50 research outputs found

    Encrustation patterns on Late Cretaceous (Turonian) echinoids from southern Poland

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    This study focuses on sclerobionts from a large collection of epibenthic echinoids ([2,000 specimens) of the genera Conulus and Camerogalerus. Samples were collected from five localities in southern Poland (Polish Jura and Miecho´w Trough), where Turonian carbonates with terrigenous input are exposed. Low intensity (mean ca. 5 %, maximum ca. 10 %) and slight encrustation (‘‘loosening effect’’) exclusively by episkeletozoans probably resulted from low productivity of encrusters while the importance of other factors cannot be excluded unambiguously. Echinoids served as a main substratum and after death formed shellgrounds (‘echinoid carpet’) offering abundant benthic islands for encrusters in an otherwise soft-bottom environment. The moderate abundance but low-diversity assemblage is represented by bivalves, sedentary polychaetes, foraminifera, bryozoans, corals, and sponges. This assemblage is similar to a nearly contemporaneous assemblage from the Bohemian Basin. The presence of numerous spirorbins offers insights into their early evolution and may indicate that their first peak in abundance after origination was not prior to the earliest Turonian. This is regarded as one of the important ecological steps towards the rise of modern sclerobiont communities. Encruster diversities are independent of their abundance and, as shown in our novel planar projections, lateral parts of tests were preferentially encrusted. This pattern is explained by the combination of largest flat area and stable orientation. Encrusting bivalves and serpulids dominated hard substrate environments in the Turonian of Poland

    Combined perioperative plasma endoglin and VEGF-A assessment in colorectal cancer patients

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    Colorectal cancer growth and spread is absolutely dependent on angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) being the most important cytokine involved in the process. Endoglin, a membrane co-receptor for TGF-beta, has recently emerged as a sensitive index of cancer stage. There is now sufficient evidence indicating that microvessel density assessed by endoglin-immunostaining correlates with stage of colorectal cancer and patient survival. An association of a soluble form of endoglin with lymph node and distant metastases has recently been reported in two studies. Both of them used local elaborated immunoassays for endoglin assessment. The aim of our study was to determine the efficacy of plasma endoglin, assessed using a commercial kit, as a marker of tumor spread and distant metastases in colorectal cancer patients. We studied 48 colorectal cancer patients, compared with 22 healthy subjects, using ELISA. We observed that colorectal cancer patients had increased plasma VEGF-A, but not endoglin levels. However, we found an association of plasma endoglin with the stage of malignancy. Endoglin levels were increased in metastasis-positive patients when compared to both metastasis-negative patients and healthy volunteers. Plasma endoglin correlated with VEGF-A, CEA and CA19.9. Endoglin assessment in plasma does not seem useful as a maker of colorectal cancer. Our observations indicate however that it might be helpful in selecting patients with metastatic disease

    Shallow-Water Scavengers of Polar Night and Day – An Arctic Time-Lapse Photography Study

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    Until recently, polar night constituted truly a “mare incognitum” of our times. Yet, the first records from this very little-explored period showcased a surprisingly rich and active ecosystem. This investigation aims to reveal the level of scavenger activity during both Arctic polar night and day. It compares the shallow-water scavenging fauna observed during two contrasting seasons (winter vs. summer) in a high Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, 79° N, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago). In each of January and July 2015, two different bait types – Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and a bird carcass (chicken meat) were deployed at a depth of 12 m. Fauna were monitored remotely using time-lapse cameras equipped with bait traps, with photographs taken every 15 min over a period of 4 days. Thirty taxa were recorded at baits, dominated by lysianassid amphipods (Onisimus sp. 88%, Anonyx sp. 2%, but only during winter), and buccinid gastropods (B. undatum 5%, B. glaciale 1%, Buccinum sp. 3%, in both seasons). In most cases, buccinids were the first animals to appear at bait. The total number of recorded taxa, mean species richness per sampling unit, total abundance and associations among taxa were higher, on average, in winter than in summer deployments, while Pielou’s evenness index showed the opposite pattern. Scavenger assemblages differed significantly between the two seasons and also in response to the two different bait types, with seasonal effects being strongest. Contrary to expectations, bait consumption rates differed very little between the two seasons, being slow in general and only slightly faster in summer (0.05 g of cod bait consumed in 1 min) compared to winter (0.04 g min–1), yielding novel insights into ecological interactions and functions in shallow marine ecosystems during Arctic polar nights

    Covering behaviour of echinoids in an Arctic fjord

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    Naturalne promieniowanie gamma na poziomie morza wokół kontynentu antarktycznego zarejestrowane na południe od równoleżnika 62°

