182 research outputs found

    Analýza procesu zplyňování alternativního paliva (50% odpad, 50% plasty)

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    The paper presents analysis of alternative fuel gasification with use of flue gas as a gasifying agent. As a result of a process syngas with combustible components (CO, H2, CH4, CnHm) was obtained. Laboratory tests were carried out to determine usability of selected alternative fuel to low-temperature gasification process. Tests were conducted in a laboratory reactor allowing to gasify a fuel sample of appx. 1 g. The experimental stand enables recording of a sample weight loss and syngas composition. The process takes place for fuel samples of a constant weight and different granulation and with a set composition of flue gas used as a gasifying agent. The aim of the laboratory research was to determine the usability of RDF fuel for indirect co-firing in power boilers and to build a knowledge base for industrial-size process by defining the process parameters: kinetics (time for fuel to remain in the reactor), recommended fuel granulation and process temperature.Článek prezentuje analýzu zplyňování alternativního paliva s využitím spalin jako zplyňovacího prostředku. Jako výsledek zplyńovacího procesu “syngas” byly definovány hořlavé složky (CO, H2, CH4, CnHm). Byly provedeny laboratorní testy pro určení použitelnosti vybraného alternativního paliva pro proces zplyňování při nízkých teplotách. Testy byly prováděny v laboratorním reaktoru, který umožnil zplyňovat vzorek paliva o hmotnosti cca. 1 g. Experimentální zařízení umožňuje zaznamenat úbytek hmotnosti vzorku a jeho složení. Proces probíhá u vzorků paliva s konstantní hmotností a s různou granulometrii a se stanoveným složením spalin použitým jako zplyňovací medium. Cílem laboratorního výzkumu bylo zjistit použitelnost paliva RDF pro nepřímé spolu-spalování v energetických kotlích a vytvořit znalostní základnu pro reálný průmyslový proces definováním parametrů procesu: kinetiky (doby setrvání paliva v reaktoru), doporučená granulometrie paliva a teploty procesu

    Kogenerační cykly ve vodotrubných kotlech

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    Cogeneration – joint generation of electricity and heat brings savings in consumption of primary fuels. Therefore, it contributes to reduction of harmful substances emission to the atmosphere (CO2 emission), which also means reduction of external costs of energy and heat generation. Until present, the cogeneration cycles have not been used in heating plants equipped with water boilers (in particular the water-tube ones). This paper presents a concept of innovative cogeneration cycle which operates with a water heating or industrial boiler. The cogeneration cycle does not change the approval of technical parameters of the boiler and it does not limit the scope of its use. The developed comparative cycles in the h-s and T-s systems and simulation model of the unit cogeneration cycle are presented as diagrams and cogeneration indicators. Furthermore, economic indicators of cogeneration are presented for water boilers.Kogenerace - společná výroba elektřiny a tepla přináší úspory spotřeby primárních paliv. Proto přispívá ke snížení emisí škodlivých látek do ovzduší (emise CO2), což také znamená snížení externích nákladů na výrobu energie a tepla. Dosud nebyly kogenerační cykly používány v teplárnách s parními kotly (zejména vodotrubnými). Tento článek představuje koncept inovačního kogeneračního cyklu, který pracuje s ohřevem vody u průmyslového kotle. Kogenerační cyklus nemění schválené technické parametry kotle a neomezuje rozsah jeho použití. Vyvinuté srovnávací cykly v systémech h-s a T-s a simulační model kogeneračního cyklu jednotky jsou prezentovány jako diagramy a ukazatele kogenerace. Dále jsou představeny ekonomické ukazatele kogenerace pro vodotrubné kotle

    W poszukiwaniu przyczyn erozji i marginalizacji polskich związków zawodowych: element rekonstrukcji dyskursu

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    W ciągu ostatnich 27 lat w Polsce dokonała się transformacja społeczno-gospodarcza, która miała znaczący wpływ na stosunki pracy. Zmiany te niewątpliwie znalazły swoje odzwierciedlenie w dyskursie dotyczącym zbiorowych stosunków pracy. Kwestia ta jednak w niewielkim stopniu została dostrzeżona przez socjologów. Zaniedbanie to jest szczególnie ważne, gdy zdamy sobie sprawę, że istnieją ku temu skuteczne narzędzia analityczne. Artykuł wypełnienia pewną lukę poprzez wykazanie, że krytyczna analiza dyskursu może stać się istotnym, uzupełniającym narzędziem w kontekście badań nad współczesnymi zjawiskami w zbiorowych stosunkach pracy. W dużym stopniu pomaga przede wszystkim zrozumieć wytwarzanie i reprodukcję asymetrii między pracą a kapitałem. Przedmiotem analizy jest projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o związkach zawodowych autorstwa Nowoczesnej oraz treść sprawozdania stenograficznego z 12. posiedzenia Sejmu RP w dniu 24 lutego 2016 r., podczas którego dyskutowano tę propozycję.Over the last 27 years the socio-economic transformation has been conducted in Poland, which had a significant impact on labour relations. These changes undoubtedly have been reflected in the discourse on industrial relations. This issue, however, little has been recognized by sociologists. This failure is particularly important when we realize that the effective analytical tools exist. The article fills a kind of gap by showing that the Critical Discourse Analysis can be an important complementary tool in the context of the contemporary phenomena of industrial relations. To a large extent, it helps to understand the production and reproduction of asymmetry between labour and capital. The analysis is based on a bill’s draft amending the legislation on trade unions by Nowoczesna and the content of the minutes of the 12th meeting of the Sejm on 24 February 2016., during which the proposal was discussed

