258 research outputs found

    Climate variability impacts on coastal dune slack ecohydrology

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    The hydrological regime of freshwater systems plays a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of the different biological communities that inhabit them. Climate change is expected to cause major alterations in the hydrological regime of dune slacks by producing shifts in temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration. Across seasons, we explore the controls on common water fleas (Cladocera) and aquatic plant communities relative to water level regime, water chemistry, weather and geomorphological setting, in a slack of the Sheskinmore dune system, Co. Donegal, northwest Ireland. Cladoceran abundance and diversity peak in summer, but also vary inter-annually, and drivers for this and hydrological variability are discussed. Vegetation is likewise affected by hydrology in a spatial sense, where distribution follows wet/dry patches of water. Water chemistry is more variable within the same season than across different years, particularly related to the drying out of the slack. Rainfall through 2016-2017 was lower than average and evapotranspiration showed higher values than average for the same time period. The influence on the slack of this decreased precipitation extended across successive seasons. The water table is the most important driver of slack ecology, with incidence on biological communities expressed by the increased variability inter-annually, as opposed to seasonal variation

    Dactylorhiza elata, Stately Dactylorhiza

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    Mediterranean regional assessment: Near Threatened (NT) The species is found from southwestern Europe and northwestern Africa. In two countries within the Mediterranean distribution (France and Portugal) populations or habitat of this species have declined by more than 30% over three generations. In another two countries (Algeria and Morocco) a similar decline is suspected but cannot yet be confirmed, and in Spain populations appear to be relatively abundant however there is no information on population trends. Elsewhere the species is known only from singlesites in Sardinia and Tunisia. whilst the extent of occurrence is very large, the area of occupancy (AOO) is possibly restricted however distribution data are inadequate to confirm the AOO. Therefore whilst the rate of decline cannot be measured throughout the range of the species, the Mediterranean population decline is confirmed, it is ongoing and is not reversible, consequently this species is close to classification as Vulnerable (A2c and A4c). Further to this, if monitoring data become available to provide an indication of population trends in Spain and these show that it is in decline then it is clear that the species should be considered threatened at both the Mediterranean and global scales. This species is therefore classed as Near Threatened, approaching Vulnerable (A2c+4c)

    Genetic diversity and population structure of Cynara cardunculus L. in Portugal

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    Cynara cardunculus L. is a cardoon species native to the Mediterranean region, which is composed of three botanical taxa, each having distinct biological characteristics. The aim of this study was to examine wild populations of C. cardunculus established in Portugal, in order to determine their genetic diversity, geographic distribution, and population structure. Based on SSR markers, 121 individuals of C. cardunculus from 17 wild populations of the Portuguese Alentejo region were identified and analysed. Ten SSRs were found to be efficient markers in the genetic diversity analysis. The total number of alleles ranged from 9 to 17 per locus. The expected and observed means in heterozygosity, by population analysed, were 0.591 and 0.577, respectively. The wild population exhibited a high level of genetic diversity at the species level. The highest proportion of genetic variation was identified within a geographic group, while variation was lower among groups. Geographic areas having highest genetic diversity were identified in Alvito, Herdade da Abóboda, Herdade da Revilheira and Herdade de São Romão populations. Moreover, significant genetic differentiation existed between wild populations from North-Alentejo geographic locations (Arraiolos, Évora, Monte da Chaminé) and Centro Hortofrutícola, compared with other populations. This study reports genetic diversity among a representative number of wild populations and genotypes of C. cardunculus from Portugal. These results will provide valuable information towards future management of C. cardunculus germplasm

    Habitat Variation in Vernal Pool Ecosystems on Both Sides of the Strait of Gibraltar

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    We studied vernal pool (VP) ecosystems along a latitudinal gradient crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in order to determine its role in the distribution of VP plant communities. We analyzed flora, vegetation, physical–chemical water parameters, and climatic data from two vernal pool areas on both the European (Iberian) and African (Moroccan) sides of the Strait. Despite the minor distance between both territories, the pools clearly differed in species composition and ecology. However, they showed a similar vegetation zonation in growth forms, including isoetid, batrachiid, and helophytic vegetation. The distribution of the plant communities was related to nutrient load, temperature, and precipitation. Water nitrate concentration was higher in Morocco, where VPs are characterized by Isoetes velata subsp. adspersa and Ranunculus saniculifolius communities. Iberian VPs had lower water nitrate content, and were characterized by Isoetes velata subsp. velata and Ranunculus peltatus communities. We think this nutrient difference is likely to be caused by the different land management regime on each side of the Strait, with more intensive agriculture in Morocco. Long-term (historical) and present-day (ecological) processes have been proposed to account for the habitat variation in vernal pool ecosystems on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar


