12 research outputs found


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    Continuous, bench scale fast pyrolysis investigation was carried out to evaluate thermal behaviour of variety of biomass feeds. The emphasis was put into obtaining realistic material balances. Yields of (1) water of pyrolysis, (2) oligomeric lignin, (3) water-soluble chemicals, and (4) chars were targeted. Some identification/quantification of chemical components present in the water phase (Hodge\u27 carbonyls, acids) were attempted. The use of superheated steam was also investigated. The use of steam seems to increase yields of some components of pyrolytic liquid. It minimizes yields of pyrolytic water and non-condensable gases. An utilization of fast pyrolysis water-insolubles, together with char in a variety of slow or controlled-release fertilizer formulations is suggested. Such fertilizers, if applied, could increase soil organic carbon (SOC) content of soils and they could play a positive role in a global carbon sequestration pathways leading to potential mitigation of a climate change phenomena. The water-soluble fraction of pyrolysis condensates appears to be suitable for hydrogen production, synthesis gas production, hydrocarbons production in an aqueous-phase catalytic conversions, and for some agricultural applications. Typical results of fast pyrolysis: For biomass feeds like corn hulls, sugar cane bagasse, giant reed, willow copice, flax straw, oats hulls, switch grass, miscanthus, corn stover, - char yields vary from 11.4 to 17 wt%. Oligomeric lignin yields vary from 11.7 to 21.6 wt% (on a moisture, ash free basis)

    Assessment of disorders in pelvic symmetry in 8-year-old children

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    The pelvis, constituting an element of the biokinematic chain that connects the torso with the lower limbs, is an important link in the compensation of the asymmetry appearing in these parts of the body. The asymmetrical position of the pelvis may have a static or functional basis, may affect postural disorder, contribute to the development of lateral curvature or result. The aim of the study was to assess the symmetry of the pelvic position and determine the relationship between spatial arrangement of the pelvis and the results of the Derbolowsky test

    Assessment of disorders in pelvic symmetry in 8-year-old children

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    The pelvis, constituting an element of the biokinematic chain that connects the torso with the lower limbs, is an important link in the compensation of the asymmetry appearing in these parts of the body. The asymmetrical position of the pelvis may have a static or functional basis, may affect postural disorder, contribute to the development of lateral curvature or result. The aim of the study was to assess the symmetry of the pelvic position and determine the relationship between spatial arrangement of the pelvis and the results of the Derbolowsky test

    Evaluation of treatment of patients with radicular pain in the lumbosacral part of the spine after periradicular, epidural steroid injection

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    W prezentowanym doniesieniu podjęto problem oceny wczesnych efektów leczenia pacjentów z zespołem bólowym, korzeniowym w odcinku lędźwiowo – krzyżowym kręgosłupa po zastosowaniu zabiegu blokady okołokorzeniowej, nadtwardówkowej z aplikacją sterydów. Metoda: Badanie przeprowadzono u 33 chorych, 12 mężczyzn i 21 kobiet, średnia wieku 50 lat, zakres 39-61 lat, leczonych w Oddziale Neurochirurgii Szpitala Wojewódzkiego w Bielsku- Białej w latach 2015- 2016 z rozpoznanym zespołem bólowym korzeniowym. Program badań obejmował ocenę skali bólu oraz symetrię pozycji stojącej oraz testy funkcjonalne - Laseque’a i palce-podłoga. Badania przeprowadzono dwukrotnie przed i po zabiegu

    Partial multiculturalism in China on the threshold of postmodernity

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    The Analysis of Deformability, Structure and Properties of AZ61 Cast Magnesium Alloy in a New Hammer Forging Process for Aircraft Mounts

