8 research outputs found

    Kerugian Ekonomi Ghost Gear Perikanan Kecil Di Laut Jawa (Studi Kasus: Tegal, Jawa Tengah)

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    Setiap tahun, diperkirakan 640.000 kg jaring bekas masuk ke laut, hal ini dikarenakan beberapa alasan seperti alat tangkap yang ditinggalkan, alat tangkap hilang, dan alat tangkap yang dibuang (abandon, lost, discarded atau ALDFG) dan lebih dikenal sebagai ghost gear. Nelayan skala kecil berpotensi menjadi pelaku sekaligus korban ghost gear tanpa disadari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi potensi kerugian ekonomi yang ditimbulkan oleh ghost gear. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kerugian langsung yang dialami nelayan sebagian besar disebabkan oleh tersangkutnya baling-baling oleh ghost gear dan tersangkutnya alat tangkap dengan ghost gear. Sedangkan untuk kerugian tidak langsung, nelayan menghabiskan waktu tambahan rata-rata 30 sampai 60 menit untuk membersihkan dan memperbaiki alat tangkap ataupun baling-baling yang terbelit ghost gear. Menurut hasil perhitungan, kerugian ekonomi tahunan untuk nelayan harian adalah Rp. 280.433.674,03 dan untuk nelayan mingguan Rp141.883.740.963,19. Hal ini menunjukkan penurunan pendapatan tahunan sebesar 11% untuk nelayan harian dan 1% untuk nelayan mingguan. Menurunnya pendapatan juga akan merugikan cara hidup nelayan, khususnya pengeluaran rumah tangganya. Perubahan pengeluaran rumah tangga sebesar 50% untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, 30% untuk pendidikan, dan 20% untuk biaya listrik bulanan. Untuk mengurangi dampak ghost gear ini diperlukan pengelolaan limbah jaring bekas, oleh karena itu diharapkan pemerintah mendukung pelabuhan-pelabuhan perikanan di Tegal dengan menyediakan fasilitas pembuangan, skema pembelian kembali atau inisiatif penggunaan kembali atau daur ulang melalui rantai pasokan pengumpul jaring bekas. Title: Economic Impact of Ghost Gear on Small-Scale Fisheries in Java Sea (Case Study: Tegal, Central Java)Every year, an estimated 640,000 kg of used nets enter the sea for several reasons: lost fishing gear, discarded fishing gear (abandoned, lost, discarded), and ghost gear. Small-scale fishermen have the potential to become perpetrators as well as victims of ghost gear without realizing it. This study aims to estimate the potential economic losses caused by ghost gear. The sampling method was carried out by purposive sampling. Based on the analysis results, the direct losses experienced by fishermen were mostly caused by the ghost gear propellers’ snagging and the fishing gear with the ghost gears. As for indirect losses, fishermen spend an average of 30 to 60 minutes extra time cleaning and repairing fishing gear or propellers entangled in ghost gear. According to the calculation results, the annual economic loss for daily fishermen is IDR 208,350,481.60, and for weekly fishermen, IDR 141,883,740,963.19. This represents a decrease in annual income of 11% for daily fishers and 1% for weekly fishermen. The decline in income will also harm fishermen’s way of life, especially their household expenses. Changes in household expenditure by 50% for daily needs, 30% for education, and 20% for monthly electricity costs. To reduce the impact of this ghost gear, it is necessary to manage used net waste. Therefore, it is hoped that the government will support fishing ports by providing disposal facilities, buyback schemes, or Reuse or recycling initiatives through the used net collector supply chain

    Dampak Tenaga Air dan Bahan Bakar Fosil terhadap Implementasi Ekonomi Hijau di Indonesia

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    ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan ekonomi penting bagi masyarakat, tetapi jika kerusakan lingkungan seperti pencemaran udara dan emisi CO2 yang terus meningkat maka justru akan merugikan masyarakat. Dalam hal ini, konsep green economy muncul untuk mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan salah satunya melalui sektor energi, dimana pengembangan PLTA menjadi salah satu upayanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengestimasi pengaruh jangka pendek dan panjang produksi listrik dari PLTA serta konsumsi batu bara, gas alam, dan minyak bumi terhadap emisi CO2 di Indonesia dan mengevaluasi hipotesis Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) dalam konteks energi baru terbarukan (EBT) Indonesia. Untuk menguji hal tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) dengan data sekunder dari tahun 2000-2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi bahan bakar fosil akan meningkatkan emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) jangka pendek maupun panjang sementara peningkatan produksi listrik dari PLTA akan menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Hingga saat ini, Indonesia masih berada di posisi scale effect, artinya kerusakan lingkungan dengan indikator emisi CO2 terus meningkat akibat aktivitas perekonomian. Kata kunci: bahan bakar fosil, emisi, ekonomi hijau, pembangunan berkelanjutan, PLTA ABSTRACT Economic growth is important for society, but if environmental damage e.g., air pollution and CO2 emission continuously increases, rhen it will cost society. In this case, the concept of a green economy appears to achieve sustainable development, one of which is through the energy sector. Hydropower development is one of the efforts in the green economy. The purpose of this study is to estimate the short- and long-term effects of electricity production from hydropower and the consumption of coal, natural gas, and oil on CO2 emissions in Indonesia and evaluate the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis in the context of Indonesia's new and renewable energy (EBT). To test this, this study uses the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method with secondary data from 2000-2018. The results show that the consumption of fossil fuels will increase short and long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while increasing electricity production from hydropower will reduce environmental damage in Indonesia. Currently, Indonesia is still in a position of scale of effect, meaning that environmental damage with CO2 emission indicators continues to increase due to economic activity. Keywords: fossil fuel, emission, green economy, sustainable development, hydropowe

