122 research outputs found

    Effect of Textures and Microstructures on the Occurrence of Delamination during and after Fracture Toughness Tests of API X80 Steel Plates

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    The API 5 L X80 is a high strength microalloyed steel, widely used in the gas and oil industry to fabricate pipelines. This steel presents a combination of elevated strength and toughness. In the present investigation, the microstructural features, fracture toughness and delamination occurrence of two X80 grade steel plates with different processing routes and chemical composition were studied. The first steel depicted a homogenous bainitic matrix and the second steel exhibited a banded microstructure composed of elongated ferrite grains, with macrosegregation in the mid-plane of the plates. Fracture toughness tests were conducted for both steels on 7-mm and 15-mm thick samples. The orientation distribution functions analysis revealed crystallographic intensity distribution of the austenite to ferrite transformation texture, especially the alpha-fiber ( || rolling direction) which explained the anisotropy and delamination occurrences. Both processed plates of steel presented the alpha-fiber due to hot-rolling of plates. Delaminations occurrences were further investigated and attributed to a strong {100} orientation presence despite microstructure homogeneity. A schematic model was proposed, showing the source of delamination and the reason for the lowest toughness for 45° to the rolling direction

    Epidemiologic surveillance of the rabies virus using the brain immunoflorescence test on a sample of a canine population: probality and analysis with actual cases from Mogi-Guaçu, SP, Brazil, During the 1989-1999 period

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    The validty of a systematic laboratory exam that consists in examining the nervous system of a canine population sample in a given area was anlyzed, as a proper strategy for epidemiological survilance of the rabies virus presence. The analysis was based on the databank of the County of Mogi-Guaçu, SP, Brazil, referring to the historical period between January 1989 and december 1999. During this period 1,167 animals were examined and an immunofluorescence test applied to rabies showed that 130 animals (11.2%) were positive. The sample size for detecting at least one positive animal was calculated by using the formula n = {1-(1-±)1/d } (N - d/2} + 1. Between 1989 and 1994 the size of sample was calculated based on the real number of recorded cases. Between 1995 and 1999, as there were no new cases of canine rabies, the analysis considered a hypothetical presence of a confirmed case. It was also carried out a simulation of the number of rabies cases that should occur so that the sample effectively used by the Rabies Control Service would be able to reveal the presence of at least one positive animal. Results showed that in the period from 1989 to 1994, in when the annual frequecy of canine rabies cases varied from 5 to 75 cases, the ideal size of sample should be from 12,400 to 12,922. In the period from 1995 to 1999, when no canine rabies cases were recorded, the sample size would be from 13,257 to 14,698 if at least one case occurred. Thus, one can understand that in therms of probability, the proposed strategy is not recommended for the epidemiological survilance of rabies virus presence, since the number of animal to be examined is not feasible in real situation.Foi analisada a validade do exame laboratorial sistemático do sistema nervoso de uma amostra da população canina de uma dada área, como estratégia destinada a vigilância epidemiológica da circulação do vírus da raiva. Foi empregado o banco de dados do município de Mogi-Guacú, SP, Brasil, referente a série histórica compreendida entre janeiro de 1989 a dezembro de 1999. Neste período foram examinados 1167 animais dos quais 130 (11,2%) foram positivos ao teste de imunofluorescência aplicada a raiva. O tamanho da amostra para a detecção de pelo menos um animal positivo foi calculado pela fórmula n = {1-(1-±)1/d} (N - d/2) + 1. No período de 1989 a 1994 o tamanho da amostra foi calculado a partir do número real de casos registrados. Nos anos de 1995 a 1999 como não houve novos casos de raiva canina, a análise considerou hipoteticamente a presença de um caso confirmado. Também foi efetuada a simulação do número de casos de raiva que deveriam ocorrer para que a amostra efetivamente utilizada pelo Serviço de controle da raiva fosse capaz de revelar a presença de pelo menos um animal positivo. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que no período de 1989 a 1994 em que a freqüência anual de casos de raiva canina variou de 5 a 75 o tamanho das amostras ideal seria de 12.400 a 12.922; já no período de 1995 a 1999, em que não foram diagnosticados casos de raiva canina, se ocorresse pelo menos um registro, o tamanho da amostra seria de 13.257 a 14.698. Do exposto depreende-se que em termos probabilísticos, a estratégia proposta não é indicada para a vigilância epidemiológica da presença do vírus da raiva, quando em situação de controle, pois o número de animais a serem examinados é inviável para situações concretas

