108 research outputs found

    Współzależność rozwoju gospodarczego i powstającego społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce - podejście empiryczne

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    In the article presented the results of a expert research on the correlation between the information society and economic growth in Poland. Also presented the results of statistical cal­culations between the analyzed phenomenons

    Cyber security of remote work in Poland and the EU : selected aspects

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the article is to present cyber security issues in the context of the development of remote work in the European Union and Poland , as well as to identify the cyber security challenges facing individual countries, their institutions and business entities.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The article analyzes the changes that have occurred in the area of remote work in recent years and assesses the impact that these changes have caused in the level of cyber security of entities and employees using IT solutions to perform their duties remotely. The research method adopted by the authors was a survey method conducted via the Internet (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) on a representative group of 1,108 Poles aged 18-65 and secondary research, based on an analysis of the literature, research results and reports on cyber security and remote working.FINDINGS: As the number of people performing their work remotely using information technology continues to grow, including especially in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic, the number of cyber threats to infrastructure and data belonging to companies and institutions has increased. The research shows that one of the key elements influencing the level of cyber security in the context of remote work is the digital competencies related to this area among employees performing their duties in a virtual work environment. EU countries have taken a number of measures to reduce and close the competence gap that exists in the market with regard to cyber security issues. Unfortunately, one can notice a significant difference in the scope of these activities between Poland and other EU countries. Therefore, Poland should take more active measures to create a comprehensive system of acquiring and developing digital competencies related to protection against digital threats among people already in the workforce, as well as among children and young people. The construction of educational programs and training in the field of cyber security is necessary not only in the context of the following development of remote work, but is also a prerequisite for the safe development of the digital economy.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The critical conclusions presented in the article are a starting point for further research, relating to the competence gap in cyber security in the context of changes related to the digitization of the economy and the labor market, which will allow the development of a set of measures that will be necessary to increase the cyber security of companies, institutions and the economy as a whole in Poland.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The authors pointed to the ongoing changes in the labor market, including an increase in the number of employees performing their duties remotely, and the associated cyber security problems. The analysis of the problem points to insufficient competence in cyber security among employees and those entering the labor market and the low effectiveness of educational programs to date, as well as the need for a stronger inclusion in the Polish cyber security system of active measures aimed at raising the level of digital competence, including competence in the area of digital security and digital resilience as key to the further development of the digital economy and modern forms of employment. The conclusions formulated in this article are a contribution to the discussion on building a comprehensive cyber security system in Poland.peer-reviewe

    E-services in Poland - selected research findings

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    The article presents findings of a Delphi study and survey covering the Polish society and focusing on significance, use, frequency, awareness and status of e-services in Poland in the context of the development of the information society

    Transgresja a transcendencja

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    Tekst zawiera analizę powikłanych relacji między znaczeniami dwóch słów: „transcendencja” i „transgresja”. Mają one rdzeń wspólny: „przekraczanie dotychczasowych granic”, i części odmienne. Najważniejsza opozycja dotyczy przekraczania granic człowieka w stronę boskiego ideału w ramach tradycyjnego porządku społecznego (w przypadku transcendencji) i przekraczania, kwestionowania tegoż porządku (w przypadku transgresji). Dzięki wyeksponowaniu części odmiennych terminy te stały się emblematami dwóch opozycyjnych światopoglądów: skrajnie konserwatywnego i skrajnie liberalnego. Argumentuję, że ze względów komunikacyjnych lepiej jest skoncentrować się na znaczeniu wspólnym i że w drodze do indywidualnej oraz społecznej dojrzałości potrzebne są zarówno akty transcendowania, jak i akty transgresji

    Metropolie i regiony: zwycięzcy i pokonani

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    Blockchain in education : the best teaching models

