14 research outputs found

    Análise dos argumentos jurídico-filosóficos da capacidade processual de um animal : o caso Boss

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    O debate acerca da recepção dos direitos dos animais ou, até mesmo a existência de um direito animal ainda persiste. As discussões sobre o direito dos animais, apesar de não serem novas, têm ganho cada vez mais atenção e destaque, tanto nos tribunais estaduais como na corte suprema brasileira. Por diversas ocasiões o Supremo Tribunal Federal já foi chamado a decidir questões delicadas na temática. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de discutir o status jurídico dos animais no direito brasileiro a partir de um olhar histórico-filosófico-jurídico, utilizando o caso do cão Boss no Judiciário gaúcho e analisando os argumentos apresentando pelo procurador do cão, pelo juízo de primeiro grau e pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul. Mesmo que o direito nacional ainda não esteja calcado numa visão totalmente biocêntrica, é inegável que ele denota preocupação e garante proteção aos animais a partir da ação do próprio homem em seu favor. Restou demonstrando que, apesar do reconhecimento da senciência dos animais, e do reconhecimento do valor do animal em si como sujeito de direitos e de dignidade, dada a vedação à crueldade e maus tratos, o direito brasileiro reconhece proteção aos animais, entretanto não os reconhece como sujeitos de direito no sentido de poder postular em juízo. Deve-se caminhar, portanto, para algo mais avançado e que efetivamente alcance aos animais uma maior proteção, inclusive no âmbito da capacidade postulatória judicial, seja por representação ou substituição.The discussion about the reception of animal rights or even the existence of an animal law still persists in the Law universe. Debates on animal rights, although not new, have gained more and more attention and prominence, both in regional courts and in the supreme court. On several occasions, the Brazilian Supreme Court has already been called upon to decide sensitive issues on the subject. In this sense, the present work aims to discuss the legal status of animals in Brazilian law from a historical-philosophical-legal perspective, using the case of the dog Boss in the Rio Grande do Sul Judiciary and analyzing the arguments presented by the dog’s prosecutor, by the first-degree trial, and by the Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice. Even if national law is not yet based on a totally biocentric view, it is undeniable that it denotes concern and guarantees protection to animals from the action of the man himself in their favor. It remains to demonstrate that, despite the recognition of the sentience of animals, and the recognition of the value of the animal itself as a subject of rights and dignity, given the prohibition to cruelty and mistreatment, Brazilian law recognizes the protection of animals, however, does not recognize them as subjects of law in the sense of being able to postulate in court. Therefore, one should walk towards something more advanced and that effectively reaches the animals’ greater protection, including within the scope of judicial postulatory capacity, either by representation or substitution

    The Energy Consumption Control as Support to The Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Public Universities

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    Energy consumption at Universities follows specific standards related to the development of its education, research, and extension activities. For these activities’ continuity, the supply of energy must have a high level of reliability, without, however, compromising the economic sustainability of the institutions. That is because energy expenditures, in some cases, can be relevant for Universities, especially to public institutions in developing countries, which routinely deal with budget restrictions. On the other hand, energy efficiency and rational energy consumption, have a direct impact on these organizations' environmental sustainability indicators, such as their carbon footprint. In this sense, considering that the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul faces economic challenges, which often make investments in innovative technologies impossible, we compare strategies to optimize its energy consumption. These strategies should achieve better levels of emission reduction and economic costs related to this resource. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze how Public Universities, in developing countries, can optimize their energy consumption, even under budget restrictions. To this end, the results from three strategies adopted by the University, since 2016, to reduce the energy consumption are discussed: (i) increased individual monitoring of consumption points; (ii) optimization and detailed analysis of energy consumption data; and (iii) extensive implementation of reduced summer hours. With the adoption of these practices, it was observed an annual reduction in energy consumption of 6% and 20%, reaching 33.70% on average during the summer period. Thus, it was possible to guide the energy policies of the University, which can change consumption patterns, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a better economic equilibriu

    Caracterização do consumidor de carne de frango da cidade de Porto Alegre.

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    A preocupação com a segurança alimentar tem mudado a forma como os consumidores vêem os produtos cárneos, fazendo com que busquem informações sobre os alimentos que consomem. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar o consumidor porto–alegrense de carne de frango. Foram entrevistados 393 consumidores durante o período de abril a julho de 2004. Os resultados demonstram que a carne de frango é a segunda carne preferida dos consumidores e que os cortes e empanados de frango são os produtos mais consumidos. Os consumidores acreditam que a gripe do frango e a salmonelose são as principais doenças veiculadas por esta carne.The concern with the alimentary security has changed the form as the consumers see the meaty products; searching information on the foods that consume. In this direction, this research was aimed at characterizing the chicken meat consumer of Porto Alegre, Brazil. They had been interviewed 393 consumers during the period of April the July of 2004. The results demonstrate that the chicken meat is the second preferred meat of the consumers, and that the empanados cuts and of chicken are the most consumed products. The consumers believe that the bird flu and salmonelose are the main illnesses propagated by this meat

    Caracterização do consumidor de carne de frango da cidade de Porto Alegre.

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    A preocupação com a segurança alimentar tem mudado a forma como os consumidores vêem os produtos cárneos, fazendo com que busquem informações sobre os alimentos que consomem. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar o consumidor porto–alegrense de carne de frango. Foram entrevistados 393 consumidores durante o período de abril a julho de 2004. Os resultados demonstram que a carne de frango é a segunda carne preferida dos consumidores e que os cortes e empanados de frango são os produtos mais consumidos. Os consumidores acreditam que a gripe do frango e a salmonelose são as principais doenças veiculadas por esta carne.The concern with the alimentary security has changed the form as the consumers see the meaty products; searching information on the foods that consume. In this direction, this research was aimed at characterizing the chicken meat consumer of Porto Alegre, Brazil. They had been interviewed 393 consumers during the period of April the July of 2004. The results demonstrate that the chicken meat is the second preferred meat of the consumers, and that the empanados cuts and of chicken are the most consumed products. The consumers believe that the bird flu and salmonelose are the main illnesses propagated by this meat