36 research outputs found

    O etosie Profesora Mariana Lecha Klementowskiego

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    Professor Marian Lech Klementowski, an acclaimed law historian from Maria Curie-SkƂodowska University in Lublin, has extensive expertise in the field of mediaeval law, in particular the mediaeval Germanic law. His scientific research focuses on the evolution of concepts behind the guarantee of personal freedom in the Germanic cultural environment, the guarantees of law and order, and the guaranteed personal freedom, also with regard to case law. Central importance in Professor’s studies is attached to the notion of subjective law which has undergone significant changes over the centuries. The analyses of legal sources, carried out by Professor Klementowski, from the early-mediaeval Germanic tribal laws to the French Revolution, show that the development of the concept of guaranteed personal freedom should be chiefly associated with the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789, and amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Both his academic achievements and personality – kindness, modesty and the sense of decorum in professional and private life – should serve as role models to every young lawyer.Brak abstraktu w języku polski

    ACE I/D genotype in professional field hockey players

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    Introduction. Numerous studies have focused on the association between I/D ACE and physical fitness; however, this association in professional hockey players has never been recognized. Aim of the Study. The study examined the distribution of Alu insertion (I)/deletion (D) angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) genotypes in elite male professional field hockey players. Material and Methods. The effect of Alu insertion (I)/deletion (D) angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) genotypes on motor skills and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in 47 elite male field hockey players was studied. Genotyping for ACE I/D was performed using a polymerase chain reaction on DNA from leucocytes. The studied motor skills such as speed – 20 m run, power – vertical jump, recovery – step-test, speed endurance (15 x 20 m) shuttle run, were established using functional tests. The VO2max was measured during progressive exercise test till exhaustion. Results. The authors do not confirm some literature data that D allele favours endurance ability. We did not detect significant genotype effects of ACE on the analyzed traits; however a tendency for decreased performance of individuals with the DD genotype was noted for vertical jump, power peak and power. Conclusions. Analysis of the genetic profile of ACE I/D may provide supplemetary information on a player’s predispositions to exercise with specific energy requirements

    Applying shallow nitrogen implantation from rf plasma for dual gate oxide technology, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 3

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    The goal of this work was to study nitrogen implantation from plasma with the aim of applying it in dual gate oxide technology and to examine the influence of the rf power of plasma and that of oxidation type. The obtained structures were examined by means of ellipsometry, SIMS and electrical characterization methods

    Comparison of composition of ultra-thin silicon oxynitride layers’ fabricated by PECVD and ultrashallow rf plasma ion implantation, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 3

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    In this paper differences in chemical composition of ultra-thin silicon oxynitride layers fabricated in planar rf plasma reactor are studied. The ultra-thin dielectric layers were obtained in the same reactor by two different methods: ultrashallow nitrogen implantation followed by plasma oxidation and plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Chemical composition of silicon oxynitride layers was investigated by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The spectroscopic ellipsometry was used to determine both the thickness and refractive index of the obtained layers. The XPS measurements show considerable differences between the composition of the fabricated layers using each of the above mentioned methods. The SIMS analysis confirms XPS results and indicates differences in nitrogen distribution

    Composition and electrical properties of ultra-thin SiOxNy layers formed by rf plasma nitrogen implantation/plasma oxidation processes, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 3

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    Experiments presented in this work are a summary of the study that examines the possibility of fabrication of oxynitride layers for Si structures by nitrogen implantation from rf plasma only or nitrogen implantation from rf plasma followed immediately by plasma oxidation process. The obtained layers were characterized by means of: ellipsometry, XPS and ULE-SIMS. The results of electrical characterization of NMOS Al-gate test structures fabricated with the investigated layers used as gate dielectric, are also discussed

    The influence of annealing (900◩C) of ultra-thin PECVD silicon oxynitride layers, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 3