    Methane Emissions Reduction from Palm Oil Mill Effluent through a Biogas Plant (Case Study: Tungkal Ulu Biogas Plant, Jambi)

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    Most palm oil industries in Indonesia treat Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) by using an open lagoon system that releases methane gas emissions and potentially increases Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Biogas Plant, a methane recovery project, becomes one measures to reduce such emissions. Biogas Plant projects support the government's target in reducing GHGs emissions and produces renewable energy. By focusing on the Tungkal Ulu Biogas, this study aims to (1) estimate the potential GHGs emissions prior the implementation of biogas project, (2) estimate the GHGs emissions reduction after the project implementation, and (3) to analyze the financial feasibility of the project. This study employes Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) method (i.e. the AMS III H) and cashflow analysis. The results showed that Tungkal Ulu Biogas project can reduce GHGs emissions and can benefit the company. The estimated GHGs emissions before Biogas Plant project from 106,267 m3 of POME are 44,767.80 t CO2e. The potential biogas emission reduction ranges from 66.64% to 74.26% during 2021-2030. Financial analysis indicates that the biogas project is feasible, at both low CER price and high CER price. The low CER results in NPV, BCR and IRR values of 18,55 billion rupiah, 1,19 and 11,46%, while high CER results in NPV, BCR and IRR values of 19,65 billion rupiah, 1.21 and 11,69%

    Analisis Ekonomi dan Strategi Pengelolaan Ekowisata (Studi Kasus Kawasan Wisata Gunung Salak Endah Kabupaten Bogor)

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    Tourism has been a part of commodity that widely used by a region governmant as one of finance depelopment resources. Practicaly, the tourism development must be directed to sustainable tourism, which is one form is ecological tourism (ecotourosm).keyword: ecotourism, economic impact, environmental services Pariwisata telah menjadi bagian dari "komoditi" yang banyak digunakan oleh suatu pemerintahan daerah sebagai salah satu sumber pendanaan pembangunan. dalam prakteknya, pembangunan pariwisata harus diarahkan pada sustainable tourism, yang salah satu bentuknya adalah ecological tourism (ecotourism)Kata Kunci: ekowisata, dampak ekonomi, jasa lingkunga

    Analisis Ekonomi dan Strategi Pengelolaan Ekowisata (Studi Kasus Kawasan Wisata Gunung Salak Endah Kabupaten Bogor)

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    Tourism has been a part of commodity that widely used by a region governmant as one of finance depelopment resources. Practicaly, the tourism development must be directed to sustainable tourism, which is one form is ecological tourism (ecotourosm).keyword: ecotourism, economic impact, environmental services Pariwisata telah menjadi bagian dari "komoditi" yang banyak digunakan oleh suatu pemerintahan daerah sebagai salah satu sumber pendanaan pembangunan. dalam prakteknya, pembangunan pariwisata harus diarahkan pada sustainable tourism, yang salah satu bentuknya adalah ecological tourism (ecotourism)Kata Kunci: ekowisata, dampak ekonomi, jasa lingkunga


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    Tourism has beeb a part of commodity that widely used by a region government as one finance development resources. Practically, the tourism development must be directed tosustainable tourism ,which is one form is ecological tourism (ecotorism). The data of tourism sector of Indonesia shows significant growth on domestic tour. The present government of Indonesia is striving for ecotourism activity which one of them is located in conservation area, hoping that it can give significant economic impact as well as perform conservation effort . bogor regency is a tourism object in Indonesia that placed not farm from Jakarta. From the potential natural resources view, bogor has many natural torism spot except puncak that one of them is salak endah mountain tourism area (GSE) placed in west region .this area has ten tourism objects with steady increasing visit trend. The increasing tourism will certainly influence the tourismdevelopment itself and at last it will also impact the economic development in that region. The study concerning economic contribution of tourism activity on a certain region, and yet can not indicate the benfit of natural resources existence for recreation. A whole study about economic assessment includes economic impact assessment and environmental services assessment from a resource for an activity of recreation will give a comprehensive economic assessment , as arecommendation to formulate tourism management strategy in that regio

    Estimation of river flood damages in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Flooding is a serious problem in Jakarta, and detailed estimation of flood damage is necessary to design optimal flood management strategies. This study aims to estimate flood damage in a densely populated area in Jakarta by means of a survey, to develop the relationship between flood characteristics and flood damage, and to compare the damage estimates from the survey with the damage estimates obtained by a flood damage model for Jakarta, i.e. the damage scanner model. We collected data on economic losses of the January 2013 flood in a survey of flood-affected households and business units in Pesanggrahan River. The actual flood damage in the survey area is US0.5millionfortheresidentialsectorandUS 0.5 million for the residential sector and US 0.7 million for the business sector. The flood damage for a similar event in the same area based on the damage scanner model is estimated to be US1.3millionfortheresidentialsectorandUS 1.3 million for the residential sector and US 9.2 million for the business sector. The flood damage estimates obtained by the survey approach are lower compared to the damage scanner approach due to different ways in obtaining flood damage data and in defining the maximum flood damage per object, the different spatial levels of analysis, and uncertainties in constructing the flood damage curves that were applied in the damage scanner model