56 research outputs found

    Human Factors Issues and the Risk of High Voltage Equipment: Are Standards Sufficient to Ensure Safety by Design?

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    High voltage equipment is mostly designed according to technically prescriptive standards requirements based on electrical engineering safety principles. However a more risk-based approach to standards and regulation may be advisable to enable designer and user to take an active role in establishing that their installation is inherently safe. The use of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) for instance is enabling the new substation to be housed indoors and condensed into around one quarter of the space. The manufacturers argue that design improvements in GIS make it virtually “maintenance free”, comply with all the relevant standards. However some of these improvements have implications for the operators that need to be taken into account. Commissioning, operational checks and inspections and the occasional maintenance interventions are activities during which the technicians need to interface with the equipment, the issues regarding the interfaces provided have been analysed to identify their relevance in the overall risk assessment of the equipment. The paper reports about a study aimed at verifying through a risk analysis the impacts that the issues related to deficit in ergonomic design may present for the overall availability and safety of the plant. Those issues are not tackled in the technical standards and/or designers current practice

    Un approccio integrato Flipped Classroom- Inquiry-Based in un percorso di ricerca-azione sulla reattività dei metalli

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    Nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche, il corso di laurea in Chimica dell’Università di Camerino organizza attività di formazione sulla didattica sperimentale della Chimica (1) per i docenti di Scienze dei Licei della Regione Marche, con incontri in presenza e formazione online su piattaforma Moodle dedicata. A completamento della formazione, due docenti di Chimica del Liceo “Galilei” di Ancona hanno intrapreso una sperimentazione di ricerca-azione sull’apprendimento di alcuni aspetti delle reazioni chimiche in due classi terze del Liceo scientifico opzione scienze applicate. In questa sperimentazione sono state applicate due metodologie didattiche: la Flipped Classroom (2) e l’approccio IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Education), basato sul Learning cycle delle 5E (3). La Flipped Classroom è una metodologia in cui si favorisce la fruizione di contenuti al di fuori della scuola da parte dello studente. L’allievo può così personalizzare tempi e ritmi di apprendimento, attuando poi, con la guida del docente, la fase di approfondimento e rielaborazione. Alla metodologia della Flipped Classroom, è stato affiancato l’approccio IBSE semistrutturato (4) che si adatta ai tempi stretti del curricolo di Chimica. Dopo la formazione online sulla piattaforma Moodle di UNICAM, i docenti hanno sperimentato con gli alunni una serie di attività sulla reattività dei metalli, strutturate nelle cinque fasi Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate, utilizzando nella fase di Explain una classe virtuale. In quest’ultimo contesto sono state inserite sia risorse digitali interattive reperite in rete, in particolare un laboratorio virtuale (5) per testare la reattività dei metalli, che materiale originale elaborato dai docenti di UNICAM. Nella fase di Elaborate, gli studenti hanno eseguito l’attività di laboratorio con l’approccio IBSE semistrutturato, progettando autonomamente alcuni step. Il monitoraggio e la valutazione della sperimentazione sono stati effettuati con questionari somministrati a docenti ed alunni e test finali di valutazione delle conoscenze e competenze, correlati sia all’attività nella classe virtuale che alla progettazione ed esecuzione dell’esperimento in laboratorio. L’analisi dei risultati mostra un generale vantaggio, sia in termini di competenze degli alunni che di acquisizione da parte dei docenti della nuova prassi didattica, con evidenti ricadute sulla motivazione allo studio della Chimica e alla pratica laboratoriale. References: 1. Schettini C. et al. (2017). Evaluation of the impact of a day long general chemistry laboratory on 4th year high school students, Atti della 6thInternational Conference “New Perspectives in Science Education” ,(pg 133-136), Libreria Universitaria .it Edizioni (Padova) 2. Bergmann J., Sams Aaaron, (2012).Flip your classroom. International Society for Technology in education. 3. Rodger W. Bybee. (2015). The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Creating Teachable Moments. NSTA Press Book.4. L. Szalay, Z. Toth. (2016). An inquiry-based approach of traditional ‘step-by-step’ experiments. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.,2016, 17, 923. 5

    Evaluation of the root filling quality with experimental carrier-based obturators: a CLSM and FEG-SEM analysis

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    This study evaluated tubule penetration of GuttaFlow Bioseal with cold single cone or carrier-based technique, under confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Twenty straight single-rooted teeth were instrumented with Hyflex CM and divided in two groups (n = 10) according to the obturation method: single cold gutta-percha cones; experimental carrier-based obturators. GuttaFlow Bioseal, labelled with Rhodamine B dye, was used as sealer in both groups. Teeth transversally sectioned were observed under CLSM. Percentage of sealer penetration and integrity of sealer layer perimeter were measured. Surface and microstructural characteristics of obturators and gutta-percha cones were compared by FEG-SEM and EDX analysis. No significant differences were found between groups for each examined parameter. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were reported mainly within groups. Integrity was similar among and within groups. FEG-SEM/EDX analysis of obturators revealed the presence of Ba and Zn. Carrier-based obturation technique associated with GuttaFlow Bioseal does not seem to affect sealer penetration into dentinal tubules

