238 research outputs found

    Gestão de recursos humanos na instituição Residência Segura, SA

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    Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais.O estágio decorreu na instituição Residência Segura – Promoção de Habilitação Assistida, SA. É uma instituição de carácter privado e tem como objetivo oferecer condições às pessoas idosas e não idosas para que possam continuar o seu ciclo de desenvolvimento normal e permitir que prossigam com as suas práticas quotidianas. O estágio teve uma duração de nove meses, iniciando-se em 15 de Outubro de 2013 e terminando a 25 de Julho de 2014. Os objetivos do estágio tiveram como finalidade adquirir um maior conhecimento sobre a Gestão de Recursos Humanos, averiguar quais as políticas de GRH que foram implementadas nesta organização e contribuir para a promoção da eficiência e da eficácia dos trabalhadores para que esta consiga atingir os seus objetivos da melhor forma possível, conciliando os interesses da instituição com os interesses de quem nela trabalha, através da implementação de várias medidas. Este estágio teve, também, como finalidade a aplicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos no decorrer da licenciatura e do mestrado, complementando a minha formação académica. Na última parte deste relatório são apresentadas algumas lacunas encontradas na instituição, bem como uma proposta de melhoria, de forma a visar um melhor funcionamento da instituição.ABSTRACT: The internship took place in the institution Residência Segura – Promoção de Habilitação Assistida, SA. It is an institution of private nature and aims to provide conditions for elderly and non-elderly so they can continue their normal development cycle and allow them to continue with their daily practices. The internship lasted nine months, starting on 15 October 2013 until 25 July 2014. The objectives of the internship were intended to gain greater knowledge about Human Resource Management, ascertain their HRM policies that were implemented in this company and contribute to the promotion of the employees’ efficiency and effectiveness, so that it can achieve its objectives in the best possible way reconciling the interests of the institution with the interests of those who work there through the implementation of various measures. This report also aims to apply the knowledge acquired during the bachelor and the master, providing a better academic training. In the last part of this report are presented some gaps identified in the institution, as well as a proposed improvement in order to achieve a better functioning of the institution

    SysML for embedded automotive systems: SysCARS methodology

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    International audienceThis paper gives an overview of the years of Valeo experience in deploying a Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) approach for mechatronic automotive embedded systems and products. The different stages are described initial studies, language and tool benchmarking up to the last returns of experience on industrial projects. Particular emphasis is put on describing the SysCARS methodology which gives, not only a precise mapping of System Engineering work items to SysML artefacts, but also the sequence of modeling activities to be performed. It is shown how the SySCARS methodology has been implemented as a SysML profile, based on a powerful "workflow driven" mechanism, which helps the user during the modeling process. Finally it is presented how interoperability is ensured with the tools already in place for requirements management and control design

    Communes de Balignac, Maumusson et Montgaillard

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    Cette prospection inventaire avait trois objectifs. Le premier était de poursuivre la recherche sur le terrain d’ateliers de potiers modernes constituant la nébuleuse potière Cox-Lomagne. Parmi les nouveaux sites, surtout repérées dans la commune de Montgaillard, le hameau Gayri s’avère être le plus intéressant tant archéologiquement qu’artistiquement. Il sera procédé en 2016 à une demande de sondage car il représente bien les problématiques élaborées dans le cadre du PCR sur la céramique mod..

    Blockchain technology for the construction industry

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    One of the challenges that the construction industry faces is the lack of trust between participants and information sharing processes. Blockchain is a disruptive and emerging technology that can be used to add immutability, trust and transparency to information. This dissertation proposes a platform that aims to mitigate the problem of information sharing in the construction industry using blockchain technology. The platform allows to keep an immutable record of file interactions between construction participants and simulate document signatures that can later be verified. A proof-of-concept was developed using the Ethereum network, which was also used to evaluate the gas price influence in the execution duration of the transaction and its cost. It is concluded that blockchain technology can support information sharing in the construction industry.Um dos desafios que a indústria da construção enfrenta é a falta de confiança entre os intervenientes e os sistemas de partilha de informação. Blockchain é uma tecnologia disruptiva e emergente que pode ser usada para adicionar imutabilidade, confiança e transparência à informação. A presente dissertação propõe uma plataforma que pretende mitigar o problema de partilha de informação na indústria da construção utilizando a tecnologia blockchain. A plataforma permite manter um registo imutável das alterações efetuadas em ficheiros partilhados entre os vários intervenientes da obra e simular assinaturas de documentos que possam ser, posteriormente, verificadas. Foi desenvolvida uma prova de conceito utilizando a rede Ethereum sendo, de seguida, utilizada para avaliar a influência do preço unitário do gas na duração de execução da transação e o seu custo. Conclui-se que a tecnologia blockchain pode auxiliar a partilha de informação na indústria da construção

    SysML for embedded automotive Systems: a practical approach

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    International audienceWhile SysML (System Modeling Language) is a leading topic for System Engineering (SE) in all domains, there is no pragmatic implementation of SE for automotive embedded systems and products. In this paper, a proposal is developed to meet the needs of Valeo product lines

    SysML for embedded automotive Systems: lessons learned

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the first lessons learned from using the SysML language to support the System Engineering activities when developing automotive embedded systems and products with a particular focus on illustrating improvement solutions that have been experimented and validated in Valeo pilot projects

    Ductile to brittle transition of an A508 steel characterized by Charpy impact test, part I., experimental results

