57 research outputs found

    Waterborne Pathogens: A Critical Assessment of Methods, Results and Data Analysis

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    Humans harbour a variety of pathogens that are often transmitted from other animal species. A few are localized in tropical areas, but most enteric pathogens are present everywhere on the planet and they travel with their hosts to distant locations. Several of these microorganisms are transmitted by water that has been contaminated by fecal matter, whereas some are normally found in water but, given an opportunity, will cause disease (i.e., opportunistic pathogens). While waterborne outbreaks have been reported for many pathogens, assessing the proportion of the disease burden to a specific route and pathogen has proven quite elusive. Surveillance of disease in populations, even when actively done, is very inaccurate as it often gathers data on the most acute cases that are only a very small proportion of the true number of infected individuals. There are several issues discussed herein, focusing on the needs and gaps linked to waterborne pathogen monitoring. The benefits and weaknesses of current and emerging methodologies are discussed, in addition to the appropriateness of allocating resources to waterborne pathogen monitoring. The most critical gap is the lack of validation of most methods used in environmental microbiology for the detection of pathogens. Data generated by various laboratories are currently extremely difficult to compare and cannot serve as the basis for risk assessment or management. The issue of laboratory capacity is also raised, within the context of the availability of trained personnel, the application of QA/QC protocols, and accreditation on a national level. In closing, needs are identified for informed communication of the risks of waterborne pathogens, the training of highly qualified personnel, and the development and standardization of methods that will ultimately enhance water safety and public health protection.De nombreux microorganismes pathogènes entériques affectent l’homme et certains peuvent être acquis d’autres espèces animales. Certains sont spécifiques aux régions tropicales, mais la plupart des microorganismes entériques sont les mêmes partout sur la planète, voyageant avec leurs hôtes aux coins les plus reculés. Ils se retrouvent dans l’eau contaminée par les matières fécales excrétées. D’autres sont indigènes au milieu hydrique et sont des opportunistes, causant la maladie chez les individus susceptibles. Par la surveillance des épidémies associées à l’eau, on a pu facilement identifier ceux qui sont importants en santé publique. Il est cependant beaucoup plus difficile d’attribuer quelle part du fardeau de la maladie peut être attribuée à une voie d’exposition spécifique. La surveillance de la maladie dans les populations, même lorsqu’elle est active, est très imprécise puisqu’elle ne collige que les données sur les cas les plus graves, soit une faible partie du nombre réel d’individus infectés. À des fins de santé publique, il y a plusieurs aspects, incluant des besoins et des manques, associés au suivi des microorganismes pathogènes dans l’eau. Les bénéfices et faiblesses des méthodes courantes et émergentes doivent être présentés dans un contexte d’appropriation de ressources au suivi des microorganismes pathogènes dans l’environnement. Le simple fait de vouloir analyser des échantillons pour y détecter des microorganismes pathogènes implique des éléments que trop de chercheurs connaissent mal. Les conséquences publiques, légales, politiques et économiques ont été mises en évidence lors de plusieurs événements partout dans le monde, mais plus récemment à Sydney en Australie. Une erreur de laboratoire a conduit à la détection (fausse) de parasites (Cryptosporidium) dans l’eau potable : cette erreur a coûté plus de 37 millions de dollars et affecté trois millions de résidents sans qu’aucune infection ne soit observée. Les producteurs d’eau veulent connaître le niveau de pollution de leur eau d’approvisionnement afin de déterminer le niveau approprié de traitement : comme les méthodes sont imprécises, la marge d’erreur est très grande. Les recommandations présentes sont plutôt dirigées vers des paramètres physico-chimiques (turbidité, mesure de désinfectant en continu, etc.) et des plans de sécurité lesquels sont facilement applicables, mesurables et fiables.Les méthodes actuelles de détection des microorganismes pathogènes sont peu fiables et leur diversité dans les différents laboratoires rend l’interprétation difficile. Le manque le plus important reste le peu de validation de la plupart des méthodes de détection des microorganismes pathogènes en microbiologie environnementale. Les données fournies par des laboratoires différents ne peuvent donc être facilement comparées et ne peuvent servir à faire des évaluations de risque ou de la gestion de risque. En général, peu de laboratoires offrent de telles analyses, le personnel qualifié est rare, les protocoles de QA/QC sont rarement présents et il n’y a aucune accréditation nationale. La formation de personnel hautement qualifié et le développement de méthodes standardisées ne pourront donc ultimement que mieux servir la santé publique. Les méthodes actuelles utilisées dans un cadre bien défini de certains projets de recherche écologiques commencent à porter fruit. Les données de positionnement géographique, climatologiques et microbiologiques doivent être évaluées afin que la qualité des données produites par les modèles écologiques soit valide. En résumé, les informations acquises sur la présence des microorganismes pathogènes dans les eaux de surface sont utiles mais ne peuvent être utilisées que si elles sont validées. Les laboratoires effectuant les analyses devront être accrédités et devront utiliser des méthodes standardisées si nous voulons comparer les données fournies. Ce n’est qu’à ce moment que l’analyse quantitative du risque microbiologique pourra se faire. Cette nouvelle approche est en émergence au niveau international et les modèles proposés doivent utiliser des données précises. Au Canada, l’Agence de santé publique du Canada s’intéresse à cette nouvelle approche. En l’absence de mesures précises, les chercheurs et les agences de contrôle doivent utiliser les indicateurs de traitement et de contamination fécale pour s’assurer de l’innocuité de l’eau de consommation. Alors que les protocoles d’analyse sont bien définis pour ces paramètres, ceux requis pour les microorganismes pathogènes ne sont pas encore établis. Or, des analyses occasionnelles ou mal ciblées ne sont pas valides pour des fins de santé publique.Les organisations internationales, telles l’Organisation pour la coopération et le développement économique (OCDE) et l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), s’intéressent aux méthodes récentes qui allient la biologie moléculaire et la bioinformatique pour obtenir des réponses rapides et fiables sur la contamination des eaux. Ce sera par l’éducation et la communication que les risques pourront être établis et que nous pourrons en informer correctement le public en général, la communauté scientifique, les agences gouvernementales et les producteurs d’eau. Les recherches futures devront répondre aux questions de méthodologie, sensitivité, spécificité, et surtout aux questions de valeur prédictive des résultats de détection de microorganismes pathogènes


