382 research outputs found

    Bridging University-Firm relationships and Open Innovation literature: a critical synthesis

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    Open Innovation is understood as a flow of incoming and outgoing knowledge and technology which allows, at the level of a firm, the acceleration of the innovation process, as well as a faster establishment and access to new markets, for external use of that same innovation. This type of innovation includes technological innovation, which comes from internal and external sources, as well as different modalities of accessing the market and, therefore, commercializing the innovation. Resorting to a bibliometric analysis, using Open Innovation as the search keyword, we found that the majority of the existing studies on OI is of conceptual character. On the one hand, from the scarce existing empirical studies, the issue of the relation University – Enterprise (U-E), one of the components of the open innovation model, is analyzed in a relatively superficial way neglecting, or not referring in the most appropriated way, the mechanisms by which companies could obtain (via innovation) competitive advantage through the exploration of a more open model of innovation based on the relationships with universities. On the other hand, the existing studies on U-E relations do not highlight, at least in an explicit way, the question of the open innovation model. Such studies are still highly directed to a unidirectional profit optic, that is, are too centred on the advantages which the enterprises will be able to obtain from the relation with the universities, failing taking into account the value that potentially goes to universities from such links.Open Innovation; U-E relations; Emergency; Sustainability; Benefits

    The process of emergency, evolution, and sustainability of University-Firm relations in a context of open innovation

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    Existing studies on University-Firm (U-F) relations do not highlight, at least in an explicit way, the issue of open innovation. Such studies are still too centred on the advantages which the Firms are able to obtain from the relation with the Universities, failing taking into account the value that potentially goes to Universities from such links. The present paper intends to fill in this gap by empirically studying the process of emergency, evolution, and sustainability of the U-F relations in an open innovation context. Resorting to the case study methodology, we empirically demonstrate how the relations of a firm (Brisa) with the Universities (namely, ISEL) emerged, how they evolved and became sustained through time, giving special emphasis to the issue of mutual benefits derived from these relationships. Face-to-face interviews with the key-players at Brisa and ISEL, complemented with an extensive analysis of secondary sources, allowed us to conclude that the establishment of a connection between the two entities is a more complex and time consuming process (requiring a large relational and resources investment on both parts) than what the existing literature assumes. Besides the recognized gains for firms from adopting a more open-led perspective of innovation, namely based on U-F relations, our work (also) highlights the benefit deriving to the Universities from the link to companies. It is mainly due to the existence of mutual benefits that U-F relations are preserved in the long term; in other words, are sustainable.Open Innovation; University-Firm relations; Emergency; Sustainability; Benefits

    Bridging university-firm and open innovation literature : a critical synthesis

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    Open Innovation (01) is a 'hot' topic in the field of innovation. Based on a bibliometric analysis, we found that most of the existing studies on 01 are conceptual in nature. In the few empirical studies available, the issue of University-Enterprise relations - one of the components of the open innovation model is analyzed in a relatively superficial manner that neglects the mechanisms by which companies could obtain competitive advantage by following a more open model of innovation based on relationships with universities. Moreover, the existing studies on U-E relations do not highlight, at least explicitly, the question of the open innovation model. Such studies are still highly focused on a unidirectional profit perspective, and are excessively centered on the advantages enterprises are able to obtain from relations with universities, failing to take into account the value that potentially goes to universities from such links

    Influence Of Concentrate Levels In Diet And Body Biotypes On Productive Variables Of Guzera Beef Cattle

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    The goal of this study was evaluate diets (50 or 80% of concentrate) and body biotypes (late or early) on performance, behavior, carcass condition, meat quality, and feed cost estimates in feedlot finishing Guzera beef cattle. Use of concentrates in the diet may improve performance and carcass fat scores in ruminant animals, but Guzera beef cattle may be more efficient in forage conversion, which directly influences the economic viability of the production system. We evaluated 32 non-castrated male Guzera beef cattle at 32±2 months of age. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and six replicates in a 2 × 2 factorial design (2 diets × 2 body biotypes). Initial and final body weights were 459.4±31.2 kg and 566.7±40.8 kg, respectively. There was no change (P > 0.05) in dry matter intake, feed conversion, or daily weight gain when the concentrate in the diet was increased to 80%. Animals fed a diet with 80% of concentrate spent less time (P < 0.05) ruminating (17.8±6.3 vs. 6.3±2.7% of the assessed time). Body biotype did not alter the variables. The rise from 50 to 80% in the proportion of dietary concentrate increased carcass fat, with positive returns in the production process, even given the reduction in rumination, which can lead to poor welfare of animals consuming 80% of dietary concentrate. Body biotype did not affect the variables studied, but it is worth emphasizing that the age at slaughter of these animals probably influenced this result. Thus, selection of the best diet should be based on feeding cost, and in accordance with the cost estimated in this study, the diet with 80% of concentrate is the most suitable for feedlot finished Guzera beef cattle.3764305431

