19 research outputs found

    Challenges in creating customer value in a ski school

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie wyzwań z jakimi trzeba się zmierzyć tworząc uniwersalne wartości dla klienta szkoły narciarskiej. Praca przedstawia rynek narciarstwa w Polsce wraz z ośrodkami narciarskimi. Zawiera informacje o potencjale ekonomicznym turystyki narciarskiej oraz opisuje następstwa rozwoju narciarstwa. Charakteryzuje biznes jakim jest szkoła narciarska, a także identyfikuje związane z jego prowadzeniem wyzwania. Ponadto praca prezentuje kluczowe czynniki sukcesu współczesnych przedsiębiorstw. Uwzględnia również zbiór wiadomości na temat koncepcji modelu biznesu. W sposób szczególny omawia Business Model Canvas, będący dobrym narzędziem do tworzenia wartości dla klientów. Wyniki przeprowadzonego badania ilościowego, jak i analizy materiałów zastanych, dają podstawy do rozpoznania najważniejszych, uniwersalnych wartości dla klientów, które powinny brać pod uwagę szkoły narciarskie, chcąc przygotować ofertę odpowiadającą potrzebom współczesnego rynku.The aim of this work is to show the challenges that have to be faced by creating universal values for the client of the ski school. The work presents the skiing market in Poland along with ski resorts. It contains information about the economic potential of ski tourism and describes the consequences of the development of skiing. It characterizes the business of a ski school, and also identifies the challenges associated with it. In addition, the work presents the key success factors of modern enterprises. It also includes a collection of information on the concept of the business model. It specifically discusses Business Model Canvas, which is a good tool for creating value for customers. The results of the quantitative research and analysis of existing materials provide the basis for recognizing the most important, universal values for customers, which should be taken into account by ski schools in order to prepare an offer that meets the needs of the modern market

    The impact of the „Rodzina 500 plus” program on parents decisions to enroll children for paid sports activities on the example of alpine skiing classes

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest ustalenie, czy świadczenia pozyskane dzięki programowi „Rodzina 500 plus” mają wpływ na decyzje rodziców o różnych progach dochodowych i z różnych regionów Polski odnośnie uczestnictwa ich dzieci w płatnych zajęciach sportowych na przykładzie zajęć z narciarstwa alpejskiego. Praca zawiera informacje o problemie braku aktywności fizycznej w społeczeństwie oraz o korzyściach płynących z prowadzenia aktywnego trybu życia. Ponadto praca uwzględnia zbiór wiadomości na temat programu „Rodzina 500 plus” oraz dane przedstawiające wydatki rodziców na pozaszkolne zajęcia dzieci.Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań ilościowych nie potwierdziły, ani nie zaprzeczyły zależności między wprowadzeniem programu „Rodzina 500 plus”, a wzrostem zainteresowania płatnymi zajęciami sportowymi dla dzieci.The aim of this study is to determine whether the benefits offered through „Rodzina 500 plus” program have an impact on the decisions of parents with different income thresholds and from different areas of Poland, regarding their children participating in paid sport activities on the example of alpine skiing.The study provides information about problems related to sedentary lifestyle of the society and the benefits of being active. In addition, the study contains information on the general principles of „Rodzina 500 plus” program and data of parents’ expenses for out-of-school activities for children.The results of the quantitative research did not confirm or deny the relationship between the „Rodzina 500 plus” program and the increase in interest in paid sports activities for children