    Cyclic fatigue resistance of Nickel-Titanium reciprocating instruments tested with an innovative kinematics

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    Aim: To evaluate cyclic fatigue resistance of different Nickel-Titanium instruments tested with an innovative reciprocating kinematics. Methodology: Eighty Nickel-Titanium reciprocating instruments were tested in cyclic fatigue resistance: WaveOne Primary (n = 20), WaveOne Gold Primary (n = 20), Reciproc R25 (n = 20) and Reciproc Blue R25 (n = 20). The cyclic fatigue of each brand was measured with two different motors and kinematics settings: (1) X-Smart Plus (Denstply Maillefer) used in \u2018\u2018WaveOne All\u2019\u2019 or \u2018\u2018Reciproc All\u2019\u2019 setting, according to manufacturer\u2019s instruction; (2) a 4:1 contra-angle (Cefla, Imola, Italy) with an experimental kinematics (Goldspeed EVOE4 \u2014 Cefla, Italy) (EVO) with different rotation angles and based on a sinusoidal acceleration. The time to fracture in an artificial stainless-steel canal (908 angle and a 5-mm radius of curvature) was digitally recorded. Mean life, beta (failure rate) and eta (characteristic life i.e. the number of seconds at which 63.2% of the product has failed) were calculated for each group and compared with Weibull analysis. Results: InstrumentstestedwiththekinematicsEVOpresentedhighervaluesofetainallgroups. Reciproc Blue showed the highest eta value (233.05) and Wave One Gold the lower failure probability (46.98%). Wave One instruments showed similar fatigue resistance when tested with EVO or X-Smart. Conclusion: Tested kinematics with different angles and based on sinusoidal reciprocating acceleration had a positive impact on fatigue lifetime of reciprocating instruments. Present findings suggest the possibility of future improvements in the clinical use of reciprocating files

    Cost-effectiveness of intravitreal therapy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is still referred to as the leading cause of severe and irreversible visual loss world-wide. Advances in medical research have identified vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as an important pathophysiological player in neovascular AMD and intraocular inhibition of VEGF as one of the most efficient therapies. Anti-VEGFs currently used to treat AMD included a monoclonal antibody (bevacizumab), an antibody fragments (ranibizumab), a fusion protein (aflibercept), and an aptamer (pegaptanib). The wide introduction of anti-VEGF therapy has led to an improvement in the prognosis of patients affected by AMD, with a consequent effects on the burden of care due to highly priced drugs, increasing patient numbers, and long-term disease chronicity. Aim of this review is to present an overview of available therapeutic strategies in AMD in term of clinical efficacy and economic sustainability

    Reliability of forced internal rotation and active internal rotation to assess lateral instability of the biceps pulley

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    Purpose: the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between positive painful forced internal rotation (FIR) and lateral pulley instability in the presence of a pre-diagnosed posterosuperior cuff tear. The same investigation was conducted for painful active internal rotation (AIR). Methods: a multicenter prospective study was conducted in a series of patients scheduled to undergo arthroscopic posterosuperior cuff repair. Pain was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS) and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire (DASH) was administered. The VAS score at rest, DASH score, and presence/absence of pain on FIR and AIR were recorded and their relationships with lesions of the lateral pulley, cuff tear patterns and shape of lesions were analyzed. Results: the study population consisted of 115 patients (mean age: 55.1 years) recruited from 12 centers. The dominant arm was affected in 72 cases (62.6%). The average anteroposterior extension of the lesion was 1.61 cm. The mean preoperative VAS and DASH scores were 6.1 and 41.8, respectively. FIR and AIR were positive in 94 (81.7%) and 85 (73.9%) cases, respectively. The lateral pulley was compromised in 50 cases (43.4%). Cuff tears were partial articular in 35 patients (30.4%), complete in 61 (53%), and partial bursal in 19 (16.5%). No statistical correlation between positive FIR or AIR and lateral pulley lesions was detected. Positive FIR and AIR were statistically associated with complete lesions. Negative FIR was associated with the presence of partial articular tears. Conclusions: painful FIR in the presence of a postero-superior cuff tear does not indicate lateral pulley instability. When a cuff tear is suspected, positive FIR and AIR are suggestive of full-thickness tear patterns while a negative FIR suggests a partial articular lesion. Level of evidence: level I, validating cohort study with good reference standards