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    PURPOSE: The usefulness of Blockchain technology due to its many advantages, in the form of off-the-shelf solutions, is conquering many sectors of the economy, such as finance, insurance, retail, industry, healthcare, logistics or public administration. The main aim of this paper is to identify the best teaching models for implementing Blockchain into the teaching process in higher educational institutions.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research method emloyed in this study was a model for evaluating online courses, covering topics related to Blockchain and data collection using the Delphi method. The experts were selected from among academic teachers with knowledge and experience in the field of Blockchain technology, who conduct their research in the IT and / or economic space.FINDINGS: Not only Blockchain technology itself is important, but also exploring and learning about business transformations involving Blockchain (checking out available solutions on the market, tracing how the process of implementing Blockchain in new entities and projects).PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION: This technology is under continuous evolution and we have not yet fully explored the limits of its applications. Blockchain is also a new paradigm for digital data management and learning. Due to the rising role of Blockchain, univeristies should include Blockchain in their education offer.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article fills the knowledge gap in the field of supporting the developing Blockchain environment in the context of introducing Blockchan into the teaching process.peer-reviewe

    Haptoglobin 2-1 phenotype predicts rapid growth of abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    BackgroundHaptoglobin (Hp) polymorphism is associated with the prevalence and clinical evolution of many inflammatory diseases and atherosclerosis. Circulating neutrophils and neutrophil-associated proteases are an important initial component of experimental abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) formation. Elastase and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels are elevated in patients with AAAs. This study assessed the relationship between AAA expansion and Hp phenotypes, neutrophil count, elastase, and CRP levels.MethodsEighty-three consecutive AAA patients underwent annual ultrasound scans. Three major Hp phenotypes (1-1, 2-1, and 2-2) were determined, and the neutrophil count, serum elastase, and high-sensitivity (hs) CRP levels were measured at the initial examination. After initial screening, patients were rescanned at 6- to 12-month intervals up to a period of 2 to 7 years. The mean yearly growth of the AAA largest transverse diameter was estimated for each group of Hp patients. The results are presented as median (interquartile range).ResultsHp 2-1 patients had a significantly higher growth rate (3.69 [2.40] mm/y) of AAA compared with patients with Hp 2-2 (1.24 [0.79], P < .00001) and Hp 1-1 (1.45 [0.68], P = .00004). This association remained significant in the multivariate analysis. Elevated elastase serum activity was also evident in AAA patients with Hp 2-1 (0.119 [0.084] arbitrary units) in contrast to Hp 2-2 (0.064 [0.041], P < .00001) and Hp 1-1 (0.071 [0.040], P = .0006) patients. CRP serum levels (mg/L) were significantly higher in patients with Hp 2-1 (7.2 [7.1]) than in Hp 2-2 (3.4 [3.1], P = .0058) and Hp 1-1 (2.8 [4.1], P = .044). The neutrophil count was not significantly different among Hp groups.ConclusionsThe Hp 2-1 phenotype showed a strong association with increased rates of the expansion of AAAs and may be a useful independent predictor of growth rate. Further large follow-up studies will be needed to investigate the pathomechanisms of association and the role of elastase and inflammation in the progression of AAA.Clinical RelevanceElective surgical or endovascular repair is recommended for large aneurysms, whereas small aneurysms are managed by watchful waiting. The diameter and rate of growth of the AAA are the most important determinants of the risk of rupture and in deciding when elective repair is justified. In the present study, the Hp 2-1 phenotype predicted rapid aneurysm expansion. This may have implications for the frequency of follow-up and timing of repair of AAA in patients with the Hp 2-1 phenotype

    Dipole-Bound Anion of the HNNH 3

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    Perioperative stress response to carotid endarterectomy - the impact of anesthetic modality. Own experience

