30 research outputs found

    Transformation of the Jeruzalem Hills cultural landscape with modern vineyard terraces

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    The terraced landscape in the Jeruzalem Hills is the result of specific socioeconomic conditions under communism, and now its appearance is drastically changing for the second time in the last fifty years. This article examines the creation of the new landscape layer of modern cultivated terraces and studies their disappearance and the return to a condition similar to the original state. The analysis is based on interviews and visual interpretation of aerial laser scanning (lidar) data. It focuses on the state of the landscape before terracing, the creation of terraces and formation of a terraced landscape, and its most recent transformation into slopes without terraces. It is determined that, despite the recognized aesthetic value of terraces, legal protection in the form of a nature park has not impacted their preservation because 56% of them have already been leveled. With the conversion of vineyards to vertical plantations, a new challenge is arising: increased erosion

    Bay of Piran or Bay of Savudrija? An example of problematic treatment of geographical names

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    The established geographical name Bay of Piran refers to the largest bay in the Gulf of Trieste at the extreme north end of the Adriatic Sea. After the collapse of Yugoslavia and the emergence of independent countries demarcated along the borders of the former Yugoslav republics, the previously undemarcated body of water between Slovenia and Croatia became the focus of a border dispute between the two countries.One of the basic principles of proper treatment of geographical names is not to change established and widely used names. The name ‘Bay of Piran’ (Sln. Piranski zaliv, Cro. Piranski zaljev) is derived from the Italian name Vallone di Pirano ‘Bay of Piran’, which replaced the Italian name Valle di Sicciole ‘Bay of Sečovlje’ (as well as Ital. Valle di Siciole, Sln. Sečoveljski zaliv) a century and half ago. This in turn was established towards the end of the 18th century, replacing the Italian name Largon ‘Broad’ or Golfo Largone ‘Broad Bay’. Since 2000 there have been Croatian attempts to establish the completely new name ‘Bay of Savudrija’ (Cro. Savudrijska vala, Sln. Savudrijski zaliv)

    Border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia along the lower reaches of the Dragonja River

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    The paper discusses border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia along the lower reaches of the Dragonja River, acute since the two countries gained independence in 1991. It is the most hotly contested border dispute point between the two countries except for the maritime border in Bay of Piran. The area with small villages of Mlini-Škrile, Bužini and Škodelin is known in the literature as the “area along the Dragonja River”, "the area of double records" or "the case of four villages". The paper begins by describing reasons for the southern border of the Municipality of Piran from geographic and economic aspects. It focuses on changes of borders from the legal aspect between and after World War Two. Situation on site is described for the last 60 years, based on a field research. The paper concludes by outlining the principle of international law “uti possidetis” and its possible implications for the area in question

    Cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia in Istria after 1991

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    The paper discusses the impact of the international border established in 1991 on cross-border cooperation. It focuses on the impact of the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia on Border Traffic and Cooperation (SOPS) and introduction of the Schengen Agreement as a result of Slovene accession to the EU. The paper highlights the effect of the border on local population. It uses a number of interviews to present the people's attitude to the new realities of the border while at the same time determining the impact of the border on local development and the organisation of Italian national minority in Istria. In conclusion, the paper outlines the three areas formed along the border with regard to the changes in the intensity of cross-border cooperation and the related local development. Finally, the paper attempts to indicate the future development of the area in the context of cross-border cooperation along the EU's external border

    Cultural values and sustainable rural development: A brief introduction

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    The Importance of Teachers’ Perception of Space in Education

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    In addition to environmental problems, spatial pressures are also being exacerbated by increasing economic development, the prosperity of the European population, and the increasing needs of various activities. These can only be mitigated through carefully planned use of space, which demands more active inclusion of the public in addition to relevant services. For successful public inclusion it is important for both individuals and social communities to be aware that space is a limited commodity exposed to increasing social and economic pressure. This kind of awareness demands an informed and educated population that will not only build its attitude towards space based on conceptual knowledge, but also supplement this through perceptual knowledge obtained in education. Active, responsible, and critical citizens can only be cultivated by properly educated, informed, and motivated teachers. These teachers can use new methods to address many existing topics and include new topics to considerably broaden their students’ minds. This is also what this paper seeks to demonstrate. It focuses on the comprehension of space through spatial perception, further development of routine conceptual knowledge through fieldwork, and the possibility of applying selected methods to learning processes. The goal of these efforts will be achieved when individuals and society understand that space is a limited commodity and that the attitude towards it must change as soon as possible if space is to be preserved for future generations in the spirit of sustainable development

    Culinary events in the Slovenian countryside: Visitors’ motives, satisfaction, and views on sustainability

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    This paper focuses on five culinary events on Slovenia’s Karst Plateau (Kras). It presents visitors’ motives for attending these events, their satisfaction with them, and their views on sustainability. These traditional culinary events, which take place in the same gastronomic region, differ in their scale, theme, character, and history. A survey was conducted among 244 visitors, approximately 50% of whom had a university degree. The most important motives for their visit include local cuisine; experiencing something new, different, or special; and exploring natural heritage and especially cultural heritage. Visitor satisfaction is the greatest at boutique culinary events, where the main theme is highlighted more strongly than at large-scale culinary events. The main challenge in terms of the sustainability of culinary events is public transport access to the venues. Significant progress would be made by reducing the amount of disposable packaging made from non-sustainable materials. The key to successful culinary events is high-quality services and ingredients, where the word local is key

