591 research outputs found

    Deviated Nose: Partial Lateral Osteotomies in a New Preservation Rhinoplasty Concept

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    Background: A deviated nose continues to be a problem to solve in Rhinoplasty. Various techniques were presented as a possible solution of this aesthetic and functional nasal deformation. In the light of current trend of preservation of structures and function, a modification of osteotomies was presented. Goals: The goal of this paper is to present partial lateral osteotomies surgical technique performed with piezo-electric instruments. Methods and Results: Partial and incomplete osteotomies were introduced as method to avoid disinsertion of nasal pyramid of glabellar area and to avoid bony step in areas of osteotomy cut. Rhinosculpture in its extended mode was promoted for modulation of bony structure with obtaining immediate aesthetic and structural results, minoring a surgical trauma. Conclusion: An incomplete oblique transverse, lateral and intermediate osteotomies, facilitates the "slide-down" positioning of the bone edges, without the need of bone dessinsertion in glabellar region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extended Dorsal Preservation in a New Concept of Preservational Rhinoplasty

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    Background: A dorsal preservation rhinoplasty concept was discussed and the benefits vs. contraindications and limitations were presented. In specific cases of severe nasal septal deformations associated with necessity of major septoplasty, focused on perpendicular plate, a New Concept of Extended Dorsal Preservation Rhinoplasty is presented (New Extended PR-D). PR-D is based on septoplasty, rhinosculpture and partial osteotomies. Goals: The objective of this paper is to present a new approach in some cases of rhinoplasty named as extended dorsal preservation rhinoplasty. Methods and Results: Partial and incomplete osteotomies were introduced as method to avoid disinsertion of nasal pyramid of glabellar area and to avoid bony step in areas off osteotomy cut. Rhinosculpture in its extended mode was promoted for modulation of bony structure with obtaining immediate aesthetic and structural results, minoring a surgical trauma. Conclusion: The principles of Preservation Concept were respected in this New Extended PR-D Concept.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reação de cultivares de cenoura a meloidogyne incognita raça 1 e Meloidogyne mayaguensis.

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    Evolução dos níveis de tolerância a queima das folhas em cultivares de cenoura.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a evolução ds cultivares de cenoura da Embrapa Hortaliças quanto à tolerância à queima das folhas.bitstream/item/57212/1/BPD-75.pd

    Mannosylated solid lipid nanoparticles for the selective delivery of rifampicin to macrophages

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is still a devastating disease and more people have died of TB than any other infectious diseases throughout the history. The current therapy consists of a multidrug combination in a long-term treatment, being associated with the appearance of several adverse effects. Thus, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) were developed using mannose as a lectin receptor ligand conjugate for macrophage targeting and to increase the therapeutic index of rifampicin (RIF). The developed SLNs were studied in terms of diameter, polydispersity index, zeta potential, encapsulation efficiency (EE) and loading capacity (LC). Morphology, in vitro drug release and differential scanning calorimetry studies, macrophage uptake studies, cell viability and storage stability studies were also performed. The diameter of the SLNs obtained was within the range of 160–250 nm and drug EE was above 75%. The biocompatibility of M-SLNs was verified and the internalization in macrophages was improved with the mannosylation. The overall results suggested that the developed mannosylated formulations are safe and a promising tool for TB therapy targeted for macrophages.The authors also thank the CNPq Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil for the Doctoral fellowship 246514/2012–4 and FCT for the PostDoctoral fellowship SFRH/BPD/99124/2013. SCL thanks Operac¸ão NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-000011 for her investigator contract. This work received financial support from the European Union (FEDER funds) and National Funds [FCT/MEC, Fundac¸ão para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Educac¸ão e Ciência] under the Partnership Agreement PT2020 UID/MULTI/04378/2013 – POCI/01/0145/FEDER/ 007728. This work was financed by FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020 [NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-000012], and by Portuguese funds through FCT – Fundac¸ão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovac¸ão in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” [POCI-01–0145-FEDER-007274]

    Dynamic aspects of oral processing of curcumin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles yoghurts by rheology and soft tribology assessment

