2,666 research outputs found

    Observations of cosmic ray induced phosphenes

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    Phosphene observations by astronauts on flights near and far from earth atmosphere are discussed. It was concluded that phosphenes could be observed by the naked eye. Further investigation is proposed to determine realistic human tolerance levels for extended missions and to evaluate the need to provide special spacecraft shielding

    Non-Perturbative Spectrum of Two Dimensional (1,1) Super Yang-Mills at Finite and Large N

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    We consider the dimensional reduction of N = 1 SYM_{2+1} to 1+1 dimensions, which has (1,1) supersymmetry. The gauge groups we consider are U(N) and SU(N), where N is a finite variable. We implement Discrete Light-Cone Quantization to determine non-perturbatively the bound states in this theory. A careful analysis of the spectrum is performed at various values of N, including the case where N is large (but finite), allowing a precise measurement of the 1/N effects in the quantum theory. The low energy sector of the theory is shown to be dominated by string-like states. The techniques developed here may be applied to any two dimensional field theory with or without supersymmetry.Comment: LaTex 18 pages; 5 Encapsulated PostScript figure

    (1+1)-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory Coupled to Adjoint Fermions on the Light Front

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    We consider SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions coupled to massless adjoint fermions. With all fields in the adjoint representation the gauge group is actually SU(2)/Z_2, which possesses nontrivial topology. In particular, there are two distinct topological sectors and the physical vacuum state has a structure analogous to a \theta vacuum. We show how this feature is realized in light-front quantization, with periodicity conditions used to regulate the infrared and treating the gauge field zero mode as a dynamical quantity. We find expressions for the degenerate vacuum states and construct the analog of the \theta vacuum. We then calculate the bilinear condensate in the model. We argue that the condensate does not affect the spectrum of the theory, although it is related to the string tension that characterizes the potential between fundamental test charges when the dynamical fermions are given a mass. We also argue that this result is fundamentally different from calculations that use periodicity conditions in x^1 as an infrared regulator.Comment: 20 pages, Revte

    The Light-Cone Vacuum in 1+1 Dimensional Super-Yang-Mills Theory

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    The Discrete Light-Cone Quantization (DLCQ) of a supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theory in 1+1 dimensions is discussed, with particular emphasis given to the inclusion of all dynamical zero modes. Interestingly, the notorious `zero-mode problem' is now tractable because of special supersymmetric cancellations. In particular, we show that anomalous zero-mode contributions to the currents are absent, in contrast to what is observed in the non-supersymmetric case. We find that the supersymmetric partner of the gauge zero mode is the diagonal component of the fermion zero mode. An analysis of the vacuum structure is provided and it is shown that the inclusion of zero modes is crucial for probing the phase properties of the vacua. In particular, we find that the ground state energy is zero and N-fold degenerate, and thus consistent with unbroken supersymmetry. We also show that the inclusion of zero modes for the light-cone supercharges leaves the supersymmetry algebra unchanged. Finally, we remark that the dependence of the light-cone Fock vacuum in terms of the gauge zero is unchanged in the presence of matter fields.Comment: REVTEX, 15 page

    Simulation of Dimensionally Reduced SYM-Chern-Simons Theory

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    A supersymmetric formulation of a three-dimensional SYM-Chern-Simons theory using light-cone quantization is presented, and the supercharges are calculated in light-cone gauge. The theory is dimensionally reduced by requiring all fields to be independent of the transverse dimension. The result is a non-trivial two-dimensional supersymmetric theory with an adjoint scalar and an adjoint fermion. We perform a numerical simulation of this SYM-Chern-Simons theory in 1+1 dimensions using SDLCQ (Supersymmetric Discrete Light-Cone Quantization). We find that the character of the bound states of this theory is very different from previously considered two-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories. The low-energy bound states of this theory are very ``QCD-like.'' The wave functions of some of the low mass states have a striking valence structure. We present the valence and sea parton structure functions of these states. In addition, we identify BPS-like states which are almost independent of the coupling. Their masses are proportional to their parton number in the large-coupling limit.Comment: 18pp. 7 figures, uses REVTe

    Quantum Mechanics of Dynamical Zero Mode in QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} on the Light-Cone

