22 research outputs found

    Estudio de la relación de asociación entre operadores de telefonía, tipos de red, potencia de la señal recibida y modelo de móvil, según el conjunto de datos públicos “Málaga CitySense - Mayo 2015”.

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    ¿Qué operador tiene la mejor cobertura móvil en Málaga? En el último estudio de la consultora independiente P3, P3 connect Mobile Benchmark Spain 2016, Vodafone era el mejor operador, seguido de Movistar, Orange y Yoigo. Esos estudios que se realizan recorriendo miles kilómetros y haciendo múltiples pruebas y tomas de datos, suponen un gran esfuerzo en medios humanos y materiales y llevan un alto coste asociado. Otro método de dar respuesta a la pregunta formulada al inicio es el que presentamos en esta comunicación. La metodología empleada ha consistido en realizar el análisis del conjunto de datos públicos “Málaga City Sense - Mayo 2015”, del Portal de Datos Públicos del Ayuntamiento de Málaga. Se ha analizado especialmente la relación de asociación entre operadores de telefonía, tipos de red, potencia de la señal recibida y modelo de móvil, mediante análisis de correspondencias simple y múltiple, técnica estadística descriptiva multidimensional, de las variables Operator, Network type, GSM signal y Device model, del archivo Open data. Se ha empleado el paquete "RcmdrPlugin.temis", R.Text Mining Solution, en el análisis del conjunto de datos públicos y la obtención de gráficos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exposure and Knowledge of Sharps Injuries among Medical Students in Seven States of Mexico

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    Background: Medical students are vulnerable to accidental exposure to blood-borne pathogens when performing clinical activities. Knowledge of both the prevalence of exposure and necessary reporting procedures is important to minimize the risk of harm to medical students. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey of medical students from 19 universities from seven states in Mexico was utilized to determinethe prevalence of needle stick injuries amongst medical students and the associated reporting procedures. Results: We included 312 respondents; of these, 52.24% were men and 47.76% were women, and the mean age was 23.19 years (SD ± 2.11 years). Nearly all of them (94.23%) were medical students doing clerkships in public hospitals. Mean knowledge score of blood-borne pathogens was 3.6 (SD ± 1.16) on a scale of 0-10 designed specifically for this study. Thirty-five per cent of the respondents had sustained a needle stick injury at some point during their medical school training, and 33.97% reported some type of mucocutaneous exposure. Overall, the non-reporting rate of needle stick injury was 48.34%. Approximately 25% of the respondents were not familiar with reporting procedures in the event of a needle stick injury or mucocutaneous exposure; 61.50% had received information from their hospital about the standard protocol to follow after a blood or body fluid exposure. Conclusion: In this Mexican population of medical students, there is a high risk of suffering needle stick injuries  during medical training. Furthermore, knowledge regarding prevention, evaluation, and reporting of needle stick injuries is suboptimal

    The “DrownSafe” project: assessing the feasibility of a puppet show in teaching drowning prevention to children and parents

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    Drowning remains a prominent global pediatric health concern, necessitating preventive measures such as educational initiatives for children and caregivers. In this study, we aimed to assess the feasibility and educational effectiveness of an interactive puppet show centered on teaching water safety to children and parents. A 30 min original theater performance, featuring two actors and three puppets (a girl, a crab, and a lifeguard), was conducted. Subsequently, 185 children (aged 4 to 8) and their 160 parents (134 mothers and 26 fathers) participated in this quasi-experimental study. Pre- and post-show tests were administered to evaluate knowledge and behaviors regarding aquatic environments. Prior to the puppet show, 78% of the children exhibited basic aquatic competency. Only 33% considered swimming alone risky. Following the intervention, 81.6% of the children changed their perception of the risks of solo beach activities, showing improved knowledge regarding contacting an emergency number (from 63.2% to 98.9%, p < 0.001). The intervention increased parents’ intention to visit lifeguard-patrolled beaches and improved their CPR knowledge with regard to drowning victims by 58.8%. In conclusion, a drowning prevention puppet show positively impacted children and parents, potentially enhancing safety behaviors during water-related leisure activities, warranting its consideration part of comprehensive drowning prevention strategies.Universidade de Vig

