1,838 research outputs found

    Orbit Representations from Linear mod 1 Transformations

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    We show that every point x0[0,1]x_0\in [0,1] carries a representation of a CC^*-algebra that encodes the orbit structure of the linear mod 1 interval map fβ,α(x)=βx+αf_{\beta,\alpha}(x)=\beta x +\alpha. Such CC^*-algebra is generated by partial isometries arising from the subintervals of monotonicity of the underlying map fβ,αf_{\beta,\alpha}. Then we prove that such representation is irreducible. Moreover two such of representations are unitarily equivalent if and only if the points belong to the same generalized orbit, for every α[0,1[\alpha\in [0,1[ and β1\beta\geq 1


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    We yield operators U and V on Hilbert spaces that are parame- terized by the orbits of certain interval maps that exhibit chaotic behavior and obey the (deformed) Baumslag–Solitar relation UV =e2πiαVUn, α∈R, n∈N. We then prove that the scalar e2πiα can be removed whilst retaining the isomor- phism class of the C∗-algebra generated by U and V . Finally, we simultane- ously unitarize U and V by gluing pairs of orbits of the underlying noninvertible dynamical system and investigate these unitary representations under distinct pairs of orbits

    The Impact of Tourism Activity on Coastal Biodiversity: A Case Study at Praia da Cova Redonda (Algarve—Portugal)

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    Tourism activity has a very significant weight in the world economy, even being the main activity responsible for the export of many countries, in the form of providing services to foreign citizens. In mainland Portugal, the main tourist region is the Algarve, where beach tourism, known as sun and sea tourism, plays a decisive role. However, this activity also has its negative impacts. In the present work, a case study was analyzed, at Praia da Cova Redonda, located in the parish of Porches, in the municipality of Lagoa. Negative impacts on land use and occupation were identified, caused by the excessive presence of people, the introduction of invasive species and the artificial filling of beaches. At the end, a set of mitigating measures are presented that aim to ensure that the exploitation of natural resources can be maintained, but in a perspective of preservation and recovery of natural resources and biodiversity

    Evolution of land cover in the special area of conservation of Monchique (Southern Portugal): Have the objectives of the Natura 2000 network been achieved (1995–2018)?

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    The Natura 2000 Network, as the European Union's ecological network, aims toensure the long-term conservation of Europe's most threatened species and habitats,helping to stop the loss of biodiversity. Based on this assumption, the changes in landcover in the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) of Monchique between 1995 and2018 are analysed and related to identify favourable and unfavourable policies con-cerning the habitats and respective species conservation. The most important landcovers are compared with the habitats and species legally protected at the Nationaland European level, as well as the Red List of Vascular Flora of Mainland Portugal. Asmain results can be highlighted the increase in the forest area occupied by species suchasEucalyptus globulusandPinus pinaster, and a reduction in the areas of grazing andshrub species. Can also be noted an increase in the areas covered by invasive species,which may be associated with the abandonment of rural areas. We identified 21 taxawith high heritage interest in the Monchique SAC, occurring mainly in forest habitats,namely 91E0, 92A0, 9240, 9330 and 9340, which should be considered in the elabora-tion of future Territorial Management Plans. Thus, it can be concluded that the objec-tives initially stipulated by the Natura 2000 Network were not fully achieved withinthe Monchique SAC. Alternative management methods must be studied to allow con-servation in a territory with a high land consolidation and low population densityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nano-and micro-based systems for immunotolerance induction in multiple sclerosis

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    It is estimated that more than 2.5 million individuals worldwide have multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is an autoimmune neurodegenerative disease resulting from the destruction of the myelin sheath that enwraps axons driven by an immune cell attack to the central nervous system. Current therapeutic programs for MS focus in immunosuppression and more recently in the use of immunomodulatory molecules. These therapeutic approaches provide significant improvements in the management of the disease, but are frequently associated with an increased susceptibility of opportunistic infection. In this commentary, we highlight the application of nano and micro-technologies as emerging and innovative solutions for MS therapy with the potential to restore immune homeostasis via antigen-specific interactions. Furthermore, we propose and discuss the usage of a minimally invasive approach, namely microneedle patches, as a new therapeutic route. Microneedle patches for the delivery of specific antigens to restore immunotolerance in the context of multiple sclerosis.This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 600375. Joao Cerqueira received a grant from 2CA - Braga to the project "The impact of modafinil in cognition in multiple sclerosis."info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Periódicos científicos digitais e ontologia : uma pesquisa