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    Obilježjima i značajkama slikovnica bave se brojni stručni i znanstveni radovi. Najvećim dijelom oni su upućeni pedagoškom kadru koji u institucionalnom kontekstu, vođen standardima poticajnog čitanja i kvalitetne slikovnice, posreduje djeci njima namijenjenu knjigu. Ipak, poput brojnih stavova, čitalačke navike dijete dominantno formira u domu svoje obitelji, pa je bitan i istraživački uvid u roditeljsku procjenu važnosti prve djetetove knjige. U radu se predstavljaju rezultati anketnog ispitivanja kojim se utvrđuje roditeljska procjena važnosti slikovnice. Inicijalno se pretpostavlja da su dob i stupanj obrazovanja povezani s roditeljskim pristupom knjizi. Predviđa se da oni više razine obrazovanja i starije životne dobi pozitivnije percipiraju slikovnicu. Provedenim istraživanjem te su pretpostavke odbačene


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    Obilježjima i značajkama slikovnica bave se brojni stručni i znanstveni radovi. Najvećim dijelom oni su upućeni pedagoškom kadru koji u institucionalnom kontekstu, vođen standardima poticajnog čitanja i kvalitetne slikovnice, posreduje djeci njima namijenjenu knjigu. Ipak, poput brojnih stavova, čitalačke navike dijete dominantno formira u domu svoje obitelji, pa je bitan i istraživački uvid u roditeljsku procjenu važnosti prve djetetove knjige. U radu se predstavljaju rezultati anketnog ispitivanja kojim se utvrđuje roditeljska procjena važnosti slikovnice. Inicijalno se pretpostavlja da su dob i stupanj obrazovanja povezani s roditeljskim pristupom knjizi. Predviđa se da oni više razine obrazovanja i starije životne dobi pozitivnije percipiraju slikovnicu. Provedenim istraživanjem te su pretpostavke odbačene


