368 research outputs found

    Modelling galaxy spectra in presence of interstellar dust. I. The model of ISM and the library of dusty SSPs

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    In this paper, the first of a series of two devoted to modelling the spectra of galaxies of different morphological type in presence of dust, we present our description of the dust both in the diffuse ISM and the molecular clouds. Our model for the dust takes into account three components, i.e. graphite, silicates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. We consider and adapt to our aims two prescriptions for the size distribution of the dust grains and two models for the emission of the dusty ISM. We cross-check the emission and extinction models of the ISM by calculating the extinction curves and the emission for the typical environments of the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and by comparing the results with the observational data. The final model we have adopted is an hybrid one which stems from combining the analysis of Guhathakurta et al (1989) for the emission of graphite and silicates and Puget et al. (1985) for the PAH emission, and using the distribution law of Weingartner et al. (2001a) and the ionization model for PAHs of Weingartner et al. (2001b). We apply the model to calculate the SED of SSPs of different age and chemical composition, which may be severely affected by dust in young, massive stars while they are still embedded in their parental MCs. We use the "Ray Tracing" method to solve the problem of radiative transfer and to calculate libraries of SSP SEDs. Particular care is paid to model the contribution from PAHs, introducing different abundances of C in the population of very small carbonaceous grains (VSGs) and different ionization states in PAHs. The SEDs of young SSPs are then compared with observational data of star forming regions of four local galaxies successfully reproducing their SEDs from the UV-optical regions to the mid and far infrared.Comment: 24 pages, 29 figure

    New response functions for absorption-line indices from high-resolution spectra

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    Basing on the huge library of 1-A resolution spectra calculated by Munari et al. over a large range of logT, log g, [Fe/H] and both for solar and a-enhanced abundance ratios [a/Fe], we present theoretical absorption-line indices on the Lick system. First we derive the so-called response functions (RFs) of Tripicco & Bell for a wide range of logT, log g, [Fe/H] and [a/Fe]=+0.4 dex. The RFs are commonly used to correct indices with solar [a/Fe] ratios to indices with [a/Fe]>0. Not only the RFs vary with the type of star but also with the metallicity. Secondly, with the aid of this and the fitting functions (FFs) of Worthey et al., we derive the indices for single stellar populations and compare them with those obtained by previous authors, e.g. Tantalo & Chiosi. The new RFs not only supersede the old ones by Tripicco & Bell, but also show that Hb increases with the degree of enhancement in agreement with the results by Tantalo & Chiosi. The new indices for single stellar populations are used to derive with aid of the recursive Minimum Distance method the age, metallicity and degree of enhancement of a sample of Galactic Globular Clusters for which these key parameters have been independently derived from the Colour-Magnitude Diagram and/or spectroscopic studies. The agreement is remarkably good.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Formation and Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies: Spectro-Photometry from Cosmo-Chemo-Dynamical Simulations

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    One of the major challenges in modern astrophysics is to understand the origin and the evolution of galaxies, the bright, massive early type galaxies (ETGs) in particular. Therefore, these galaxies are likely to be good probes of galaxy evolution, star formation and, metal enrichment in the early Universe. In this context it is very important to set up a diagnostic tool able to combine results from chemo-dynamical N-Body-TSPH (NB-TSPH) simulations of ETGs with those of spectro-photometric population synthesis and evolution so that all key properties of galaxies can be investigated. The main goal of this paper is to provide a preliminary validation of the software package before applying it to the analysis of observational data. The galaxy models in use where calculated by the Padova group in two different cosmological scenarios: the SCDM, and the Lambda CDM. For these models, we recover their spectro-photometric evolution through the entire history of the Universe. We computed magnitudes and colors and their evolution with the redshift along with the evolutionary and cosmological corrections for the model galaxies at our disposal, and compared them with data for ETGs taken from the COSMOS and the GOODS databases. Starting from the dynamical simulations and photometric models at our disposal, we created synthetic images from which we derived the structural and morphological parameters. The theoretical results are compared with observational data of ETGs selected form the SDSS database. The simulated colors for the different cosmological scenarios follow the general trend shown by galaxies of the COSMOS and GOODS. Within the redshift range considered, all the simulated colors reproduce the observational data quite well.Comment: 28 pages, 28 figures, accepted for pubblication by A&

