65 research outputs found

    Expressões de poder feminino em The Screaming of the Innocente de Unity Dow

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    Mestrado em Estudos InglesesO presente trabalho centra-se no segundo romance da escritora do Botswana Unity Dow, The Screaming of the Innocent. Tem por base o ritual assassino comummente designado em África de muti ou dipheko em Setswana. Partindo da ideia de que os adultos devem às crianças a protecção necessária mas que tal nem sempre se verifica, a escritora questiona este crime e os mecanismos que as algumas mulheres desenvolvem para os ultrapassar e/ou judicialmente fazer sair da impunidade a que estão grandemente votados. Paralelamente, surgem outros crimes contra as mulheres que argutamente lutam para se fazer ouvir numa sociedade caracterizada pela assimetria do poder.The following dissertation focuses on Unity Dow’s second novel The Screaming of the Innocent. The underlying centre is muti, a word commonly used to describe ritual murder in Africa, also known as dipheko in Setswana. Bearing in mind that adults owe children protection but that they sometimes fail them, the novel questions the general impunity of this crime and presents forms women show of bringing them into light personally and legally. Simultaneously, other crimes are committed against women, who resourcefully find forms of empowerment in a society they know to be asymmetric in power


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    Dans le cadre des Journées 2019 de la Commission de géographie rurale du Comité national français de géographie, un colloque international a été organisé à Lisbonne (Portugal), à l’initiative d’Ana Firmino et de Dulce Pimentel. Le décès brutal d’Ana quelques mois plus tard nous a profondément touchés. Nous avons continué à construire ce numéro en pensant à elle. Le colloque portait sur la thématique – volontairement large – des Dynamiques des campagnes et adaptation aux enjeux environnementau..

    Derrota – conceito e avaliação: Características psicométricas da versão portuguesa da Escala de Derrota (Defeat Scale)

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    The social rank theory, in the perspective of evolutionary psychopathology, suggests that defeat is an adaptive psychobiological response especially in agonistic conflicting situations. Animal and human studies showed the neurobiological negative impact of defeat situations. In human being, the defeat state is an expression of feelings resulting from loss in struggles of life generally with loss of social rank. Gilbert and Allan (1998) developed the defeat scale (DS) with the objective of evaluate the defeat severity. The psychometric properties of DS were assessed in a group of students (n = 609), a group from general population (n = 406) and another of patients with major depression (n = 106). The scale revealed a one-dimensional structure in factor analysis and a good internal consistency between .89 and .93 in the three groups and in both genders. The test-retest stability, the convergent validity with depressive symptomatology, the divergent validity with social support and optimism, as well as the construct validity showed to be adequate. The present Defeat Scale version showed adequate psychometric qualities to be applied in clinical and in healthy populations.La théorie de la position sociale (social rank theory) dans le cadre de la psychopathologie de l’évolution suggère que la défaite est une réponse adaptative présent surtout dans les situations de conflit agonistique. Des études chez les animaux et les humains en évidence l’impact neurobiologique des situations négatives de la défaite. Chez l’homme, l’état exprime le sentiment de défaite pour les pertes résultant de la lutte pour des objectifs importants et la réduction du rang social. L’échelle de défaite (ED), a été élaborée par Gilbert et Allan (1998) afin d’évaluer l’intensité de la défaite. Les propriétés psychométriques de l’échelle ont été évaluées dans un groupe d’étudiants (n = 609), un groupe de la population générale (n = 406) et un groupe de patients avec dépression majeure (n = 106). L’échelle a révélé une structure unidimensionnelle de l’analyse factorielle et une bonne cohérence interne entre 0,89 et 0,93 dans les trois groupes et dans les deux sexes. La fidélité test-retest, la validité convergente avec les symptômes dépressifs et la validité divergente avec le soutien social et l’optimisme, ainsi que la validité de construit, s’est avéré suffisant. Cette version de l’échelle de défaite a montré de bonnes propriétés psychométriques pour utilisation dans les populations cliniques et non cliniques.A teoria do posto social (social rank theory), no contexto da psicopatologia evolucionária, sugere que a derrota é uma resposta psicobiológica adaptativa presente sobretudo em situações de conflitos agonísticos. Estudos em animais e no homem demonstraram o impacto neurobiológico negativo das situações de derrota. No ser humano, o estado de derrota exprime o sentimento resultante de perdas na luta por objectivos importantes e de posto social. A Escala de Derrota (ED) foi desenvolvida por Gilbert e Allan (1998) com o objectivo de avaliar a intensidade da derrota. As propriedades psicométricas da ED foram avaliadas num grupo de estudantes (n = 609), num grupo da população geral (n = 406) e num grupo de doentes com depressão major (n = 106). A escala revelou uma estrutura unidimensional na análise factorial e uma boa consistência interna, entre .89 e .93, nos três grupos e em ambos os géneros. A estabilidade teste-reteste, a validade convergente com sintomatologia depressiva e a validade divergente com o suporte social e o optimismo, assim como a validade de construto mostraram-se adequadas. A presente versão da Escala de Derrota mostrou ter qualidades psicométricas adequadas para ser utilizada em populações clínicas e não clínicas

