out that the main opportunity lies in planning online teaching and learning activities as a conversational process between three axes: learning goals, learning strategies and assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O jogo – um recurso para investigações matemáticas!

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    O ato de jogar desde muito cedo acompanhou a civilização mas, para além do interesse cultural, os jogos são muitas vezes encarados como recursos motivadores do ensino e aprendizagem em várias áreas disciplinares. No caso particular da matemática, alguns jogos podem ainda contribuir para a construção e aprofundamento de noções matemáticas, propiciar contextos significativos e enriquecedores de resolução de problemas e ser um ponto de partida para atividades de natureza mais exploratória. Nesta sessão, para além de jogar, pretendemos analisar e debater potencialidades de jogos como o Sim, o Pacri, a Torre de Hanói…, para desenvolver investigações matemáticas com os alunos

    Identificação de fatores críticos de sucesso que maximizam a satisfação do cliente: uma análise multivariada

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    This study was based on the identification of critical success factors (CSFs) that maximise customer satisfaction, as well as an analysis of customers’ degree of satisfaction and the importance that they attach to CSFs. For this purpose, 225 customers of the company Futurlab were surveyed, with a sampling error of 5.8% at a significance level of 5%. To identify the CSFs, we used exploratory factor analysis and, to analyse satisfaction and importance for the CSFs, we used an importance-satisfaction matrix. This study also sought to identify homogeneous groups of customers using cluster analysis. Based on the results, seven CSFs were identified, and, in general, customers showed satisfaction with the performance of Futurlab. The cluster analysis identified four clusters according to the importance and satisfaction attributed to the CSFs.O presente estudo teve por base a identificação de Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) que maximizam a satisfação do cliente, bem como analisar o seu grau de satisfação e qual a importância que os mesmos atribuem aos FCS. Para tal, fizeram parte da amostra 225 clientes da empresa Futurlab, tendo-se assumido um erro amostral de 5,8%, a um nível de significância de 5%. Para a identificação dos Fatores Críticos de Sucesso recorreu-se à Análise Factorial Exploratória e para a análise da Satisfação e Importância utilizou-se a Matriz Importância-Satisfação. Pretendeu-se ainda identificar grupos homogéneos de clientes tendo-se para tal utilizado a Análise de Clusters. Dos resultados obtidos foram identificados 7 FCS e de um modo geral os clientes estão satisfeitos com o desempenho da Futurlab. Pela Análise de Clusters identificaram-se 4 Clusters de acordo com a importância e satisfação atribuída aos Fatores Críticos de Sucesso.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Entrepreneurship education for european students: a way to exchange students and teaching staff

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    Participation in Erasmus Programme in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme will improve the excellence of education in Institutions of Higher Education by providing the possibility of bilateral student and teaching staff exchange with leading European academic institutions. In additional, another important aspect of Erasmus is the possibility of organizing Intensive Programmes (IP) where students and teachers from different academic European Institutions will study specific topics in a compact way - short time. Is common knowledge that the experience of studying abroad enriches students' lives in the academic and professional fields. Teaching Staff exchanges have similar beneficial effects. In order to improve the quality and to increase the volume of student and teaching staff mobility in Europe, to develop the quality and to increase the volume of multilateral cooperation between higher education institutions in Europe was born this Intensive Programme entitled Entrepreneurship Education for European Students, already approved by the Portugal National Agency for the Management of the Lifelong Learning Programme and will be operational next academic year. So, this paper describes the Entrepreneurship Education for European Students Intensive Programme as playing an important role in the lives of participants and in the development of Higher Education in Europe

    La calidad de vida de los menores en acogimiento residencial en Portugal: un estudio exploratorio

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    La calidad de vida en la infancia es una temática relativamente reciente en el dominio de la psicología. La calidad de vida de los niños en desamparo, en sus dimensiones psicológica, social, ambiental e física, asume un relieve particular, siendo un imperativo ético e profesional conocer como el sistema y, en el caso concreto del acogimiento residencial, estos contextos promueven las condiciones implicadas en la calidad de vida, a partir de la perspectiva de los cuidadores y de los niños/jóvenes. Así, en el ámbito de esta pesquisa 52 niños/jóvenes acogidos en los centros residenciales de un distrito portugués, por un periodo superior a 6 meses, así como sus cuidadores completaran el Kidscreen 52. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren diferencias significativas en la percepción de la calidad de vida de estos menores, comparada con la percepción de los niños/jóvenes de la populación portuguesa, específicamente a nivel de la salud, actividad física, sentimientos, estado general de humor, autopercepción, familia y ambiente familiar, de las cuestiones económicas y de la provocación. De notar que la percepción que los niños/jóvenes tienen de su calidad de vida revela elevados niveles de concordancia con la de sus cuidadores

    Perfil, hábitos e atitudes do consumidor do presunto de Chaves

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    Esta comunicação tem por objectivos traçar o perfil do consumidor do Presunto de Chaves; conhecer os seus hábitos, as suas preferências e as suas atitudes; determinar o grau de influência de características, designadamente, pessoais, sociais, geográficas, económicas e contextuais, na decisão de compra deste produto e verificar a existência de diferenças de atitudes e comportamentos entre grupos no que diz respeito ao consumo deste tipo de produto. Esta investigação apoia-se em dados primários obtidos através da aplicação de um questionário a 200 turistas e ou visitantes do concelho de Chaves no período de Julho a Outubro do ano de 2006

    Necessidade de implementação dos instrumentos financeiros bilhetes de tesouro e certificado depósito do BCSTP

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    O sistema financeiro santomense é relativamente jovem e vem se desenvolvendo paulatinamente, após a reforma e liberalização em 1992, assente num sistema bancário a dois níveis, com predominância dos bancos comerciais (8 bancos em Dezembro de 2014) e supervisionado pelo Banco Central de São Tomé e Príncipe. Este trabalho visa analisar a necessidade de implementação de Bilhetes do Tesouro (BT) e Certificados de Depósito do Banco Central (CDBC) em São Tomé e Príncipe para a dinamização do sistema financeiro. Para tal desenvolveu-se um estudo descritivo e exploratório sobre o sistema financeiro santomense e das condições macroeconómicas do país. Consultou-se ainda as administrações dos bancos comerciais a operar no país sobre a eventual adesão a estes produtos e sua percepção quanto à utilidade para o sistema, aplicando-se uma entrevista por questionário aos 8 administradores. Mais de 50% dos inquiridos foram de opinião que esses dois instrumentos seriam um bom meio de investimento e a sua implementação seria excelente para os mesmos. Mais de 60% responderam que utilizariam estes instrumentos como colateral nas transacções do mercado monetário interbancário, com preferência para os CDBC. Deste modo concluiu-se que o mercado estará receptivo para estes produtos e que estes serão necessários para a dinamização do mercado monetário, perspectivando-se o seu contributo positivo para o desenvolvimento económico do país, para a eficiência e liquidez do mercado financeiro santomense.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio