4 research outputs found

    Measuring Cost Efficiency Of Ukrainian Banks In 2008

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    The paper presents the results of a stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) of cost-efficiency of Ukrainian banks. As of lack of data on the personnel costs, we had to set limits to the year of 2008 only. To modeling banking activity, we apply the intermediary approach as one of the most commonly used in literature. Considering the results of statistical tests, we chose translog functional form of cost function and half-normal distribution of random inefficiency term. As a result of the research, we found out that efficiency of Ukrainian banks varies within 0.5224 and 0.9869 with an average value of 0.8734. Having checked a range of hypotheses, we discovered insignificant distinctions among banks by their size, type of owner and location.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki stochastycznej analizy granicznej (SFA) efektywności kosztowej banków ukraińskich. Ze względu na braki w danych dotyczących kosztów personelu, analizę ograniczono do roku 2008. W modelowaniu działalności bankowej, zastosowano podejście pośrednika jako jeden z powszechnie stosowanych w literaturze. Biorąc pod uwagę wyniki testów statystycznych, wybrano funkcjonalną formę funkcji kosztów I pół-normalny rozkład losowy

    Comparative Analysis Of Healthcare Performance In West And South Regions Of Ukraine

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    This study examines variations in efficiency among hospitals located in western and southern Ukraine. We estimated efficiency using a nonparemetric modeling technique known as data envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA is a very powerful tool to compare relative efficiency among several economic units of study, known as decision making units (DMUS). In our current and previous research we have focused attention on comparative efficiency among hospitals and then explained variation in efficiency based on historical and cultural differences that influence managerial behavior at the hospital level of decision making. This study using current data and an expanded geographic territory provides further support to our findings from previous studies

    Efektivnost systémů zdravotní péče v OECD zemích. Existuje rozdíl?

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    The main aim of this article is to compare the Efficiency of Health Care Systems in 35 OECD countries during period 2008 - 2015. The efficiency of health care system is discussed topic in many articles and it is very difficult task to find the right methods according to which to measure health care efficiency. In our case for the comparing of the efficiency of health care systems we use nonparametric method, namely Data Envelopment Aanalysis (DEA). Two different output oriented models are used. The first one is with one output: life expectancy at birth and three inputs: health expenditures, total health and social employment and number of hospitals. The second one is with two outputs: all causes of deaths and infant mortality and three inputs like in the first model. All indicators are obtained from OECD database. Comparing results for these two models, that are very similar, show that both developing and developed countries can be effective.Hlavním cílem tohoto článku je porovnat efektivnost systémů zdravotní péče v 35 OECD zemích v průběhu let 2008 - 2015. Efektivnost systémů zdravotní péče je diskutované téma v mnoha článcích a je velmi náročné najít správné metody, podle kterých měřit efektivnost zdravotnictví. V našem případě pro porovnání efektivnosti systémů zdravotní péče používáme neparametrickou metodu, konkrétně analýzu datových obalů (DEA). Dva odlišné výstupově orientované modely jsou použity. První má jeden výstup: střední délku života při narození a tři vstupy: výdaje do zdravotnictví, celkovou zdravotnickou a sociální zaměstnanost a počet nemocnic. Druhý model má dva výstupy: všechny příčiny úmrtí a kojeneckou úmrtnost a tři vstupy jako v prvním modelu. Všechny indikátory jsou získané z databáze OECD. Porovnání výsledků těchto dvou modelů, které jsou si velmi podobné, ukazuje, že jak rozvojové, tak rozvinuté země mohou být efektivní

    Comparative performance of the Visegrad group banks for the period 2009-2013

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    The article examines the comparative performance of Banks for the Visegrad group (V4) of four Central European States for the period 2009-2013. We study the technical effi ciency as well as the total factor of productivity changes differences between countries by employing the Data Envelopment Analysis. The effi ciency scores are calculated with an output-oriented model. Specifi cation of inputs and outputs is one of the major problems for measurement of bank’s effi ciency and productivity changes. To determine inputs and outputs, we made use of assets approach that treats banks as classical intermediators between depositors and borrowers. We have determined three inputs (personnel, physical capital, purchased funds) and two outputs: net loans, total securities. Our results showed that average technical effi ciency (for all banks) trended upward during the study period. This increase effi ciency is not common for all banks in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovak. We found that effi ciency for Czech, Polish and Slovak banks increase during research time. Development of effi ciency Hungarian banks has on the contrary a downward trend from 0.882 in 2009 to 0.856 in 2013. We also founded that the Total Factor of Productivity (TFP) changes across all countries was relatively stable in 3 of the 4 observation periods. However, there was a substantial decline in TFP in 2011-2012. Examination of the trends for each of the countries showed that Hungary overly infl uenced the sample mean. The TFP remained stable during this period for all Poland and Czech Republic, declined slightly for Slovakia, but declined precipitously for Hungary in 2011-2012