    Características psicométricas da versão portuguesa da Escala Multidimensional de Suporte Social Percebido (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support - MSPSS)

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    The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) originally developed by Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, and Farley (1998) was designed to subjectively assess social support from family, friends and significant others. This work‘s aim is to study the factorial structure, reliability and construct validity of the Portuguese version of MSPSS. The scale was assessed in a group of students (N = 454), a group of the general population (N = 261) and a group of patients with major depression (N = 100). The factor analysis revealed the existence of three factors (family, friends and significant others); and the scale showed good internal consistency with Cronbach’s alphas between .85 and .95, regarding all three factors, the three groups and both genders. The construct validity was adequate and test-retest stability in the group of students and the general population had values between .40 and .91. The Cronbach’s alphas for the retest ranged between .95 and .87. The MSPSS shown to have good psychometric properties for use in students, subjects from the general population and in populations with major depression, and need now to further research in other samples and using follow-up studies.L’Echelle Multidimensionnelle de Soutien Social Perçue (MSPSS) originairement développé par Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, et Farley (1988) a été conçue pour évaluer subjectivement le soutien social de la famille, les amis et des autres personnes signifiants. Ceux-ci on présente les caractéristiques psychométriques de la version portugaise de l’MSPSS. L’échelle a été évaluée dans un groupe d’étudiants (N = 454), un groupe de la population générale (N = 261) et un groupe de patients souffrant de dépression majeure (n = 100). L’analyse factorielle a révélé l’existence de trois facteurs (famille, amis et autres personnes signifiants). A également montré une bonne cohérence interne avec alphas de Cronbach entre .85 et .95, en ce qui concerne les trois facteurs, les trois groupes et les deux genres Ont montré la validité de construction adéquates et la stabilité test-retest dans le groupe d’étudiants et la population en général détenaient des valeurs comprises entre .40 et .91. Les alphas de Cronbach pour le test-retest ont variées entre .87 et .95. Cette version de l’MSPSS démontrée l’existence de bonnes propriétés psychométriques pour l’utilisation dans des étudiants, dans la population générale et chez patients souffrant de dépression majeure et doivent maintenant agrandir les recherches à d’autres échantillons et en ajutant des études de suivi.A Escala Multidimensional de Suporte Social Percebido (MSPSS), originalmente desenvolvida por Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, e Farley (1988), foi criada para avaliar subjectivamente o suporte social proveniente da família, dos amigos e de outros significativos. Neste trabalho apresentam-se as características psicométricas da versão portuguesa da MSPSS. A escala foi avaliada num grupo de estudantes (n = 454), num grupo da população geral (n = 261) e num grupo de doentes com depressão major (n = 100). A análise factorial demonstrou a existência de três factores (Família, Amigos e Outros Significativos). Igualmente apresentou uma boa consistência interna, entre .85 e .95, considerando os três factores, os três grupos e ambos os géneros; apresentou uma adequada validade de construto e a estabilidade teste-reteste no grupo de estudantes e população geral apresentou valores entre .40 e .91. Os alfas de Cronbach no reteste oscilaram entre .87 e .95. A presente versão da MSPSS mostrou ter qualidades psicométricas adequadas para ser utilizada em estudantes, em sujeitos da população geral bem como em populações com psicopatologia depressiva, sendo necessária agora a continuação da investigação em outras amostras e utilizando estudos de seguimento

    Common genetic polymorphisms in the ABCB1 gene are associated with risk of major depressive disorder in male Portuguese individuals

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly prevalent disorder, which has been associated with an abnormal response of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Reports have argued that an abnormal HPA axis response can be due to an altered P-Glycoprotein (P-GP) function. This argument suggests that genetic polymorphisms in ABCB1 may have an effect on the HPA axis activity; however, it is still not clear if this influences the risk of MDD. Our study aims to evaluate the effect of ABCB1 C1236T, G2677TA and C3435T genetic polymorphisms on MDD risk in a subset of Portuguese patients. DNA samples from 80 MDD patients and 160 control subjects were genotyped using TaqMan SNP Genotyping assays. A significant protection for MDD males carrying the T allele was observed (C1236T: odds ratio (OR) = 0.360, 95% confidence interval [CI]: [0.140– 0.950], p = 0.022; C3435T: OR= 0.306, 95% CI: [0.096–0.980], p = 0.042; and G2677TA: OR= 0.300, 95% CI: [0.100– 0.870], p = 0.013). Male Portuguese individuals carrying the 1236T/2677T/3435T haplotype had nearly 70% less risk of developing MDD (OR = 0.313, 95% CI: [0.118–0.832], p = 0.016, FDR p = 0.032). No significant differences were observed regarding the overall subjects. Our results suggest that genetic variability of the ABCB1 is associated with MDD development in male Portuguese patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in Caucasian samples to analyze the effect of these ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms on MDD risk