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    This article presents the analysis of the deformability, structure and properties of the AZ61 cast magnesium alloy on the example of a new forging process of aircraft mount forgings. It was assumed that their production process would be based on drop forging on a die hammer. Two geometries of preforms, differing in forging degree, were used as the billet for the forging process. It was assumed that using a cast, unformed preform positively affects the deformability of hard-deformable magnesium alloys and flow kinematics during their forging and reduces the number of operations necessary to obtain the correct product. Numerical analysis of the proposed new technology was carried out using DEFORM 3D v.11, a commercial program dedicated to analyzing metal forming processes. The simulations were performed in the conditions of spatial strain, considering the full thermomechanical analysis. The obtained results of numerical tests confirmed the possibility of forming the forgings of aviation mounts from the AZ61 cast magnesium alloy with the proposed technology. They also allowed us to obtain information about the kinematics of the material flow during forming and process parameters, such as strain intensity distribution, temperatures, Cockcroft–Latham criterion and forming energy. The proposed forging process on a die hammer was verified in industrial conditions. The manufactured forgings of aircraft mounts made of AZ61 magnesium alloy were subjected to qualitative tests in terms of their structure, conductivity and mechanical properties

    Evaluation of treatment of patients with radicular pain in the lumbosacral part of the spine after periradicular, epidural steroid injection

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    Objective: The report presents an evaluation of treatment of patients with radicular pain in the lumbosacral part of the spine, who underwent the procedure of periradicular, epidural steroid injection. Method:   Examination was performed in a group of 33 patients, 12 men and 21 women, with average age of 52 years and age range of 39-61 years. The patients were diagnosed with radicular syndrome and treated in Neurosurgical Unit of the Voivodeship Hospital in Bielsko-Biała, in the years 2015-2016. Examination program included assessment of pain scale and symmetry of standing position, and functional tests — Laseque and fingertip-to-floor test. Examination was conducted twice, before and after the procedure. Results: Administered therapy led to a significant improvement of the condition of the locomotor system, in terms of reduced pain, increased mobility of lower extremities and improved spine functions measured by means of Laseque test and fingertip-to-floor test. Conclusions: 1. Injection procedure significantly improves the measured parameters 2. Gender does not determine effectiveness of the procedure 3. Age does not determine the obtained result

    Review of Magnesium Alloys Used in the Manufacture of Wheels for Light Vehicles

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    This article provides an overview of the materials used to manufacture magnesium wheels for light vehicles. The analysis was conducted with the aim of developing a new, efficient technology for molding magnesium alloy wheels for light vehicles from preforms cast into metal molds. The knowledge accumulated so far on materials and their properties for the production of magnesium wheels will allow the design of a new technology for molding rims from materials of superior quality and durability. Currently, magnesium wheels are mainly produced from cast magnesium alloys and magnesium alloys for forming. Cast magnesium alloys used for magnesium wheels include AZ91, AM50, AM60, AE44, ZK61, ZE41, EZ33, EQ21, WE43 and the newly developed Mg-2.96Nd-0.21Zn-0.39Zr alloy. Magnesium metal-forming alloys used for magnesium wheels include AZ31, AZ61, AZ80 and ZK30, ZK60. The study includes an analysis of their properties and application examples

    Analysis of the New Forming Process of Medical Screws with a Cylindrical Head of 316 LVM Steel

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    The originality of this paper lies in the presentation of a new, innovative method for manufacturing medical screws with a cylindrical head of 316 LVM. This method is unique on a global scale, and its assumptions have been granted patent protection. The paper presents selected results of theoretical and experimental research on the developed process of forming of medical screws based on new technology. In the first part of the study a review of the types of screws used in the medical industry is made and the previous methods of their manufacture are described. The second part of the paper presents the assumptions and analysis of the elaborated process of metal forming of medical screws with a cylindrical head and ring thread made of 316 LVM austenitic steel. The theoretical analysis of the new process of forming a screw selected for testing was performed on the basis of numerical simulations. The experimental verification of the proposed theoretical solutions was carried out on the basis of laboratory tests, industrial research and qualitative research. The positive results obtained from computer simulations and experiments confirmed the effectiveness of the developed technology and the validity of its use in future in industrial practice

    On the Irregularity Strength of Dense Graphs

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