    The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks VIII: Structure of the Cold ISM

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    The quantity of dust in a spiral disk can be estimated using the dust's typical emission or the extinction of a known source. In this paper, we compare two techniques, one based on emission and one on absorption, applied on sections of fourteen disk galaxies. The two measurements reflect, respectively the average and apparent optical depth of a disk section. Hence, they depend differently on the average number and optical depth of ISM structures in the disk. The small scale geometry of the cold ISM is critical for accurate models of the overall energy budget of spiral disks. ISM geometry, relative contributions of different stellar populations and dust emissivity are all free parameters in galaxy Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) models; they are also sometimes degenerate, depending on wavelength coverage. Our aim is to constrain typical ISM geometry. The apparent optical depth measurement comes from the number of distant galaxies seen in HST images through the foreground disk. We measure the IR flux in images from the {\it Spitzer} Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey in the same section of the disk that was covered by HST. A physical model of the dust is fit to the SED to estimate the dust surface density, mean temperature, and brightness in these disk sections. The surface density is subsequently converted into the average optical depth estimate. The two measurements generally agree. The ratios between the measured average and apparent optical depths of the disk sections imply optically thin clouds in these disks. Optically thick disks, are likely to have more than a single cloud along the line-of-sight.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A

    RFP-MSR Hybrid Reactor Model for Tritium Breeding and Actinides Transmutation †

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    The studies on the development of fusion-fission hybrid reactors (FFHR) have gained consensus in recent years as an intermediate step before fusion energy. This work proposes a possible approach to FFHRs based on the coupling of a Reversed Field Pinch fusion machine and a Molten Salt Subcritical fission test bed. The proposed test bed is characterized by the coexistence of a fast-neutron fission core and a dedicated thermal-neutron zone, allowing the performing of tritium breeding and actinides transmutation studies. The neutronic design solutions and the results obtained by the irradiation of FLiBe salt (inside the thermal-neutron zone) and of an actinide target (inside the core) are shown. The outcomes of the analysis reveal the potential of FFHR systems as breeding/burner systems. In particular, the results regarding tritium breeding are very encouraging as the system is demonstrated to be able to reach a very high Tritium Breeding Ratio

    GALEX UV properties of the polar ring galaxy MCG-05-07-001 and the shell galaxies NGC 1210 and NGC 5329

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    Systems of shells and polar rings in early-type galaxies are considered "bona fide" tracers of mass accretion and/or mergers. Their high frequency in low density environments suggests that such episodes could drive the evolution of at least a fraction of the early-type galaxy population. Their UV emission is crucial to test whether these galaxies host ongoing/recent star formation. We used far and near ultraviolet, optical, near infrared images, HI maps, and line strength indices to investigate the nuclear and outer regions of the galaxies as well as the regions where fine structures are present. The GALEX Near (NUV) and Far UV (FUV) images of MCG-05-07-001 and NGC 1210 show complex tidal tails and debris structures. The UV morphology of both galaxies appears so different from the optical one that the early-type classification may not apply. In both GALEX bands the polar ring of MCG-05-07-001 is the dominant feature, whereas an extended tidal tail dominates the FUV bands of NGC 1210. In MCG-05-07-001 and NGC 1210 there is a strong correlation between structures detected in the FUV and NUV bands and in HI. NGC 5329 does not show evidence of shells in the UV. We try to constrain the age of the accretion episode or merger which gave rise to the shells and polar rings with the aid of composite stellar populations that take the presence of dust into account. The presence of HI in both MCG-05-07-001 and NGC 1210 argues in favour of wet mergers. Models suggest the presence of very young stellar populations in MCG-05-07-001: the observations could be explained in the framework of a conspicuous burst of star formation that occurred <=1 Gyr ago and involved a large fraction of the galaxy mass. Our models suggest that also the nuclei of NGC 1210 and NGC 5329 could have been rejuvenated by an accretion episode about 2-4 Gyr ago. (abridged)Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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