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    Upotreba pogače uljane repice već godinama predstavlja veliki izazov istražvačima i nutricionistima glede njenih udjela u krmnim smjesama za različite vrste i kategorije peradi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj 5 i 10% pogače uljane repice u krmnim smjesama na proizvodna svojstva pilića u tovu. U istraživanju se koristilo 360 muških hibridnih Cobb pilića. Pilići su podijeljeni u 12 skupina i hranjeni do dobi od 41 dan starosti. Primijenjena su tri tretmana s četiri ponavljanja. Svaki hranidbeni tretman primijenjen je na četiri kaveza po 30 pilića, koji su vagani 1., 20. i 41. dana istraživanja. Na kraju istraživanja utvrđeni su konzumacija i konverzija krmnih smjesa te mortalitet pilića. Iz svakog tretmana slučajnim odabirom izuzeto je 10 pilića, koji su nakon dvanaestosatnog posta žrtvovani, te klaonički obrađeni. Prosječne tjelesne mase pilića na kraju istraživanja iznosile su: 2716,42, 2654,62 i 2657,46g. Konverzije krmnih smjesa tijekom istraživanja bile su: 1,71, 1,70 i 1,71 kg/kg. Budući da se dobiveni rezultati nisu značajno razlikovali vidljivo je opravdano korištenje 5 i 10% pogače uljane repice u krmnim smjesama za hranidbu pilića u tovu.The use of rapeseed cake has been for years a great challenge to researchers and nutritionists regarding its inclusion rate in diets for different types and catego¬ries of poultry. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 0%, 5% and 10% of rapeseed cake in feed mixtures on production traits of fattening chickens. In this research 360 male Cobb hybrid chickens were used. Chickens were divided in to 12 groups and fed to the age of 41 days. There were three treatments and four replications in this research. Each feeding treatment was applied in four cages with 30 birds each. Chickens were weighed on first, 20th and 41st day of research. At the end of the research feed consumption and feed conversion were determined as well as mortality of chickens. For each treatment ten chickens were randomly chosen and sacrificed after twelve hour fasting and slaughterhouse processed. Average body mass of chicks at the end of the research was: 2716.42, 2654.62 and 2657.46 g respectively. Feed conversion during the study was: 1.71, 1.70 and 1.71 kg/kg respectively. Since the results do not significantly differ is the use of rapeseed cake in fattening chickens diets is justified

    Food consumption patterns in the Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada: a cross-sectional telephone survey

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    BACKGROUND: The demographics and lifestyles of Canadians are changing, thereby influencing food choices and food preparation in the home. Although different dietary practices are associated with increased risk of foodborne illness, our ability to evaluate food consumption trends and assess risks associated with foodborne illness is limited by lack of data on current eating habits and consumer food safety practices. The objective of this study was to describe, for the first time, the food consumption patterns in a Canadian-based population from a food safety perspective, in order to establish baseline data on actual food intake of individuals. METHOD: A cross-sectional telephone survey of 2,332 randomly selected residents of Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada (C-EnterNet pilot site) was conducted between November 2005 and March 2006. Food intake was assessed using a 7-day dietary recall method. RESULTS: Certain food items were consumed more than others among the same food groups, and consumption of many food items varied by gender and age. Specific foods considered high-risk for the transmission of certain enteric pathogens were significantly more likely to be consumed by males (i.e. unpasteurized juice, bean sprouts, and undercooked meat) and elderly individuals (i.e. undercooked eggs). The majority of households prepared and consumed most meals at home, allocating an average of 44 minutes to prepare a meal. CONCLUSION: Baseline data on actual food intake is useful to public health professionals and food safety risk assessors for developing communication messages to consumers and in foodborne outbreak investigations

