86 research outputs found

    Variability of Staphylococcus Aureus Carriers on a Medicine Student’s Population

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    Para evaluar en estudiantes de medicina la variación del estado de portador de Staphylococcus aureus y su resistencia antimicrobiana, antes y después de la práctica clínica, se realizó un estudio longitudinal en una cohorte de 159 estudiantes de cuarto y noveno semestre universitario. Se tomaron muestras de las zonas periamigdalianas y/o pared posterior de orofaringe, de las fosas nasales y las manos, se cultivaron en agar sangre de cordero al 5% y se incubaron en aerobiosis a 37°C, durante 48 horas. La identificación de Staphylococcus aureus se realizó según las características macroscópicas y pruebas bioquímicas. La susceptibilidad a los antimicrobianos se evaluó mediante el método de difusión de disco, por la técnica de Kirby-Bauer, siguiendo las normas internacionales del Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), con los siguientes antimicrobianos: ciprofloxacina, vancomicina, oxacilina, cefalotina,clindamicina y rifampicina. La edad promedio de los alumnos de cuarto semestre fue 19,1±1,2 años y el género femenino fue 2/1 más frecuente que el masculino. Se analizaron la presencia de antecedentes como: infecciones, alergias, estado de fumador, otras patologías no infecciosas, uso de antibióticos en los últimos tres meses y procedimientos quirúrgicos u hospitalizaciones seis meses previos a la toma de las muestras. No hubo relación significativa entre la incidencia del estado de portador y los antecedentes estudiados. Se observó un aumento significativo del 15,1%, con respecto al grupo de estudiantes de cuarto semestre, en el estado de portador de S. aureus en el grupo de estudiantes de noveno semestre, después de haber estado expuestos durante tres años al ambiente hospitalario, (p=0,001 Test exacto de Mc Nemar). De los portadores, el 16,4% presentó la bacteria en manos (p<0,001), el 13,8% en fosas nasales (p=0,0015) y el 3,2% en faringe. Por otra parte,el 35,8% de los portadores presentó persistencia, de los cuales el 25,2% fue en fosas nasales; el 4,4%, en faringe y el 3,8% en manos. En cuanto a la resistencia a los antimicrobianos, el 1,9% de las cepas aisladas de los estudiantes de cuarto semestre presentó resistencia: una a ciprofloxacina y dos a clindamicina (tres estudiantes). Por su parte, el 2,5% de las cepas aisladas de estudiantes de noveno semestre fue resistente: una a cefalotina, ciprofloxacina, oxacilina y clindamicina, una a cefalotina y oxacilina y dos a clindamicina (cuatro estudiantes). En el 1,3% del grupo estudiado se aislaron cepas de Staphylococcus aureus Resistentes a la Meticilina (MRSA, por sus siglas en inglés). Estos resultados no muestran diferencias significativas (p=1.000). This is a longitudinal study performed in a 159 medicine student’s cohort, of fourth and ninth study semester, in order to evaluate the variation of Staphylococcus aureus carriers and its antimicrobial susceptibility on students, before and after clinical practice. Clinical samples were taken with a swab from the tonsils, pharynx posterior wall, nasal fosses and hands and were cultured in 5% sheep blood and incubated at 37oC in aerobic conditions during 48 hours. The identification of Sthaphylococcus aureus was performed according to the phenotypic and biochemical test. The antimicrobial susceptibility was evaluated by the diffusion disc method using the Kirby-Bauer technique, according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), with the following antibiotics: Ciprofloxacyn, Vancomycin, Oxacyclin, Cephalotine, Clyndamycin, and Ryphampycin. The average age of the fourth semester students was 19.1± 1,2 years and the female gender was 2/1 more frequent than the male. The history of infections, allergy, smoke habit, non infectious diseases, surgeries, antibiotic use during the last three months and hospitalizations six months before sampling was analyzed. There was no significant relationship between previous history analysis and the carrier state incidence (p=0.001 Mc Nemar exact Test). A significant increase of 15,1% for S. aureus carrier state was observed after three years of exposure to hospital environment on ninth semester students, compared to fourth semester students (p=0.001 Test Mc Nemar); from which 16.4% (p<0.001) was founded in hands, 13.8% in nasal fosses (p=0.0015) and 3.2% in pharynx. 35.8% of S. aureus carrier was persistent: 25.2% in nasal fosses, 4.4% in pharynx and 3.8% in hands. Antimicrobial resistance was observed in 1.9% of the bacterial strains isolated from fourth semester students: One to Ciprofloxacyn and two to Clyndamycin. Besides was observed 2.5% of bacterial strains isolated from ninth semester students: one to Ciprofloxacyn, Oxacyclin, Cephalotine and Clyndamycin, one to Cephalotine and Oxacyclin and two to Clyndamycin. Finally, Methycylin Resistant Sthaphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) strains were isolated from 1.3% of the studied group. This results didn’t show significant differences b(p=1.000)

    A new ensemble coevolution system for detecting HIV-1 protein coevolution

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    Background: A key challenge in the field of HIV-1 protein evolution is the identification of coevolving amino acids at the molecular level. In the past decades, many sequence-based methods have been designed to detect position-specific coevolution within and between different proteins. However, an ensemble coevolution system that integrates different methods to improve the detection of HIV-1 protein coevolution has not been developed. Results: We integrated 27 sequence-based prediction methods published between 2004 and 2013 into an ensemble coevolution system. This system allowed combinations of different sequence-based methods for coevolution predictions. Using HIV-1 protein structures and experimental data, we evaluated the performance of individual and combined sequence-based methods in the prediction of HIV-1 intra- and inter-protein coevolution. We showed that sequence-based methods clustered according to their methodology, and a combination of four methods outperformed any of the 27 individual methods. This four-method combination estimated that HIV-1 intra-protein coevolving positions were mainly located in functional domains and physically contacted with each other in the protein tertiary structures. In the analysis of HIV-1 inter-protein coevolving positions between Gag and protease, protease drug resistance positions near the active site mostly coevolved with Gag cleavage positions (V128, S373-T375, A431, F448-P453) and Gag C-terminal positions (S489-Q500) under selective pressure of protease inhibitors. Conclusions: This study presents a new ensemble coevolution system which detects position-specific coevolution using combinations of 27 different sequence-based methods. Our findings highlight key coevolving residues within HIV-1 structural proteins and between Gag and protease, shedding light on HIV-1 intra- and inter-protein coevolution. Reviewers: This article was reviewed by Dr. Zoltán Gáspári. © Li et al

    An integrated map of HIV genome-wide variation from a population perspective

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    Background: The HIV pandemic is characterized by extensive genetic variability, which has challenged the development of HIV drugs and vaccines. Although HIV genomes have been classified into different types, groups, subtypes and recombinants, a comprehensive study that maps HIV genome-wide diversity at the population level is still lacking to date. This study aims to characterize HIV genomic diversity in large-scale sequence populations, and to identify driving factors that shape HIV genome diversity. Results: A total of 2996 full-length genomic sequences from 1705 patients infected with 16 major HIV groups, subtypes and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) were analyzed along with structural, immunological and peptide inhibitor information. Average nucleotide diversity of HIV genomes was almost 50% between HIV-1 and HIV-2 types, 37.5% between HIV-1 groups, 14.7% between HIV-1 subtypes, 8.2% within individual HIV-1 subtypes and less than 1% within single patients. Along the HIV genome, diversity patterns and compositions of nucleotides and amino acids were highly similar across different groups, subtypes and CRFs. Current HIV-derived peptide inhibitors were predominantly derived from conserved, solvent accessible and intrinsically ordered structures in the HIV-1 subtype B genome. We identified these conserved regions in Capsid, Nucleocapsid, Protease, Integrase, Reverse transcriptase, Vpr and the GP41 N terminus as potential drug targets. In the analysis of factors that impact HIV-1 genomic diversity, we focused on protein multimerization, immunological constraints and HIV-human protein interactions. We found that amino acid diversity in monomeric proteins was higher than in multimeric proteins, and diversified positions were preferably located within human CD4 T cell and antibody epitopes. Moreover, intrinsic disorder regions in HIV-1 proteins coincided with high levels of amino acid diversity, facilitating a large number of interactions between HIV-1 and human proteins. Conclusions: This first large-scale analysis provided a detailed mapping of HIV genomic diversity and highlighted drug-target regions conserved across different groups, subtypes and CRFs. Our findings suggest that, in addition to the impact of protein multimerization and immune selective pressure on HIV-1 diversity, HIV-human protein interactions are facilitated by high variability within intrinsically disordered structures. © 2015 Li et al.; licensee BioMed Central