    Famílies botàniques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    Validation and Extension of Kubernetes-based Network Functions (KNFs) in OSM for Cloud Native (CN) applications in 5G and beyond

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    The project will focus on the investigation and implementation of an integrated network management and orchestration solution, allowing the lifecycle management of Cloud Native (CN) applications over the 5G and beyond telecommunication systems. The solution will try to integrate and validate the ETSI Open Source Mano (OSM) network management and orchestration into the de facto docker management system: Kubernetes.Adopting Cloud Native (CN) into 5G telecommunications systems has been identified as agood candidate for reducing the cost, improving system agility and role out of 5G services.This is well reflected on the recent 3GPP standardization activities. Taking the cue from 3GPP,European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has published NFV referenced ar-chitecture to adapt for the CN and enhancement to NFV framework to include Zero-Touch,Containers, Load Balancers and more as part of the reference architecture. The aim of this workis to validate container technology in ETSI-hosted MANO platform, Open Source Mano (OSM)in a CN environment. In order to validate the performance while assessing the limits, advan-tages and drawbacks, KNFs behaviour is benchmarked using a OSM-standalone K8s? testbedcompared with an OSM-OpenStack, where VNFs are deployed. The results obtained in thiswork can help to further encourage users and operators the use of KNFs and get the most out ofcontainerization in NFV

    La participación social y ciudadana en el espacio público. El caso de la Plaza del Otorongo en Cuenca-Ecuador

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    This study examines how social and citizen participation affect public space. It studies the Plaza del Otorongo as a public space that has recently undergone a process of transformation. This work is qualitative and uses participatory techniques. The analysis shows that characteristics of the public space depend on the predominant participation. Social participation is configured in a scenario where there is a weak relationship between neighbors and the preponderance of associations based on sectorial interests. On the other hand, citizen participation is legitimized by the citizenry by focusing on the formal level, relegating social initiatives to informality. Thus, there is a predominance of institutional administration in the shaping of the space.Este estudio examina cómo la participación social y ciudadana afectan el espacio público. Se estudia la Plaza del Otorongo como un espacio público que ha experimentado recientemente un proceso de transformación. Este trabajo es cualitativo y utiliza técnicas participativas. El análisis muestra que características del espacio público dependen de la participación predominante. La participación social se configura en un escenario donde existe una débil relación entre vecinos y la preponderancia de asociaciones basadas en intereses sectoriales. Por otra parte, la participación ciudadana es legitimada por la ciudadanía al centrarse en el plano formal, relegando las iniciativas sociales a la informalidad. Es así que existe un predominio de lo administrativo institucional en la conformación del espacio

    Exposure and Knowledge of Sharps Injuries among Medical Students in Seven States of Mexico

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    Background: Medical students are vulnerable to accidental exposure to blood-borne pathogens when performing clinical activities. Knowle­dge of both the prevalence of exposure and necessary reporting procedures is important to minimize the risk of harm to medical students. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey of medical students from 19 universities from seven states in Mexico was utilized to determine the prevalence of needle stick injuries amongst medical students and the associated reporting procedures. Results: We included 312 res­pondents; of these, 52.24% were men and 47.76% were women, with a mean age of 23.19 years (SD ± 2.11 years). Nearly all of them (94.23%) were medical students doing clerkships in public hospitals. Mean knowledge score of blood-borne pathogens was 3.6 (SD ± 1.16) on a scale of 0-10 designed specifically for this study. Thirty-five per cent of the respondents had sustained a needle stick injury at some point during their medical school training, and 33.97% reported some type of mucocutaneous exposure. Overall, the non-reporting rate of needle stick injury was 48.34%. Approximately 25% of the respondents were not familiar with reporting procedures in the event of a needle stick injury or mucocutaneous exposure; 61.50% had received information from their hospital about the standard protocol to follow after a blood or body fluid exposure. Conclusion: In this Mexican population of medical students, there is a high risk of suffering needle stick injuries during medical training. Furthermore, knowledge regarding prevention, evaluation, and reporting of needle stick injuries is suboptimal