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    International audienceThis study is devoted to the ductile–brittle transition behavior of a French A508 Cl3 (16MND5) steel. Due to its importance for the safety assessment of PWR vessels, a full characterization of this steel with Charpy V-notch test in this range of temperature was undertaken. The aim of this study is to provide a wide experimental database and microstructural observations to supply, calibrate and validate models used in a local approach methodology. Mechanical and fracture properties of the steel have been investigated over a wide range of temperatures and strain-rates. Effects of impact velocity on ductile–brittle transition curve, on ductile tearing and on notch temperature rise are presented and discussed. A detailed study of ductile crack initiation and growth in Charpy specimens is also carried out. From fractographic investigations of the microvoids nucleation around carbide second phase particles, a plastic strain threshold for nucleation is determined for this material. A508 Cl3 steels undergo a transition in fracture toughness properties with temperature, due to a change in fracture mode from microvoids coalescence to cleavage fracture. A systematic investigation on the nature and the position of cleavage triggering sites and on any change in the ductile to brittle transition (DBT) range has been carried out. This leads to the conclusion that manganese sulfide inclusions do not play an increasing role with increasing test temperature as recently mentioned in other studies on A508 Cl3 steel with a higher sulfur content. In a companion paper [Tanguy et al., Engng. Fract. Mech., in press], the numerical simulation of the Charpy test in the ductile–brittle transition range using fully coupled local approach to fracture is presented

    Activités d'élaboration de normes et de contenus de formations professionnelles dans le champ aéronautique : rôle de l'hétérogénéité des décideurs, du sens du travail et des dynamiques de délibérations collectives

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    In the current context of evolution and transformation of work, our research attempts to understand and explain how professional actors (individual and collective), engaged in the definition of policies and practices of aeronautic vocational trainings, come to an agreement, collectively, on standards and contents of training programs. This research confronts processes of collective deliberations of two professional groups (one of national size and the other of local size) which have to define new programs and norms concerning qualifying technical trainings. Members of these groups (27 and 20 subjects) represent companies, trainers or managers of technical schools (private or public), competent ministries, individual figures recognized in the aeronautic field. At a methodological level, in a comprehensive exploratory approach, we have systematically observed and analyzed meetings of these two groups during one year as well as the speeches that come out from meetings. We made and analyzed semi-structured interviews and questionnaires we had built. In a systemic, active and plural approach of socialization, the interstructuration model of subject and institutions we refer to (Baubion-Broye & Haijar, 1998), considers that subject builds his activities all along his life and in interaction with other people. Our results show, on one hand that, generally, decision-makers arrive on a conclusion and a decision thanks to “apparent consensus”. On the other hand our study proves there is a link between the evident expression of coalitions and the consensus degree. Interpersonal relations change over time.Dans le contexte actuel d’évolution et de transformation du travail, notre recherche s’attache à comprendre et à expliquer de quelle manière des acteurs professionnels (individuels et collectifs), engagés dans la définition des politiques et des pratiques de formations professionnelles aéronautiques, parviennent, collectivement, à se mettre d’accord sur des normes et des contenus de programmes de formation. Cette recherche compare des activités de délibérations collectives de deux groupes professionnels (l’un à dimension nationale et l’autre à dimension locale) qui ont en charge la définition de nouveaux programmes et normes de formations techniques qualifiantes. Les membres de ces groupes (27 et 20 sujets) représentent des entreprises, des formateurs, responsables de lycées techniques, des Ministères compétents, des figures individuelles reconnues du secteur aéronautique au plan national. Au niveau méthodologique, dans une approche exploratoire compréhensive, nous avons observé et enregistré systématiquement les réunions de ces deux groupes durant une année. Nous avons aussi analysé les discours qui en découlent ainsi qu’effectué et examiné des entretiens semi-directifs et des questionnaires que nous avons construits. Dans une perspective systémique, active et plurielle de la socialisation, le modèle de l’interstructuration du sujet et des institutions (Baubion-Broye & Hajjar, 1998) auquel nous nous référons considère que les activités du sujet sont construites et signifiées par lui, tout au long de sa vie, et en interaction avec autrui. Nos résultats montrent, notamment, que les décideurs prennent majoritairement des décisions collectives par « consensus apparent » et qu’il y a un lien entre l’expression manifeste d’alliances et le degré de consensus. Les relations interpersonnelles évoluent au cours du temps

    Ductile to brittle transition of an A508 steel characterized by Charpy impact test, part II., Modeling of the Charpy transition curve

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    International audienceA finite element simulation of the Charpy test is developed in order to model the ductile to brittle transition curve of a pressure vessel steel. The material (an A508 steel) and the experimental results are presented in a companion paper (Part I [Engng. Fract. Mech.]). The proposed simulation includes a detailed description of the material viscoplastic behavior over a wide temperature range. Ductile behavior is modeled using modified Rousselier model. The Beremin model is used to describe brittle fracture. The Charpy test is simulated using a full 3D mesh and accounting for adiabatic heating and contact between the specimen, the striker and the anvil. The developed model is well suited to represent ductile tearing. Using brittle failure parameters identified below −150 °C, it is possible to represent the transition curve up to −80 °C assuming that the Beremin stress parameter σu is independent of temperature. Above this temperature, a temperature dependent Beremin stress parameter, σu, must be used to correctly simulate the transition curve. Quasi-static and dynamic tests can then be consistently modeled

    Multiaxial fatigue crack initiation on filled rubbers : statistical aspects

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    International audienceWhite reinforcement fillers such as precipitated ...