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    This work reports on changes in the properties of ultra-thin PECVD silicon oxynitride layers after high- temperature treatment. Possible changes in the structure, composition and electrophysical properties were investigated by means of spectroscopic ellipsometry, XPS, SIMS and electrical characterization methods (C-V, I-V and charge- pumping). The XPS measurements show that SiOxNy is the dominant phase in the ultra-thin layer and high-temperature annealing results in further increase of the oxynitride phase up to 70% of the whole layer. Despite comparable thickness, SIMS measurement indicates a densification of the annealed layer, because sputtering time is increased. It suggests complex changes of physical and chemical properties of the investigated layers taking place during high-temperature annealing. The C-V curves of annealed layers exhibit less frequency dispersion, their leakage and charge-pumping currents are lower when compared to those of as-deposited layers, proving improvement in the gate structure trapping properties due to the annealing process

    Modélisation Thermique-chimique-mécanique du comportement du combustible nucléaire : Impact du transport d'oxygÚne dans le carburant sur l'interaction pastille-gaine

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    The goal of this thesis is to study the impact of oxygen transport on thermochemistry of nuclear fuel and pellet cladding interaction. During power ramps, nuclear fuel is exposed to high temperature gradients. It undergoes chemical and structural changes. The fuel swelling leads to a mechanical contact with the cladding causing high mechanical stresses in the cladding. Simultaneously, chemically reactive gas species are released from the hot pellet center and can interact with the cladding. The combination of these chemical and mechanical factors may lead to the cladding failure by iodine stress corrosion cracking. It has been proven that oxygen transport under high temperature gradients affects irradiated fuel thermochemistry, a phenomenon which may be of importance for stress corrosion cracking. This thesis presents 3D simulations of power ramps in pressurized water reactors with the fuel performance code ALCYONE, which is part of the computing environment PLEIADES. The code has been upgraded to couple the description of irradiated fuel thermochemistry already available with oxygen transport taking into account oxygen thermal diffusion. The impact of oxygen redistribution during a power transient on irradiated fuel thermochemistry in the fuel and on chemically reactive gas release from the fuel (consisting of I(g), I2(g), CsI(g), TeI2(g), Cs(g) and Cs2(g), mainly) is studied. The simulations show that oxygen redistribution, even if moderate in magnitude, leads to the reduction of metallic oxides (molybdenum dioxide, cesium molybdate, chromium oxide) at the fuel pellet center and consequently to the release of a much greater quantity of gaseous cesium, in agreement with post-irradiation examinations. The three-dimensional calculations of the quantities of importance for iodine stress corrosion cracking (hoop stress, hoop strain, iodine partial pressure at the clad inner wall) are then used in simulations of clad crack propagation.L’objectif de cette thĂšse est d'Ă©tudier l'impact du transport de l’oxygĂšne sur la thermochimie de l’interaction pastille-gaine. Pendant les rampes de puissance, le combustible nuclĂ©aire est exposĂ© Ă  des gradients de tempĂ©rature Ă©levĂ©s. Il subit des changements chimiques et structurels. Le gonflement du combustible entraĂźne un contact mĂ©canique avec la gaine, provoquant des contraintes mĂ©caniques Ă©levĂ©es. SimultanĂ©ment, des espĂšces chimiquement rĂ©actives sont libĂ©rĂ©es par le centre des pellets chauds et peuvent interagir avec la gaine. La combinaison de ces facteurs chimiques et mĂ©caniques peut entraĂźner une dĂ©faillance de la gaine causĂ©e par la fissuration par corrosion sous contrainte. Il a Ă©tĂ© prouvĂ© que le transport de l'oxygĂšne sous des gradients de tempĂ©rature Ă©levĂ©s affecte la thermochimie, ce qui peut jouer un rĂŽle important dans la fissuration par corrosion sous contrainte. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente des simulations 3D de rampes de puissance dans des rĂ©acteurs Ă  eau sous pression avec le code de performance de combustible ALCYONE, qui fait partie de l'environnement informatique PLEIADES. Le code a Ă©tĂ© mis Ă  jour pour associer la description de la thermochimie du carburant irradiĂ© dĂ©jĂ  disponible au transport de l'oxygĂšne en tenant compte de la thermo diffusion de l'oxygĂšne. L'impact de la redistribution de l’oxygĂšne pendant une pĂ©riode transitoire de puissance sur la thermochimie du combustible irradiĂ© et sur le relĂąchement de gaz chimiquement rĂ©actif provenant du combustible (I(g), I2(g), CsI(g), TeI2(g), Cs(g) et Cs2(g) principalement) est Ă©tudiĂ©. Les simulations montrent que la redistribution de l’oxygĂšne, mĂȘme modĂ©rĂ©e, conduit Ă  la rĂ©duction des oxydes mĂ©talliques (dioxyde de molybdĂšne, molybdates de cĂ©sium, oxyde de chrome) au centre des pastilles de combustible et, par consĂ©quent, au relĂąchement d’une quantitĂ© beaucoup plus importante de cĂ©sium gazeux, en accord avec les examens post-irradiation. Les calculs tridimensionnels des quantitĂ©s d'importance pour la fissuration par corrosion sous contrainte due Ă  l'iode (contrainte circonfĂ©rentielle, dĂ©formation circonfĂ©rentielle, pression partielle d'iode sur gaine) sont ensuite utilisĂ©s dans des simulations de propagation de fissures de gaine