    Ecological Niche Modelling of Endemic Fish Within La Paz Bay: Implications For Conservation

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    Endemic marine species are useful in determining and evaluating areas for conservation. Particularly Warm Temperate Province of the Northeast Pacific (WTPNP) includes priority conservation areas, but records of endemic marine species are limited, their distributions remains generally unknown, and often excluded in extant conservation plans. Within the WTPNP, the Balandra Protected Natural Area (BPNA) is located within La Paz Bay, and it is the only management area with a developed plan. However, marine endemic fish species have not been fully considering, and their protection status requires a re-evaluation, particularly the distribution of species with adequate spatial resolution. Despite the scarce information on marine endemic fishes, ecological niche modelling allows predicting distribution areas through occurrences of the species and their relationship with a set of scenopoetic environmental variables. The abiotically suitable areas based of the endemic marine fish species within the WTPNP documented within the Bay of La Paz were modeled and the high-value areas for conservation were established through a multi-species models; these spatial patterns of suitable areas were contrasted with the current state of fish protection. Modelling was performed with the Maxent software supplied with presence-only data of 18 species and four sets of environmental layers related to the geomorphology and bottom sedimentology, as well as the Euclidean distance measures from mangrove and rocky shore habitats. We generated sixteen distribution models that revealed that only 8.4 % of the predicted area, on average, was located within a maximum state of protection within the BPNA core zone. Moreover, the generated multi-species model reveals that only 17 % of the high-value areas (≥ 9 species/hectare) were located in the core zone. These high-value areas indicate updating the current management program is required. Finally, the study illustrates how the predicted-areas can be linked to conservation strategies in the marine habitat space within and outside the BPNA

    Proyectos y Prácticas de Sistemas Electrónicos Digitales orientados al Aprendizaje Activo

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    Este libro es el resultado de los proyectos y prácticas orientados al aprendizaje activo realizados por los estudiantes de las asignaturas Sistemas Electrónicos Digitales y Laboratorio de Sistemas Electrónicos Digitales durante el tercer curso de las titulaciones de Ingeniero en Telecomunicación e Ingeniero en Telecomunicación + ADE de la Universidad Europea de Madrid en el curso 2003 – 2004. Esta forma de impartir la asignatura: uso extensivo de prácticas, desarrollo de proyectos y participación de los alumnos en la escritura de libros, es parte de la filosofía de enseñanza en esta institución privada, donde se realiza un gran esfuerzo en realizar una enseñanza casi personalizada y para fomentar en el alumno un conjunto de competencias entre las que se destacan: confianza en sí mismo, innovación y creatividad, responsabilidad y trabajo en equipo.Sin financiaciónNo data (2004)UE

    Predicting critical illness on initial diagnosis of COVID-19 based on easily obtained clinical variables: development and validation of the PRIORITY model

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    Objectives: We aimed to develop and validate a prediction model, based on clinical history and examination findings on initial diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), to identify patients at risk of critical outcomes. Methods: We used data from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, a cohort of consecutive patients hospitalized for COVID-19 from 132 centres in Spain (23rd March to 21st May 2020). For the development cohort, tertiary referral hospitals were selected, while the validation cohort included smaller hospitals. The primary outcome was a composite of in-hospital death, mechanical ventilation, or admission to intensive care unit. Clinical signs and symptoms, demographics, and medical history ascertained at presentation were screened using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, and logistic regression was used to construct the predictive model. Results: There were 10 433 patients, 7850 in the development cohort (primary outcome 25.1%, 1967/7850) and 2583 in the validation cohort (outcome 27.0%, 698/2583). The PRIORITY model included: age, dependency, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, dyspnoea, tachypnoea, confusion, systolic blood pressure, and SpO2 ≤93% or oxygen requirement. The model showed high discrimination for critical illness in both the development (C-statistic 0.823; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.813, 0.834) and validation (C-statistic 0.794; 95%CI 0.775, 0.813) cohorts. A freely available web-based calculator was developed based on this model (https://www.evidencio.com/models/show/2344). Conclusions: The PRIORITY model, based on easily obtained clinical information, had good discrimination and generalizability for identifying COVID-19 patients at risk of critical outcomes