183 research outputs found

    Implanty ślimakowe – etyka a wybór

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    Tomaszewski Piotr, Implanty ślimakowe – etyka a wybór [Cochlear implants – ethics and choices]. „Kultura – Społeczeństwo – Edukacja” nr 2(14) 2018, Poznań 2018, pp. 155–181, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2018.14.13. This study discusses the ethical issue of the development of hearing technology in the form of cochlear implants that are used by an ever-growing number of deaf and hard of hearing people. The development of this kind of technology has progressed so quickly all over the world, including Poland, that the deafness paradigms have drastically changed. This may affect, to a greater or lesser degree, not only the implementation of early support programmes, but also the image of the Deaf communities using their respective sign languages on a daily basis. It is therefore necessary to create an eclectic model of education for deaf and hard of hearing people which would allow for the ethical option to integrate the conflicting approaches on the proper procedure for deciding on the language (spoken or signed) and the culture (the hearing or the Deaf one) for the development of deaf and hard of hearing students with cochlear implants or hearing aids.Tomaszewski Piotr, Implanty ślimakowe – etyka a wybór [Cochlear implants – ethics and choices]. „Kultura – Społeczeństwo – Edukacja” nr 2(14) 2018, Poznań 2018, pp. 155–181, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2018.14.13. This study discusses the ethical issue of the development of hearing technology in the form of cochlear implants that are used by an ever-growing number of deaf and hard of hearing people. The development of this kind of technology has progressed so quickly all over the world, including Poland, that the deafness paradigms have drastically changed. This may affect, to a greater or lesser degree, not only the implementation of early support programmes, but also the image of the Deaf communities using their respective sign languages on a daily basis. It is therefore necessary to create an eclectic model of education for deaf and hard of hearing people which would allow for the ethical option to integrate the conflicting approaches on the proper procedure for deciding on the language (spoken or signed) and the culture (the hearing or the Deaf one) for the development of deaf and hard of hearing students with cochlear implants or hearing aids

    Badanie echokardiograficzne w powikłaniach infekcyjnych elektrostymulacji

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    defibrylatorem (ICD) mogą mieć charakter miejscowy lub uogólniony jako septicaemia bez zapalenia wsierdzia oraz zapalenie wsierdzia (CDIE). Ustalenie rozpoznania CDIE nie zawsze jest proste. Największe znaczenie w diagnostyce tego schorzenia ma echokardiografia. Pozwala ona zobrazować wegetacje, które stanowią pośredni dowód na zapalenie wsierdzia. W badaniu przezklatkowym (TTE) tylko w niewielkim odsetku udaje się uwidocznić wegetacje, zdecydowanie lepsze jest badanie przezprzełykowe (TEE). Echokardiograficzna ocena elektrod obejmuje ich część zawartą w początkowym odcinku żyły głównej górnej, prawym przedsionku i prawej komorze, ale i tu mogą się znaleźć odcinki niedostępne badaniu. Obraz wegetacji jest różny; są to mniejsze lub większe nieregularne (o różnych kształatach), miękkie oscylujące twory. Najczęściej wiążą się z elektrodami, ale przy dłużej trwającej infekcji również ze strukturami prawych jam serca, najczęściej z płatkami zastawki trójdzielnej. Badania TTE i TEE stanowią także nieodzowny element oceny pacjenta poddanego leczeniu metodą przezskórnego usuwania elektrod

    Regionalna polityka innowacyjna w świetle instytucjonalnych teorii rozwoju regionalnego

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    Regional innovation policy in the light of institutional theory of regional developmentThe purpose of this article is to show the potential behaviors of local governments, which stimulate the development of innovative business activities based on a specific set of institutional theories of regional development. The basic hypothesis of the research assumes that the regional authorities should actively formulate regional innovation policy, and then implement it

    Teismo ekspertizės įstatymo Lenkijoje keliai ir klystkeliai

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    The authors very critically refer to selected Polish regulations, particularly with regard to the expert witness’ position in a criminal trial. The main problems discussed in the article are as follows: absence of a consistent expert witness law in Poland – a comprehensive legal act, non-regulated status of expert witness, absence of measures for verification of expert witness qualifications, ambiguity regarding the „scientific or specialist institutions”, only partial regulation of the issue of the so-called private expert testimony, extremely low hourly wages on the basis of which the expert’s remuneration is calculated, introducing inadvertence as the criminal offence involving delivery of a false expert opinion, chaos regarding the maintenance of expert register, strict control of the expert’s access to the case file in criminal proceedings, lack of reflection by the lawmaker de lege lata

    In Search of an Eclectic Paradigm of the Education of the Deaf

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    In recent years, changes in the approach to deafness and, hence, in the education of the deaf and hard of hearing have been occurring around the world, including Poland. Deafness is increasingly perceived as a sociocultural phenomenon and not merely as a medical one, while sign language is seen as a natural language that can be used in deaf schools and by large numbers of d/Deaf people. Nevertheless, it seems at present that both deafness models are incompatible with each other for ideological reasons although they are concurrent, the medical model being dominant and the sociocultural one being alternative. For that reason, both the d/Deaf community and the deaf education still contend with significan problems related to the language policy, discrimination based on deafness (audism), sign language (linguicism), disability (ableism) or the specificityof conflictsamong the d/Deaf themselves (deafism).All this will be illustrated in this paper, along with suggested possible solutions

    The assessment of the local security policy efficiency

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to assess the local security efficiency across the districts of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province in northern Poland. The authors are looking for an answer to the following questions: does the local security policy live up to its expectations, i.e., do citizens feel safe at their place of their residence, and how do they assess the individual components of the local security system? How do residents perceive local security depending on their place of residence across the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province? Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to achieve the goal of the research, the authors conducted a survey employing a sample of 4500 residents of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province. Based on the survey findings and using linear ordering methods, a ranking of districts of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province was compiled. Findings: There are significant discrepancies between the subjective assessment of local security efficiency by the residents and its objective evaluation conducted with indicators. Generally, the residents of the districts of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province are much more content with the local security system than implied by traditional indicators. Practical Implications: The findings of the research are of great significance to local authorities as they allow them to design the systems of local development management more effectively by taking account of the residents’ opinions on the individual components of the security system. Originality/Value: The research was conducted on a relatively extensive group of respondents. The presented findings proved the usefulness of the multidimensional analysis and linear ordering methods in the assessment of local security policy efficiency.peer-reviewe

    Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage in a 60-year-old woman diagnosed in an ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography : a case report and review of literature

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    Purpose: Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage (TAPVD) is a congenital cardiac defect in which there is no connection between pulmonary veins and the left atrium. Pulmonary veins form a confluence independent of the left atrium and drain to a systemic vein. TAPVD types are: supracardiac, cardiac, infracardiac, and mixed. TAPVD accounts for approximately 1.5-2.2% of all congenital heart diseases. This anomaly is usually diagnosed in the neonatal period, and it coexists with atrial septal defect. Adult cases of TAPVD are rarely reported. Case report: We report a rare case of a 60-year-old woman with incidentally found, uncorrected TAPVD in ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography. In previous echocardiographic examinations partial anomalous pulmonary venous return and atrial septal defect were diagnosed. Conclusions: ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography is a valuable diagnostic method for adults with congenital heart disease. It enables evaluation of coronary arteries and simultaneously provides detailed anatomy of great vessels

    Machine learning-accelerated small-angle X-ray scattering analysis of disordered two- and three-phase materials

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    Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a useful technique for nanoscale structural characterization of materials. In SAXS, structural and spatial information is indirectly obtained from the scattering intensity in the spectral domain, known as the reciprocal space. Therefore, characterizing the structure requires solving the inverse problem of finding a plausible structure model that corresponds to the measured scattering intensity. Both the choice of structure model and the computational workload of parameter estimation are bottlenecks in this process. In this work, we develop a framework for analysis of SAXS data from disordered materials. The materials are modeled using Gaussian Random Fields (GRFs). We study the case of two phases, pore and solid, and three phases, where a third phase is added at the interface between the two other phases. Further, we develop very fast GPU-accelerated, Fourier transform-based numerical methods for both structure generation and SAXS simulation. We demonstrate that length scales and volume fractions can be predicted with good accuracy using our machine learning-based framework. The parameter prediction executes virtually instantaneously and hence the computational burden of conventional model fitting can be avoided