    Modélisation Thermique-chimique-mécanique du comportement du combustible nucléaire : Impact du transport d'oxygÚne dans le carburant sur l'interaction pastille-gaine

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    The goal of this thesis is to study the impact of oxygen transport on thermochemistry of nuclear fuel and pellet cladding interaction. During power ramps, nuclear fuel is exposed to high temperature gradients. It undergoes chemical and structural changes. The fuel swelling leads to a mechanical contact with the cladding causing high mechanical stresses in the cladding. Simultaneously, chemically reactive gas species are released from the hot pellet center and can interact with the cladding. The combination of these chemical and mechanical factors may lead to the cladding failure by iodine stress corrosion cracking. It has been proven that oxygen transport under high temperature gradients affects irradiated fuel thermochemistry, a phenomenon which may be of importance for stress corrosion cracking. This thesis presents 3D simulations of power ramps in pressurized water reactors with the fuel performance code ALCYONE, which is part of the computing environment PLEIADES. The code has been upgraded to couple the description of irradiated fuel thermochemistry already available with oxygen transport taking into account oxygen thermal diffusion. The impact of oxygen redistribution during a power transient on irradiated fuel thermochemistry in the fuel and on chemically reactive gas release from the fuel (consisting of I(g), I2(g), CsI(g), TeI2(g), Cs(g) and Cs2(g), mainly) is studied. The simulations show that oxygen redistribution, even if moderate in magnitude, leads to the reduction of metallic oxides (molybdenum dioxide, cesium molybdate, chromium oxide) at the fuel pellet center and consequently to the release of a much greater quantity of gaseous cesium, in agreement with post-irradiation examinations. The three-dimensional calculations of the quantities of importance for iodine stress corrosion cracking (hoop stress, hoop strain, iodine partial pressure at the clad inner wall) are then used in simulations of clad crack propagation.L’objectif de cette thĂšse est d'Ă©tudier l'impact du transport de l’oxygĂšne sur la thermochimie de l’interaction pastille-gaine. Pendant les rampes de puissance, le combustible nuclĂ©aire est exposĂ© Ă  des gradients de tempĂ©rature Ă©levĂ©s. Il subit des changements chimiques et structurels. Le gonflement du combustible entraĂźne un contact mĂ©canique avec la gaine, provoquant des contraintes mĂ©caniques Ă©levĂ©es. SimultanĂ©ment, des espĂšces chimiquement rĂ©actives sont libĂ©rĂ©es par le centre des pellets chauds et peuvent interagir avec la gaine. La combinaison de ces facteurs chimiques et mĂ©caniques peut entraĂźner une dĂ©faillance de la gaine causĂ©e par la fissuration par corrosion sous contrainte. Il a Ă©tĂ© prouvĂ© que le transport de l'oxygĂšne sous des gradients de tempĂ©rature Ă©levĂ©s affecte la thermochimie, ce qui peut jouer un rĂŽle important dans la fissuration par corrosion sous contrainte. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente des simulations 3D de rampes de puissance dans des rĂ©acteurs Ă  eau sous pression avec le code de performance de combustible ALCYONE, qui fait partie de l'environnement informatique PLEIADES. Le code a Ă©tĂ© mis Ă  jour pour associer la description de la thermochimie du carburant irradiĂ© dĂ©jĂ  disponible au transport de l'oxygĂšne en tenant compte de la thermo diffusion de l'oxygĂšne. L'impact de la redistribution de l’oxygĂšne pendant une pĂ©riode transitoire de puissance sur la thermochimie du combustible irradiĂ© et sur le relĂąchement de gaz chimiquement rĂ©actif provenant du combustible (I(g), I2(g), CsI(g), TeI2(g), Cs(g) et Cs2(g) principalement) est Ă©tudiĂ©. Les simulations montrent que la redistribution de l’oxygĂšne, mĂȘme modĂ©rĂ©e, conduit Ă  la rĂ©duction des oxydes mĂ©talliques (dioxyde de molybdĂšne, molybdates de cĂ©sium, oxyde de chrome) au centre des pastilles de combustible et, par consĂ©quent, au relĂąchement d’une quantitĂ© beaucoup plus importante de cĂ©sium gazeux, en accord avec les examens post-irradiation. Les calculs tridimensionnels des quantitĂ©s d'importance pour la fissuration par corrosion sous contrainte due Ă  l'iode (contrainte circonfĂ©rentielle, dĂ©formation circonfĂ©rentielle, pression partielle d'iode sur gaine) sont ensuite utilisĂ©s dans des simulations de propagation de fissures de gaine