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    O Sítio de Importância Comunitária da Costa Sudoeste de Portugal alberga 49 habitats naturais e seminaturais, 25% considerados prioritários. A ocupação e uso do solo estão a ameaçar valores paisagísticos e ecológicos nesta área protegida. As principais causas de degradação ambiental são a intensificação agrícola e o crescimento turístico. Os Charcos Temporários Mediterrânicos estão legalmente protegidos, mas cerca de 50% desapareceram em 18 anos. Apesar de haver bons estudos sobre as ameaças e os impactos na biodiversidade associada aos charcos temporários, nenhum ilustra a perceção ambiental da população. Foram realizados questionários e entrevistas a quatro públicos-alvo (população local, turistas, agricultores e administradores) nos concelhos de Odemira e Vila do Bispo. Existem diferenças na perceção destes públicos no que respeita a valoração do habitat como recurso natural. No concelho de Odemira valora-se os charcos temporários pela utilidade que podem ter nas atividades agrícolas tradicionais. Em Vila do Bispo, valora-se mais o uso turístico. Turistas estrangeiros dão mais valor à conservação do que turistas nacionais. Os agricultores valoram os charcos temporários consoante a localização destes no terreno. Se a sua presença não interferir com a produção, são considerados mais-valias, mas se reduzirem a rentabilidade da exploração, serão pontos de conflito com a gestão da área protegida. Os administradores valoram o habitat por ser um elemento diferenciador do território e reconhecem a sua potencialidade para o turismo de natureza. São propostas ações de sensibilização para a conservação dos charcos temporários e minimização dos conflitos existentes entre desenvolvimento local, gestão e conservação deste habitat

    Ansiedade nos estudantes do ensino superior. Um Estudo com Estudantes do 4º Ano do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu

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    Introdução: A ansiedade é uma experiencia emocional em função da previsão de situações futuras ou em presença de situações consideradas como desagradáveis para o individuo. Ao longo do percurso académico o estudante é confrontado com situações geradoras de pressão psicológica e ansiedade. Como estudantes do Ensino Superior, decidimos avaliar o nível de Ansiedade dos estudantes do 4º ano do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem e Identificar algumas variáveis que influenciam o comportamento ansioso. Material/Métodos: Inventário Clínico de Auto-Conceito (Vaz Serra, 1985); Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado – IDATE (Spielberg et al, 1970), traduzido e validado por (Biaggio e Natalício, 1979). Estudo quantitativo, descritivo-correlacional, retrospectivo. A amostra é constituída por 107 estudantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e 26 anos, do 4º ano da Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu. Resultados: Os scores de IDATE variam entre 21 e 80 (χ = 41.7; s = 11.9) para a ansiedade - estado e entre 23 e 65 (χ = 40.8; s = 9.8 ) para a ansiedade – traço. O auto conceito associou-se com a Ansiedade (A-Estado: r= 0.375 p=0.000 e A-Traço: r=0.425 p=0.000) inferindo-se que quanto menor o auto conceito maior é a ansiedade. Considerou-se a existência de uma associação significativa entre ansiedade e apresentação oral de trabalhos; dias anteriores a frequência; dia da frequência e duração de ensinos clínicos. A associação entre expectativas futuras e ansiedade revelou-se significativa no que concerne: exercer a profissão logo após a finalização do curso; o curso possibilitar a realização profissional e por fim concretizar os objectivos a curto prazo. Conclusões: O estudo permitiu concluir que 52.3% dos estudantes de Enfermagem se encontram no nível II de ansiedade (moderado), tanto para a ansiedade – estado como para a ansiedade – traço e 27.1% no nível I (baixo) e possuem valores de auto-conceito, superiores á media (76.0)

    El herbario ELVE de la Estaçao Nacional de Melhoramento de Plantas (Elvas, Portugal)

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    Herbario da Estação Nacional de Plantas: origen y configuracion, la colleción, organización y conservación, personal

    Juncus emmanuelis

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    This species is endemic to a small area in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, with subpopulations scattered in approximately 16 localities. It is assessed as Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) because it has an Area of Occupancy (AOO) of less than 500 km2 and shows signs of severe fragmentation due to the ongoing transformation of its specific habitat of sandy soils with an impermeable underlayer in temporary pools, as a result of several ongoing major threats associated with intensive agricultural activities. Based on this information, a continuing decline in the AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations has been inferred. Additional research and conservation action is needed for this species

    Temporary ponds and hygrophilous grasslands plant communities in Monfurado site of community importance

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    Temporary ponds are seasonal wetlands subjected to extreme and unstable ecological conditions due to the annual alternation between the flooded and dry phases. The ephemeral character of the flora and the changeable annual weather explain why these habitats have been poorly studied and documented. The objective of this study, in the Monfurado Site of Community Importance, was to characterize seasonal wetland plant communities using a phytosociological approach and numerical analysis (classification and ordination). The results lead to the site’s inclusion in two Natura 2000 Network priority habitats: Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170) in depression landform with impermeable layer in the underground with Isoeto-Nanojuncetea vegetation complexes; pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea, sub-type ‘Malhadais’ (6220pt2) in shallow areas with Isoeto-Nanojuncetea speciesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zannichellia contorta

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    This species is native to southern, central and eastern Spain, with an old record from the Atlas Mountains in northern Morocco requiring confirmation. The species is very sensitive to eutrophication and deterioration of water quality. The Area of Occupancy (AOO) has been estimated to be less than 500 km2 based on confirmed records and knowledge that its habitat is in continuous decline and at least 40% of the known localities have disappeared, especially in southern Spain. Moreover, an ongoing continuing decline in AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations of this species due to the increase in nutrients concentration from waters of the streams where it lives, which stops its growth, has been observed. The same process of habitat deterioration is happening in central and eastern Spain. The population of this species is severely fragmented with more than half of its subpopulations being isolated with no exchange possibilities and suspected to have reached no viable levels. It therefore qualifies to be listed in the category Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) in the Mediterranean region. Resource and habitat protection and site management are needed. Other recommended conservation measures are ex situ conservation, population and distribution research, and habitat and population monitoring