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    This study presents the results of dosimetry radiation measurement performed in the Antarctic region at the surface of the sea which was conducted between January and March 2018. Over 2 200 records were collected using a portable Gamma Scout Online radiometer during a 72-day voyage circumnavigating the continent of Antarctica. The mean average of the measured radiation dose rate was 0.091 μSvh-1 and varied from 0.052 to 0.193 μSvh-1. These result are above global average dose rate of radiation at sea level (0.031 μSvh-1) and often higher than those recorded on the Antarctic continent. Yet generally our records fall within well recognized latitudinal trend of radiation being higher toward poles. This is results of troposphere begins at lower altitude in Antarctic in comparison to lower latitudes. The origin of this radiation is natural and results from the presence of higher cosmic rays and secondary radiation induced in the atmosphere. The presence of terrestrial radionuclides in the Antarctic environment has a local, secondary influence on the measured values of radiation. The theoretical calculated annual dose equivalent for humans present in Antarctica could often exceed the limit of 1 mSv as recorded for other Antarctic locations yet our results (0.772 mSv per year) do not confirm that.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki dozymetrycznych pomiarów promieniowania, przeprowadzonych przez załogę jachtu Katharsis II, w trakcie 72-dniowego rejsu wokół Antarktydy. Podczas rejsu trwającego od stycznia do marca 2018 roku, za pomocą przenośnego radiometru Gamma Scout Online rejestrowano dawki promieniowania na poziomie morza w odstępach 10-minutowych. Po wstępnej analizie statystycznej uzyskano dane w postaci 2 200 rekordów, które wykorzystano do wnioskowania o rozkładzie promieniowania w rejonie Antarktyki. Średnia zmierzona moc dawki promieniowania wyniosła 0,091 μSvh-1 i wahała się od 0,052 do 0,193 μSvh-1. Wyniki te są powyżej średniej globalnej mocy dawki promieniowania na poziomie morza (0,031 μSvh-1) i często wyższe niż te zarejestrowane bezpośrednio na Antarktydzie. Jednak, generalnie zarejestrowane przez nas dawki promieniowania mieszczą się w dobrze rozpoznanym równoleżnikowym trendzie, w którym promieniowanie jest wyższe w kierunku biegunów. Związane jest to z cieńszą warstwą troposfery w rejonach biegunowych w porównaniu z niższymi, równikowymi szerokościami geograficznymi. Ogólnie pochodzenie tego promieniowania jest naturalne i związane z silniejszą penetracją troposfery przez promieniowanie kosmiczne oraz obecnością promieniowania wtórnego indukowanego w atmosferze. Obecność radionuklidów naziemnych w środowisku Antarktyki ma lokalny, wtórny wpływ na mierzone wartości promieniowania. Teoretycznie obliczony roczny ekwiwalent dawki dla ludzi, w różnych miejscach Antarktydy, może przekraczać limit 1 mSv, natomiast nasze wyniki (0,772 mSv rocznie) tego nie potwierdzają

    Structure of bryozoan communities in an Antarctic glacial fjord (Admiralty Bay, South Shetlands)

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    Bryozoans are among the most important groups of the Southern Ocean benthic macrofauna, both in terms of species richness and abundance. However, there is a considerable lack of ecological research focused on their distribution patterns and species richness on smaller scale, especially in the soft bottom habitats of Antarctic glacial fjords. The aim of this study was to describe those patterns in the Admiralty Bay. Forty-nine Van Veen grab samples were collected at the depth range from 15 to 265 m, in the summer season of 1979/1980, at three sites distributed along the main axis of the fjord. Among 53 identified species of bryozoans, 32 were recorded in the Admiralty Bay for the first time. The most common and abundant species were Himantozoum antarcticum, Inversiula nutrix and Nematoflustra flagellata. Genera such as Arachnopusia, Cellarinella and Osthimosia were the most speciose taxa. It was demonstrated that depth was important for the distribution of the bryozoans. More than half of the recorded species were found only below 70 m. An influence of glacial disturbance was reflected in the dominance structure of colony growth-forms. The inner region of the fjord was dominated almost entirely by encrusting species, while the diversity of bryozoan growth-forms in less disturbed areas was much higher. In those sites the highest percentage of branched, tuft like species represented by buguliform and flustriform zoaria was observed.The study was supported by a grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 51/N-IPY/2007/0 as well as Census of Antarctic Marine Life Project. Krzysztof Pabis was also partially supported by University of Lodz internal funds. This research was also supported by the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute during the realization of the project numbered 40.2900.0903.18.0 titled “Bryozoan assemblage of Admiralty Bay—richness, diversity and abundance.” Urszula Hara is deeply grateful to Leszek Giro (Micro-area Analyses Laboratory at the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Warsaw), for providing SEM assistance during the project. We also want to thank two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions that helped us improve this article. Thanks are also due to Magdalena Błażewicz-Paszkowycz for language correction and polishing the final version of the manuscript