    Is the Polythetic Approach Efficient in Identifying Potentially Addicted to Work Individuals? Comparison of the Polythetic Approach With the Item Response Theory Framework

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    This study included investigation of efficiency of the threshold used to classify symptoms as present, investigation of efficiency of the cut-off point used to identify potentially addicted to work individuals, investigation of magnitude of the problem of class overlap, and investigation of effects of dichotomization of polytomous items on the estimates of the latent trait level. The sample comprised 16,426 working Norwegians (Mage = 37.31; SD = 11.36) who filled out the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS). The results showed that the difficulty/third threshold parameters corresponding to the threshold used to classify symptoms as present were lower than 1.5 for the items corresponding to tolerance and conflict and higher than or equal to 1.5 for the items corresponding to salience, mood modification, relapse, withdrawal, and problems. The cut-off point used to identify individuals as potentially addicted to work identified 411 individuals (31.9% of all individuals classified by the polythetic approach as potentially addicted to work) whose estimates of the latent trait level were lower than 1.5 as potentially addicted to work. The problem of class overlap (being classified by the polythetic approach into different class despite almost the same level of the latent trait) affected 4,686 individuals (28.5% of the whole sample). The dichotomization of polytomous items had a substantial effect on the estimates of the latent trait level. The findings show that the polythetic approach is not efficient in identifying potentially addicted to work individuals and that the prevalence rates of work addiction based on the polythetic approach are not trustworthy

    Is the Polythetic Approach Efficient in Identifying Potentially Addicted to Work Individuals? Comparison of the Polythetic Approach With the Item Response Theory Framework

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    This study included investigation of efficiency of the threshold used to classify symptoms as present, investigation of efficiency of the cut-off point used to identify potentially addicted to work individuals, investigation of magnitude of the problem of class overlap, and investigation of effects of dichotomization of polytomous items on the estimates of the latent trait level. The sample comprised 16,426 working Norwegians (M age = 37.31; SD = 11.36) who filled out the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS). The results showed that the difficulty/third threshold parameters corresponding to the threshold used to classify symptoms as present were lower than 1.5 for the items corresponding to tolerance and conflict and higher than or equal to 1.5 for the items corresponding to salience, mood modification, relapse, withdrawal, and problems. The cut-off point used to identify individuals as potentially addicted to work identified 411 individuals (31.9% of all individuals classified by the polythetic approach as potentially addicted to work) whose estimates of the latent trait level were lower than 1.5 as potentially addicted to work. The problem of class overlap (being classified by the polythetic approach into different class despite almost the same level of the latent trait) affected 4,686 individuals (28.5% of the whole sample). The dichotomization of polytomous items had a substantial effect on the estimates of the latent trait level. The findings show that the polythetic approach is not efficient in identifying potentially addicted to work individuals and that the prevalence rates of work addiction based on the polythetic approach are not trustworthy