    Nauka prawa w sztuce filmów animowanych

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    This paper deals with the analysis of legal content in animated films. The study covers both the presence, functioning and role of legal aspects in these pieces and the possibility of their use in the process of legal education. The analysis is conducted on the basis of the ten most lucrative animated movies in the history of cinema, which were released until 2017. The author points out the structuring role of law in animated movies and notes that the plot of the film in many cases develops due to the occurrence of legal events, and the motivations of the characters' actions are often determined by incentives to achieve the desired legal consequences. The article emphasizes that the law is treated in animated movies as a means to achieve certain goals, for example, humoristic or regarding developing plot, as evidenced by the differences in the translation of dialogues involving legal issues into different languages. At the same time, the author draws attention to the practical possibilities of using animated films in the process of legal education of children

    Strategia publicznej rozgłośni regionalnej na przykładzie Radia Koszalin

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    The business strategy of local public radio based on examples from Radio KoszalinThe publication presents the business strategy of a local public radio station based on the example of Radio Koszalin. As far as media management in an unstable situation is concerned, the efficient execution of the strategy is the key factor. Radio Koszalin is the only local public institution that is not supported by the voivodeship. The management board in cooperation with the employees have developed a corporate strategy for years 2012–2014 in order to increase the influence of the local media and improve the company value in the long term. The main purpose of Radio Koszalin is to gain the leading position on the media market within the Central Pomerania region. The new strategy provides an effective realization of the defined objectives

    Quantization of four-dimensional Abelian gravity

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    An abelian version of standard general relativity in the Cartan-Palatini gauge-like formulation in four dimensions has been introduced. Traditional canonical analysis utilizing similarities to the akin Husain-Kuchar SU(2) version of gravity has been performed. The model has been next quantized in the canonical path-integral Faddeev-Popov formalism yielding abelian BF theory.Comment: Minor changes, additional symmetry discussed. 5 pages, 2 columns, REVTeX

    The impact of the mineral composition of Carboniferous claystones on the water-induced changes of their geomechanical properties

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    In this article, the authors describe the characteristics and changes of geomechanical properties of Carbonifeorus claystones as related to their mineral composition and the time of soaking in water. Geomechanical properties, including bulk density, Young modulus, Poisson ratio, unconfined compressive strength, durability index, and swelling index were examined in dry rock samples, and in water-soaked samples after 3 hours of soaking, and 6 hours of soaking respectively. Changes in the geomechanical properties of rocks were also examined as a function of their mineralogical composition. In particular, the properties of rocks were examined in relation to present aluminosilicates and layered aluminosilicates, respectively. Changes in the geomechanical properties were also examined relative to the presence of minerals anatase and siderite. Correlation coefficients between physical parameters and mineral composition were examined. It was determined that the total quantity of aluminosilcates is a better predictor of geomechanical properties after soaking, than only the content of layered aluminosilicates. Calculated correlation coefficients were generally higher for most samples after 6 hours of soaking than after 3 hours of soaking. It was also determined that the increase of bulk density correlates much better with the mineral anatase content, than with the siderite content

    Dalekopisy zelektronizowane. Problemy Łączności, 1969, nr 39

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    Recommendations for the process of biomass and waste gasification in a rotary reactor

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    The paper presents a technology for biomass and waste gasification/pyrolysis with use of flue gas as a converting agent. This technology includes a rotary reactor that operates continuously and is integrated with a power boiler, for example WR-25 type grate boiler. Process gas (syngas) as well as possible char being a result of the process are combustible and can be recirculated to the boiler’s combustion chamber. The paper presents laboratory research of selected biomass and waste: Refuse derived fuel (RDF), wood chips, nut shells, sewage sludge, coal sludge, mixture of 50% coal sludge with 50% RDF. Basing on the laboratory research a calculation procedure was developed to determine an industrial-size process parameters. The procedure allows to calculate how much fuel can be gasified/converted in a rotary reactor and the reactor’s dimension: inner diameter Dwr and length Lr

    Critical limb ischemia caused by adductor canal compression syndrome — case report with the review of the literature

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    We report a case of a 55-year-old male who was diagnosed with the adductor canal compression syndrome– a rarely described nontraumatic disorder of the lower limb resulting from the external compression of thesuperficial femoral artery in the adductor canal, that may present with the symptoms ranging from intermittentexercise-induced claudication up to arterial obstruction and critical limb ischemia