    Stress in the firefighters’ working environment

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy było określenie źródeł stresu zawodowego w opinii strażaków, analiza sposobów radzenia sobie z nim oraz analiza rodzaju deklarowanych symptomów zdrowotnych występujących w związku ze stresem zawodowym. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 110 strażaków Podziału Bojowego Komendy Miejskiej Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Białej Podlaskiej. Badania przeprowadzono na przełomie roku 2014/2015, zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Wyniki. 22% ankietowanych strażaków deklaruje, że nie odczuwa stresu podczas wykonywania czynności związanych z wykonywanym zawodem. Największym źródłem stresu dla ankietowanych była odpowiedzialność za życie osób ratowanych (38%) i presja czasu w podejmowaniu decyzji (25%). Deklarowano zdrowotne symptomy stresu: przyspieszony oddech, tętno, podwyższone ciśnienie (25,5%), rozdrażnienie (22,6%), zmęczenie (22,6%); 18,2% ankietowanych korzystało z pomocy psychologa, z zasadami systemu pomocy psychologicznej w Państwowej Straży Pożarnej zapoznało się 69,1% ankietowanych. Wnioski. Konieczne jest podniesienie świadomości strażaków w zakresie istotności pomocy psychologicznej w kwestii radzenia sobie ze stresem towarzyszącym pracy.Introduction. The aim of the study was to identify sources of occupational stress as seen by fire-fighters, analyse the ways of dealing with it, as well as consider types of the declared health symptoms which occur due to occupational stress. Material and methods. The surveyed group consisted of 110 firefighters from the Combat Division of the Municipal Command of the State Fire Service in Biała Podlaska. The study was conducted at the turn of 2014/2015, using the diagnostic survey method and the author’s own questionnaire survey. Results. 22% of the surveyed firefighters declare that they do not feel stressed during their occupational activities. The biggest source of stress for the respondents was the responsibility for the lives of rescued people (38%) and the pressure of time in the decision-making process (25%). The declared health symptoms of stress included: accelerated breath and heart rate, increased blood pressure (25.5%), irritability (22.6%), fatigue (22.6%). 18.2% of the respondents sought help from a psychologist and 69.1% were familiar with the principles of the psychological help system in the State Fire Service. Conclusions. It is necessary to raise fire-fighters’ awareness in terms of the relevance of psychological support in coping with occupational stress

    Building management system based on brain computer interface. Review

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    The article provides an overview of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) solutions for intelligent buildings. A significant topic from the smart cities point of view. That solution could be implemented as one of the human-building interfaces. The authors presented an analysis of the use of BCI in specific building systems. The article presents an analysis of BCI solutions in the context of controlling devices/systems included in the Building Management System (BMS). The Article confirms the possibility of using this method of communication between the user and the building’s central unit. Despite many confirmations of repeatable device inspections, the article presents the challenges faced by the commercialization of the solution in buildings

    Analysis of the adductors and abductors' maximum isometric strength on the level of speed and agility in basketball players

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    Introduction: his study investigated the relationship between hip abductor strength (Abd), adductor strength (Add), straight accelerations and decelerations, and during changes of direction (COD 90°) performance in basketball players. Material and Methods: Fourteen basketball players participated (age = 23.6 ± 4.4 years, body mass = 86.3 ± 5.9 kg, body height = 192.3 ± 6.2 cm, training experience = 6.7 ± 2.6 years). Straight running results and running with a change of direction (COD 90°) have been described as the time (s) obtained for a given length. Following tests were carried out: maximum isometric strength test, 20-m linear sprint and 20-m COD sprint with 90° direction change angles. Following the warm-up, all athletes performed two maximal 20-m linear sprints, interspersed with 5 min rest intervals. Following the 20-m linear sprint test, the participants were provided with a 5 min rest interval before completing the COD tests. Additionally, the balance in isometric strength of the dominant and non-dominant hip Abd-Add muscles were evaluated. Two maximum attempts interspersed with one-minute rest intervals were performed. Results: The t-test revealed statistically significant higher absolute and relative isometric strength of AddR (adductor right) in comparison to AddL (adductor left). Conclusion: The results of this study show that the maximum isometric force and the relative strength of the abductor muscle group have a significant effect on changing direction running. Moreover, hip Abd and Add are typical for strength bilateral strength imbalances. Therefore, the evaluation and development of these qualities are essential for coaches to monitor and prescribe adequate training regimens

    The Influence of Badminton on the Anterior Stability of the Knee in Badminton Players between 10 and 12 Years of Age

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    The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is a common injury in athletes and physically active people, for that reason it is a very interesting topic for orthopedics and physiotherapists. The ACL tear can lead to knee joint instability. There are two main mechanisms of the ACL tear that are described in the literature during which this injury occurs: landing after a jump and dynamic lunges. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of badminton training on sagittal knee stability in young badminton players aged from 10 to 12 years old. Additionally, subjects were tested using the functional movement screen (FMS). One hundred sixteen children were included in this study. The study group consisted of 68 children, practicing badminton on a regular basis. The control group included 48 children who did not practice any sport. The results indicated that regular practice of badminton did not influence sagittal knee stability in youth players. It was also demonstrated that badminton training influences the final score in the FMS in badminton players. Additionally, based on the results of this study, there was a significant relationship between the FMS score and frontal knee stability. Considering these results, we can conclude that adequate motor preparation and badminton training have a beneficial effect on the stability of the knee joints in young badminton players