9 research outputs found

    INVESTIGATION Physiological and lifestyle factors contributing to risk and severity of peri-orbital dark circles in the Brazilian population*

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    Abstract: BACKGROUND: Peri-orbital dark circles are a cosmetic concern worldwide, and have been attributed to hyperpigmentation from allergy or atopic dermatitis, blood stasis, structural shadowing effects, and a thin epidermis/dermis under the eye. It is of interest to better understand lifestyle and demographic risk factors and the relative impact of melanin, blood and epidermal/dermal factors on the severity of Peri-orbital dark circles. OBJECTIVE: To compare by non-invasive imaging the impact of biological factors to a visual grading scale for Peri-orbital dark circles, and test the correlation of various demographic factors with Peri-orbital dark circles. METHODS: Subjects completed a lifestyle and health survey, and Peri-orbital dark circles severity was evaluated using standardized photographs. Hyperspectral image analysis was used to assess the contributions of melanin, blood volume, degree of blood oxygen saturation, and dermal scattering. RESULTS: Family history was the most signifi cant risk factor for Peri-orbital dark circles. The average age of onset was 24 years, and earlier onset correlated with higher severity scores. Asthma was signifi cantly associated with Peri-orbital dark circles scores, but self-reported allergy was not. In this study, sleep was not correlated with Peri-orbital dark circles scores. Hyperspectral imaging indicated that melanin was the dominant correlate for Peri-orbital dark circles severity, while oxygen saturation was secondary. The difference between under-eye and cheek measurements for ∆L*and ∆E* were the most signifi cant instrumental parameters correlated with visual assessment of Peri-orbital dark circles severity. CONCLUSION: Although typically associated with lack of sleep, risk of Peri-orbital dark circles is primarily hereditary. The main factors contributing to the appearance of Peri-orbital dark circles are melanin and (deoxygenated) blood

    Physical therapy in avoidable hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions

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    Avoidable hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions have been used as indicators of access to timely and appropriate care because hospital admissions for many conditions could be prevented by interventions in primary care. Physical therapists play an important role in health promotion, disease prevention, and the pursuit of fairness and improvements in the effectiveness of health care services, which are the goals of the public policies proposed by the Brazilian unified health care system. We used MEDLINE and SciELO to search the literature for articles concerning the association between physical therapy and the reduction of avoidable hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions. The literature on the topic is still in its infancy and confined to relatively few studies. Although the available literature associates access to quality primary care with reduced hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions, there is a need for original studies investigating whether there is an association between physical therapy and decreased hospital admissions for primary care-sensitive conditions

    Physical therapy in avoidable hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions

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    Abstract Avoidable hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions have been used as indicators of access to timely and appropriate care because hospital admissions for many conditions could be prevented by interventions in primary care. Physical therapists play an important role in health promotion, disease prevention, and the pursuit of fairness and improvements in the effectiveness of health care services, which are the goals of the public policies proposed by the Brazilian unified health care system. We used MEDLINE and SciELO to search the literature for articles concerning the association between physical therapy and the reduction of avoidable hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions. The literature on the topic is still in its infancy and confined to relatively few studies. Although the available literature associates access to quality primary care with reduced hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions, there is a need for original studies investigating whether there is an association between physical therapy and decreased hospital admissions for primary care-sensitive conditions

    [Carta de Gama Pinto ao Secretariado do XV Congresso Internacional de Medicina, Lisboa, 1906]

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    Carta de Gama Pinto (1853-1945), sem destinatĂĄrio expresso, mas recebida pelo Secretariado do XV Congresso Internacional de Medicina. Nesta, o oftalmologista comunica a sua recusa em participar no Congresso, por motivo de “irredutĂ­veis incompatibilidades pessoais” com Miguel Bombarda (1851-1910), SecretĂĄrio-geral do evento. O XV Congresso Internacional de Medicina, realizado em Lisboa, entre 19 e 26 de Abril de 1906, foi decisivo para melhorar as infraestruturas hospitalares para a prĂĄtica clĂ­nica e para o ensino mĂ©dico, bem como consolidar uma nova geração de mĂ©dicos e investigadores portugueses. Presidido por Manuel da Costa AlemĂŁo (1833-1922), o Congresso teve em Miguel Bombarda (1851-1910), SecretĂĄrio-geral, o seu organizador e promotor maior.Documento dactiloscrito, sem assinatura, com a data de 10 de Junho, sem indicação do ano, que serĂĄ, provavelmente, 1905.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Entre a teoria parasitĂĄria e a oncologia experimental: uma proposta de sistematização da ciĂȘncia oncolĂłgica em Portugal, 1889-1945 Between parasitic theory and experimental oncology: a proposal for systematizing oncological science in Portugal, 1889-1945

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    Focaliza a produção de investigação biomédica sobre o estudo do cùncer em Portugal entre 1889 e 1945. Recuperando os principais trabalhos realizados entre finais do século XIX e a primeira metade do XX, foi possível trazer a lume e delimitar um campo de ação científica ainda pouco estudado. Desde a introdução e consolidação dos princípios que definiram a oncologia experimental, detectam-se fases distintas de produção científica, oscilando entre a comprovação de teorias dominantes e a aplicação de métodos de criação artificial da doença. PropÔe-se breve sistematização da orientação dos estudos dedicados à oncologia, organizados em patamares de investigação predominantes.<br>This article deals with the bio-medical investigation of cancer studies in Portugal between 1889 and 1945. By examining the main works produced between the end of the nineteenth century and the middle of the twentieth century, it has been possible to illuminate and define a field of scientific endeavour which has been the scope of little study to date. Starting from the introduction and consolidation of the defining principles of experimental oncology, distinct phases can be discerned in the production of scientific material, alternating between support for the dominant theories and the application of methods for artificially creating the disease. In accordance with the principal phases of investigation, a brief systematic overview of the scope of these oncological studies is presented

    Femtomolar Zn(II) Affinity in a Peptide-Based Ligand Designed To Model Thiolate-Rich Metalloprotein Active Sites

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    I TUMORI IN ITALIA - RAPPORTO 2016: La sopravvivenza dei pazienti oncologici in Italia = ITALIAN CANCER FIGURES - REPORT 2016: Survival of cancer patients in Italy

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    OBJECTIVES: Population-based survival statistics are fundamental to assess the efficacy of services offered to improve cancer patients' prognosis. This study aims to update cancer survival estimates for the Italian population, as well as provide new measures, such as the crude probability of death, which takes into account the possibility of dying from causes other than cancer, and the change in life expectancy after a cancer diagnosis, to properly address various questions. RESULTS: The study includes 1,932,450 cancer cases detected by the Network of Italian Cancer Registries (AIRTUM) from 1994 to 2011 and provides estimates for 38 cancer sites and for allsites cancer. For most common cancers diagnosed from 2005 to 2009, age-standardized 5-year net survival was: colon-rectum - males 65%, females 65%; lung - males 15%, females 19%; breast 87%; prostate 91%. For cancer sites such as stomach, colon, rectum, lung, skin melanoma, breast, cervix, prostate, and kidney, 5-year net survival is consistent between Central and Northern Italy, while it is a few percentage points lower in Southern Italy. Funnel plots expose these differences more in detail by showing the survival estimates in 13 Italian regions. For all sites but skin, 5- and 10-year net survival increased by about 10 percentage points in men and 7 points in women from 1994 to 2011. DISCUSSION: Specific articles deal with results on solid and haematological malignancies, international comparisons and analysis of time trends of incidence, mortality, and survival in combination for key cancer sites, aiming to interpret overall progress in the control of cancer in Italy