434 research outputs found

    Modelling the tumour microenvironment in long-term microencapsulated 3D co-cultures recapitulates phenotypic features of disease progression

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    3D cell tumour models are generated mainly in non-scalable culture systems, using bioactive scaffolds. Many of these models fail to reflect the complex tumour microenvironment and do not allow long-term monitoring of tumour progression. To overcome these limitations, we have combined alginate microencapsulation with agitation-based culture systems, to recapitulate and monitor key aspects of the tumour microenvironment and disease progression. Aggregates of MCF-7 breast cancer cells were microencapsulated in alginate, either alone or in combination with human fibroblasts, then cultured for 15 days. In co-cultures, the fibroblasts arranged themselves around the tumour aggregates creating distinct epithelial and stromal compartments. The presence of fibroblasts resulted in secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and deposition of collagen in the stromal compartment. Tumour cells established cell–cell contacts and polarised around small lumina in the interior of the aggregates. Over the culture period, there was a reduction in oestrogen receptor and membranous E-cadherin alongside loss of cell polarity, increased collective cell migration and enhanced angiogenic potential in co-cultures. These phenotypic alterations, typical of advanced stages of cancer, were not observed in the mono-cultures of MCF-7 cells. The proposed model system constitutes a new tool to study tumour-stroma crosstalk, disease progression and drug resistance mechanisms

    Assessing the antitumor potential of variants of the extracellular carbohydrate polymer from synechocystis ΔsigF mutant

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    Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide with a huge societal and economic impact. Clinically effective and less expensive anticancer agents derived from natural sources can help to overcome limitations and negative side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Previously, we showed that the extracellular carbohydrate polymer of a Synechocystis ΔsigF overproducing mutant displayed a strong antitumor activity towards several human tumor cell lines, by inducing high levels of apoptosis through p53 and caspase-3 activation. Here, the ΔsigF polymer was manipulated to obtain variants that were tested in a human melanoma (Mewo) cell line. Our results demonstrated that high molecular mass fractions were important for the polymer bioactivity, and that the reduction of the peptide content generated a variant with enhanced in vitro antitumor activity. This variant, and the original ΔsigF polymer, were further tested in vivo using the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Both polymers significantly decreased xenografted CAM tumor growth and affected tumor morphology, by promoting less compact tumors, validating their antitumor potential in vivo. This work contributes with strategies for the design and testing tailored cyanobacterial extracellular polymers and further strengths the relevance of evaluating this type of polymers for biotechnological/biomedical applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tribocorrosion behavior of Ti–C–O–N nanostructured thin films (black) for decorative applications

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    In the past few years, tribocorrosion has become a focus of research because of its relevance in terms of the future in-service degradation mechanisms of materials. In the particular case of decorative coatings, tribocorrosion is certainly one of the most important issues, and sweat corrosion and human contact wear are two other factors that may act as material selection tools. Thus, the current study aimed to investigate the tribocorrosion behavior of a new class of thin films, the Ti–C–O–N system, which is being developed to be used as a surface decorative material due to its relatively dark appearance. The films were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. The influence of the structural features on the tribocorrosion behavior is discussed.This research is supported by FEDER funds through COMPETE-Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade and by national funds through the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, project PTDC/CTM/69362/2006 and contract SFRH/BD/27569/2006

    Sulfated small molecules targeting EBV in Burkitt lymphoma: from in silico screening to the evidence of in vitro effect on viral episomal DNA

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    Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infects more than 90% of the world population. Following primary infection, Epstein– Barr virus persists in an asymptomatic latent state. Occasionally, it may switch to lytic infection. Latent EBV infection has been associated with several diseases, such as Burkitt lymphoma (BL). To date, there are no available drugs to target latent EBV, and the existing broad-spec trum antiviral drugs are mainly active against lytic viral infection. Thus, using computational molecular docking, a virtual screen of a library of small molecules, including xanthones and flavonoids (described with potential for antiviral activity against EBV), was carried out targeting EBV proteins. The more interesting molecules were selected for further computational analysis, and sub sequently, the compounds were tested in the Raji (BL) cell line, to evaluate their activity against latent EBV. This work identified three novel sulfated small molecules capable of decreasing EBV levels in a BL. Therefore, the in silico screening presents a good approach for the development of new anti-EBV agents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing behavioural changes in ALS: cross-validation of ALS-specific measures