    On the contribution of Angola to the initial spread of HIV-1

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    Licenced under CC-BY-NC-NDAngola borders and has long-term links with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as well as high levels of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) genetic diversity, indicating a potential role in the initial spread of the HIV-1 pandemic. Herein, we analyze 564 C2V3 and 354 pol publicly available sequences from DRC, Republic of Congo (RC) and Angola to better understand the initial spread of the virus in this region. Phylogeographic analyses were performed with the BEAST software. While our results pinpoint the origin of the pandemic to Kinshasa (DRC) around 1906, the introduction of HIV-1 to Angola could have occurred early between the 1910s and 1940s. Furthermore, most of the HIV-1 migrations out of Kinshasa were directed not only to Lubumbashi and Mbuji-Mayi (DRC), but also to Luanda and Brazzaville. Kinshasa census records corroborate these findings, indicating that the early exportation of the virus to Angola might be related to the high number of Angolans in Kinshasa at that time, originated mostly from the North of Angola. In summary, our results place Angola at the epicenter of the early HIV dissemination, together with DRC and RC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reconstruction of the origin and dispersal of the worldwide dominant Hepatitis B Virus subgenotype D1

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    Funding Information: N.S.T. and P.L. were supported by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under Grant Agreement number 278433-PREDEMICS. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 725422 - ReservoirDOCS). MT is a PhD fellow at the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, Belgium, grant number 1S47118N). A.-C.P.-P. was supported by European Funds through grant 'Bio-Molecular and Epidemiological Surveillance of HIV Transmitted Drug Resistance, Hepatitis Co- Infections and Ongoing Transmission Patterns in Europe' (BEST HOPE) (project funded through HIVERA: Harmonizing Integrating Vitalizing European Research on HIV/Aids, grant 249697); by Fundação para a Cieñcia e Tecnologia for funds to GHTMUID/ Multi/04413/2013; by the Migrant HIV project (financed by FCT: PTDC/DTP-EPI/7066/2014; and by Gilead Ǵenese HIVLatePresenters. B.V. was supported by a postdoctoral grant (12U7121N) of the FWO (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen). G.B. acknowledges support from the Interne Fondsen KU Leuven/ Internal Funds KU Leuven under grant agreement C14/18/094 and the Research Foundation - Flanders ('Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen', G0E1420N, G098321N). This work was supported by the Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds KU Leuven (BOF) No. OT/14/115. This work was supported by public grants. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s).Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV-D1 is the dominant subgenotype in the Mediterranean basin, Eastern Europe, and Asia. However, little is currently known about its evolutionary history and spatio-temporal dynamics. We use Bayesian phylodynamic inference to investigate the temporal history of HBV-D1, for which we calibrate the molecular clock using ancient sequences, and reconstruct the viral global spatial dynamics based, for the first time, on full-length publicly available HBV-D1 genomes from a wide range of sampling dates. We pinpoint the origin of HBV subgenotype D1 before the current era (BCE) in Turkey/Anatolia. The spatial reconstructions reveal global viral transmission with a high degree of mixing. By combining modern-day and ancient sequences, we ensure sufficient temporal signal in HBV-D1 data to enable Bayesian phylodynamic inference using a molecular clock for time calibration. Our results shed light on the worldwide HBV-D1 epidemics and suggest that this originally Middle Eastern virus significantly affects more distant countries, such as those in mainland Europe.publishersversionpublishe