    Modelos acoplados do IPCC-AR4 e o gradiente meridional de temperatua da superficie do mar no atlântico tropical : relaçoes com a precipitaçao no norte do nordeste do Brasil

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    Este artigo mostra como três modelos acoplados do Intergovernmental on Panel Climate Change - (IPCC-AR4), o FGOALS1. 0G &#8211; LASG do Institute of Atmospheric Physics of China, o GISSER da National Aeronautics Space Admnistration (NASA) e o GFDL_CM2 da National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), simularam a variabilidade do gradiente meridional de Temperatura da Superfície do Mar (TSM), entre os meses de fevereiro a maio, no Atlântico Tropical (1901-1999). A precipitação durante a estação chuvosa (fevereiro a maio) no setor norte do Nordeste do Brasil (NEB) foi também analisada pelos três modelos e comparada com as observações. Os modelos GISSER e FGOALS1.0G mostraram melhor desempenho na simulação do sinal do gradiente meridional de TSM no Atlântico Tropical para o período de 1901 a 1999. Destaca-se que os modelos apresentaram um melhor desempenho na simulação da tendência decadal, conseguindo explicar entre 50% a 80% da variabilidade do gradiente, com a TSM do setor sul sendo mais bem simulada

    Caracterização e Análise dos Processos Produtivos em Empresas Agro-Alimentares

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    Através de um diagnóstico inicial baseado na análise do conhecimento, informação existente, recolha de informação e medição de parâmetros num conjunto de empresas (60) dos subsetores dos produtos cárneos, hortofrutícolas, lácteos e panificação apresenta-se através do presente relatório a caracterização dos processos e atividades produtivas em empresas do setor agroalimentar. Executando uma análise técnica ao estado da arte, através do estudo da organização das atividades produtivas, nível tecnológico e tendências no desenvolvimento de produtos, permite-se de acordo com a informação disponível realizar uma comparação das empresas em análise com a performance da indústria, globalmente, por região ou setor de atividade. Verifica-se através da análise ao presente relatório, quais os fatores que permitem a criação de valor no setor agroindustrial de uma forma contínua para a cadeia de valor organizacional. Por outro lado, entre os diversos pontos a melhorar, considerando as organizações em análise, destaca-se a cultura de inovação e a digitalização dos processos de produção (Indústria 4.0). Pretende-se, com a aplicação prática do conhecimento gerado pelo presente relatório, a criação de ferramentas que constituam soluções para a melhoria da gestão da produção que promovam a introdução de métodos de inovação na cultura e performance organizacional de forma a tornar as organizações do setor competitivas e com impacto nos mercados internacionais

    Caracterização e Análise Energética de Empresas Agro-Alimentares

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    Através de um diagnóstico inicial baseado na análise do conhecimento, informação existente, recolha de informação e medição de parâmetros num conjunto de 60 empresas dos subsetores dos produtos cárneos, hortofrutícolas, lácteos e panificação, o presente relatório apresenta os resultados da caracterização energética em empresas do setor agroalimentar. Executando uma análise técnica ao estado da arte, através do estudo da organização, de acordo com a informação disponível, é realizada uma comparação das empresas em análise com a performance da indústria, globalmente, por região ou setor de atividade. Verifica-se, através da análise ao presente relatório, quais os fatores que permitem a criação de valor no setor agroindustrial de uma forma contínua para a cadeia de valor organizacional. Por outro lado, entre os diversos pontos a melhorar, considerando as organizações em análise, destaca-se a cultura de inovação e a digitalização dos processos de produção (Indústria 4.0). Pretende-se, com a aplicação prática do conhecimento gerado pelo presente relatório, a criação de ferramentas que constituam soluções para a melhoria da gestão da produção que promovam a introdução de métodos de inovação na cultura e performance organizacional de forma a tornar as organizações do setor competitivas e com impacto nos mercados internacionais