    Propriedades Psicométricas da Escala de Cuidado do Questionário de Experiências de Cuidado e Abuso na Infância (Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse – CECA.Q)

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    Certain experiences in childhood, as neglect, antipathy or child abuse and adversity in general are predictors of illness in adulthood. Existing interviews for evaluation of experiences are too long making them useful only on small samples. Childhood experiences investigation through a self-answering questionnaire enables to carry out a research on larger samples. In this paper, we present the Scale of Care (SC) psychometric properties including in the Portuguese translation of the Questionnaire of Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse (CECA.Q, Smith, Lam, Bifulco, & Checkley, 2002). The SC evaluates childhood care experiences until seventeen years. The original scale presents sixteen items, to be answered twice, related to mother and father respectively, having two sub scales, neglect and antipathy. Overall, the CECA.Q evaluates beyond neglect and antipathy (SC), parental loss, physical and sexual abuse. The SC was assessed in a group of students (N = 545), a group from general population (N = 262) and another of patients with major depression (N = 100). After first data analysis, we conclude that the item 7, 8, 11, and 15 did not have the psychometric qualities to stand on the Portuguese SC version of CECA.Q, so it became a twelve items questionnaire. The factorial analysis revealed the existence of two factors (neglect and antipathy) by the three samples, with a good internal consistency, between .70 and 0.95, considering the two factors, both parents, the three groups and both genders, and also an adequate construct validity and a test retest stability between .62 and .88 in the students group and general population. The present Scale of Care version from CECA.Q showed adequate psychometric properties to be applied in students, subjects from general population and in population with depressive psychopathology. Further research is required using other samples and in follow-up studies.Certas formas de cuidado, como negligência ou antipatia, o abuso infantil e a adversidade em geral são preditores de patologia na vida adulta. As entrevistas existentes para a sua avaliação são muito longas tornando-se úteis só em pequenas amostras. O estudo das experiências infantis através de um questionário de auto-resposta torna viável a realização de investigação em amostras mais amplas. Neste trabalho apresentam-se as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Cuidado (EC) da versão em português do Questionário de Experiências de Cuidado e Abuso na Infância (CECA.Q) (Smith, Lam, Bifulco, & Checkley, 2002). A EC avalia as experiencias de cuidado até aos 17 anos. Na versão original apresenta uma escala com 16 itens, respondida duas vezes, uma em relação à mãe e outra em relação ao pai, possuindo duas subescalas, negligência e antipatia. Globalmente, o CECA.Q avalia para além de experiências de negligência e antipatia, perda parental, abuso físico e sexual. A EC foi avaliada num grupo de estudantes (N = 545), num grupo da população geral (N = 262) e num grupo de doentes com depressão major (N = 100). Após um primeira análise dos dados, concluiu-se que os itens 7, 8, 11, e 15 não possuíam qualidades psicométricas para se manterem na versão portuguesa da EC do CECA.Q, resultando então uma versão de 12 itens. A análise factorial demonstrou a existência de dois factores (negligência e antipatia) nas três amostras, verificou-se uma boa consistência interna, entre .70 e .95 considerando os dois factores, ambos os pais, os três grupos e ambos os géneros, bem como uma adequada validade de construto e estabilidade teste-reteste entre .62 e .88 no grupo de estudantes e população geral. A presente versão da Escala de Cuidado do CECA.Q mostrou ter qualidades psicométricas adequadas para ser utilizada em estudantes, em sujeitos da população geral, bem como em populações com psicopatologia depressiva, sendo necessária agora investigação em outras amostras e utilizando estudos de seguimento