    Epidemic dispersion of HIV and HCV in a population of co-infected Romanian injecting drug users

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    Co-infections with HIV and HCV are very frequent among people who inject drugs (PWID). However, very few studies comparatively reconstructed the transmission patterns of both viruses in the same population. We have recruited 117 co-infected PWID during a recent HIV outbreak in Romania. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on HIV and HCV sequences in order to characterize and compare transmission dynamics of the two viruses. Three large HIV clusters (2 subtype F1 and one CRF14_BG) and thirteen smaller HCV transmission networks (genotypes 1a, 1b, 3a, 4a and 4d) were identified. Eighty (65%) patients were both in HIV and HCV transmission chains and 70 of those shared the same HIV and HCV cluster with at least one other patient. Molecular clock analysis indicated that all identified HIV clusters originated around 2006, while the origin of the different HCV clusters ranged between 1980 (genotype 1b) and 2011 (genotypes 3a and 4d). HCV infection preceded HIV infection in 80.3% of cases. Coincidental transmission of HIV and HCV was estimated to be rather low (19.65%) and associated with an outbreak among PWID during detention in the same penitentiary. This study has reconstructed and compared the dispersion of these two viruses in a PWID population. © 2017 Paraschiv et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Molecular epidemiology of hiv-1 infected migrants followed up in Portugal: Trends between 2001-2017

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    Migration is associated with HIV-1 vulnerability. Objectives: To identify long-term trends in HIV-1 molecular epidemiology and antiretroviral drug resistance (ARV) among migrants followed up in Portugal Methods: 5177 patients were included between 2001 and 2017. Rega, Scuel, Comet, and jPHMM algorithms were used for subtyping. Transmitted drug resistance (TDR) and Acquired drug resistance (ADR) were defined as the presence of surveillance drug resistance mutations (SDRMs) and as mutations of the IAS-USA 2015 algorithm, respectively. Statistical analyses were performed. Results: HIV-1 subtypes infecting migrants were consistent with the ones prevailing in their countries of origin. Over time, overall TDR significantly increased and specifically for Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTIs) andNucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTIs). TDR was higher in patients from Mozambique. Country of origin Mozambique and subtype B were independently associated with TDR. Overall, ADR significantly decreased over time and specifically for NRTIs and Protease Inhibitors (PIs). Age, subtype B, and viral load were independently associated with ADR. Conclusions: HIV-1 molecular epidemiology in migrants suggests high levels of connectivity with their country of origin. The increasing levels of TDR in migrants could indicate an increase also in their countries of origin, where more efficient surveillance should occur. © 2020 by the authors

    Sub-epidemics explain localized high prevalence of reduced susceptibility to Rilpivirine in treatment-naive HIV-1-infected patients: subtype and geographic compartmentalization of baseline resistance mutations

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    This Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited."Objective: The latest nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) rilpivirine (RPV) is indicated for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) patients initiating antiretroviral treatment, but the extent of genotypic RPV resistance in treatment-naive patients outside clinical trials is poorly defined. Study Design: This retrospective observational study of clinical data from Belgium and Portugal evaluates genotypic information from HIV-1 drug-naive patients obtained for the purpose of drug resistance testing. Rilpivirine resistance-associated mutations (RPV-RAMs) were defined based on clinical trials, phenotypic studies, and expert-based resistance algorithms. Viral susceptibility to RPV alone and to the single-tablet regimen was estimated using expert-based resistance algorithms. Results: In 4,631 HIV-1 treatment-naive patients infected with diverse HIV-1 subtypes, major RPV-RAMs were detected in 4.6%, while complete viral susceptibility to RPV was estimated in 95% of patients. Subtype C- and F1-infected patients displayed the highest levels of reduced viral susceptibility at baseline, respectively 13.2% and 9.3%, mainly due to subtype- and geographic-dependent occurrence of RPV-RAMs E138A and A98G as natural polymorphisms. Strikingly, a founder effect in Portugal resulted in a 138A prevalence of 13.2% in local subtype C-infected treatment-naive patients. The presence of transmitted drug resistance did not impact our estimates. Conclusion: RPV is the first HIV-1 inhibitor for which, in the absence of transmitted drug resistance, intermediate or high-level genotypic resistance can be detected in treatment-naive patients. The extent of RPV susceptibility in treatment-naive patients differs depending on the HIV-1 subtype and dynamics of local compartmentalized epidemics. The highest prevalence of reduced susceptibility was found to be 15.7% in Portuguese subtype C-infected treatment-naive patients. In this context, even in the absence of transmitted HIV-1 drug resistance (TDR), drug resistance testing at baseline should be considered extremely important before starting treatment with this NNRTI.

    Implications of hepatitis C virus subtype 1a migration patterns for virus genetic sequencing policies in Italy

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    Background: In-depth phylogeographic analysis can reveal migration patterns relevant for public health planning. Here, as a model, we focused on the provenance, in the current Italian HCV subtype 1a epidemic, of the NS3 resistance-associated variant (RAV) Q80K, known to interfere with the action of NS3/4A protease inhibitor simeprevir. HCV1a migration patterns were analysed using Bayesian phylodynamic tools, capitalising on newly generated and publicly available time and geo-referenced NS3 encoding virus genetic sequence data. Results: Our results showed that both immigration and local circulation fuel the current Italian HCV1a epidemic. The United States and European continental lineages dominate import into Italy, with the latter taking the lead from the 1970s onwards. Since similar migration patterns were found for Q80K and other lineages, no clear differentiation of the risk for failing simeprevir can be made between patients based on their migration and travel history. Importantly, since HCV only occasionally recombines, these results are readily transferable to the genetic sequencing policy concerning NS5A RAVs. Conclusions: The patient migration and travel history cannot be used to target only part of the HCV1a infected population for drug resistance testing before start of antiviral therapy. Consequently, it may be cost-effective to expand genotyping efforts to all HCV1a infected patients eligible for simeprevir-based therapies. © 2017 The Author(s)

    Trends and predictors of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) and clusters with TDR in a local Belgian HIV-1 epidemic

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    We aimed to study epidemic trends and predictors for transmitted drug resistance (TDR) in our region, its clinical impact and its association with transmission clusters. We included 778 patients from the AIDS Reference Center in Leuven (Belgium) diagnosed from 1998 to 2012. Resistance testing was performed using population-based sequencing and TDR was estimated using the WHO-2009 surveillance list. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian techniques. The cohort was predominantly Belgian (58.4%), men who have sex with men (MSM) (42.8%), and chronically infected (86.5%). The overall TDR prevalence was 9.6% (95% confidence interval (CI): 7.7-11.9), 6.5% (CI: 5.0-8.5) for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI), 2.2% (CI: 1.4-3.5) for non-NRTI (NNRTI), and 2.2% (CI: 1.4-3.5) for protease inhibitors. A significant parabolic trend of NNRTI-TDR was found (p = 0.019). Factors significantly associated with TDR in univariate analysis were male gender, Belgian origin, MSM, recent infection, transmission clusters and subtype B, while multivariate and Bayesian network analysis singled out subtype B as the most predictive factor of TDR. Subtype B was related with transmission clusters with TDR that included 42.6% of the TDR patients. Thanks to resistance testing, 83% of the patients with TDR who started therapy had undetectable viral load whereas half of the patients would likely have received a suboptimal therapy without this test. In conclusion, TDR remained stable and a NNRTI up-and-down trend was observed. While the presence of clusters with TDR is worrying, we could not identify an independent, non-sequence based predictor for TDR or transmission clusters with TDR that could help with guidelines or public health measures