    Aquatic Bacterial Communities Associated With Land Use and Environmental Factors in Agricultural Landscapes Using a Metabarcoding Approach

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    This study applied a 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding approach to characterize bacterial community compositional and functional attributes for surface water samples collected within, primarily, agriculturally dominated watersheds in Ontario and Québec, Canada. Compositional heterogeneity was best explained by stream order, season, and watercourse discharge. Generally, community diversity was higher at agriculturally dominated lower order streams, compared to larger stream order systems such as small to large rivers. However, during times of lower relative water flow and cumulative 2-day rainfall, modestly higher relative diversity was found in the larger watercourses. Bacterial community assemblages were more sensitive to environmental/land use changes in the smaller watercourses, relative to small-to-large river systems, where the proximity of the sampled water column to bacteria reservoirs in the sediments and adjacent terrestrial environment was greater. Stream discharge was the environmental variable most significantly correlated (all positive) with bacterial functional groups, such as C/N cycling and plant pathogens. Comparison of the community structural similarity via network analyses helped to discriminate sources of bacteria in freshwater derived from, for example, wastewater treatment plant effluent and intensity and type of agricultural land uses (e.g., intensive swine production vs. dairy dominated cash/livestock cropping systems). When using metabarcoding approaches, bacterial community composition and coexisting pattern rather than individual taxonomic lineages, were better indicators of environmental/land use conditions (e.g., upstream land use) and bacterial sources in watershed settings. Overall, monitoring changes and differences in aquatic microbial communities at regional and local watershed scales has promise for enhancing environmental footprinting and for better understanding nutrient cycling and ecological function of aquatic systems impacted by a multitude of stressors and land uses

    Inventory management through production planning

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    Ovaj diplomski rad obrađuje temu upravljanja zalihama kroz planiranje proizvodnje. Tema rada je obrađivana po poglavljima u kojima se općenito govori o pojmu zaliha, vrstama zaliha, modelima upravljanja, proizvodnom procesu, informacijskim sustavima te je prikazana analiza upravljanja zalihama kod proizvodnog poduzeća Franck. Zalihe predstavljaju količinu raznovrsnih artikala koje nalazimo u spremištima i u transportnim sredstvima. Ako se radi o prevelikoj količini zaliha može doći do zaustavljanja proizvodnje, čak i do kvarova zaliha, a premala količina može omesti poslovanje sprječavanjem prodajnih ili proizvodnih tokova. Za koordinaciju ili upravljanje zalihama upotrebljavaju se tradicijske i suvremene metode te slijed informacijskih sustava koji se izrađuju prema korisnikovom zahtjevu. S obzirom podjele prihoda ili rashoda na poslovne, financijske i izvanredne prihode ili rashode vrlo je važno razlučiti koji od njih su najvažniji. Ako poduzeća ne obrate pozornost na upravljanje zalihama troškovi poduzeća bi mogli biti veći od očekivanih. Zaključak ovog rada je da je za cjelokupni poslovni plan tvrtke vrlo važno upravljanje zalihama i proizvodnjom, te kako bi se ostvarili pozitivni poslovni rezultati rashodi moraju biti manji od prihoda.This thesis deals with the topic of inventory management through production planning. The topic of the work is dealt with in chapters that generally discuss the concept of inventory, types of inventory, management models, production process, information systems, and an analysis of inventory management at the manufacturing company Franck is presented. Inventories represent the amount of various items that we find in warehouses and in means of transport. Too much inventory can stop production, even lead to inventory failures, and too little can disrupt operations by preventing sales or production flows. Traditional and modern methods and a sequence of information systems are used for the coordination or management of stocks, which are created according to the user's request. Considering the division of income or expenses into business, financial and extraordinary income or expenses, it is very important to distinguish which of them are the most important. If companies do not pay attention to inventory management, the company's costs could be higher than expected. The conclusion of this paper is that inventory and production management is very important for the overall business plan of the company, and in order to achieve positive business results, expenses must be lower than income