    Poimenovanja Piranskega zaliva

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    The monograph presents different names of Piran Bay (Slo. Piranski zaliv) over time. Despite the leading onomastic topic, the publication is designed as a regional-geographic review of Piran Bay and its hinterland, where all the main physical- and socio-geographical characteristics are presented. This book describes the basic hydro-geographic characteristics of Piran Bay as a part of Gulf of Trieste and the Adriatic Sea. The monograph talks about the historical development, salt making in Sečovlje salt pans and the circumstances that led to the now more than two decades-long border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia. A significant chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the different naming of the Bay of Piran through time. According to the chronological order, 104 different cartographic sources present the name changes of the Piran Bay through time and when a certain specific geographic name appeared. Based on media analysis, one of the chapters describes the relation between the names Savudrijska vala or Savudrijski zaljev (Savudrija Bay) and Piranski zaliv or Piranski zaljev (Piran Bay).Monografija predstavlja različna poimenovanja Piranskega zaliva skozi čas. Kljub vodilni imenoslovni tematiki je publikacija zasnovana tudi kot regionalnogeografski prikaz Piranskega zaliva in njegovega zaledja, pri čemer so predstavljene tako poglavitne naravnogeografske kot družbenogeografske značilnosti. Posebej so izpostavljene temeljne hidrogeografske poteze Piranskega zaliva kot dela Tržaškega zaliva in Jadranskega morja. Precejšen poudarek je namenjen zgodovinskemu razvoju, pri čemer je izpostavljeno solinarstvo s Sečoveljskimi solinami. Podrobneje so osvetljene tudi okoliščine, ki so privedle do zdaj že več kot dve desetletji trajajočega mejnega spora med Slovenijo in Hrvaško. Osrednje poglavje obravnava poimenovanja območja Piranskega zaliva skozi čas. V njem so kronološko razvrščeni 104 različni kartografski viri, ki omogočajo razbrati, kako se je poimenovanje zaliva spreminjalo skozi čas in kdaj se je določeno ime pojavilo oziroma, kdaj je prevladovalo. Na podlagi medijske analize je prikazana raba novodobnih hrvaških imen Savudrijska vala/Savudrijski zaljev na eni strani in starega slovenskega imena Piranski zaliv oziroma starega hrvaškega Piranski zaljev na drugi


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    S tem vodnikom zaokrožamo predstavitve slovenskega zamejstva v Italiji. V njem so predstavljene ekskurzije, izvedene v severnem delu tamkajšnjega slovenskega zamejskega prostora. Dva zapisa obravnavata mejno območje med Slovenijo in Italijo, prvi simbol Beneških Slovencev Matajur, drugi pa suho dolino Predol in najzahodnejše naselje v Republiki Sloveniji, vasico Robidišče. Poleg Terskih in Nadiških dolin, Čedada in Vidma z okolico, vselej skrivnostne Rezije in z vidika osrednje Slovenije skoraj bližnje Kanalske doline je vključena še pri nas manj znana gorska pokrajina Karnija, ki pa je z avtocestno povezavo med Beljakom in Vidmom prav tako na dosegu roke. Za razliko od ostalih obravnavanih območij ni bila nikoli slovensko narodnostno ozemlje, pač pa se v njej prevladujoče furlansko prebivalstvo prepleta s pripadniki nemških narodnostnih otokov. Vodnik zaključuje prispevek o obnovi furlanskih naselij po uničujočih potresih v letu 1976, ki so vzeli skoraj 1000 življenj. Rdeča nit vodnika je narodnostna problematika, praviloma vpeta v zgodovinski okvir, ki jo je odločilno zaznamoval. Zastopane so tudi raznovrstne naravne lepote, prežete s tradicionalnimi etnografskimi vrednotami

    Med tradicijami in inovacijami: Butični kulinarični turizem v zaledju sredozemskih turističnih destinacij

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    The article presents two good practices in culinary boutique tourism from the Slovenian Mediterranean hinterland. The authors believe that they stand out in terms of content, innovation, organization, and personalized approach. The two tourist farms covered are very successful in networking and cooperation with other local producers and food suppliers. They have received a lot of media attention due to their activities and character. They have also received significant recognition at the national level. They educate visitors in search of unique culinary experiences, in their view, promote the cultural heritage, and increase the visibility of their region. As the authors note, culinary heritage, combined with innovation, is a vital element for the survival of small farms.Prispevek predstavlja dobri praksi s področja butičnega kulinaričnega turizma iz slovenskih zalednih sredozemskih turističnih destinacij. Po mnenju avtorjev praksi izstopata po vsebini, inovativnosti, organizaciji in personaliziranem pristopu. Obravnavani turistični kmetiji, ki ju odlikujeta mreženje in sodelovanje z drugimi lokalnimi pridelovalci in ponudniki hrane, sta bili zaradi svojega dela deležni zanimanja medijev, prejeli pa sta tudi visoka priznanja na državni ravni. Kmetiji izobražujeta obiskovalce, ki iščejo kulinarična doživetja in izkušnje in, kot sami pravijo, skrbita za promocijo kulturne dediščine in prepoznavnost regije. Avtorja ugotavljata, da je prehranska dediščina v kombinaciji z inovacijami ključna prvina za preživetje malih kmetij