6 research outputs found

    Type 2 diabetes and cognitive performance in middle age : a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Type 2 diabetes has been associated with cognitive decrements already in middle-age. However, the sample sizes of the studies have been small and the neuropsychological tests used have been heterogeneous. In addition, only a few studies have matched the groups in terms of age, education and gender. In this cross-sectional matched pairs study, we investigated the cognitive performance of Finnish middle-aged type 2 diabetes patients compared to healthy individuals. Method: A neuropsychological test battery consisting of 16 tests and 21 outcome measures was applied to 28 patients and 28 age-, education- and gender-matched healthy individuals. Various exclusion criteria were applied to minimize the risk of cognitive dysfunction due to factors other than diabetes. Results: We did not find between-group differences in any of the neuropsychological tests measuring attention, concept formation and reasoning, construction and motor performance, executive functions, memory, processing speed or working memory. In addition, there were no group differences in the frequency or severity of subjective cognitive symptoms, or in anxiety, depression, burnout, fatigue or alcohol use disorder symptoms. The effect sizes in this study were mostly negligible or small, with the mean effect size being −0.12. Conclusions: In a carefully matched sample of middle-aged type 2 diabetes patients and healthy individuals, we found no significant effects and no meaningful evidence of cognitive differences between the groups.Peer reviewe

    Yleisten kirjastojen kirjallisuuden kokoelmat, hankinnat ja lainaus vuosina 2001-2007

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    Katsaus perustuu pro gradu-tutkielmaan, ja pyrkii vastaamaan kysymyksiin: Missä määrin kirjaston harjoittama kokoelmatyö ja toisaalta asiakkaiden lainausmieltymykset ovat keskenään yhteneväiset ja missä suhteessa ne poikkeavat toisistaan? Toisin sanoen, saavatko asiakkaat kirjastosta haluamaansa kirjallisuutta ja haluavatko he saamaansa?  Tutkimusta varten käytettiin yleisten kirjastojen tilastotietokannasta kirjastojen kokoelmien, hankintojen ja lainauksen kokonaistilannetta valottavat tiedot vuosilta 2001-2007. Tarkastelun painopiste on kiinnitetty erityisesti kaunokirjallisuuden osuuteen kirjastojen kokoelmissa, hankinnoissa ja lainauksessa

    aMMP-8 Point-of-Care Test (POCT) Identifies Reliably Periodontitis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes as well as Monitors Treatment Response

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    Background: The link between diabetes and periodontitis is bi-directional: high glucose levels increase the risk of periodontitis and elevated oral fluid aMMP-8 as well as diabetic development while untreated periodontitis worsens glycaemic control. Methods: Type-2 patients (N = 161) underwent an aMMP-8 Point-of-Care Test (POCT) at diabetes clinics. If the test was positive, the patient was sent to an oral health care clinic and oral health examination, health-promoting as well as necessary treatment procedures were carried out. Only 41 patients underwent full clinical evaluations. At the end of the treatment, an aMMP-8 POCT (B) was performed and if the test was positive, the treatment was continued and a new test (C) was performed, aiming for test negativity. The glycated haemoglobin (GHbA1c) test was performed approximately 6 months from the original appointment. Results: GHbA1c concentrations did not decrease during the follow-up. The concentrations of aMMP-8 assessed by POCT, and clinical parameters decreased. Changes in GHbA1c and aMMP-8 levels assessed by POCT during the treatment correlated positively with each other (p < 0.01). Conclusion: aMMP-8 POCT proved its reliability, and that its use is beneficial in the diabetes clinic, it enables identifying patients with periodontal findings reliably and guides them directly to an oral health clinic