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    Apresenta pesquisa sobre periódicos científicos digitais e a construção de ontologia de referência, identificando a importância dos mesmos como veículos propulsores das ciências, seu formato digital e sua interoperabilidade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental e experimental, objetivando desenvolver uma ontologia que padronize os elementos (metadados) essenciais que estruturam, criam e mantém um periódico científico. Identificaram-se ontologias que tratam de periódicos científicos e compilaram-se os elementos tratados nessas ontologias, comparando-os com estudos existentes sobre a criação e manutenção de periódicos científicos. Conclui-se com uma lista de metadados que estruturam periódicos científicos, sendo que os termos foram traduzidos para o inglês e relacionam-se sinônimos, os quais estão sendo inseridos em editor de ontologias - plataforma Protégé

    New endoscopic procedure for bladder wall closure: results from the porcine model

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    Upper urinary tract urothelial carcinomas are usually managed by radical nephroureterectomy (RNU), often followed by intravesical chemotherapy to minimize recurrence. Open surgery is the gold standard procedure for RNU, but it associates with high morbidity, and it has been increasingly replaced by minimally invasive strategies, such as laparoscopy and endoscopy. Although effective, endoscopic ureteral excision leaves the bladder unsutured, increasing the risk of tumor spillage, and precluding the immediate administration of intravesical chemotherapy. Here we describe a new method to close the bladder wall after ureteral excision, using barbed sutures via the endoscopic access. Our results in 8 female pigs demonstrate that this method is effective to close the bladder wall. The procedure was completed in a median time of 24 min, and no adverse events were registered in the follow-up or at the three-week necropsy. This technique improves a previous approach described by our group because the device is more flexible and allows to tie the knots inside the bladder. Barbed sutures have been used in the clinical practice for other types of surgeries, and therefore this method can further be adapted to human patients with no safety concerns. Its use may allow to administer intravesical chemotherapy, which reduces tumor recurrence and improves patient outcomes.The authors acknowledge Ana Goios for support in manuscript writing and technical editing, and for producing original illustrations for Figure 3. Doctoral grant of CUF Jose de Mello Saude

    Estudo da influência das matérias-primas nas propriedades finais de placas expandidas de compostos à base de copolímero de etileno e acetato de vinila (eva)

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    Neste trabalho buscou-se conhecer a influência das matérias-primas óxido de zinco, carbonatode cálcio, peróxido e esponjante nas propriedades finais de placas expandidas obtidas a partir decompostos à base de copolímero de etileno e acetato de vinila (EVA). Várias formulações foramelaboradas e testadas, sendo aplicada a técnica de planejamento e otimização de experimentos dotipo fatorial completo (24) e análise de variância para verificar a influência de cada matéria-prima naspropriedades do composto. Os modelos fatoriais utilizados para prever as propriedades foram consideradosválidos com confiabilidade ³ 98%, sendo que para algumas propriedades o melhor modelonão foi de primeiro grau. O esponjante foi à matéria-prima de maior influência nas propriedadesfinais, mas as demais também afetam as propriedades em maior ou menor extensão.The influence of the raw materials (zinc oxide, calcium carbonate, peroxide and blowing agent)in the final properties of expanded plates obtained from composites of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer EVA) was investigated. In order to achieve this goal, several formulas were elaborated and formulacost and properties as expansion, density, hardness, abrasion, shrinkage, tear resistance and otherswere measured. Statistical tools based on the design of experiments, 24 full factorial design, andanalysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied during experiment planning and characterization analysis.Statistical models were good enough to project the final properties and the blowing agent was consideredthe main raw material. The other variables are also important and they influence the properties too