103 research outputs found

    Proceso enfermero orientado a personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria

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    INDICE 1.Objetivos de aprendizaje 2.Principales diagnósticos NANDA, resultados NOC e intervenciones de enfermería NIC, asociados al Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria 3.Pensamiento reflexivo 4.Bibliografí

    Internet gaming disorder in adolescents: personality, psychopathology and evaluation of a psychological intervention combined with parent psychoeducation

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    Internet Gaming Disorder is an increasingly prevalent disorder, which can have severe consequences in affected young people and in their families. There is an urgent need to improve existing treatment programs; these are currently hampered by the lack of research in this area. It is necessary to more carefully define the symptomatic, psychosocial and personality characterization of these patients and the interaction between treatment and relevant variables. The objectives of this study were three: (1) to analyze the symptomatic and personality profiles of young patients with Internet Gaming Disorder in comparison with healthy controls; (2) to analyze the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment on reducing symptomatology; and (3) to compare the results of that treatment with or without the addition of a psychoeducational group offered to the parents. The final sample consisted of 30 patients consecutively admitted to a specialized mental health unit in Spain, and 30 healthy controls. The experimental group received individual cognitive-behavioral therapy. The experimental group was divided into two subgroups (N = 15), depending on the addition or not of a psychoeducational group for their parents (consecutively admitted). Scores on the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory (MACI), the Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R), the State-Trait Anxiety Index (STAI), and other clinical and psychopathological measures were recorded. The patients were re-assessed post treatment (except for the MACI questionnaire). Compared with healthy controls, patients did not differ in symptomatology at baseline, but scored significantly higher in the personality scales: Introversive and Inhibited, and in the expressed concerns scales: Identity Confusion, Self-Devaluation, and Peer Insecurity and scored significantly lower in the Histrionic and Egotistic scale. In the experimental group, pre-post changes differed statistically on SCL-90-R scales Hostility, Psychoticism, and Global Severity Index and on the diagnostic criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder, regardless of the addition of a psychoeducational group for parents. Pre-post changes did not differ between experimental subgroups. However, the subgroup without psychoeducation for parents presented statistically higher drop-out rates during treatment. The results of this study are based on a sample of patients seeking treatment related to problems with online gaming, therefore, they may be of value for similar patients

    Internet Gaming Disorder Clustering Based on Personality Traits in Adolescents, and Its Relation With Comorbid Psychological Symptoms

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    In recent years, the evidence regarding Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) suggests that some personality traits are important risk factors for developing this problem. The heterogeneity involved in problematic online gaming and differences found in the literature regarding the comorbid psychopathology associated with the problem could be explained through different types of gamers. Clustering analysis can allow organization of a collection of personality traits into clusters based on similarity. The objectives of this study were: (1) to obtain an empirical classification of IGD patients according to personality variables and (2) to describe the resultant groups in terms of clinical and sociodemographic variables. The sample included 66 IGD adolescent patients who were consecutive referrals at a mental health center in Barcelona, Spain. A Gaussian mixture model cluster analysis was used in order to classify the subjects based on their personality. Two clusters based on personality traits were detected: type I "higher comorbid symptoms" (n = 24), and type II "lower comorbid symptoms" (n = 42). The type I included higher scores in introversive, inhibited, doleful, unruly, forceful, oppositional, self-demeaning and borderline tendency traits, and lower scores in histrionic, egotistic and conforming traits. The type I obtained higher scores on all the Symptom Check List-90 items-Revised, all the State-Trait Anxiety Index scales, and on the DSM-5 IGD criteria. Differences in personality can be useful in determining clusters with different types of dysfunctionality

    Desarrollo de la orientación professional en el grado de Enfermería: talleres de formación

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    Se describen las acciones de orientación profesional dirigidas a los estudiantes del Grado de Enfermería. La valoración de los talleres de formación para la búsqueda de empleo se realizó mediante un estudio descriptivo para conocer la opinión de los 134 alumnos participantes. Los talleres se valoraron mediante una encuesta anónima de elaboración propia. El ítem mejor valorado fue el cumplimiento de las expectativas en referencia al taller de como confeccionar un currículum vitae