    The effect of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of friction-stir welded API 5L X70 pipeline steels

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    The hydrogen embrittlement (HE) leads to severe steel degradation of mechanical properties. The hydrogen atoms diffuse into the steel and get posi- tioned into reversible and irreversible trap sites. The pipe to transport oil and gas needs to be welded to construct long-distance pipeline projects; thus, friction-stir welding (FSW) has proven an excellent alternative to joining these pipelines. Therefore, this work assessed and analyzed the influence of hydro- gen on the microstructure and fracture toughness of API 5L X70 steel welded by friction-stir welding. The in-service conditions were simulated by charging the specimen electrolytically in a 3.5% NaCl water solution with an intensity current of 2 mA cm 2 . According to fracture toughness tests, the base metal (BM) was more affected by hydrogen embrittlement than the friction-stir zone (SZ), with a fracture toughness reduction of 20% after hydrogen charging. The SZ fracture toughness did not statistically show changes in hydrogen charging by the used times; however, the fracture mechanism changed from ductile to brittle-like after 4 days of charging. The SZ depicted a better fracture toughness than BM due to the bainitic microstructure, a significant amount of irrevers- ible hydrogen trapping.The authors acknowledge the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development scholarship, CNPq - Brazil, grant number: 165065/2017-6. This research used facilities of the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano), part of the Brazilian Centre for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), a private non-profit organization under the supervision of the Brazilian Ministry for Science, Technology, and Innovations (MCTI). In addition, the author would like to thank the staff at the University of S ̃ao Paulo, specifi- cally in the Materials Engineering Department at the S ̃ao Carlos School of Engineering (SMM, EESC-USP), the Laboratory for Friction and Wear Technology (LTAD) at F I G U R E 1 3 Orientation maps showing the crack path at the stable crack propagation region during the CTOD test. (A, B) H-free samples from the BM and SZ and (C, D) H-charged samples from BM and SZ [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] 12 GIAROLA ET AL . the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), and the Multi-user Laboratory Complex (C-LABMU) ate the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG). The authors also acknowledge Gabriel Severino de Almeida for the sample preparation. H.C. Pinto is a CNPq fellow. J. A. Avila is a Serra Hunter Fellow and a CNPq fellow.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    In Situ Analysis of the Phase Transformation Kinetics in the β-Water-Quenched Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-1Zr Alloy during Ageing after Fast Heating

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    Thermal treatments are the main route to achieve improvements in mechanical properties of β-metastable titanium alloys developed for structural applications in automotive and aerospace industries. Therefore, it is of vital importance to determine phase transformation kinetics and mechanisms of nucleation and precipitation during heat treatment of these alloys. In this context, the present paper focuses on the assessment of solid-state transformations in a β-water-quenched Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-1Zr alloy during the early stages of ageing treatment at 500 ◦C. In situ tracking of transformations was performed using high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The transformation sequence β + ω → α + α”iso + β is proposed to take place during this stage. Results show that isothermal α” phase precipitates from ω and from spinodal decomposition domains of the β phase, whereas α nucleates from ω, β and also from α” with different morphologies. Isothermal α” is considered to be the regulator of transformation kinetics. Hardness measurements confirm the presence of ω, although this phase was not detected by X-ray diffraction during the in situ treatment

    Cladding welding of CA6M with pulsed FCAW and results analysis through the L9 TAGUCHI and ANOVA

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    The cladding welding analysis with pulsed flux cored arc welding (FCAW) process, were carried over a AISI 1020 base metal (thickness 12,7 mm, width 63,5 and length 185mm) with an CA6NM steel wire with diameter of 1.2mm. Was performed only one weld cord in the flat position. For experimental design was used the method of Taguchi L9 to determinate the parameter to be analyzed through the application of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method. The response signals in RMS (Root Mean Square) analyzed were the voltage, current and acceleration. The procedure is based on a non-parametric domain-selective ANOVA for functional data, which results in the selection of the intervals of the domain presenting the most statistically significant effects of each factor over the selected response signals. The statistical results presented by ANOVA show that not all the selected variables have influenced the results. The best results for the cladding welding were obtained from the current average of230amperes, and statistically the average current was the variable that significantly affected the results, however, the welding speed only affected the yield of the process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Design of Comb Crack Resistant Milling Inserts: A Comparison of Stresses, Crack Propagation, and Deformation Behavior between Ti(C,N)/α-Al2O3 and Zr(C,N)/α-Al2O3 CVD Coatings