    Income level and chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions in adults: a multicity population-based study in Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A relationship between quality of primary health care and preventable hospitalizations has been described in the US, especially among the elderly. In Europe, there has been a recent increase in the evaluation of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) as an indicator of health care quality, but evidence is still limited. The aim of this study was to determine whether income level is associated with higher hospitalization rates for ACSC in adults in a country with universal health care coverage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From the hospital registries in four Italian cities (Turin, Milan, Bologna, Rome), we identified 9384 hospital admissions for six chronic conditions (diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma) among 20-64 year-olds in 2000. Case definition was based on the ICD-9-CM coding algorithm suggested by the Agency for Health Research and Quality - <it>Prevention Quality Indicators</it>. An area-based (census block) income index was used for each individual. All hospitalization rates were directly standardised for gender and age using the Italian population. Poisson regression analysis was performed to assess the relationship between income level (quintiles) and hospitalization rates (RR, 95% CI) separately for the selected conditions controlling for age, gender and city of residence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, the ACSC age-standardized rate was 26.1 per 10.000 inhabitants. All conditions showed a statistically significant socioeconomic gradient, with low income people being more likely to be hospitalized than their well off counterparts. The association was particularly strong for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (level V low income vs. level I high income RR = 4.23 95%CI 3.37-5.31) and for congestive heart failure (RR = 3.78, 95% CI = 3.09-4.62). With the exception of asthma, males were more vulnerable to ACSC hospitalizations than females. The risks were higher among 45-64 year olds than in younger people.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The socioeconomic gradient in ACSC hospitalization rates confirms the gap in health status between social groups in our country. Insufficient or ineffective primary care is suggested as a plausible additional factor aggravating inequality. This finding highlights the need for improving outpatient care programmes to reduce the excess of unnecessary hospitalizations among poor people.</p

    The well-being of sex workers: the role of mind-body practices.

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    openLa prostituzione è un fenomeno sociale complesso e la sua reputazione oscilla tra stigma e accettazione. Nella storia europea la prostituta è stata declinata sotto vari aspetti: come “male necessario” per dare sfogo ai bisogni carnali degli uomini del Medioevo o sotto il profilo di criminale femminile con deviazione psicologiche e sessuali innate alla fine del ‘800. Nel contesto dell’America Latina, la realtà della prostituzione prende piede con l’affermazione del colonialismo attraverso lo sfruttamento delle schiave fino ad arrivare allo sviluppo di bordelli che diventano famosi a livello internazionale. A seconda di orientamenti politici e religiosi nascono diversi modelli legislativi nella gestione del fenomeno: quello più diffuso è l’abolizionismo che rende legale la prostituzione ma non la riconosce come lavoro, di conseguenza, la maggior parte delle sex workers nel mondo è esposta a un alto rischio di violenza, di coercizione e di sfruttamento a fini sessuali. Questi fattori compromettono notevolmente la salute mentale delle sex workers che presentano un’alta prevalenza di depressione, disturbi d’ansia e disturbo da stress post traumatico. Si rileva l’efficacia delle pratiche mente-corpo nell’incrementare il benessere della popolazione di donne in condizione di prostituzione grazie alla presa in causa dello strumento di lavoro che utilizzano quotidianamente: il corpo. Un esempio di realtà in cui è stato possibile implementare un'officina di yoga e meditazione è la "Pastoral da Mulher", una struttura nella città di Juazeiro da Bahia (BR) che si occupa di progetti sociali per donne in estrema vulnerabilità.Prostitution is a complex social phenomenon and its reputation oscillates between stigma and acceptance. In European history, the prostitute has been declined under various aspects: as a 'necessary evil' to give vent to men's carnal needs in the Middle Ages or under the profile of a female criminal with deviant innate psychological and sexual components at the end of the 19th century. In the context of Latin America, the reality of prostitution took hold with the rise of colonialism through the exploitation of slaves, up to the development of brothels that even became internationally famous. Depending on political and religious orientations, there are different legislative models for the management of the phenomenon: the most widespread is abolitionism, which makes prostitution legal but does not recognise it as work. As a result, most sex workers in the world are exposed to a high risk of violence, of contracting sexually transmitted infections and of exploitation for sexual purposes. These factors significantly compromise the mental health of sex workers who present a high prevalence of depression, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder. The efficacy of mind-body practices in increasing the well-being of the population of sex workers is noted due to the engagement their daily work tool: the body. An example of a reality in which it was possible to implement a yoga and meditation workshop is the "Pastoral da Mulher", a facility in the city of Juazeiro da Bahia (BR) that deals with social projects for women in extreme vulnerability

    Standardizzazione delle procedure per il trattamento endodontico

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