    Aula invertida: experiencia en el Grado de Enfermería

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    En el aula invertida, los estudiantes trabajan autónomamente tareas previamente preparadas con este fin por el profesorado. Objetivo: evaluar el aula invertida como innovación docente y contrastar los resultados con grupo con docencia tradicional. Contexto: primer curso del Grado de Enfermería en la asignatura troncal Ciencias Psicosociales Aplicadas a la Salud (grupo C, n=81). Metodología: cualitativa y cuantitativa con la inclusión de instrumentos estandarizados ad hoc. Destaca la evaluación por pares y contrastes verbales sobre contenidos tutelados por el profesorado. Se realizó evaluación del grupo control y el grupo experimental y se contrastaron los resultados de las cualificaciones obtenidas. Resultados. Puntuación sobre 10 con medias y desviación estándar: Intraclase, superior en el aula invertida (7,96 + 0,67) frente a (5,89 + 1,26) en examen (p-valor < 0,001). Interclase, grupo experimental (5,89 + 1,26) y grupo control (6,02 + 1,16), (p-valor 0,508). Sin hallazgo de diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusión: Sin preparación para el examen y gran esfuerzo adicional, destacó la satisfacción por parte del profesorado y de los estudiantes, el aula invertida se mostró claramente favorable para la adquisición de conocimientos en la asignatura de Enfermería probada

    Internet gaming disorder and online gambling disorder: Clinical and personality correlates

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    Background and aims: The recent growth of Internet use has led to an increase of potentially problematic behaviors that can be engaged online, such as online gambling or Internet gaming. The aim of this study is to better conceptualize Internet gaming disorder (IGD) by comparing it with gambling disorder (GD) patients who only gamble online (online GD). Methods: A total of 288 adult patients (261 online GD and 27 IGD) completed self-reported questionnaires for exploring psychopathological symptoms, food addiction (FA), and personality traits. Results: Both clinical groups presented higher psychopathological scores and less functional personality traits when compared with a normative Spanish population. However, when comparing IGD to online GD, some singularities emerged. First, patients with IGD were younger, more likely single and unemployed, and they also presented lower age of disorder onset. In addition, they displayed lower somatization and depressive scores together with lower prevalence of tobacco use but higher FA scores and higher mean body mass index. Finally, they presented lower novelty seeking and persistence traits. Discussion: GD is fully recognized as a behavioral addiction, but IGD has been included in the Appendix of DSM-5 as a behavioral addiction that needs further study. Our findings suggest that IGD and online GD patients share some emotional distress and personality traits, but patients with IGD also display some differential characteristics, namely younger age, lower novelty seeking scores and higher BMI, and FA scores. Conclusions: IGD presents some characteristics that are not extensive to online GD. These specificities have potential clinical implications and they need to be further studied

    Clustering treatment outcomes in women with gambling disorder

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    The rising prevalence of gambling disorder (GD) among women has awakened considerable interest in the study of therapeutic outcomes in females. This study aimed to explore profles of women seeking treatment for GD based on a set of indicators including sociodemographic features, personality traits, clinical state at baseline, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) outcomes. Two-step clustering, an agglomerative hierarchical classifcation system, was applied to a sample of n=163 women of ages ranging from 20 to 73 yearsold, consecutively attended to by a clinical unit specialized in the treatment of G. Three mutually exclusive clusters were identifed. Cluster C1 (n=67, 41.1%) included the highest proportion of married, occupationally active patients within the highest social status index. This cluster was characterized by medium GD severity levels, the best psychopathological functioning, and the highest mean in the self-directedness trait. C1 registered 0% dropouts and only 14.9% relapse. Cluster C2 (n=63; 38.7%) was characterized by the lowest GD severity, medium scores for psychopathological measures and a high risk of dropout during CBT. Cluster C3 (n=33; 20.2%) registered the highest GD severity, the worst psychopathological state, the lowest self-directedness level and the highest harm-avoidance level, as well as the highest risk of relapse. These results provide new evidence regarding the heterogeneity of women diagnosed with GD and treated with CBT, based on the profle at preand post-treatment. Person-centered treatments should include specifc strategies aimed at increasing self-esteem, emotional regulation capacities and self-control of GD women