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    Background. Carotid endarterectomy (CE) belongs to the group of exceptional operations with the possibility of intra and perioperative complications that can account for the life or well being of the patient. For this reason it requires the application of anaesthetic techniques that assure optimal conditions for blood flow and proper perfusion of the brain and enable immediate detection of brain ischemia. These conditions are fulfilled by regional anaesthesia. In accessible literature we were not able to find any comparison of exacerbation of perioperative stress depending on anaesthetic modality during CE. The aim of the study was to evaluate our patients towards exacerbation of perioperative stress depending on anaesthetic modality during CE. Material and methods. 19 patients underwent carotid artery endarterectomy. They were divided into 2 groups. Group A consisted of 10 patients operated on under epidural anaesthesia (EA). Group B - 9 patients operated on under cervical plexus blockade (CPB). The levels of cortisone (C), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and prolactin (PR) during 6 different phases of intra- and perioperative periods were measured. Results. Levels of C during the whole study remained normal or somewhat elevated in both groups. Levels of ACTH and PR demonstrated a similar pattern of changes. Before the operation they were within normal range or slightly elevated. During CE the levels of both hormones rose in both groups especially after carotid artery cross-clamping, but they were much higher in group B. After 2 hours ACTH and PR returned to normal and remained that way until the end of observation. Because the groups were small in number, no statistically significant changes were observed. Conclusions. Exacerbation of perioperative stress measured by hypercortisolaemia is well correlated with brain hypoperfusion during CE. 2 hours after the operation the influence of anaesthetic modality on perioperative stress terminates. In our study the perioperative stress relating to CE performed under epidural anaesthesia and under cervical plexus blockade was not significantly different.Wstęp. Endarterektomia tętnic szyjnych (CE) należy do wyjątkowych zabiegów ze względu na możliwość wystąpienia groźnych powikłań śród- i pooperacyjnych, które stanowią o życiu i zdrowiu pacjenta. Z tego powodu wymaga zastosowania technik anestezjologicznych, zapewniających optymalne warunki przepływu i ukrwienia mózgowia oraz umożliwiających natychmiastowe wykrycie zagrożeń. Warunki te spełniają znieczulenia regionalne. W dostępnym piśmiennictwie nie odnotowano próby porównania wpływu CE na niedokrwienie ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) w zależności od rodzaju zastosowanego znieczulenia regionalnego. Celem pracy jest analiza własnego materiału uwzględniająca nasilenie urazu okołooperacyjnego związanego z zabiegiem CE, w zależności od rodzaju zastosowanego znieczulenia. Materiał i metody. Badaniu poddano 19 osób, u których wykonano CE. Grupę A stanowiło 10 osób operowanych w znieczuleniu zewnątrzoponowym; grupę B - 9 osób operowanych w znieczuleniu splotu szyjnego. Badano stężenie kortyzolu (C), hormonu adrenokortykotropowego (ACTH) i prolaktyny (PR) w 6 różnych momentach okresu śród- i okołooperacyjnego. Wyniki. Stężenie C w trakcie całego badania pozostawało w obu grupach w normie lub nieznacznie ją przekraczało. Stężenia ACTH i PR wykazywały podobne do siebie zależności - przed operacją w obu grupach pozostawały w normie lub nieznacznie ją przekraczały. W trakcie operacji stężenia PR i ACTH zwiększały się w obu grupach, zwłaszcza po klemowaniu, lecz w grupie B odnotowano dużo wyższe wartości. Dwie godziny po operacji stężenia ACTH i PR w obu grupach wracały do normy i takie utrzymywały się do końca badań. Ze względu na małą liczebność grup nie wykazano statystycznie istotnych różnic. Wnioski. Nasilenie urazu śródoperacyjnego wyrażone hiperkortyzolemią dobrze koreluje z kliniczną hipoperfuzją ośrodkowego układu nerwowego podczas endarterektomii tętnic szyjnych. Po upływie 2 godzin znika wpływ rodzaju znieczulenia na poziom urazu chirurgicznego. W analizowanym materiale nasilenie urazu okołooperacyjnego podczas udrażniania tętnic szyjnych w znieczuleniu zewnątrzoponowym nie różni się istotnie od nasilenia w przypadku operacji w znieczuleniu splotu szyjnego