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    Motivated by the work of Kalloniatis, Pauli and Pinsky, we consider the theory of light-cone quantized QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} on a spatial circle with periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions on the gluon and quark fields respectively. This approach is based on Discretized Light-Cone Quantization (DLCQ). We investigate the canonical structures of the theory. We show that the traditional light-cone gauge A=0A_- = 0 is not available and the zero mode (ZM) is a dynamical field, which might contribute to the vacuum structure nontrivially. We construct the full ground state of the system and obtain the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for ZM in a certain approximation. The results obtained here are compared to those of Kalloniatis et al. in a specific coupling region.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    Biofluid modeling of the coupled eye-brain system and insights into simulated microgravity conditions

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    This work aims at investigating the interactions between the flow of fluids in the eyes and the brain and their potential implications in structural and functional changes in the eyes of astronauts, a condition also known as spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS). To this end, we propose a reduced (0-dimensional) mathematical model of fluid flow in the eyes and brain, which is embedded into a simplified whole-body circulation model. In particular, the model accounts for: (i) the flows of blood and aqueous humor in the eyes; (ii) the flows of blood, cerebrospinal fluid and interstitial fluid in the brain; and (iii) their interactions. The model is used to simulate variations in intraocular pressure, intracranial pressure and blood flow due to microgravity conditions, which are thought to be critical factors in SANS. Specifically, the model predicts that both intracranial and intraocular pressures increase in microgravity, even though their respective trends may be different. In such conditions, ocular blood flow is predicted to decrease in the choroid and ciliary body circulations, whereas retinal circulation is found to be less susceptible to microgravity-induced alterations, owing to a purely mechanical component in perfusion control associated with the venous segments. These findings indicate that the particular anatomical architecture of venous drainage in the retina may be one of the reasons why most of the SANS alterations are not observed in the retina but, rather, in other vascular beds, particularly the choroid. Thus, clinical assessment of ocular venous function may be considered as a determinant SANS factor, for which astronauts could be screened on earth and in-flight

    Anti-Periodic Boundary Conditions in Supersymmetric DLCQ

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    It is of considerable importance to have a numerical method for solving supersymmetric theories that can support a non-zero central charge. The central charge in supersymmetric theories is in general a boundary integral and therefore vanishes when one uses periodic boundary conditions. One is therefore prevented from studying BPS states in the standard supersymmetric formulation of DLCQ (SDLCQ). We present a novel formulation of SDLCQ where the fields satisfy anti-periodic boundary conditions. The Hamiltonian is written as the anti-commutator of two charges, as in SDLCQ. The anti-periodic SDLCQ we consider breaks supersymmetry at finite resolution, but requires no renormalization and becomes supersymmetric in the continuum limit. In principle, this method could be used to study BPS states. However, we find its convergence to be disappointingly slow.Comment: 9pp, 2 figure

    Wave functions and properties of massive states in three-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

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    We apply supersymmetric discrete light-cone quantization (SDLCQ) to the study of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on R x S^1 x S^1. One of the compact directions is chosen to be light-like and the other to be space-like. Since the SDLCQ regularization explicitly preserves supersymmetry, this theory is totally finite, and thus we can solve for bound-state wave functions and masses numerically without renormalizing. We present an overview of all the massive states of this theory, and we see that the spectrum divides into two distinct and disjoint sectors. In one sector the SDLCQ approximation is only valid up to intermediate coupling. There we find a well defined and well behaved set of states, and we present a detailed analysis of these states and their properties. In the other sector, which contains a completely different set of states, we present a much more limited analysis for strong coupling only. We find that, while these state have a well defined spectrum, their masses grow with the transverse momentum cutoff. We present an overview of these states and their properties.Comment: RevTeX, 25 pages, 16 figure

    Dynamics and statistics of heavy particles in turbulent flows

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    We present the results of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent flows seeded with millions of passive inertial particles. The maximum Taylor's Reynolds number is around 200. We consider particles much heavier than the carrier flow in the limit when the Stokes drag force dominates their dynamical evolution. We discuss both the transient and the stationary regimes. In the transient regime, we study the growt of inhomogeneities in the particle spatial distribution driven by the preferential concentration out of intense vortex filaments. In the stationary regime, we study the acceleration fluctuations as a function of the Stokes number in the range [0.16:3.3]. We also compare our results with those of pure fluid tracers (St=0) and we find a critical behavior of inertia for small Stokes values. Starting from the pure monodisperse statistics we also characterize polydisperse suspensions with a given mean Stokes.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 table