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    Objective: The Beaumont Behavioural Inventory (BBI) is a behavioural proxy report for the assessment of behavioural changes in ALS. This tool has been validated against the FrSBe, a non-ALS specific behavioural assessment, and further comparison of the BBI against a disease-specific tool was considered. This study cross-validates the BBI against the ALS-FTD-Q. Methods: 60 ALS patients, 8% also meeting criteria for FTD, were recruited. All patients were evaluated using the BBI and the ALS-FTD-Q, completed by a carer. Correlational analysis was performed to assess construct validity. Precision, sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy of the BBI, when compared to the ALS-FTD-Q, were obtained. Results: The mean score of the whole sample on the BBI was 11.45±13.06. ALS-FTD patients scored significantly higher than non-demented ALS patients (31.6±14.64, 9.62±11.38; p<.0001). A significant large positive correlation between the BBI and the ALS-FTD-Q was observed (r=.807, p<.0001), and no significant correlations between the BBI and other clinical/demographic characteristics, indicating good convergent and discriminant validity, respectively. 72% of overall concordance was observed. Precision, sensitivity and specificity for the classification of severely impaired patients were adequate. However, lower concordance in the classification of mild behavioural changes was observed, with higher sensitivity using the BBI, most likely secondary to BBI items which endorsed behavioural aspects not measured by the ALS-FTD-Q. Discussion: Good construct validity has been further confirmed when the BBI is compared to an ALS-specific tool. Furthermore, the BBI is a more comprehensive behavioural assessment for ALS, as it measures the whole behavioural spectrum in this condition

    Investigation of the 240Pu(n, f ) reaction at the n_TOF/EAR2 facility in the 9 meV–6 MeV range

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    Background: Nuclear waste management is considered amongst the major challenges in the field of nuclear energy. A possible means of addressing this issue is waste transmutation in advanced nuclear systems, whose operation requires a fast neutron spectrum. In this regard, the accurate knowledge of neutron-induced reaction cross sections of several (minor) actinide isotopes is essential for design optimization and improvement of safety margins of such systems. One such case is 240 Pu , due to its accumulation in spent nuclear fuel of thermal reactors and its usage in fast reactor fuel. The measurement of the 240 Pu ( n , f ) cross section was previously attempted at the CERN n_TOF facility EAR1 measuring station using the time-of-flight technique. Due to the low amount of available material and the given flux at EAR1, the measurement had to last several months to achieve a sufficient statistical accuracy. This long duration led to detector deterioration due to the prolonged exposure to the high α activity of the fission foils, therefore the measurement could not be successfully completed. Purpose: It is aimed to determine whether it is feasible to study neutron-induced fission at n_TOF/EAR2 and provide data on the 240 Pu ( n , f ) reaction in energy regions requested for applications. Methods: The study of the 240 Pu ( n , f ) reaction was made at a new experimental area (EAR2) with a shorter flight path which delivered on average 30 times higher flux at fast neutron energies. This enabled the measurement to be performed much faster, thus limiting the exposure of the detectors to the intrinsic activity of the fission foils. The experimental setup was based on microbulk Micromegas detectors and the time-of-flight data were analyzed with an optimized pulse-shape analysis algorithm. Special attention was dedicated to the estimation of the non-negligible counting loss corrections with the development of a new methodology, and other corrections were estimated via Monte Carlo simulations of the experimental setup. Results: This new measurement of the 240 Pu ( n , f ) cross section yielded data from 9 meV up to 6 MeV incident neutron energy and fission resonance kernels were extracted up to 10 keV . Conclusions: Neutron-induced fission of high activity samples can be successfully studied at the n_TOF/EAR2 facility at CERN covering a wide range of neutron energies, from thermal to a few MeV.Croatian Science Foundation 857

    Exosomes secreted by cardiomyocytes subjected to ischaemia promote cardiac angiogenesis

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE) [HealthyAging2020 CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000012-N2323, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016385, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007440 to CNC.IBILI, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274 to i3S/INEB and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012 to T.L.L.]; national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [PTDC/SAU-ORG/119296/2010, PTDC/ NEU-OSD/0312/2012, PESTC/ SAU/UI3282/2013-2014, MITP-TB/ECE/0013/ 2013, FCT-UID/NEU/04539/2013], PD/BD/52294/2013 to T.M.R.R., SFRH/ BD/85556/2012 (co-financed by QREN) to V.C.S]; Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (LISBOA 2020) and Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement; and by INFARMED Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P. [FIS-FIS-2015-01_CCV_20150630-157]. Publisher Copyright: © 2017 The Author.Aims Myocardial infarction (MI) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and results from an obstruction in the blood supply to a region of the heart. In an attempt to replenish oxygen and nutrients to the deprived area, affected cells release signals to promote the development of new vessels and confer protection against MI. However, the mechanisms underlying the growth of new vessels in an ischaemic scenario remain poorly understood. Here, we show that cardiomyocytes subjected to ischaemia release exosomes that elicit an angiogenic response of endothelial cells (ECs). Methods and results Exosomes secreted by H9c2 myocardial cells and primary cardiomyocytes, cultured either in control or ischaemic conditions were isolated and added to ECs. We show that ischaemic exosomes, in comparison with control exosomes, confer protection against oxidative-induced lesion, promote proliferation, and sprouting of ECs, stimulate the formation of capillary-like structures and strengthen adhesion complexes and barrier properties. Moreover, ischaemic exosomes display higher levels of metalloproteases (MMP) and promote the secretion of MMP by ECs. We demonstrate that miR-222 and miR-143, the relatively most abundant miRs in ischaemic exosomes, partially recapitulate the angiogenic effect of exosomes. Additionally, we show that ischaemic exosomes stimulate the formation of new functional vessels in vivo using in ovo and Matrigel plug assays. Finally, we demonstrate that intramyocardial delivery of ischaemic exosomes improves neovascularization following MI. Conclusions This study establishes that exosomes secreted by cardiomyocytes under ischaemic conditions promote heart angiogenesis, which may pave the way towards the development of add-on therapies to enhance myocardial blood supply.publishersversionpublishe

    Intricate macrophage-colorectal cancer cell communication in response to radiation

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    Both cancer and tumour-associated host cells are exposed to ionizing radiation when a tumour is subjected to radiotherapy. Macrophages frequently constitute the most abundant tumour-associated immune population, playing a role in tumour progression and response to therapy. The present work aimed to evaluate the importance of macrophage-cancer cell communication in the cellular response to radiation. To address this question, we established monocultures and indirect co-cultures of human monocyte-derived macrophages with RKO or SW1463 colorectal cancer cells, which exhibit higher and lower radiation sensitivity, respectively. Mono- and co-cultures were then irradiated with 5 cumulative doses, in a similar fractionated scheme to that used during cancer patients' treatment (2 Gy/fraction/day). Our results demonstrated that macrophages sensitize RKO to radiation-induced apoptosis, while protecting SW1463 cells. Additionally, the co-culture with macrophages increased the mRNA expression of metabolism- and survival-related genes more in SW1463 than in RKO. The presence of macrophages also upregulated glucose transporter 1 expression in irradiated SW1463, but not in RKO cells. In addition, the influence of cancer cells on the expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory macrophage markers, upon radiation exposure, was also evaluated. In the presence of RKO or SW1463, irradiated macrophages exhibit higher levels of pro-inflammatory TNF, IL6, CCL2 and CCR7, and of anti-inflammatory CCL18. However, RKO cells induce an increase of macrophage pro-inflammatory IL1B, while SW1463 cells promote higher pro-inflammatory CXCL8 and CD80, and also anti-inflammatory VCAN and IL10 levels. Thus, our data demonstrated that macrophages and cancer cells mutually influence their response to radiation. Notably, conditioned medium from irradiated co-cultures increased non-irradiated RKO cell migration and invasion and did not impact on angiogenesis in a chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane assay. Overall, the establishment of primary human macrophage-cancer cell co-cultures revealed an intricate cell communication in response to ionizing radiation, which should be considered when developing therapies adjuvant to radiotherapy
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