81 research outputs found

    Sporadic ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor with annular tubules: a rare case report

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    Ovarian sex cord stromal tumor with annular tubules (SCTAT) is a distinctive, rare subtype of sex cord stromal tumor of the ovary, predominant component of which has morphological features intermediate between that of granulosa cell and sertoli cell. The majority of ovarian SCTAT are benign. So far, malignant behavior in SCTAT has been reported only in sporadic cases. We have presented a case of SCTAT in a 40 year old lady with no association of Peutz-Jegher (P-J) syndrome. The patient’s chief complaints were post-menopausal bleeding for 1 year on and off along with menorrhagia. MRI abdomen was suggestive of intensely enhancing solid tissue mass lesion in the right  adnexa, features suggestive of ovarian mass. Panhysterectomy was done. Grossly uterus and left adnexa appeared to be normal. Right ovary showed mass measuring 17x11x9cm3 in size, on cut section, solid, homogenous lobulated, yellowish areas identified. Microscopic and Immunohistochemistry findings confirmed the diagnosis of sex cord stromal tumor with annular tubules of granulosa cell type. PAS stain supported the diagnosis

    Pattern of mortality in sickle cell disease: an autopsy study

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    Background: Sickle haemoglobin is highly prevalent in western India. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the generic term for the group of haemoglobinopathies caused by the occurrence of haemoglobin S (Hbs) in the homozygous form –sickle cell anaemia (Hbss) or as the heterozygous combination of Hbs with another abnormal haemoglobin such as Hbsc or beta –thalassaemias (Hbs b-thal). While doing autopsy in case of death with no apparent cause, the possibility of death may be due to vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell disease should be kept in mind. The findings at autopsy are variation of features which may or may not be directly connected to death. The goal is to draw awareness among physicians and relatives on need of autopsy as to minimize future unexpected death from complication or crisis and to enhance knowledge on both parties.Methods: This was a study of autopsy specimens received between January 2015 to December 2015 at tertiary care hospital.Results: Total of 679 autopsy cases were received, out of which sickled erythrocytes were detected in 25 cases. The mean age at death was 30 years, a male/female ratio of 1.5:1 and peak mortality was in the 2nd to 4th decades of life. The commonest presentation was sudden death. The cause of death in middle aged patients were vaso occlusive crisis, in paediatric patients were infection and in older patients were chronic organ damage.Conclusions: Early diagnosis, prompt treatment and extended screening programme are necessary in prevalent tribal belt of western India to reduce morbidity and mortality. we should also introduce awareness programmes in tribal belt of western India

    Pattern of histopathological lesions in lung autopsy

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    Background: A large number of pathologic conditions involve the lung parenchyma like inflammatory, neoplastic and others. The lungs are also involved in almost all terminal events of cardiovascular disease. Autopsy is an important and most useful way to find out the condition of internal organs and to evaluate any localized lesions or systemic disease and hence determine cause of death. Aims and objectives of study are to identify the histopathological spectrum of lung disease. To find out frequency of various lung pathologies in respect to age and sex.Methods: This study was retrospective and done on 649 cases of medico legal autopsies. The tissue specimens were fixed and processed. Routine paraffin sectioning was done followed by Hematoxylene and eosin (H and E) staining. Special stains were done whenever required. Relevant clinical and postmortem findings, gross and microscopic examination findings were recorded.Results: After thorough histopathological examinations, of total 649 cases, various pulmonary lesions were identified in 348(53.6%) cases while in 301(46.4%) cases no significant pathology was seen. Most commonly affected age group was 30-49 years 43.1% followed by age group of >60years 17.8%. Majority of diseased were male 285 (81.9%). Most common lung pathology found was Edema and congestion in 93 cases (26.72%), chronic venous congestion in 92 cases (26.44%) pneumonia in 65 cases (18.68%) followed by Tuberculosis/Tuberculous pneumonia in 29 cases (8.3%).Conclusions: In our population, the present study reveals that infectious disease are still the most common cause of mortality, despite recent advances in diagnostic technology, the autopsy has remained an important complementary tool for identifying and understanding pathology of disease.