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    Mouthfeel and consistency originating from the consumption of yoghurts represent decisive factors for the consumers’ acceptability. The present work aims to identify potential differences in the sensory perceptions of yoghurts with curcumin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) incorporation. Thus, rheology coupled with tribology were considered to simulate the dynamic aspects of oral processing. Similar values for the elastic (G’) and viscous (G’’) parameters were obtained for both control yoghurt and yoghurt with curcuminloaded SLN, as well as flow index (n) and consistency index (k) around 0.56 and 1.50 Pa.sn, respectively. However, the friction behaviour was characterised by significant differences in all tribological regimes, suggesting that the incorporation of nanoparticles in yoghurts could potentially affect the after-feel upon swallowing, whilst not directly impacting on yoghurt’s structure

    A good excuse for skipping the test: electrical storm in a teenager

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    We describe the case of a teenager with a structurally normal heart that presented with torsades de pointes and cardiac arrest. He had a history of epilepsy in childhood, mild cognitive impairment and cognitive visual dysfunction. The baseline electrocardiogram had prominent J waves and a marked early repolarization pattern in all the leads, with normal QT interval. We discuss the differential diagnosis for this interesting case, as well as the patient's management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tilt Test in Elderly Patients with Syncope of Unknown Etiology: Experience with Pharmacological Stimulation with Nitroglycerin

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    Está demonstrado o papel do teste de inclinação na avaliação de doentes com síncope de causa não esclarecida. Nos idosos, a prevalência de episódios sincopais aumenta, associa-se a pior prognóstico e, frequentemente, implica o recurso a múltiplos exames de diagnóstico. Objectivos: Avaliar a utilidade do teste de inclinação com recurso a nitroglicerina sub-lingual como agente provocativo em idosos com síncope de etiologia desconhecida. Métodos: Foram estudados 46 doentes consecutivos com > 65 anos (56,5% do sexo feminino; 74 ± 6 anos) por síncope de etiologia não esclarecida. Em 25 doentes(54%) não havia evidência de patologia cardíaca, tendo os restantes cardiopatia hipertensiva (14 doentes) ou isquémica (7 doentes). O protocolo incluiu massagem do seio carotídeo em decúbito a após ortostatismo passivo. O teste de inclinação foi efectuado sob monitorização contínua do electrocardiograma e tensão arterial, com inclinação a 70º durante 20 minutos. Na ausência de síncope, administrou-se 500 mcg de nitroglicerina sub-lingual com monitorização por mais 20 minutos. O teste de inclinação foi considerado positivo quando houve reprodução da sintomatologia acompanhada de bradicardia e/ou hipotensão arterial (respostas cardio-inibitória, vasodepressora ou mista). Considerou-se haver hipotensão ortostática nos casos com queda da tensão arterial sistólica > 20 mmHg ou da tensão arterial diastólica > 10 mmHg nos 3 minutos após ortostatismo; nos doentes com sintomas associados à descida gradual, paralela, da tensão arterial sistólica e diastólica durante o teste de inclinação passivo, admitiu-se um perfil do tipo disautonómico; nos doentes com descida gradual da tensão arterial após nitroglicerina, considerou-se haver resposta exagerada aos nitratos. Resultados: Ocorreu reprodução de sintomas em 34 doentes (73,9%): 19,6% no teste de inclinação passivo (resposta neurocardiogénica vasodepressora – 3 doentes, hipersensibilidade do seio carotídeo – 1 doente, hipotensão ortostática – 1 doente, perfil disautonómico – 4 doentes) e 54,3% após nitroglicerina (resposta neurocardiogénica vasodepressora – 12 doentes, mista – 5 doentes , cardio-inibitória – 2 doentes e resposta exagerada aos nitratos – 6 doentes). A síncope foi neurocardiogénica em 47,8% (teste passivo – 13,6%, pós-nitroglicerina – 86,4%). Em 16,2% dos doentes submetidos a nitroglicerina ocorreu resposta exagerada aos nitratos. Não se registaram complicações durante o exame. Conclusões: O teste de inclinação em idosos com síncope de etiologia não esclarecida: 1. contribui para o diagnóstico diferencial no estudo etiológico da síncope, 2. quando potenciado pela nitroglicerina associa-se a um aumento significativo do número de respostas positivas, e permite identificar um número considerável de doentes com resposta exagerada aos nitratos

    Avaliação de progênies meia-irmãs de cenoura para tolerância ao nematoide-das-galhas.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar progênics meias-irmãs de cenoura da população CNPH-605 do programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Hortaliças, em campo, para tolerância ao nematoide das galhas Meloidogyne raça 1 e M. javanica.Suplemento. Trabalho apresentado no 52. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Salvador, 2012