    Inventory management through production planning

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    Ovaj diplomski rad obrađuje temu upravljanja zalihama kroz planiranje proizvodnje. Tema rada je obrađivana po poglavljima u kojima se općenito govori o pojmu zaliha, vrstama zaliha, modelima upravljanja, proizvodnom procesu, informacijskim sustavima te je prikazana analiza upravljanja zalihama kod proizvodnog poduzeća Franck. Zalihe predstavljaju količinu raznovrsnih artikala koje nalazimo u spremištima i u transportnim sredstvima. Ako se radi o prevelikoj količini zaliha može doći do zaustavljanja proizvodnje, čak i do kvarova zaliha, a premala količina može omesti poslovanje sprječavanjem prodajnih ili proizvodnih tokova. Za koordinaciju ili upravljanje zalihama upotrebljavaju se tradicijske i suvremene metode te slijed informacijskih sustava koji se izrađuju prema korisnikovom zahtjevu. S obzirom podjele prihoda ili rashoda na poslovne, financijske i izvanredne prihode ili rashode vrlo je važno razlučiti koji od njih su najvažniji. Ako poduzeća ne obrate pozornost na upravljanje zalihama troškovi poduzeća bi mogli biti veći od očekivanih. Zaključak ovog rada je da je za cjelokupni poslovni plan tvrtke vrlo važno upravljanje zalihama i proizvodnjom, te kako bi se ostvarili pozitivni poslovni rezultati rashodi moraju biti manji od prihoda.This thesis deals with the topic of inventory management through production planning. The topic of the work is dealt with in chapters that generally discuss the concept of inventory, types of inventory, management models, production process, information systems, and an analysis of inventory management at the manufacturing company Franck is presented. Inventories represent the amount of various items that we find in warehouses and in means of transport. Too much inventory can stop production, even lead to inventory failures, and too little can disrupt operations by preventing sales or production flows. Traditional and modern methods and a sequence of information systems are used for the coordination or management of stocks, which are created according to the user's request. Considering the division of income or expenses into business, financial and extraordinary income or expenses, it is very important to distinguish which of them are the most important. If companies do not pay attention to inventory management, the company's costs could be higher than expected. The conclusion of this paper is that inventory and production management is very important for the overall business plan of the company, and in order to achieve positive business results, expenses must be lower than income

    Non food-related risk factors of campylobacteriosis in Canada: a matched case-control study

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    Abstract Background Campylobacteriosis is a prominent bacterial gastrointestinal infection worldwide with several transmission pathways. Its non-foodborne routes have been less documented and quantified. The study aimed to quantitatively explore the role of potential risk factors not directly associated with food for sporadic cases of C. jejuni infection in Canada. Methods This retrospective matched case-control study was built on an enhanced campylobacteriosis surveillance system and on a survey of healthy people and their behaviour with regards to potential risk factors for gastrointestinal infections that occurred in the same area in Canada. Eighty-five cases were individually matched by age and season to 170 controls. Results Through conditional logistic regression, risk factors were found only among water-related factors (drinking untreated water, using tap filter, drinking water from well and swimming in natural water), whereas drinking bottled water was protective. Among the 32 non-water related factors explored, 12 were surprisingly ‘protective’ factors without relevant explanation for that effect (for example gardening, attending a barbecue, eating food from a fast-food restaurant), suggesting that human infection by Campylobacter may be more frequently acquired at home than outside the home. Conclusions This study confirms and quantifies the importance of the waterborne transmission of campylobacteriosis. People are encouraged to drink only treated water and to avoid the ingestion of natural water as much as possible while swimming or playing in water. Globally, general hygiene and proper food handling and cooking practices at home should continue to be encouraged