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    Investigations on comb crack resistance of milling inserts coated with chemical vapor deposition (CVD) Ti(C,N)/α-Al2O3 and Zr(C,N)/α-Al2O3 showed a distinct wear evolution in both systems. Wear studies revealed that the appearance of comb cracks is connected to the initial CVD cooling crack network. Micropillar compression tests indicated a brittle intergranular fracture mechanism for the Ti(C,N) layer and a transgranular fracture accompanied with signs of plastic deformation for the Zr(C,N) coating. Additionally, for the Zr(C,N) based system, a compressive stress condition in the temperature range of interest (200–600 ◦C) was determined by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The set of residual compressive stresses together with the ability of the Zr(C,N) layer to deform plastically are key features that explain the enhanced resistance to comb crack wear of the Zr(C,N) based system in milling of cast iron

    3D-FIB characterization of wear in WC-Co coated composites

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    Abstract. In this work 3D visualization of wear in milling inserts has been investigated by Focused Ion Beam tomography. It has been observed that the morphology of the cracks differs in the z-axis direction, allowing particular characteristics of the microstructure and wear evolution to be visible. Two types of cracks develop: principal and lateral cracks. The formation of lateral cracks is strongly influenced by the degradation of the binder phase in the regions surrounding the principal crack. The lateral cracks and the deflection of the main cracks present a particular semi-elliptical geometry, which correlates with the stress field originated during the input of a cycling load in a fatigue condition

    On the effect of aluminum on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CrN coatings deposited by HiPIMS

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    BNDES - BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIALCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOHard coatings are a suitable solution for increasing the lifetime of tools and components employed in different industrial applications. Coatings of transition metal nitrides have great use for tribological applications due to due to their unique mechanical properties. Although widely employed, current deposition methods such as cathodic arc evaporation produce coatings with many defects, which in turn reduce the resistance to wear, especially under severe conditions. High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering is a novel physical vapor deposition technique that produces homogeneous coatings. In this study, CrN and CrAlN monolayer coatings were deposited on AISI 304 stainless steel substrates using HiPIMS. X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy were used to evaluate the microstructure, phase composition, morphology and chemical composition of the coating. Results showed that HiPIMS is a promising technique to deposit CrN and CrAlN homogeneous coatings with high hardness and good adhesion to the substrate.21316BNDES - BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIALCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOBNDES - BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIALCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO640/2012sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Restoration mechanisms at moderate temperatures for As-Cast ZK40 magnesium alloys modified with individual Ca and Gd additions

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    The deformation behaviour of as-cast ZK40 alloys modified with individual additions of Ca and Gd is investigated at 250 °C and 300 °C. Compression tests were carried out at 0.0001 s-1 and 0.001 s-1 using a modified Gleeble system during in-situ synchrotron radiation diffraction experiments. The deformation mechanisms are corroborated by post-mortem investigations using scanning electron microscopy combined with electron backscattered diffraction measurements. The restoration mechanisms in a-Mg are listed as follows: the formation of misorientation spread within a-Mg, the formation of low angle grain boundaries via dynamic recovery, twinning, as well as dynamic recrystallisation. The Gd and Ca additions increase the flow stress of the ZK40, which is more evident at 0.001 s-1 and 300 °C. Dynamic recovery is the predominant restoration mechanism in all alloys. Continuous dynamic recrystallisation only occurs in the ZK40 at 250 °C, competing with discontinuous dynamic recrystallisation. Discontinuous dynamic recrystallisation occurs for the ZK40 and ZK40-Gd. The Ca addition hinders discontinuous dynamic recrystallisation for the investigated temperatures and up to the local achieved strain. Gd addition forms a semi-continuous network of intermetallic compounds along the grain boundaries that withstand the load until their fragmentation, retarding discontinuous dynamic recrystallisation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version