    Atenção em saúde no planejamento reprodutivo: atitudes e práticas de enfermeiros

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    Aim: to analyze the attention on health care employed by nurses at the reproductive planning, by family health teams from Juazeiro, Bahia. Method: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study in which was used semi-structured interview with eight nurses from five Family Health Units, with the largest number of women at childbearing age. Results: scarcity and irregularity in the supply of the methods emerged, compromising the effectiveness and quality of reproductive planning. The instability of the educational activities pointed at women and/or couples uninformed about the use and benefits of these methods, revealing self-medication and search in pharmacies. Conclusions: the construction of an attention on health care that acts in the premises of the quality, effectiveness and equity can contribute to a more autonomous nursing that is also consistent with the needs of the population in reproductive planningObjetivo: analizar la atención de salud, empleada por enfermeros, en la planificación reproductiva, por los equipos de Salud Familiar de Juazeiro, Bahía. Método: cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo, realizado a través de entrevista semiestructurada, con ocho enfermeras de cinco Unidades de salud de la Familia, con el mayor número de mujeres en edad fértil. Resultados: surgieron la escasez y la irregularidad en el suministro de los métodos, que comprometieron la efectividad y calidad de la planificación reproductiva. La inconstancia de actividades educativas dirigidas para mujeres y/o parejas desinformadas sobre el uso y beneficios de estos métodos, revelando la automedicación y busca en las farmacias comerciales. Conclusiones: la construcción de una atención de salud que actúe en las premisas de calidad, eficacia y equidad puede contribuir para una enfermería más autónoma y coherente con las necesidades de la población en la planificación reproductiva.Objetivo: analisar a atenção em saúde, empregada por enfermeiros, no planejamento reprodutivo, por meio de equipes de saúde da família de Juazeiro, Bahia. Método: qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com oito enfermeiros de cinco Unidades Saúde da Família, com maior número de mulheres em idade fértil. Resultados: emergiram escassez e irregularidade no fornecimento dos métodos, comprometendo a eficácia e a qualidade do planejamento reprodutivo. A inconstância das atividades educativas apontou para mulheres e/ou casais desinformados sobre uso e benefícios desses métodos, revelando a automedicação e busca nas farmácias comerciais. Conclusões: a construção de uma atenção em saúde que atue nas premissas da qualidade, efetividade e equidade poderá contribuir para uma enfermagem mais autônoma e condizente com as necessidades da população no planejamento reprodutivo

    IL6-174G > C genetic polymorphism influences antidepressant treatment outcome

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    Background: Major depressive disorder is a condition associated with dysregulated cytokine levels; among these, IL6. Furthermore, genetic variations within cytokine genes have been proposed to predict antidepressant treatment outcome. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the role of IL6-174G > C and IL6R D358A A > C functional poly-morphisms in antidepressant treatment phenotypes, specifically remission, relapse, and treatment resistant depression (TRD). Methods: The referred polymorphisms were genotyped in 80 MDD patients followed at Hospital Magalh~aes Lemos, Portugal, within a period of 27 months. Results: It was found that patients carrying IL6-174 GC genotype present a protection towards the development of TRD (OR ¼ 0.242; 95% CI ¼ 0.068–0.869; p ¼ .038), when compared with GG genotype. Additionally, carriers of IL6-174 CC genotype remit earlier than patients with IL6-174 GG/GC genotypes, with a median time to remission of 6 weeks for CC carriers and 15 weeks for GG or GC carriers (p ¼ .030, Log-rank test). No association was found between IL6R D358A genetic polymorphism and any of the treatment phenotypes evaluated. Conclusions: The IL6-174G > C polymorphism influences antidepressant treatment outcome in this sub-set of MDD patients, providing a putative mechanistic link for the dysregulated IL-6 levels described in the literature in patients with TRD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of IL18-607C > A and IL18-137G > C promoter polymorphisms in antidepressant treatment phenotypes: A preliminary report

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    Recent studies suggest that immune activation and cytokines, such as IL-18, are involved in depression. IL-18 is expressed in brain and is increased in patients with moderate to severe depression. In this study we aim to evaluate the role of IL18-607C > A and IL18-137G > C promoter polymorphisms in antidepressant treatment phenotypes, specifically relapse and treatment resistant depression (TRD). We genotyped the referred polymorphisms in a subset of 80 MDD patients followed at Hospital Magalhães Lemos, Portugal, within a period of 27 months. Patients carrying IL18-607 CA or AA genotypes were significantly more prone to relapse after AD treatment and present a significantly lower time to relapse than patients carrying CC genotype. Similarly, patients carrying IL18-137 GC or CC genotypes have a significantly higher risk of relapse and display relapse significantly earlier than the ones carrying GG genotype. Due to the low number of IL18-607 CC and IL18-137 GG in the relapse subgroup (n = 3 and n = 5, respectively), results were validated by bootstrapping analysis, and remained significant. No association was found between the evaluated genetic polymorphisms and TRD. IL18 peripheral mRNA levels were upregulated in IL18-607 CA or AA carriers. This preliminary report indicates that IL18-607C > A and IL18-137G > C genetic polymorphisms seem to influence depression relapse after antidepressant treatment in our subset of depressed patients, and may possibly contribute to the disregulated IL-18 levels found in patients with depression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio