82 research outputs found

    Applying fuzzy parametersin pricing financial derivatives inspiredby the kyoto protocol

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    The emission trading is proposed in the Kyoto Protocol. An appropriate market and the market of financial derivatives for allowances will be established. Using the neutral martingale method and Monte Carlo simulations, we propose a stochastic model with a pricing formula, which may be useful for an evaluation of derivatives inspired by the Kyoto Protocol.option pricing, financial derivatives, Kyoto Protocol, martingale method, fuzzy parameters

    Space 4.0 – a common, democratic European space

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    Regardless of differences in political views on the scope and depth of the European integration, there are so many areas of possible and very beneficial integration that it is difficult to include them all in the area of ​​controversy. One such area of ​​necessary and extremely profitable European integration is, among others, space. Unless we go back a few decades and consider space, even today, to be the pride only of those nations that have overcome the space barrier. This would be an absurdity difficult to imagine in today\u27s Europe. Space 4.0 is, in its shortest definition and in relation to European context, a great, long-term effort by our entire community to democratize space over Europe. It was high time for ESA to make this decision in 2016. Space 4.0 is a large sector project with general social ambitions, contributing to the Industry 4.0 project and the idea of ​​European Society 4.0. Europe was maturing for this decision on many levels: political, social, but mainly economic and competitive. We will soon celebrate the 10th anniversary of this decision, so we would like to remind again where we direct our European space dreams, and maybe it is time for a slightly earlier summary of activities during this period of almost a decade, especially from our Polish, perhaps slightly subjective perspective. The English version of this article is published concurrently in IJET-The International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications. Polish version is published in Elektronika.&nbsp

    StoRIR: Stochastic Room Impulse Response Generation for Audio Data Augmentation

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    In this paper we introduce StoRIR - a stochastic room impulse response generation method dedicated to audio data augmentation in machine learning applications. This technique, in contrary to geometrical methods like image-source or ray tracing, does not require prior definition of room geometry, absorption coefficients or microphone and source placement and is dependent solely on the acoustic parameters of the room. The method is intuitive, easy to implement and allows to generate RIRs of very complicated enclosures. We show that StoRIR, when used for audio data augmentation in a speech enhancement task, allows deep learning models to achieve better results on a wide range of metrics than when using the conventional image-source method, effectively improving many of them by more than 5 %. We publish a Python implementation of StoRIR onlineComment: Accepted for INTERSPEECH 202

    TRIDAQ Systems in HEP Experiments at LHC Accelerator

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    The paper describes Trigger and Data Acquisition (TRIDAQ) systems of accelerator experiments for High Energy Physics. The background for physics research comprises assumptions of the Standard Model theory with basic extensions. On this basis, a structure of particle detector system is described, with emphasis on the following functional blocks: Front-End Electronics, Trigger and DAQ systems. The described solutions are used in the LHC experiments: ATLAS, ALICE, CMS and LHCb. They are also used in other accelerator experiments. Data storage and processing functionality is divided into two hardware systems: Trigger and Data Acquisition, that are dependent on each other. High input data rate impose relevant choices for the architecture and parameters of both systems. The key parameters include detailed system structure and its overall latency. Trigger structure is defined by the physics requirements and the storage capability of DAQ system. Both systems are designed to achieve the highest possible space and time resolution for particle detection. Trigger references are reviewed [1]-[39] as well as chosen accelerator research efforts originating in this country [40]-[83]

    Insight Into the Diversity and Possible Role of Plasmids in the Adaptation of Psychrotolerant and Metalotolerant Arthrobacter spp. to Extreme Antarctic Environments

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    Arthrobacter spp. are coryneform Gram-positive aerobic bacteria, belonging to the class Actinobacteria. Representatives of this genus have mainly been isolated from soil, mud, sludge or sewage, and are usually mesophiles. In recent years, the presence of Arthrobacter spp. was also confirmed in various extreme, including permanently cold, environments. In this study, 36 psychrotolerant and metalotolerant Arthrobacter strains isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil from the King George Island (Antarctica), were screened for the presence of plasmids. The identified replicons were thoroughly characterized in order to assess their diversity and role in the adaptation of Arthrobacter spp. to harsh Antarctic conditions. The screening process identified 11 different plasmids, ranging in size from 8.4 to 90.6 kb. A thorough genomic analysis of these replicons detected the presence of numerous genes encoding proteins that potentially perform roles in adaptive processes such as (i) protection against ultraviolet (UV) radiation, (ii) resistance to heavy metals, (iii) transport and metabolism of organic compounds, (iv) sulfur metabolism, and (v) protection against exogenous DNA. Moreover, 10 of the plasmids carry genetic modules enabling conjugal transfer, which may facilitate their spread among bacteria in Antarctic soil. In addition, transposable elements were identified within the analyzed plasmids. Some of these elements carry passenger genes, which suggests that these replicons may be actively changing, and novel genetic modules of adaptive value could be acquired by transposition events. A comparative genomic analysis of plasmids identified in this study and other available Arthrobacter plasmids was performed. This showed only limited similarities between plasmids of Antarctic Arthrobacter strains and replicons of other, mostly mesophilic, isolates. This indicates that the plasmids identified in this study are novel and unique replicons. In addition, a thorough meta-analysis of 247 plasmids of psychrotolerant bacteria was performed, revealing the important role of these replicons in the adaptation of their hosts to extreme environments

    Implementation of sugar-sweetened beverages tax and its perception among public health stakeholders. A study from Poland

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    BackgroundOne of tools to tackle growing problem of overweight and obesity are the taxation mechanisms applied to sugar-sweetened beverages, which are expected to influence the common eating behaviors, but also they have impact on the market and public finances. The solution is therefore highly entangled in the complex of social and intersectoral interests generating a number of opportunities and threats affecting its feasibility.AimsThe study aims to depict the views of Polish stakeholders on the implementation of the sugar tax in Poland, particularly the perception of success determinants, barriers, as well as views on the features of the implemented solutions and possible alternatives.MethodsWe used semi-structured interviews with 18 individuals representing key public health stakeholders in Poland. The interview consisted of four parts, where first concentrated on the advantages and disadvantages of the SSB tax, the second part explored stakeholder involvement and stances, third concerned the feasibility of the project, and in the fourth part respondents were asked for suggestions for decision-makers regarding the content of the project and its implementation process. To reconstruct position of 4 main political parties we applied desk research. We used MAXQDA v2020 to analyse the collected data.ResultsStakeholders tend to expressed conflicting views on the effectiveness, relevance and socio-economic impact of the SSB tax. All of them agreed that the tax may appear severe for the poorest groups, children and adolescents, while disagreeing about the economic impact of the levy. The allocation of additional tax revenues was raising doubts, with stakeholders believing that the fiscal aim is the basic reason for implementing the tax, while these resources should be primarily dedicated to health promotion intervention and prevention of diet-related diseases. On the other hand, the political debate on the tax was highly superficial with strong populism arising of the presented positions.ConclusionsThere is a need to conduct a thorough public debate and improvements in terms of public communication to increase social awareness, sealing and refining the implemented solutions. Close cooperation with market players and non-governmental organizations is highly recommended

    SMX and front-end board tester for CBM readout chain

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    The STS-MUCH-XYTER (SMX) chip is a front-end ASIC dedicated to the readout of Silicon Tracking System (STS) and Muon Chamber (MUCH) detectors in the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment. The production of the ASIC and the front-end boards based on it is just being started and requires thorough testing to assure quality. The paper describes the SMX tester based on a standard commercial Artix-7 FPGA module with an additional simple baseboard. In the standalone configuration, the tester is controlled via IPbus and enables full functional testing of connected SMX, front-end board (FEB), or a full detector module. The software written in Python may easily be integrated with higher-level testing software


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    The collaboration of authors led to implementing advanced and fast systems for diagnostics of plasma content in tokamaks. During the development of systems it is planned to add new functionalities, in particular, the algorithms of tomographic reconstruction to obtain  information on three dimensional distribution of plasma impurities. In the article the idea of tomographic reconstruction is introduced and issues of performance and adequate hardware selection are presented.Wieloletnia współpraca autorów przyczyniła się do powstania zaawansowanych, szybkich mechanizmów diagnostyki składu gorącej plazmy tokamakowej. W ramach rozbudowy systemów zamierza wprowadzić się szereg nowych funkcjonalności, w tym algorytmy rekonstrukcji tomograficznej. Pozwoli to na uzyskanie informacji o przestrzennym rozkładzie nieczystości plazmy w reaktorze. Praca przedstawia koncepcję tomografii tego typu oraz przeprowadzona jest dyskusja nad zagadnieniami wydajności i doboru sprzętu