    Chemical composition of seeds and green beans of common bean varieties, breeded in Omsk State Agrarian University under conditions of southern forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia

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    ArticleThe article considers the biochemical composition of green beans and seeds of common beans varieties, breeded in Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin (OmSAU). The research was conducted in 2014–2016. Varieties of locally breeded beans, in comparison with the standards, have advantages in the content of protein, zinc, iodine, calcium, iron, sugar; green bean technological properties and tenderizing of seeds during cooking, which becomes an indispensable component of the diet

    Translating Video Content to Natural Language Descriptions

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    Humans use rich natural language to describe and communicate visual perceptions. In order to provide natural language descriptions for visual content, this paper combines two important ingredients. First, we generate a rich semantic representation of the visual content including e.g. object and activity labels. To predict the semantic representation we learn a CRF to model the relationships between different components of the visual input. And second, we propose to formulate the generation of natural language as a machine translation problem using the semantic representation as source language and the generated sentences as target language. For this we exploit the power of a parallel corpus of videos and textual descriptions and adapt statistical machine translation to translate between our two languages. We evaluate our video descriptions on the TACoS dataset, which contains video snippets aligned with sentence descriptions. Using automatic evaluation and human judgments we show significant improvements over several base line approaches, motivated by prior work. Our translation approach also shows improvements over related work on an image description task

    A review of research on the intersection between breast cancer and cardiovascular research in the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)

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    Both obesity and metabolic syndrome are linked to increased incidence of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancers of the breast (post-menopausal), and other obesity-related cancers. Over the past 50 years, the worldwide prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome has increased, with a concomitant higher incidence of associated co-morbidities and mortality. The precise mechanism linking metabolic syndrome to increased cancer incidence is incompletely understood, however, individual components of metabolic syndrome have been linked to increased breast cancer incidence and worse survival. There is a bidirectional relationship between the risk of CVD and cancer due to a high burden of shared risk factors and higher rates of CVD among cancer survivors, which may be impacted by the pro-inflammatory microenvironment associated with metabolic syndrome and cancer-directed therapies. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) is an excellent resource to study a dual relationship between cancer and CVD (cardio-oncology) with extensive information on risk factors and long-term outcomes. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of research on cardio-oncology conducted utilizing WHI data with focus on studies evaluating both breast cancer and CVD including shared risk factors and outcomes after cancer. The review also includes results on other obesity related cancers which were included in the analyses of breast cancer, articles looking at cancer after heart disease (reverse cardio-oncology) and the role of Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP) as a shared risk factor between CVD and cancer. A summary of pertinent WHI literature helps to delineate the direction of future research evaluating the relationship between CVD and other cancer sites, and provides information on the opportunity for other novel analyses within the WHI

    Determinants of Mosaic Chromosomal alteration Fitness

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    Clonal hematopoiesis (CH) is characterized by the acquisition of a somatic mutation in a hematopoietic stem cell that results in a clonal expansion. These driver mutations can be single nucleotide variants in cancer driver genes or larger structural rearrangements called mosaic chromosomal alterations (mCAs). The factors that influence the variations in mCA fitness and ultimately result in different clonal expansion rates are not well understood. We used the Passenger-Approximated Clonal Expansion Rate (PACER) method to estimate clonal expansion rate as PACER scores for 6,381 individuals in the NHLBI toPMed cohort with gain, loss, and copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity mCAs. Our mCA fitness estimates, derived by aggregating per-individual PACER scores, were correlated (

    Mosaic Chromosomal alterations in Blood across ancestries Using Whole-Genome Sequencing

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    Megabase-scale mosaic chromosomal alterations (mCAs) in blood are prognostic markers for a host of human diseases. Here, to gain a better understanding of mCA rates in genetically diverse populations, we analyzed whole-genome sequencing data from 67,390 individuals from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine program. We observed higher sensitivity with whole-genome sequencing data, compared with array-based data, in uncovering mCAs at low mutant cell fractions and found that individuals of European ancestry have the highest rates of autosomal mCAs and the lowest rates of chromosome X mCAs, compared with individuals of African or Hispanic ancestry. Although further studies in diverse populations will be needed to replicate our findings, we report three loci associated with loss of chromosome X, associations between autosomal mCAs and rare variants in DCPS, ADM17, PPP1R16B and TET2 and ancestry-specific variants in ATM and MPL with mCAs in cis
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